The Idol Group Pet Became a Final Boss!

Chapter 527: Breaking the news 2

Bai Wuxia has recently fallen into a whirlpool of public opinion, his reputation has collapsed, and there has been no heat, and no one has asked him to make a drama.

"All People" is his only exposure.

He thought that Director Zhu would save him a little bit of face, even if the lens was less!

No matter how bad, if you put a mosaic on it, maybe someone is curious about who was mosaicked, he might still be a little hot.

But never expected Director Zhu to be so amazing!

It was edited as if he hadn't recorded this show at all!

Bai Wuxia beats his chest and repents.

He became angry and sent several Weibo in a row.

【Bai Wuxia V】: Like a person drinking water, he knows how cold he is.

[Bai Wuxia V]: There is only icing on the cake in this world, there is no charcoal in the snow at all.

[Bai Wuxia V]: Perhaps, I am a true portrayal of the marginal character "redundant" in literary works!

Some netizens commented: [Yes, you are more than a lot]

Seeing this, Bai Wuxia attacked the other party's online violence and called on his fans to scold this netizen.

This wave of confusing operations naturally attracted countless ridicules.

Bai Wuxia saw so many people scolding herself, and she simply didn't stop doing it, thinking that black and red are also red, hoping to make some waves with this, so she sent Weibo to claim that she wanted to break the news.

[Bai Wuxia V]: I tell you, a certain actress is Lala! The two girls cuddled while recording the show, not to mention how disgusting!

[Bai Wuxia V]: There was also a certain actor who secretly cheered a certain actress for three dining cars! Don't ask who I am, everyone knows it! Don't these two have a leg? Ha ha!

As soon as these two microblogs broke the news, Bai Wuxia's microblog instantly became lively!

Countless melon-eating netizens are like Sherlock Holmes and Conan, who speculate, analyze, decode, and pick up the Weibo of the program staff, and finally they really cracked the news of Bai Wuxia!

Someone who eats melons issued a summary answer:

—— [Breaking news 1: A certain actress should refer to Xu Tuxin, and the two actresses holding each other are Xu Tuxin and Xiangyi. I intercepted a clip from a variety show, and the scene where Xu Tudi was taught to shoot arrows was like hugging Xu Tudi in his arms. And I also searched the staff's Weibo, someone posted the content of the CP of the two people that day! Lala is probably utterly ill-informed, but the relationship between the two seems to be really good. 】

——[Breaking news 2: This should refer to Xiangyi and Shisui. There were four food trucks in Xiangyi that day, one of which was spontaneously organized by fans, but looking at the screenshots circulating in the fan group, Xiangyi was converted into money and given to fans. , And asked fans not to spend money for her in the future. For the other three cars, I searched for keywords on the melon forum and found a post. It was sent by the service staff of the food truck that day, saying that Shisui’s agent ordered the food truck. 】

Bai Wuxia waited for a long time, but did not wait for a call.

Is it because no one is paying attention? ?

He picked up the phone and found the two Weibos, one commented thousands, and one comment exceeded 10,000!

Bai Wuxia was overjoyed, thinking that the enthusiasm was just ahead and beckoning him, clicked on the comment, but the whole person was dumbfounded.

——[Ahhhh, sweet and soft CP I can! 】

——【When the actor actually gave Yimei a food truck? Oh, this dog food is too fragrant! 】

In addition, the most brushed sentence turned out to be this:

——[Thank you for breaking the news! Anyway, you are confused too, so why don't you switch to being a paparazzi! ! ! 】

Bai Wuxia:? ? ? ?

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