The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 676

When the dragon witch heard Amakusa's words, she smiled madly and said bitterly.

Then she looked at Joan of Arc, and smiled ferociously like a demon bewitching her: "...Hey, saint, don't you have any thoughts or expressions?"

The holy girl of Orleans lowered her head and smiled softly: "...I don't have any thoughts or expressions. Everything they do is under the watchful eye of our Lord."

"...after death, they will inevitably be judged, and that is the power of the Lord, not mine."

Joan of Arc's very pious and faithful words made the Dragon Witch click her tongue and mutter: " are so boring!"

After St. George finished speaking after seeing everyone, this gentle and stable saint said again: "...just when the Roman Empire was in turmoil, Romulus, the founder of Rome and the hero of the Seven Hills, descended as a heroic spirit."

"...The status of this god ancestor in Rome is comparable to that of Jupiter and Mars. His appearance temporarily stabilized the morale of the army, and he led the remaining Roman troops out of the city to fight against the Huns."

"Under the leadership of Romulus, the Roman army temporarily blocked the Huns' army 30 kilometers outside the city of Rome, giving the whole of Rome a reassurance."

"...According to the information I got, Emperor Nero wanted to liquidate the nobles who imprisoned her, but the god ancestor Romulus stopped her."

"But now the city of Rome is still under a high-pressure rule, and no soldiers, civilians or nobles are allowed to leave."

As soon as St. George finished speaking, the Dragon Witch sneered and said, "...Ha, this is the daily method of those big shots."

"...If Nero allowed the Roman residents to leave, it is estimated that the city will be empty soon. Even now, there are no people on the streets here."

The others ignored the witch's ridicule, but they also agreed with her words.

"Emperor Nero shouldn't have made such a big mistake. Whether it was killing all the members of the Senate or wanting to liquidate all the nobles, this is not a choice that a qualified emperor would make."

"...It seems that the beast in her heart has eaten away her sanity, and that's why she resorted to such a method that only has violence, but does not have the power of an emperor."

"It's also fortunate that Romulus prevented her from liquidating. Otherwise, if Nero killed all the nobles, it is estimated that the city of Rome would directly collapse."

"...In this era, knowledge is only in the hands of a few nobles. If there are no nobles to help the emperor govern, then the administrative system of the entire country will collapse..."

"From this point of view, human society is constantly improving. After two thousand years, all the people will receive basic education, and knowledge will not be monopolized. This situation will never happen again."

Roy said with a gentle smile.

Hearing his words, Joan also sighed: "...My Lord is right. I participated in the modern Holy Grail War. In that era, even a country girl like me could receive an education."

"...They are not like me, they can only do some simple arithmetic."

There was a strong envy in Joan's words.

The Dragon Witch let out a laugh and said, " can only do simple arithmetic, you are so stupid, my lord saint!"

For Joan of Arc, the witch of the dragon always likes to go against her.

Joan of Arc glanced at the witch, with a pure and devout smile on her lips, and said, "...then do you know complicated arithmetic?"

The Dragon Witch choked for breath, and she said angrily: "...I was created with you as a template, if it wasn't for you, how could I not!"

Joan of Arc looked embarrassed, and after thinking for a while, she said: "...But, but I can write my own name, and I can also know some words!"

"Of course I can also write the name!!"

The Dragon Witch jumped up, and she directly found a pen and paper, crookedly, like ghostly drawn symbols, and wrote the French word Jeanne Darc on the paper.

From her stiff and rusty movements, it can be seen that she has never written before, and this 0.7 may be the first time she has written in her life.

Looking at the ugly shit-like words that she wrote, Hei Zhen's face turned red, and Joan of Arc at the side didn't dare to speak anymore, and lowered her head just like Hei Zhen.

Because of the Holy Maiden of Orleans, her writing is not much better than Hei Zhen.

Seeing these two idiots arguing over such a boring issue, Roy shook his head helplessly.

"You are waiting for me here, I am going to meet the Roman emperor."

Roy spoke at this moment.

It cannot be dragged on. With Romulus now, Nero is likely to stabilize himself emotionally because Rome is saved.

And what Roy has to do is to give the emperor a fatal blow and release the beast in her heart.

Sometimes, to awaken a beast does not require coercive means like the power of a demon god, as long as it breaks the opponent's heart, it is enough to make a person collapse. .

Chapter 337 Make Rome Great Again!

In the imperial palace of the Roman Empire, Emperor Nero is full of fighting spirit, and he is solving many matters in the capital of Rome in his palace.

His Majesty the Emperor's melodious voice, as beautiful as the harp played by Apollo, came from the palace from time to time, and she arranged the work in every possible way, with almost no mistakes.

Now that the Roman Empire is on the verge of disintegration, the emperor's orders can no longer go out of the imperial capital, and everything outside the Roman imperial capital has long been out of Nero's control.

This kind of situation where there is only one imperial capital that requires the emperor to issue ruling orders is completely overkill for Nero, and he is naturally able to handle it with ease.

Even if it is a huge empire, she can manage it well. Now that she only needs to manage the imperial capital, Nero will only do better, and she can even take the initiative to participate in many details.

Although the entire imperial capital is still under high-pressure rule, with the diligence of His Majesty the emperor, it will not take long for the imperial capital to regain its previous vitality.

"There is no news about the situation outside the imperial capital, and I don't know what's going on outside."

"...Ai Qing, now you have to send enough scouts to leave the imperial capital to investigate the current situation of the Yu Empire, especially the Dragon 02 Witch in Gaul, where Yu is very concerned."

"The ancestors of the gods are fighting to stop the Huns' army. Although the food reserves in the imperial capital are sufficient, they will not be able to make ends meet after a long time. Strengthen the security work in the imperial capital to give the people a sense of peace of mind."

"... Now it is impossible to rely on other provinces of the empire to support the imperial capital, so we must not give up. We must let the farmers living near the imperial capital cultivate the land, and we cannot let the land go to waste."

"No one knows how long this war with the Huns will last, even if Lord God Ancestor personally leads the army. We must be prepared for a protracted war, and the logistics and supplies must keep up."

"...Master Shenzu is fighting on the front line, so we can't hold him back, understand?"

Nero was full of vigor and enthusiasm, and ordered to the subordinate who was kneeling on the ground under his seat.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have received your order!"

"Well, go down, next one!"

Nero nodded slightly, let this subordinate leave, and then summoned the next subordinate to report.

Now when only one city, especially the Roman capital, can be controlled, Nero must control the overall situation and details of the matter in his own hands.

In this case, she had to centralize power, but she also felt tired for a while because she had to personally understand the order for any trivial matter.

Today, Nero almost has to work more than 16 hours a day, just to keep the operation of the imperial capital correct.

But although he was exhausted, the young emperor felt that he had inexhaustible strength. Since the descent of the god ancestor, everything in Rome is now good news.

There were even rumors that the witch who occupied Gaul had left with the true god on earth, and the flying dragon that was raging in Rome also disappeared.

If this rumor is true, it would be great. Nero hopes to regain the lost land with thunder, and then fight against the Huns with the power of the whole country.

As long as they can defeat those Huns who came out of nowhere, the empire can still return to its heyday after a certain period of recuperation.

The Huns were actually not terrible. After Octavian ruled, the Roman Empire had begun to prosper, and its national power was reaching its peak.

Today's Roman Empire is not the divided East and West Rome. Four hundred years later, the Hunnic Empire was able to ravage Europe. It was because the Roman Empire was divided, its national power declined, and its strength could not be compared with that of the past.

And in this era, the Roman Empire was at the time when it was conquering east and west and expanding its territory, and because Roman culture was very inclusive, it always absorbed the civilizations of the major nations it conquered, so it could be called a true civilized empire.

In this period of national power at its peak, the Roman Empire was not afraid of the Huns with civilization against barbarism.

The reason why they retreated steadily and were even beaten to the imperial capital was not only because of the Gaul witch holding back Rome, but also because the leader of the Huns, the woman who called herself the "God's Whip" was too powerful.

The leader of the Huns is not human at all, and the Huns can be invincible under her leadership.

But now that the god ancestors came, some god ancestors went to fight that woman, and because the existence of the god ancestors brought great morale to Rome, now the situation is finally stalemate.

And as long as the Gaul witch disappears and Rome mobilizes huge resources, the Huns will not be productive, and the time for a counterattack will come soon.

This is the power and appeal of the founder of the country on the seven hills, the god ancestor Romulus.

Although Nero was proud and confident, she knew how inferior she was compared to that ancestor, Romulus, who became the supreme god of Rome after his death.

However, she is the current emperor of the Roman Empire and the glory of the Roman Empire, so she must show her pride as Rome.

Nero received one subordinate after another, and the guards guarding the palace gate looked at each other, and they could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

His Majesty the Emperor once again demonstrated his unparalleled charm and ability. Now, in order to fight against those evil barbarians, the gods descended from the sky again, and Rome's greatness again is just around the corner.

Thinking of this, these guards loyal to the emperor straightened their backs, guarding their beloved emperor.

Busy from morning to night, she has been working all the time except for meal time. When His Majesty the Emperor has completely fallen at night and the residents have to rest, she will end her busy day.

"Your Majesty, would you like to take a bath and rest, too much fatigue will make your body unbearable."

After dinner, a maid came to Nero and asked softly.

At this time, Nero was covering her head. She was born with a headache problem, and such a long-term work made her this problem appear from time to time.

However, compared to the splitting headache that made her almost go crazy before, she can still bear this headache now.

"Okay, I'll go take a bath and have a rest."

Nero thought for a while, and felt that he should take a good rest. If he was really exhausted, there would be another crisis in Rome in 937.

Together with the maids, Nero came to the famous Roman bathhouse.

Under the service of the maid, she took off the passionate and noble golden-red long dress, revealing His Majesty's delicate body as perfect as the goddess Venus in the hazy mist.

Nero has an exquisite figure, but her skin care since childhood has made her fair skin, fluffy and flawless, and her pink and tender skin is flawless. Although her figure is petite, it is perfect like the golden ratio.

The overly slender waist and the magnificence that could make any woman hate each other complement each other, forming a perfect arc, making her indescribably passionate and charming in her nobility.

Even if they were both women, the maids felt their hearts beating faster when they saw such a touching His Majesty the Emperor.

Stepping into the slightly scalding hot water, feeling the hot water licking his skin, Nero exhaled and soaked himself into the huge bathtub.

She waved her hand, and the maids bowed and retreated, leaving the place to the emperor alone.

Nero took a bath to relax her body and mind, and relieved her fatigue. After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly heard footsteps on the marble floor.

"Didn't Yu say that you can't come in without Yu's order?"

Emperor Nero's tone was slightly dissatisfied. She opened her jewel-like pupils and looked into the hazy mist.

In the next moment, her muscles tensed, because the person who appeared there was a stranger she had never seen before! .

Chapter 338 You will commit adultery with the king of the earth


Nero, who was soaking in the bathtub, looked terrified, her emerald-like eyes sank immediately, and a small white and soft hand grabbed her side, holding her beloved sword, the original fire.

Since the Roman Empire was invaded by the Huns and the nobles of the entire capital were ready to move, this sword has been held by Nero and never left his body.

Whether she is taking a bath or sleeping, the sword must be at her hand, in case some youngsters assassinate her.

Nero clearly knew that even her most loyal emperor's guards could not guarantee absolute loyalty under the current situation.

And if the guards around him betrayed, it would be a mortal danger to Nero's life.

Nero Claudius, the fifth emperor of Rome, actually didn't have that special fear of death, although as a human instinct, she was trying to stay away from death as much as possible.

But if the Roman Empire collapsed because of his own death, this is absolutely unforgivable by Nero.

She can die, but the premise of all that is that the Roman Empire has a successor who can lead the country to continue to be great.

But now, this inseparable weapon finally has a place to use.

‘Is it an assassin sent by the nobles, was it bought by the Huns? '

Nero held the primordial fire, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

When the capital was in danger of falling before, Nero was safe, because the nobles needed to keep the emperor's life, and exchange her head with the Huns for glory and wealth.

But now that the battle is going on, there will naturally be some nobles who have different ideas, such as killing the emperor, and then taking her life in exchange for their own power and wealth.

After all, it is impossible for Nero to forget that the nobles detained the emperor before. If Rome wins, who knows whether the emperor will liquidate them?

Politics is such a dirty thing.

Nero didn't know the specific situation, she only knew that if she wanted to survive, she couldn't hesitate at this time.

In the hazy mist, Nero determined the opponent's position, holding the primordial fire as a slash.

According to the phantom of the opponent in the mist, Nero was sure that this sword was enough to cut off the opponent's head.

The whistling sound like burning flames came from the primordial fire.

The current Nero itself is a human being, not a heroic spirit, but this original fire is also cast with the materials of the age of gods, and it is also blessed with magic, which has special effects.

It is not enough to be an enemy of the heroic spirit, but in this era, relying on the primordial fire and his own force, Nero has absolute self-confidence.

The sound of the slashing wind and the heat of the primordial fire blew away the mist in the bath, revealing the true face of the visitor.

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