"It's dragon slaying magic!!" Makarov and Rebi shouted in shock.

"It's okay for others to be shocked, you're Laxus's grandfather, what are you surprised about!" Chloe said speechlessly, looking at Makarov with a surprised expression.

Rebi's also looked at Makarov strangely.

"Ahh Makarov said embarrassedly.

"You're a bit of a failure, this grandpa!" Chloe said as he shook his head at the embarrassed Makarov.

In fact, there are many grandparents and grandchildren who are not close to each other, but Chlok knows that Laxus was closest to Makarov when he was a child, and Makarov is still the only relative around Laxus.

Makarov was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "That's right!

"Chloe, Sister Mira seems to be running out of steam. Lebby shouted anxiously.

"It's okay, I've been keeping an eye on the battlefield. Chloe whispered.

Lebi was stunned, Laxus and Mira were still fighting fiercely on the battlefield, and Laxus had skyrocketed in both the power of thunder and lightning and the speed of his attack after bursting out the dragon scales.

"There's a flaw, Miraj, the thunder dragon's collapse fist. Laxus aimed at a flaw in Mira's panic and bombarded it with a strong blast.

"Oops. Mira's face changed, of course, this move did not make Mira lose her combat effectiveness, but it was enough to make the balance of victory fall in Laxus faster.

"Haha, you haven't fought for two years, even if your magic hasn't weakened, but your skills are sluggish!" Laxus laughed arrogantly.

Brontosaurus roared. With a loud laugh, Laxus let out a powerful roar.

"Soul Exterminator. Mira didn't show any weakness, gathering a large amount of darkness with her hands, and unleashing a powerful impact on Laxus.

"Boom. The explosion sounded, after all, Mira was just a magic used in a hurry, so the place of the explosion was closer to Mira, although it would not hurt Mira, but the powerful explosion impact also rushed Mira backwards.

"Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd. Laxus condensed a large amount of lightning magic into a halberd and blasted towards Mira.

"Oops. "Laxus's attack this time was really enough to seriously injure Mira.

The Thunder Dragon Fang Heavenly Halberd pierced through Mira, who had no way to dodge, and then bombarded the ground unabated.

"Boom. There was an explosion.

"Haha! This is the so-called lack of bones!" laughed arrogantly.

"Laxus~!" Elusa roared angrily, clad in the Armor of Purgatory and slashing down at the laughing Laxus with a greatsword in hand.

"Hmph. "Laxus directly thundered and dodged Elusa's attack.

"Laxus~!" Natsu also angrily launched an attack on Laxus, and Gajiru attacked angrily when he saw that Elusa and Natsu were both angry, although he was not angry, but they also attacked together.

Seeing the strength of Laxus, Gajiru understood that Laxus was not an opponent that he could defeat alone.

Laxus did not show weakness in the face of the attack of the three men, and the three of them left the melee and joined together.

As for Mira, who was 'shattered', she was now looking at the three people in the melee with a blank face, powerful magic flying all over the sky, but the surrounding buildings were not damaged at all, even the church that she had destroyed during the battle with Laxus was now standing intact.

"Sister Mira, here. Rebi's voice suddenly reached Mira's ears.

"Libby, and Chloe and the President, you're all here. With a flap of her wings, Mira flew to the trio, canceling the receiving magic.

"Mira, it's not hurt!" Makarov asked.

"Well, there's no serious injury! Mira smiled softly.

Chloe stepped forward and grabbed Mira's hand and said with a smile: "How about it, I haven't fought for two years, and I am unwell and very suitable for the rhythm of fighting!"

"Well, I'm a little Xi to high-intensity combat!" Mira said with a smile.

"But I don't need it anymore!" Mira suddenly stared at Chloe's eyes, "Chloe will always protect me, right, just like this time." "

"Well, of course. Clogin nodded.

Makarov and Rebi didn't bother to watch the two show their affection, watching the big melee between Laxus, Elusa, Natsu and Gajiru.

"Is this the mirror space you talked about earlier, Chloe?" asked Mira, curious.

"Yes, that's right, although we are in the mirror space, we are all just phantoms, and even if we destroy magic or something, we can't hurt any east in the real world. Chloe whispered.

"So you pulled me out of the mirror space just now, so you dodged the attack of Laxus!" Mira also understood the method that Chloe had just used.

"Well, that's right! As long as you leave the mirror space, no attack inside will hurt anyone, and you can't see anything from the outside world in the mirror space. Chloe nodded.

"I see, that's how you're going to deal with the Shrine of the Gods!" Mira nodded abruptly.

"Look, Laxus can't hold on. Lebby said suddenly.

Chloe and Mira also turned their heads to look.

"Laxus, you bastard, you killed Mira. Natsu yelled angrily.

"Hmph, it's not just Mira, you're all going to die here today. Laxus said arrogantly and loudly.

"Laxus, I won't spare you this time. Elusa shouted angrily.

"I'm going to settle accounts with you too!" said Gajiru arrogantly.

"Come here, you're all going to die here today. Laxus was wrapped in lightning flashes and looked at the three of them arrogantly.

"Brontosaurus's roar~!"

"The roar of the fire dragon~!"

"The roar of the iron dragon~!"

The roars of the three dragon slayer magicians collided together, and although the roars of Natsu and Gajiru were much weaker than those of Laxus, the roars of the two barely offset the roars of Laxus.

"Boom. Elusa's greatsword also slashed towards Laxus, as Elusa's strongest attack of the Purgatory Armor, if it really hit Laxus, it would definitely hurt Aksus seriously, but the speed of Laxus's thunder after elementalization can easily avoid Elusa's attack.

"This clumsy attack can't hit me!" Laxus said arrogantly.

Elusa obviously understood, and instantly changed her outfit, "Black Feather Armor." "

After changing her clothes, Elusa attacked Laxus with a one-handed sword in hand, and Natsu and Gajiru also rushed to join the battle between the two, and the scene turned into a big melee between the four.

Laxus's strength is indeed stronger than anyone present, and even the usual three-person team will not pose much of a threat to the current Laxus.

But Natsu and Elusa, who thought that Mira had been killed and fell into a rage, were already completely serious and treated Laxus as an enemy.

In the face of the furious Elusa, Natsu and the already ill-intentioned Gajiru, even Laxus is slowly at a disadvantage.

"Haha, in ten seconds, the Temple of the Divine Voice is about to fall, and the city is already finished! Laxus yelled frantically.

"Shrine of Divine Songs, Chloe said he would deal with it, we just need to defeat you. Natsu threw an angry punch at Laxus.

"What are you kidding! The Temple of the Divine Scream was specially prepared for Chloe, and even Chloe had no way to lift it. Laxus shouted as he blocked Natsu's attack.

"But Chloe said that the Divine Hall would be handed over to him. Elusa didn't stop, and rushed towards Laxus.

"What the hell are you thinking! It's the Temple of the Gods, a powerful attack that can destroy the city. Laxus yelled.

"It's too late, you see. Gajiru said, pointing to the magic crystal outside.

"Haha! The Temple of Divine Singing has been activated, and the Kloe you were expecting doesn't even know where the people are. Laxus laughed maniacally.

"Since Chloe said it, there will be no problem. Natsu and Elusa didn't waver at all, and kept attacking Laxus.

"They really believe in you!" said Mira with a smile.

"Trust me. Chloe raised an eyebrow and said confidently.

"Chloe, are you going to detonate the Temple of Divine Sounds in Mirror Space?" Makarov began.

"Well, that's it, in the mirror space, unless it's a powerful attack like magic spirit power, it may leak out, and it is impossible to penetrate the Divine Ming Temple. Chloe nodded.

"That's good. Makarov turned his head to look at the large number of thunderbolt crystals suspended in the sky.

The magic crystal suspended in the sky began to flicker wildly with thunder and lightning, creating a huge lightning grid that enveloped the entire city in the sky.

"What's that..."

"It's scary!"

"Is it Fairy Tail again, this time it's so excessive. "

"Stinging, stinging..."

With a piercing sound of lightning, countless bolts of lightning slashed towards Magnoria.



"I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

The residents of the city watched in horror the countless thunderbolts that fell from the sky, but the result was beyond everyone's belief, and the thunder and lightning bombarded the city without even making a sound, let alone destroying the city.

"What's going on..."

"We're all alive..."

"These are just phantoms, alas!"

"Is this Fairy Tail's show this year?"

"It's spectacular. "

The inhabitants of Magnolia watched with curiosity at the countless terrifying thunderbolts, but they only watched, and no one could touch the terrifying-looking thunderbolts.

"How, my shrine. Laxus looked at the myriad phantom thunderbolts in disbelief.

"I told you that I'm in charge of the Shrine of the Gods!" Chloe's playful voice echoed in the ears of several people.

"Chloe, the President, Rabi and—" Elusa, Natsu, Laxus, and Gajiru looked at Chloe in shock.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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