This Chūnin exam, which is very rare, was held in a neutral country, a country of iron.

Just like Sarutobi Toru thought at first, because of the great success of the first Chūnin exam. In addition to the few remaining Chūnin exams, although they were not as exciting as the first time, they were still well done. The entire Chūnin exam has become a grand event like the Olympic Games.

Under this circumstance, all countries are quite enthusiastic about holding the Chūnin exam. The five major countries have strong national strength. In the past, the Chūnin exam was basically held in their country.

However, this also caused a problem. Held in the country of fire, Konoha is the first. Held in the Land of the Earth, Rock Shinobi is the ultimate winner. Similarly, if it is held in the country of wind, the country of thunder, and the country of water, basically the Ninja Village in its own country has already scheduled a victory.

The reason for this situation is that the organizer Fang Rencun will indeed do some tricks on the game schedule. The main reason is that other Ninja villages dare not send their top talents to other countries to take the Chūnin exam.

After all, geniuses with Kage-level talents, appearing in the Great Ninja Village of any other country, will almost always be strangled by those Great Ninja Villages. Even if the organizer, Ninja Village, is determined to maintain order and is unwilling to do it, some ninjas from other countries will take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and frame them.

Under this circumstance, other Daren villages will naturally not send top geniuses in their own countries who have not yet grown up to die.

Because of this, the Ninja Village, who can take full advantage of the home court, will naturally win the championship easily.

However, in this way, shady protests have been circulating among the audience of the Chūnin exam, which greatly reduces the attractiveness of the Chūnin exam.

Until World War II, Konoha defeated the other four Shinobu villages with his own power. After establishing one's highest position, the entire Ninja World has a certain order.

After all, everyone couldn't beat Konoha, so naturally they didn't dare to fight each other, lest Konoha would find excuses and opportunities to bully him. In the same way, Konoha's strength surpassed the others by a large margin, and he was not afraid that other Shinobu village dared to attack the genius of his Shinobu village.

But even so, the distrust between the five Ninja Villages has been carved into the bones. Therefore, this time the Chūnin exam will be held in the country of neutral national railways.

The reason why it is held in a neutral country is to maintain the image of the fairness and justice of the Chūnin exam, so as to redeem the phenomenon that the audience of the Chūnin exam has decreased in recent years and the income has been declining year by year.

Of course, besides this, the iron country promised that most of the proceeds from holding the Chūnin exam will be handed over to the five major countries that come to participate. This is also the biggest reason.

This matter was originally proposed by Toru Sarutobi, and Konoha negotiated with Tetsu no Kuni.

It seems that Konoha's benefit is not great, but in fact, this way of interfering in foreign affairs is a way for Konoha to expand his influence. In other words, Konoha is now gradually starting to play the role of Shinobu.

When other small countries are accustomed to following Konoha's advice, Konoha will truly become the uncrowned king of the Ninja world.

Konoha School, Class A classroom.

"Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Hiashi, Akamichi Dinza, three classmates, please follow me." Sarutobi walked into the classroom and glanced. Said to students with three obvious characteristics.

Soon, the three followed Sarutobi to the Konoha No. 3 training ground.

"Well. Don't forget to introduce yourself and lead the teacher assessment. Anyway, I understand the situation of the three of you very well. Let's go directly to the topic now."

"You should know why you were put together into a team, and you should ask me to be your team leader."

The three looked at each other, and the little fat man Ding Zuo stuffed the potato chips with a dazed expression on his face. Hyuga Hiashi's face was sullen, and there was no expression. Uchiha Fugaku glanced at the two teammates, sighed in his heart, and took a step forward. "We understand, Mr. Toru Sarutobi, it's for the Chūnin exam in three months."

"Well, it's good for you to understand, so in these three months, performing tasks and everything are secondary. The only thing you need is to run in your team's tacit understanding and improve your combat effectiveness." Sarutobi said lazily.

Now, although it is a stepping stone team, it shouldn't be too perfunctory. Anyway, their strength can't beat Nara. Can they be improved a little more in these three months, can they also be a higher stepping stone?

"Okay, I have finished speaking. Now, let me see your strength."

Speaking of this, Sarutobi thought for a while, "First attack one by one, let me see your fighting ability. Then join the three people together to see the tacit understanding of your team."

Hyuga Hiashi, who has been low-key, takes a step forward. "It's rude, Mrs. Sarutobi."

Among the three, if you say that Sarutobi Toru's guidance is the most anticipated, it must be Hyuga Hiashi. After all, Gentle Fist is also a type of physique, and Sarutobi Toru is Konoha's recognized master of physique.

"Byakugan, come on!" Hyuga Hiashi stared at Sarutobi Tetsu cautiously, observing the flow of Chakra in him.

"Well, is this Byakugan." Sarutobi looked at Hyuga Hiashi thoroughly. Although he had seen Byakugan a lot, it was the first time to fight Byakugan Ninja.

Sarutobi Toru did not run the speed Chakra Mode, if this thing is learned by the Hyuga clan who can see through, it will become a harmful thing.

He just casually put on a Tai Chi frame.

These modern martial arts information that he retrieved from his mobile phone, although not good at fighting in the ninja world. But in fact, they all have high intentions and great potential. After hundreds of years of revision by earth martial artists, it can be said that there is no flaw in martial arts.

It's just caused by the world's restrictions, so its power is not obvious.

After being brought to the Hokage world, through the unremitting efforts of the master of martial arts, Might Duy, all these martial arts were finally modified into the martial arts adapted to the world of ninja.

Tai Chi and Might Duy are not very good. But Might Duy has a resilience in his bones. No matter what kind of martial arts, he must be thoroughly developed. After he has cultivated into the martial arts body, his talent in martial arts has also greatly increased. Ninja world reproduced the stunt of Tai Chi.

But it is precisely because of the practice of Tai Chi. Might Duy's physique has reached the point where there is rigidity and softness, faintly showing everyone's demeanor.

And Sarutobi Toru after Xiucheng returned his life. Some ordinary physical skills that do not involve secrets, basically he has thoroughly learned at a glance.

Although he didn't have the ability to reproduce Taijiquan in the Ninja world, it was easy to learn the Taijiquan that Might Duy had developed.

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