The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 690 Gathering of the Eighteen Great Powers

Biquge, the fastest update for the strong cultivators to return to the city!

As the sun rose, all the high-level officials of Emperor Xuan City gathered at the city gate.

Ye Xuan stood at the front, waiting for Ying Tianxia to appear.

Soon, a mighty crowd appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Looking at Yingyao who was at the front over there, the three girls had already run over.

In the end, Ying Tianxia showed up, just nodded to Ye Xuan, and then disappeared with Ye Xuan.

All the people in the city were attracted by today's actions, and they didn't know who these people were.

"Look, come in."

"So many people? Where did they come from?"

"It seems to be the winner, but I haven't heard of it."

"Winners, are those people?"

"What, brother, do you know something?"

"Didn't you read the Tian Ji Bao? The winner is the survivor of the pre-Qin period."

"The survivors of the pre-Qin period? Could it be that they want to enter our Emperor Xuan City for development?"

"I don't know, maybe that's the case."

"That's really great. With the remnants of the pre-Qin period joining, our Emperor Xuan City will grow a lot."

The people in Dixuan City were very happy. You must know that monsters and beasts are rampant, and the more strength there is, the more hope of survival.

"Father-in-law, everything has been arranged properly." Ye Xuan said to Ying Tianxia.

"Well, I'm relieved to leave the winner to you." Ying Tianxia said with a smile.

"Father-in-law, there is one more thing I need your help with before leaving." Ye Xuan said softly.

"Eighteen forces gathered in one hundred thousand mountains?" Win the world to play taste.

"You know everything?" Ye Xuan asked in surprise.

"How can I not know about such a big hand in the Tianji Pavilion, but it is very difficult to stop it, at most it can only be defended." Winning the world said.

"Could it be that space fusion is really unstoppable?" Ye Xuan asked rhetorically.

"Basically impossible, but since Tianji Pavilion has organized so many people to go there, there should be something to rely on. Calculating the time, it should be tomorrow." Ying Tian said.

"That's right, it will be tomorrow, and we will have a round at the Tianji Pavilion." Ye Xuan replied.

"There is no need for Tianji Pavilion, no one will go, let's meet at the Hundred Thousand Mountains." After Ying Tianxia finished speaking, he disappeared.

Seeing Ying Tianxia disappeared, Ye Xuan didn't say anything, he just looked towards the west, and he always felt that this trip to the 100,000 mountains was not that simple.

Naturally, the fact that the winner joined Emperor Xuan City cannot be hidden from others.

When Duanmu Qiyuan heard the news, he said coldly: "With the winners joining, the rise of Dixuan City is bound to be unstoppable."

"Winning the world would condescend to go to Emperor Xuan City, I really want to see what kind of charm this Ye Xuan has." Murong Baizhan said with a smile.

Tianjizi didn't expect that winning the world would actually allow the winner to be merged into Dixuan City.

To know how to win the world, he knows very well, how arrogant that person is, no one can truly understand except himself.

"Ye Xuan, where will Emperor Xuancheng go under your leadership?" Tianjizi said in a deep voice.

For a moment, all forces paid attention to Dixuan City again, and to winning the world.

The next day, early morning.

Ye Xuan brought the fortune teller, Yan Tianqiang, and Long Tianao were already standing on the tower.

Soon, Yukong came to win the world.

"Let's go." With just two words, the group rushed directly to Shiwan Dashan.

Along the way, the fortune teller didn't say a word, but kept counting.

Moreover, what surprised Ye Xuan and others was that they encountered many monsters along the way, but none of them were of high strength, as if they had completely disappeared.

"The Tiangou eclipse day, why did you choose such a day?" the fortune teller said suddenly.

"Tiangou eats the sun?" Ying Tianxia frowned when he heard these four words.

"That's right, it's the Tengu Eclipse." The fortune teller said in a deep voice.

Listening to what the two said, Ye Xuan was full of doubts.

"Senior Magician, what's wrong with Tiangou's eclipse?" Yan Tianqiang asked respectfully.

"During the Tiangou eclipse, the aura of heaven and earth will be the weakest. At the same time, the death energy will increase greatly. It stands to reason that Tianji Pavilion would not choose such a day." The fortune teller said very puzzled.

"Indeed, it's not good for us if the dog eats the sun." Winning the world also didn't understand.

"Don't guess, you'll know when you get there." Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are far away from Dixuan City, if there is no plane, only Ye Xuan and Ying Tianxia can drive there in a few hours.

At about twelve o'clock in the noon, Ye Xuan and the others arrived not far from Shiwan Dashan.

It can be felt from a distance that the death energy in the Hundred Thousand Mountains has begun to spread.

Moreover, the spatial changes here cannot be hidden from Ye Xuan and others.

After perceiving it for a while, Shen Suanzi said with a gloomy face: "Things are more difficult than imagined. The fusion of different spaces is almost complete. Soon, this place will be invaded by death energy..."

"Death encroachment?" Ye Xuan couldn't believe it.

"Someone is here." Yan Tianqiang beside him said in a deep voice.

Ye Xuan turned his head, it was none other than people from the three famous cities.

Xi Gonghan's Xuanwu City has been occupied by people from Tianmen, so he didn't come this time.

Looking at Duanmu Qiyuan over there, Ye Xuan always felt a little familiar. That familiarity was not with the person, but with his aura.

"I didn't expect City Lord Ye to come so early, it's positive." Duanmu Qiyuan said with a light smile.

When Long Tianao heard this, he was about to scold back, but was stopped by Ye Xuan.

"Someone is here again." Yan Tianqiang said softly.

The ones who came this time were none other than Tianji Pavilion and Yanhuang City.

When he saw the leader of Yanhuang City, Yan Tianqiang's body couldn't help shaking.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of time in the future, and Emperor Xuancheng will help you get back what you lost." Ye Xuan said softly.

"That's Iron Blood Hall, Youlong City, Five Poisons Sect, and Three Immortals Hall." Yan Tianqiang introduced Ye Xuan one by one.

Ye Xuan looked at those people, but didn't pay attention.

On the contrary, he still has a little impression of Jagged Hall.

He remembered that Wu Santian's enemies seemed to be people from Iron Blood Hall.

"That's all?" Ye Xuan asked softly.

"Also, the people from the Lion and Tiger Alliance have not yet arrived, and the forces from the southeast have not yet arrived." Yan Tian said forcefully.

"Oh, it seems that the hidden power is not small." Ye Xuan said playfully.

"Well, there are many big and small forces." Yan Tian said forcefully.

"By the way, Tian Qiang, help me make a list, the list of the south, and the list of forces around our Emperor Xuan City, also make a separate list." Ye Xuan instructed softly.

"Yes." Although Yan Tianqiang didn't know what Ye Xuan wanted to do, but he opened his mouth, and naturally he had his purpose.

"Eighteen major forces gather together, this force should not be underestimated, but I don't know if it can solve the problem in front of me." The magic operator is not sure.

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