Chang Tinglan thought that her husband wanted face and didn't want to divorce, so she settled down. Chang Tinglan slowly let go of her heart and wanted to gather her mind and live a good life with Ji Huan, but unexpectedly, Ji Huan became more and more indifferent to her. Chang Tinglan had doubts in her heart. The woman's intuition told her that something was wrong. She secretly paid attention and found that Ji Huan seemed to be interested in Jian Yun next door, and even called Jian Yun's name once in a dream.

How could Chang Tinglan bear this kind of anger and kept cursing Jian Yun. Chang Tinglan was angry for a while, and suddenly remembered the tricks she had read in the storybook.

The Chang family runs a small book stand, and there are a lot of dictionaries at home. Although Chang Tinglan is illiterate, she can still read the picture book. She remembered that someone in the picture book had poisoned the enemy's family without knowing it, and even the government could not find out.

The booksellers were in contact with all three religions and nine classes. Chang Tinglan bought arsenic frost on the pretext of poisoning the mice, and insisted that Han Wenyan drug Jian Yun and poison her to death. In order to please Chang Tinglan, Han Wenyan agreed.

Chang Tinglan waited in fear and anticipation. After waiting for half a month, Han Wenyan did not move. Chang Tinglan was dissatisfied, just at this time Han Wenyan asked her to meet, Chang Tinglan sneaked out to question Han Wenyan while Ji Huan went out.

This place is hidden, and Chang Tinglan and Han Wenyan often meet privately here. During the confrontation between the two, Chang Tinglan learned that Han Wenyan had sympathy for Jian Yun and could not bear to poison her cousin who accompanied her from childhood to adulthood. Unless, Chang Tinglan poisoned Ji Huan to death, and then Chang Tinglan remarried to Han Wenyan, and the two of them would be a long-term couple.

Of course Chang Tinglan refused. She only found solace from Han Wenyan because of her loneliness. In fact, she didn't want to separate from Ji Huan. Chang Tinglan and Han Wenyan had a disagreement. During the dispute, Han Wenyan pulled Chang Tinglan. Chang Tinglan was angry and pushed Han Wenyan. Han Wenyan fell to the ground and fainted.

Chang Tinglan was afraid, afraid that people would find out that she was having a private meeting with Han Wenyan, so she quickly put on her skirt and ran away. Chang Tinglan slowed down for a long time after returning home, and then her mood calmed down. She thought to herself that the place was hidden, and no one should see her meeting Han Wenyan. Anyway, if she fell, she would not be killed. Chang Tinglan didn't take it seriously, and An Ran passed the time at her own home.

Who knew that Han Wenyan would fall into the water and drown.

At the end, Chang Tinglan whimpered and said, "Sir, you are a clear spy, the woman really just pushed Han Wenyan, and didn't kill him. The woman is only a weak woman, how can she have the courage to kill?"

Lu Heng chuckled and said sarcastically, "I don't have the guts to kill, but I have the guts to steal poison and instigate others to do it."

Chang Tinglan became hoarse, knelt on the ground and cried, not daring to look up. Lu Heng didn't have the patience to listen to this poisonous woman to excuse himself, and gave a faint wink to the people behind him: "Take it away, put it in jail, and wait for the release."

When Chang Tinglan heard that she was going to jail, she was so frightened that she quickly pleaded for mercy, but she was soon covered her mouth and dragged away with a whimper. After Jin Yiwei left with Chang Tinglan, the woods became quiet again. Wang Yanqing looked around, it was surrounded by trees on all sides, and there was a river not far away.

The wind on the river was getting colder and cooler, Lu Heng took Wang Yanqing in front of him, wrapped her slender, cold hands with both hands, and asked, "Is it cold?"

Wang Yanqing shook her head and asked, "Brother, is that her?"

Lu Heng didn't make a statement, but instead asked, "What do you think?"

Wang Yanqing thought for a while and said truthfully, "I don't think she lied."

Whether Jian Yun seduced Ji Huan or Ji Huan changed his mind was too subjective and biased, but apart from the emotional scolding, what Chang Tinglan narrated should be true.

According to her, when she returned home, she was angry with Ji Huan for empathizing with Jian Yun, but she didn't know that Han Wenyan was dead. She didn't know that Han Wenyan had drowned until the neighbor went to find Jian Yun next door.

Wang Yanqing recalled the day's situation. Indeed, when they first went to Chang's house, Chang Tinglan was arrogant and eager to rent the room to Lu Heng and the two of them, so that they could drive away Jian Yun. There was dissatisfaction and anger in her expression, but she was not afraid, until the door next door was knocked, Chang Tinglan showed surprise and fear for a moment.

Her rhetoric matched her performance perfectly. Including going to the river to see the corpse later, Chang Tinglan's palms were constantly sweating, her fingers were cold, and she no longer had the heart to talk about renting a house. When the people around felt pity for Jian Yun to be a widow, Chang Tinglan showed disdain, but did not speak ill of Jian Yun.

It was in line with her guilty and frightened state of mind at the time.

Lu Heng blocked the yīn wind from the forest, hugged her tighter, and said, "The previous statement still needs to be verified, but the person who threw Han Wenyan into the water is indeed not her."

Wang Yanqing raised her eyes and looked up at him. Lu Heng took her to a place and said, "People have dealt with this place, but if you look closely, there are still traces of the scene. There are creases in the grass roots, the direction is messy, and there is vomit above it. It should be Han Wenyanhe. Chang Tinglan fell in the dispute, fell in this direction, and foamed at the mouth, so the grass was overwhelmed at will, and there were traces of wetness on the ground. But from here, the grass fell in one place, and the moss on the tree was covered with moss. Take a piece off."

Wang Yanqing followed Lu Heng's instructions, and indeed saw the moss falling from the tree and a looming road on the ground. Lu Heng walked forward with Wang Yanqing, stopped by the river, and said, "This is the route that Han Wenyan was dragged and thrown into the water by the murderer after he fell unconscious. Han Wenyan is seven feet long, even if he is a weak scholar, such a long way is not enough. It is not something a woman can drag. Judging from the height of the moss on the tree, this person should be about seven and a half feet. After he threw Han Wenyan into the water, he swept away the drag marks on the ground, and supported the crushed grass. Get up and cover up the foam that Han Wenyan spit out when he was unconscious."

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