The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 648: General Ba's Idea

The cub Lu Zhengya frowned and said of course: "Then just let them shut up."

Facts have proved that even if President Ba loses his memory, he is also President Ba.

Take a look at how simple, rude and powerful the proposed plan is.

Jin Li chuckled: "It's not that easy. People rely on these gossip scandals for food."

The cub Lu Zhengya was even more puzzled: "Didn't you say that these reporters still have paparazzi, and they also work in the company and need to be paid?"

Jin Li nodded: "That's right."

"That's not easy." The cub Lu Ba said, "I just need to buy their company. Anything they post in the future will have to be approved by me."

Jin Li: "..."

She stared at Lu Zhengya with a new look, and felt deeply that even if she had lost her memory, even if she was just a cub, General Ba's thoughts were still Ba's thoughts.

She reflected on herself by the way: Why hasn't she thought about it like this before.

She thought about it, and felt that this was probably determined by her congenital conditions and acquired environment.

She was so well guarded by Heavenly Father.

I didn't fight to grab something by myself, and I didn't try my best to calculate anything.

People who grow up without love, regardless of whether they are people or gods, can probably develop a good temper.

She shook her head: "Forget it, they are just a job, as long as you don't maliciously smear the dirty water, just let them. We are destined not to stay in this world for a long time, so why bother to break the rules of their industry."

The cub Lu Zhengya glanced at her and felt deeply that his girlfriend's personality was too soft.

Hey, if it weren't for her being too protected by Heaven, she would definitely be bullied.

Forget it.

I'd better think more about her in the future. After all, it is my own girlfriend, who needs to look at her so as not to let her be deceived and wronged.


Jin Li's guess was correct.

She came to work with Lu Zhengya in the morning, and before lunch time, there was already news on Weibo that "Jin Li followed Mr. Lu to Lu's, suspected of declaring the status of a genuine girlfriend."

More than this time, the cub Lu Zhengya also took the spotlight strongly.

But today his status has changed: the old cousin of Mr. Lu's immigrating cousin, and Lu Zhengya are cousins.

This was what Lu Zhengya said to his two brothers last night, giving the cub version of his own identity.

Two older brothers: Why didn't I know that the old man has a cousin?

Isn't this boy from nothing too sassy?

Lu Zhengya didn't bother to care about those two complaints, he changed from his own son to his younger brother, and he finally felt comfortable.

With the complete information and news that the reporter "diligently" "find out", plus the "testimony" of people from the Lu family, the identity of the cub Lu Zhengya was fixed.

Fans are also satisfied: Sure enough, Dad Lu is not the kind of scum that has an illegitimate child and pretends to be affectionate. The CP party is complete, and I can eat Yali for another 10,000 years!

Everything seems to be going well.

——Except that, throughout the morning, Lu Zhengya's office was knocked on a dozen times by the heads of various departments.

These are usually busy as dogs. Almost all errands are made by the assistant. The boss is almost the person in charge of the video or phone contact. Today, like an appointment, they kept harassing, oh no, it’s coming with Lu Zhengya. Consult work.

Even Jinli, who was sitting next to her and paddling with her cub Lu, couldn't stand it anymore.

Why do you always look at us when you come to ask for work?


6 is over.

Good night.

Ask for votes (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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