The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 176: Shockwave Girl

The magic power in the body began to flow in a new way. Compared with the dazzling card magic of the previous card master, the deception magic mastered by the trick enchantress is obviously more inscrutable.


only in terms of skill,

and another,

It is essentially a new change.


After acquiring the ability of a card master, you need to draw a magical card from the system to fully exert the effect of magic, but the ability of the trick enchantress is different.

It only needs you to cast and use it according to its way, and then you can exert the maximum function of magic.

After a brief chat with Wade, Ryan remembered that he had redeemed the authority but had not had time to use it.

Calling up the system interface in his mind, and looking at the surrounding environment that looked a bit gloomy but was actually very safe and hidden, Ryan immediately said softly in his heart: "Confirm the extraction."


Ryan felt a chill in his head, as if encountering a cold and comfortable wind under the venomous sun in July, which made him shiver uncontrollably. A series of mysterious magic knowledge,

A brand-new magic circulation track was imprinted in his mind like this, as if everything belonged to his instinct.

What he extracted was the magic mystery of the Deceitful Fairy, which was different from Zac's physique and the blind monk's footwork. This time, the things he extracted covered almost everything about the Deceitful Fairy!


Ryan is still a man,

There is no change in appearance and physiology, no plump breasts, no slim buttocks, everything is an internal change and a change in the way magic is used.

The vibration from the next door began to become more and more intense, and dust fell from the rock wall above the head.

Wade once again woke up from his astonishment. After being stimulated and hit again and again, his adaptability seemed to have improved by leaps and bounds.

In his mind,

Ryan is like a monster with the ability of continuous evolution, just like his bed full of all kinds of magic, every time we meet, we will show new abilities intentionally or unintentionally.

"This movement, shouldn't Skye make it up?"

Seeing Ryan's indifferent expression, Wade stabilized his figure and asked,

He has gradually gotten used to the various miraculous changes in Ryan, but if any ordinary woman can obtain such earth-shaking changes by following Ryan...

Wade suddenly felt that his decision to stay by this man's side was simply the most correct decision he had ever made in his life.

"is her."

Ryan looked at the wall blocking the middle, but he didn't directly use the newly mastered magic to break the wall,

Just like when shellfish are reborn, they first need to use their own strength to break through the eggshells that imprison them. He also wants to see if Skye can use his own strength to defeat this obstacle.

Compared with Skye in the American TV series I watched before,

Now Skye's understanding of aliens and abilities has been greatly improved, especially after Ryan forcibly spoiled and told her about her general abilities after awakening,

She also learned how to develop and use the ability of vibration in a targeted manner.

One is that he got the chance to awaken inadvertently, and didn't know anything about special abilities;

One is that he already knew what would happen behind him, and even had a certain understanding of supernatural powers such as superpowers.

Two completely different beginnings will inevitably lead to two completely different results. Feeling the clear and powerful vibration transmitted through the air, Ryan took two steps back,

Just when he stood still, he heard a loud "bang", and the wall in front of him who didn't know how thick it was cracked like this, and countless shattered small stones shot towards the surroundings like shotguns. shoot out.


The smoke hasn't settled yet,

Skye rushed towards Ryan impatiently and excitedly, and threw himself into Ryan's arms. Excitedly, like an ignorant little girl, he stretched out his palm and said like a treasure:

"I did it! I feel like I have mastered this power."

"I knew you could do it!" Ryan put his arms around Skye's shoulders, replied with a smile, then stretched out his palm, and continued: "Come and try?"

Ryan didn't know if any of the more than 100 heroes in the League of Legends had mastered the shock wave ability, but based on the idea that there would be no harm in trying,

He would like to experience Skye's ability for himself. If a corresponding condition can be triggered, it can be regarded as providing himself with an additional ability choice.

"May I?"

Skye asked hesitantly, although she said that she should have mastered the ability, but her family knows her own affairs, and she barely mastered the way to release the ability now,

As for the control over the size of the release ability, it is still at a novice level.

Thinking about the fate of the stone wall just now, Skye was still a little scared in his heart, for fear that he would hurt Ryan because of a mistake in his control.


Ryan nodded indifferently, and a magic wave rushed to the outstretched palm, and saw the palm "duang, duang, duang" rhythmically bounced twice in a very exaggerated arc,


"Look, have you ever seen a broken rubber rod?"

Zac's rubber-like body material can indeed rely on shaking to offset the damage transmitted by the shaking. Even if Skye lacks control over his ability, there is no need to worry that she will hurt Ryan.

"All right."

Skye took a deep breath, and after trying to calm down his mood, he slowly put his hand on Ryan's palm,

close your eyes

Concentrating all the mental power, one after another weak vibrations were gradually transmitted from Skye's palm to Ryan's.

"I did it!"

Skye opened his eyes again and said with some excitement.

"feel good."

Although there was no system notification sound in his ears, the tingling vibration made Ryan feel like he was sitting on a massage sofa.


This kind of vibration was obviously clearer and more comfortable than the one transmitted by the massage sofa. After Skye fully controlled this ability, Ryan felt that the massage sofa at the door of his cabin could be eliminated.

Directly using the real-life massage of the Shockwave Women’s brand, whether it is in terms of comfort or experience, it has blown up all the massage equipment in the world, and this kind of real-life massage has another advantage,

That is,

Press wherever you want!

( = )

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