The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Chapter 246 The Strange Story of Shanghai Normal University (Kneeling to Subscribe)

Chapter 246 The Strange Story of Shanghai Normal University (Kneeling to Subscribe)

Golden autumn in October!

For Tang Tang, who is already a senior, his four-year study career at Shanghai Normal University is about to end, and he will leave the ivory tower-like campus in the near future and officially step into the big dye vat-like society.

Regarding her future, Tang Tang was indeed very worried at the beginning. In high school, Tang Tang's grades were never lower than the top 30 in every test. According to the original plan, his goal should be the Deputy Tank of the Demon City. A university, at least the Shanghai University of Technology.

However, the world is unpredictable. Two days before the college entrance examination, Tang Tang had a high fever of thirty-nine degrees due to excessive tension and exhausting study. Naturally, even if he dragged his exhausted body into the examination room, his extremely poor state did not show his strength at all. In the end, Modu Normal University has become my home for my true level!

Tang Tang thought that he would graduate normally in this ordinary Sanben school, and then, like many seniors and sisters, he worked hard for an ideal job!

However, fate is so moody, already in the fourth stage of senior year, and Tang Tang, who had little hope for his future, ushered in a turning point to change his fate a month ago, the one who just graduated In three years, the handsome senior who became a winner in life rekindled hope for the 45,000 students in the entire Normal University.

The student who ranks first in the annual comprehensive score will receive a 100 million venture fund, and the second to eleventh will receive a 10 million venture fund...

Tang Tang originally had a good foundation. She had a solid foundation when she was a high school student. If she didn't perform abnormally, she should be a seedling of a university. During the four years of university, she also did not deliberately waste her studies, so, Every time the size test, Tang Tang's comprehensive score can be stable in the top three...

This is the result of her not studying hard.

Two days ago, the October holiday ended, and when the school announced the comprehensive score of last month, Tang Tang won the first place.

This is the result of her showing her 100% strength!

The admission threshold for Normal University is very low. Except for students like Tang Tang who chose here because of abnormal performance due to accidents, the others are really mediocre. Even if there is a 100 million entrepreneurial fund to stimulate, even if many students have already worked hard, but their The foundation is there, compared with top students like Tang Tang who have a rich foundation, the others are still too far behind.

In this comprehensive score, Tang Tang's score was 38 points higher than the second place.

This is the gap between the first and the third birth!

A completely irreversible gap.

As long as there are no major accidents, Tang Tang has almost locked in the 100 million scholarship!

And I heard from the senior Chu that as the first batch of people who received the top scholarship, the first place will be cultivated, and it is very likely that they will become a billionaire in the end!

Tang Tang believes in the words of that Senior Chu, from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, she no longer had the initial anxiety about her future, but instead had a touch of eager curiosity!

Just as that Mr. Chu said, Tang Tang is no longer just limited to learning the knowledge in textbooks. She has started to participate in social practice, began to look for topics she is interested in, and is also desperately instilling more knowledge in herself. knowledge.

For Tang Tang, a student with the highest comprehensive score, the tutors in the school have basically stopped interfering with her studies, and she has plenty of freedom.

Therefore, when the juniors and juniors were silent in the classroom, learning knowledge desperately, and the whole normal university fell into silence, Tang Tang, who was holding a few books in his arms, could wander around the campus without any scruples!

Already a senior, the time to hang out on the campus with nothing else to do like now is less and less, and Tang Tang cherishes the present time more and more.

She just returned the few books she had borrowed back to the library, and now she is walking alone in the fragrant campus. The gardens on both sides of the path are full of colorful bougainvilleas. Although there are no blooming flowers in spring, they are still Also don't have a taste.

When she saw a cluster of pure white lilies in the flower bed, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, and then the corners of her red mouth slightly curled up, and a gentle smile flashed in her bright starry eyes!

I remember when I was a sophomore, I once received a confession letter from a senior. In the letter, the tall and thin senior once praised himself, saying that he was as dazzling and eye-catching as a pure lily. Tang Tang liked lily very much. , so I can only remember the confession letter from that senior!

Suddenly seeing the lily in the flower bed by the roadside, she unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth, but a strange emotion appeared in her heart!

Tang Tang has been the little princess in her family since she was a child. Since kindergarten, she has been the most beautiful existence in the class. The first time she received a confession letter from a boy in the fourth grade of elementary school, she has been out of control since then. So far, Tang Tang has no idea How many confessions from boys have I received.

When she first entered Normal University, she was rated as the most beautiful school flower since the establishment of Shanghai Normal University, and because Tang Tang never got too close to any boys, let alone had any boyfriends, she was also called the Goddess of Ice and Snow.

For these funny things, Tang Tang always just smiled casually and never took it to heart!

Tang Tang's gaze was always on the pure lily in front of him, and he was thinking about whether he would try to violate the rules of life for the first time and secretly pick off the most beautiful lily blooming on the roadside for preservation, but he caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye. A figure is gradually approaching from far and near.

Hurriedly suppressing the impulse in his heart, his face was somewhat reddish. Just when Tang Tang was about to leave, he found that the figure not far away suddenly stopped.

What makes Tang Tang slightly different is that the figure is an old man in a wheelchair. The completely white thin hair and wrinkled face all show the old man's old age.

And the other party's light blue eyes and slightly high nose bridge undoubtedly revealed the old man's identity as a foreign friend.

The moment he saw the old man, Tang Tang suddenly felt that the other party looked familiar, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

The old man with white hair sitting in a wheelchair seems to have seen it in a book or on TV.

Most likely, the old man should be a foreign professor at a normal university.

Tang Tang came to a conclusion in an instant.

After all, although the normal university is very ordinary, there are indeed more than a dozen foreign professors in the school, so I think the old man looks familiar.

However, at this moment, the old professor obviously encountered some troubles. There are two steps in front of the old man. For ordinary people, as long as they take one step, they can cross it in two steps.

But for the wheelchair elderly in his seventies, these two steps are enough to make him helpless.

Because it was during class time, there was no one else around except myself, who was wandering around the campus with nothing to do, so it was almost natural that the foreign professor had turned his attention to him for help.

It's not that I feel impatient and troublesome, anyway, I have nothing to do with myself.

Just a little effort.

Therefore, it was almost natural and logical, Tang Tang quickly walked towards the old man.

She came gently in front of the old man, and the moment Tang Tang appeared, there were at least five or six strong figures in black suits in the corners, hiding their bodies in the darkness again!

Tang Tang, who has a beautiful face, showed the sweetest smile, and said softly like the song of an oriole:

"Professor, let me help you!"

The old man with light blue eyes nodded to Tang Tang with a smile on his face. He said something softly. Tang Tang listened very hard, but finally found that he couldn't understand the other party's words at all!

Not English, something like French? Or other languages?

The language barrier, but this does not hinder Tang Tang's movements. She gently pushed the wheelchair behind the old man. Because it is an electric wheelchair, the old man can control the direction and provide power. Tang Tang's task is to ensure that the wheelchair will not turn over when going up the steps. Just pour it.

After reaching the steps, Tang Tang, who had completed the task, waved goodbye to the old man. Watching the other party slowly wandering in a wheelchair on the quiet path, he suddenly found that five or six tall white men in black suits were walking from him. Passed by, and then followed the old man in the wheelchair from a distance!

And one of the middle-aged men wearing sunglasses and a headset even smiled and nodded at himself!

Suddenly, her complexion changed slightly. Tang Tang, who seemed to be on something for a while, quickly took out her mobile phone. She opened the web search bar, and then entered a name. After a while, a photo and the information of the old man came into view!

"The chief scientist of Germany, Haralsen, won the 2008 Jobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of human immunodeficiency virus!

Haralson, aged seventy-eight, is the most outstanding medical scientist in mankind and the discoverer of defective viruses. The method of discovering defective viruses he created is still in use today, and the photos left by his pioneering microphotography are also of a high level today. Yes, these techniques include separation and pure culture techniques, culture medium techniques, staining techniques..."

Tang Tang carefully looked at the photo on the phone, and recalled the face of the old man just now in her mind. In a moment, she had confirmed that the kind-looking old man just now was a Nobel Prize winner and a world-renowned top scientist. !

Breathing gradually became short of breath!

Something seemed to be gushing out from the bottom of my heart, I took a deep breath, and there was a touch of firmness in my eyes.

Taking a step forward, Tang Tang, who has a world-renowned face, chased after the old man in a wheelchair in the distance!

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