Chapter 71 Despicable

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he stared at Wang Yanqing's expression for a moment.

Lu Heng initially arrested Wang Yanqing to negotiate terms with Fu Tingzhou, but later found out that she had amnesia. He pretended to be her second brother out of some bad thoughts.

Wang Yanqing is a genius at discerning lies. If you want to deceive her, you must deceive Lu Heng himself first. Lu Heng imagined that he had a younger sister who was brought up in his family, and kept filling his imagination with the details of their relationship. Slowly, Lu Heng was completely immersed in his own lies, as if he was really Wang Yanqing's brother.

However, fakes are fakes after all, and the more detailed they are, the more embarrassing they will be to expose later. Lu Heng never thought about the ending. He arrested Wang Yanqing just to retaliate against Fu Tingzhou. Wang Yanqing's reaction after learning the truth was not within his consideration. However, Wang Yanqing hid Fu Tingzhou during the Shangsi Festival, and Fu Tingzhou took Wang Yanqing away in Qi County. The confrontation with Fu Tingzhou not long ago... Lu Heng's growing jealousy and displeasure told him that he might have counted himself.

His feelings for Wang Yanqing have gone beyond acting and exploiting, even though he reminded himself repeatedly, Wang Yanqing still invaded his life step by step. After making one exception, there were more and more compromises in the follow-up. Gradually, he became accustomed to having someone waiting for him whenever he went home, that someone would bring him an umbrella when it rained, and that she was accustomed to smiling at him, softly. Call him brother.

——It would be better if it was changed to another name instead of the second brother.

He didn't want to see Wang Yanqing and Fu Tingzhou approaching, and refused to imagine Wang Yanqing returning to Fu Tingzhou. When he looked at Wang Yanqing, he would have further thoughts. Lu Heng is a healthy and vigorous man. He easily realized that he developed feelings for Wang Yanqing, the most primitive kind of love and desire a man has for a woman.

It has been nearly two hundred years since the inheritance of Daming, and several generations of emperors have been replaced on the dragon chair, but the iron blood of Emperor Hongwu has been firmly fused in the blood of the Zhu family and has been passed down. Including the civil and military officer system established by Emperor Hongwu, Jinyiwei, who belonged to the Ming Dynasty alone, also continued the style of whoever survives.

The Ming Dynasty was repressed and fierce, iron-blooded and powerful. Lu Heng grew up in a royal guard who was closest to the darkness of the monarchy. He knew very early that he had to be careful in making decisions, but he had to act quickly. Those who didn't take the initiative to attack would always be only worthy of being sheep. Lu Heng is suspicious and cautious by nature, but once he understands his own thoughts, he quickly starts to act.

He was unmarried, and Wang Yanqing was unmarried, so they just got married. As for Fu Tingzhou, who cares what he thinks. Now that Wang Yanqing still has amnesia, he quickly settles the matter, hoping that he will not be unlucky enough to restore Wang Yanqing's memory the day before the room.

The affairs of the Lu family are entirely up to Lu Heng. As long as he likes it, he can write to his mother to notify him. He doesn't even need to worry about the wedding banquet. Among them, he was the only one who could not count Wang Yanqing. After all, Wang Yanqing had a deep-rooted love for Fu Tingzhou before. When Lu Heng tried her half-jokingly before, she was very resistant to staying in the Lu family.

Lu Heng really didn't understand why Fu Tingzhou was worth her giving up. Even if she lost her memory, she was subconsciously loyal to Fu Tingzhou. Lu Heng carefully observed Wang Yanqing's reaction. Wang Yanqing lowered her eyes and couldn't see the expression in her eyes. She paused for a while and said, "Second brother, this is a lifelong event, no joke."

Lu Heng stared at her closely and said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

He was extremely aggressive, Wang Yanqing lowered his head and felt his gaze locked on her, full of aggression. Wang Yanqing was at a loss for a moment, and before he could think about it, he subconsciously asked: "However, the Marquis of Zhenyuan is going to marry the young lady of the Marquis of Yongping, and Zhang Shoufu, Marquis Wuding and others will go to their children's relatives. The relationship between the DPRK and China is so complicated. Commander, marrying a wife is such an easy thing."

Civilian officials and military generals have a deep estrangement, and they dislike each other, but they marry each other within the group, and continue to strengthen the alliance with their sons and daughters. It can be seen that Fu Tingzhou married the niece of Marquis Wuding, and Zhang Shoufu's granddaughter married the son and grandson of the Shangshu family.

Lu Heng was another check and balance force in addition to the civil and military forces. If he fell to any side, it would lead to a big reshuffle in the court. I don't know how many people in the court were staring at Mrs. Lu's position. Marrying a wife can get a lot of convenience. Would a sober person like him be willing to give up the ready-made benefits?

He is thinking about brother and sister friendship now, and doesn't care about it. In the future, he will watch Zhenyuanhou and others get help from the Yue family, and their high-ranking wives are long-sleeved and good-natured on the social field, while Lu Heng is alone and can only do anything. Rely on yourself, do you really not feel resentment?

Wang Yanqing did not dare to gamble on people's hearts. Instead of looking at each other at that time, it is better not to take that step in the first place and leave a decent memory for each other.

Wang Yanqing's tone seemed to be refusing, but Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief. It's a good sign that she grapples with objective difficulties rather than outright vetoes. Lu Heng was only afraid that Wang Yanqing would not be willing. As long as she did not reject it, Lu Heng could solve no matter how many problems there were.

Lu Heng asked, "Qingqing, why do you think most of the concubines of this dynasty came from the common people, and few daughters of high-ranking officials ran for election?"

This Wang Yanqing knew that this was the rule established by Emperor Hongwu: "Prevent harem politics."

"Not exactly." Lu Heng said, "Emperor Hongwu is...a very assertive person. In his opinion, only their old Zhu family chooses others, and there is absolutely no reason for others to choose Zhu's family. Officials, If the princes are sent to the election, then only smart, beautiful or gentle women can be promoted. Every emperor can choose whatever type he likes. In the opinion of Emperor Hongwu, they have reached the top of the ninety-five. If you have to look at others The face of a sleeping woman, what's the point of that?"

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