The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 612

Roy rarely said a bunch of words to reassure Olga Marie. After a pause, he continued:

"...Of course, Chaldeas' will will still affect you, but she will not appear so easily in the future. Only when you are angry, angry, or want to fight, her will will replace you. "

"Because it is Chaldeas who is the uo of the earth, not Olga Marie, you cannot use the power connected to the planet, but this power belongs to you and her."

After hearing Roy's words, Olga Marie was finally relieved, she had unlimited trust in Roy.

"That is to say, only when I fight, will I become the god of aliens again?"

"Yes, that's it. You are mutually influencing each other. Otherwise, why do you think that the god of aliens would call out the title 'Earth's head of state'? Isn't this just your strange idea, little Mary?"


Roy blinked at the monarch of the astronomical department, with a teasing tone.

Immediately, Olga Marie lowered her head in embarrassment, embarrassed and annoyed, but she didn't dare to get angry when facing Roy.

"Godfather... am I going to be here forever?"

Olga Marie looked at this plane of heaven, and said in a trance.

"Of course not, you are free, little Mary... Just like Tamamo, you can return to the plane of the earth at any time, and you can go wherever you want. I will not restrict you."

"...But you do have a connection with this golden supreme sky. It can even be said that you are a part of me. If I leave here, you can only be with me."


Beyond human evil, Roy does not use a simple method of analyzing knowledge, because human evil is not knowledge, but a phenomenon of the collective concept of human beings, which is the sublimation of the spirit.

So the method Roy uses is actually absorption, absorbing the seven major human evils into his body, so as to evolve himself.

This Golden Supreme Sky is Roy's organ to some extent.

Moreover, it has not been fully completed. If it is fully completed, then this place will be a real paradise, and any living beings in this paradise can gain the power to be with God.

This is exactly Roy's love, selfless love for the world, and great love for all the girls who yearn for him.

Roy was strolling by the river, and Olga Marie hurriedly followed. She looked at Roy's leisurely back, hesitated for a moment and asked, "...Godfather, am I not pregnant?"

"...I, I'm not ready yet, how can I tell the people of Animsfia if I want to go back!"

Olga Marie is just a girl in her early twenties, and she is still a little apprehensive about giving birth.

Hearing that these were words that Olga Marie would say and worry about, Roy laughed dumbfounded and said, "...Don't worry, little Mary, you won't give birth to a child."

Because he is already a demon god, ordinary life can no longer bear his power, not even the world can bear it.

She wouldn't even be able to enter the Lunar World if Othinus hadn't weakened himself.

Olga Marie felt very conflicted when she heard this, a little lost, but also a little relieved.

While talking, the two walked to a lake, where Athena and others were standing on the shore of the lake. Down.

Chapter 226 Spread the glory of Christianity all over the world

On the shore of the sapphire-like lake, the goddess Athena stood quietly. She was tall and tall, with white skin and a jade-like light.

The ancient Greek-style toga robe outlines her perfect and slim body, her slender jade legs are white and tender, she looks elegant and charming.

The figure of the goddess is reflected in the jewel-like blue lake, and with the shimmering waves, it becomes colder and colder like night.

And beside Athena, Artemis, the goddess of the moon, was sitting on the shore of the lake, with a pair of snow feet soaked in the cold lake water, staring at the moon in the water, dazed.

Ding dong sounded like a spring-like beautiful harp sound, and Europa played the harp and sang, enjoying a leisurely life.

After seeing Roy and Olga Marie approaching, the Phoenician princess smiled gently at the two, and even bowed her head to Roy to show her respect.

Atalanta stood quietly behind the goddess she believed in "720". After seeing Roy's arrival, Atalanta's delicate body trembled, her legs trembled for no reason, her body's instincts made her almost Collapsed.

Seeing this, Roy just smiled, and stared at Atalanta, making the cat even more frightened.

Olga Marie had never seen these people before, and she followed behind Roy nervously, trying her best to hide her figure.

Although the people present were not her opponents except Athena.

However, Olga Marie didn't realize that she was a beast or an earth uo, and she just regarded herself as an ordinary magician.

"Roy, is it done?"

Athena turned her head sideways, glanced at Olga Marie with beautiful eyes, and said to Roy in a cool and elegant voice.

"Well, the matter has been completed, and the knowledge of Chaos has also been collected...Artemis, you have received the knowledge."

Roy first nodded to Athena, then looked at Artemis and said.

The goddess of the moon came back to her senses at this time, her face was still expressionless, as cold as the moonlight, she nodded and said: "...the knowledge of the original Chaos has been recorded in my intelligence."

"...But my intelligence can't carry this huge amount of knowledge. I need to expand the storage again and again, and accept more knowledge transfers from you. I'm sorry for your inconvenience, Mr. Roy."

Before Roy could speak, Athena teased, " don't have to be grateful to him, Artemis!"

"...For him, the process of imparting knowledge is also a process of enjoyment, that is, the joy of imparting knowledge and acquiring new knowledge, as well as the comfort of physical comfort."

"Although the concubine is not good to say anything about him, because even the concubine himself enjoys that knowledge and physical contact."

Athena teased Roy, but finally laughed at herself.

"Okay, Athena, don't laugh at me."

Roy didn't care about Athena's teasing, he just asked Artemis: "...Artemis, if you get all the knowledge of Chaos, can you make yourself the original machine god? "

The goddess of the moon replied coldly: " long as you have knowledge and enough energy, it is not difficult to become the original Chaos."

"...First convert the matter and energy that can be excavated in the universe into a Dyson sphere in the mouth of human beings, and absorb the energy of stars."

"After depriving enough star energy, the construction of the antimatter unit can be completed. When the antimatter unit is completed, it can become a celestial space-time fortress by virtue of the huge amount of matter in the universe."

The process of science and technology is actually the utilization of energy, and it is resources and energy that constrain the development of civilization.

If matter can be turned into antimatter, the energy generated from it will be extremely terrifying, and the energy provided by a planet is enough to allow a civilization to go to all parts of the universe.

Just like what Chaos did before, the mass that seized the earth was turned into his own energy.

"Very well, although this is a long process, but for me there is no shortage of time."

Roy looked at his golden sky.

This is the Christian paradise he created, but different people believe in him and should go to different heavens.

If there are races of technological civilization who believe in him, then after the death of those creatures, it may be more appropriate to go to a paradise composed of machines.

Although Roy is not yet 9=2, Roy also got some inspiration from the behavior of the evil gods of Yog-Sothoth.

Perhaps when exploring this infinite time and space, let various civilized races in countless worlds become their servants. This will not only strengthen the Golden Supreme Heaven without limit, but also bring more faith to Roy.

Although faith is useless to Roy, as the only god, all living beings should believe in him. This is the glory necessary for him to be the only god......

He wants to sprinkle the glory of Christianity in the infinite universe.

"However, that is a long-distance process. Even Yog-Sothoth took countless hours to complete the connection of his gates."

"...For now, let's start a knowledge exchange banquet."

As Roy's voice fell, the tune of Europa's playing the harp unknowingly accelerated, while Atalanta's whole body was tense.

As for Artemis and Athena, they didn't seem to care.

"Eternal Virgin Goddess, what an interesting title."

Roy looked at Artemis and Athena and smiled. In Greek mythology, they were two of the three virgin goddesses.

Only Olga Marie, does not yet know what will happen next.


Chaldean armored vehicles galloped across the white ground.

After the Greek myths were shattered, the Chaldean vehicles moved northward in space.

They spared the Nordic lore and came to the edge of the Russian lore.

On the journey to the Lost Belt, Chaldea also used the spare machine of the Spirit Calculator to transfer the Spirit, to move forward in time, and to solve some singularities.

Fortunately, those singularities are not difficult, at most it is a war of heroic spirits.

As long as you choose those slightly damaged singularities, the difficulty is not high.

Most of the heroic spirits of the Chaldean masters are relatively unconventional, either alone or in cooperation, and each 3.8 unique points are removed.

With the reduction of singularities and lore belts, the Chaldeans became more and more serious, because they knew that the last remaining singularities and lore belts would be the most difficult.

On the edge of the Russian lorebelt, Roman gave a pre-war speech, but his words were hardly listened to.

Roman was a little disappointed by this, so he had to say: "...The front is the Russian Mystery Belt, and the employees of Chaldea should be imprisoned here by that Royal Highness."

"...The task of rescuing them is entrusted to you!"

At this time, Matthew said worriedly: "...Fufu is gone too, I hope it was just caught in the Russian Mystery Belt."

Da Vinci said excitedly: "... Then, are you ready? We are going to enter the imaginary space!".

Chapter 227 Cyberpunk 2018

"What the hell is going on with this strange belt?!"

Chaldea's armored vehicle was driving on the road in St. Petersburg, and Roman lay on the window of the car, staring at the scene outside, dumbfounded.

Because of the loss of Chaldeas, if you want to enter the Lost Belt, you can't use the spirit in the parallel state to transfer as before.

Therefore, Chaldea can only come to this strange news by taking the road of imaginary space.

At the beginning, Chaldea's plan was to quickly find a place to hide herself after entering the Belt of Unknown News.

After all, this Chaldean armored vehicle is still too conspicuous.

Just like the giant man and the Greek anecdote that I have experienced before, the shape of Chaldea's current car is incompatible with those two anecdotes.

As long as the local residents see the strange news, they will immediately become suspicious.

It was only after they got to the Russian news that they realized that they were thinking too much. Even if this strange-looking armored vehicle was allowed to drive on the road, no one would take care of it, and some people would come to ask.

28 Because on the roads of St. Petersburg, the most anecdotal city, there are countless such weird-looking cars, and the Chaldean cars are also very ordinary.

Steel buildings stand tall in the city. They look rusty on the outside, but they are majestic and majestic.

Billboards of all kinds are erected among the buildings.

The streets cannot be said to be clean, many posters and newspapers are scattered on the ground, and the romantic atmosphere of steel casting permeates the whole city.

The pedestrians on the street are also very strange. Their hair is all kinds of things, and the eyeballs of many people look like prosthetic bodies, each of them is very mechanical, like a robot.

But judging from the radar scanning equipment of the Chaldean vehicle, these people are living people, but apart from important organs such as the brain, many of their limbs and organs have been replaced with machines.

Da Vinci and Ziyuan are operating on two computers. Since this is a modern and future society, computers have a place to play.

Not long after, an almighty man and the acting head of the Atlas Institute got enough information.

"The situation in this Lost Belt is very strange, full of contradictions from different aspects."

Zi Yuan stroked her glasses on the bridge of her nose. She pursed her lips, brimming with confidence, and told the information she had just investigated.

"The turning point of this anecdote appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Romanov dynasty was not destroyed. They suppressed the uprising and continued."

"... Her Majesty Anastasia, the last female czar of the Romanov Dynasty, won the Second World War, and Russia became the most powerful country in the world in one fell swoop, thus ruling the world."

"Then Russia vigorously developed heavy industry and technology. The mechanical city outside looks like a Russian style."

Ziyuan held a pointer in her hand, pointed at the information on the big screen, and said in a serious manner, while the other masters listened seriously.

The belt of lore is the same as the singularity, the most important thing is information, and only if you know the information, can you find a way to attack it.

Da Vinci took Ziyuan's words, and his tone was like a little girl's joy, "...but the development of this strange Russia is very uneven, a bit like the situation in the former Soviet Union."

"...they are very advanced in heavy industry and technology, but the living standards of the people are extremely low."

"You can see those people outside. Many of their body organs are prosthetic bodies, which are mechanical structures."

"...This shows that this anecdotal Russian technology is very powerful in terms of neurology and biology, far surpassing the history of pan-humanity, and of course it is not as good as the alien nanotechnology possessed by the mech gods in Greece."

"But with such a strong level of technology, the living conditions of the people in this country are very worrying."

"...their entertainment is relatively scarce, and their living standards are low. Humans who have not even had a pan-human history are better at eating and drinking."

"You can look at the photos in these buildings. The old ones seem to be products of the last era, but the technology in the houses is very advanced."

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