The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 10 On the Hogwarts Express (Part 2)

"Sister?" Astoria stood up a little bewildered.

Outside the door stood a girl of twelve or thirteen years old, with curly blond hair, who looked a little like Astoria; Gives a very graceful expression.

Daphne Greengrass looked like an angry hen and glanced at Jon, who was sitting opposite Astoria. Seeing the shirt and jeans that Jon was wearing, with a disdainful expression on his face, he turned his eyes to Astoria again.

"Where have you gone, do you know how long I've been looking for you?" she asked sternly.

"Sister...I..." The girl who was questioned seemed a little pale: "When I just entered the platform, I lost you..."

"Then you should go to the conductor, or the flight attendant!" Daphne Greengrass said condescendingly: "Instead of looking for a carriage at random."

As she spoke, she glanced at Jon with some vigilance.


"You can't just run around, I think your mother has told you many times... She begged Professor Dumbledore to..." Daphne was halfway through what she said, and gave Jon a third look, and didn't say any more.


Jon on the side has entered the theater mode.

Although his opinion of Astoria Greengrass is good, Daphne Greengrass's attitude makes him a little uncomfortable.

But after all, it is difficult for honest officials to judge housework, and as an outsider, it is difficult to manage the affairs between their sisters. Therefore, he felt at ease as a spectator.

"Quick, pack up and follow me!" Daphne ordered: "I have a place in the private room over there."

Astoria looked apologetically at Jon, then nodded stiffly with her pale face.

"Okay, sister..."

She began to put the contents of the seat back into the trunk.

When she was about to close the bottle of Coca-Cola that had been opened but not drunk, and put it in the box.

"Astoria! Don't take the dirty stuff that Muggles use!" screamed Daphne Greengrass.

Even though Jon behaved well, he couldn't help frowning at this time.

Astoria's face seemed to turn paler.

"Okay, sister!" But she didn't seem to dare to disobey her sister's order and put the Coke back in its place.


There was a sudden sound of messy footsteps outside the door, and the compartment door was opened again.

"Excuse me, are there any vacant seats here, other places are full!" A girl's voice came from the door.

The girl seemed to notice Astoria, who was carrying a suitcase and was about to go out: "Hey, are you going to leave? Can I take the seat you just took?"

This is a very beautiful little girl, she has soft reddish brown hair and a pair of brown pupils. What's more, she doesn't look unfamiliar at all.

"Mom!" Jon, who was in theater mode just now, was almost taken aback.

This was probably the last person he wanted to see on the train: Ginny Weasley.

She was presumably looking for Harry and Ron, so there was no seat yet; but she didn't know that Harry and Ron were already driving to school.

A train trip with Ginny Weasley, who has been possessed by Voldemort?

This is too scary, you must know that it is only a quarter past eleven, and there is still almost half a day's journey.

What if they get to know her well, and if they are happy, they turn the first attack target of the Basilisk into themselves?

Not to mention that Voldemort himself is the master of Legilimency who can cast spells without a staff. If he accidentally shows the other side a follow-up plot, then TM is finished.

Jon took the first step, in any case, he had to let Astoria stay, or at least persuade Ginny Weasley first.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed up and held down Astoria's suitcase.

"That...Miss Greengrass..." He turned his back to Ginny as much as possible, not letting her notice him: "I don't think there's anything wrong with Astoria staying in this private room, as if her body has What's wrong, I think I can take care of her..."

"You..." Daphne Greengrass looked at Jon's expression and became even more disgusted.

"Jon...I..." Astoria's pale face appeared a little rosy.

Ginny Weasley seemed to feel that there should be no room for this compartment, and turned to leave... which made Jon heave a sigh of relief.

"Sister... I think, I can stay and take care of myself..." Astoria whispered, this may be one of the few things she means to disobey her elder sister in her life.

"What did you say?" Daphne Greengrass couldn't believe her ears.

She grabbed Astoria Greengrass's hand fiercely, and shouted angrily at Jon:

"I... definitely... Won't... put my sister in a cubicle with a Mudblood!"

After speaking, she forcibly took Astoria's hand and walked away.


Jon felt his hands trembling slightly.

Rarely has the emotion been so strong... so angry!

The last time this happened was when he attended an academic conference in Marseille in his previous life, and a German called him "chink". At that time, he rushed over angrily and punched the opponent a few times...

If it wasn't for the good relationship between the mentor and the initiator of the meeting, if this matter was suppressed, he might have been punished by the school after returning to China.

The mood now is almost the same as it was then.

Jon's first thought was to take out his wand and give him a petrification spell... It's a pity that the wand was in the suitcase, and Daphne was probably gone by the time he took it out.

With a gloomy face, he returned to his seat. Although he successfully got rid of Ginny Weasley, he did not feel any sense of accomplishment at all.

I made two rough gestures on the table with my finger. It is September 1st. The latitude of the Scottish Highlands is about 56-57 degrees north latitude, and the longitude is about 3 degrees west longitude. The time zone is Greenwich (0).

Then it's simple:

Sunset time=(180+time zone*15-longitude+arccos(tan(10547π/81000*cos(2π*(date+9)/365))*tan(latitude*π/180))*180/π)/15

A simple calculation, the sunset time in the Scottish Highlands is about 19:13:40.

According to the original description, the train does not arrive at Hogwarts until after dark.

It's just over 400 miles, and it takes more than eight hours to drive, which is really slow... With such a short distance, if you pull the Harmony over, you might be able to catch lunch at Hogwarts.

Jon set the alarm to 19:10 and lay down in his seat, falling asleep.

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