The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Book Chapter 367

‘My dear father, you really have a heart. '

With Roy's knowledge and the power he possesses in various worlds, of course he will not be fascinated by this external substance. He is the pope and king who once sat on four oceans and seven continents and controlled the spiritual beliefs of countless people. Compared with the things that Roy once owned, this house is naturally not worth mentioning, but the warmth and care revealed by this house is its real value.

This is like a rich man with endless wealth. You may not care what luxury car or watch you give him, but a hand-knitted dress from his parents may arouse his deepest softness and nostalgia.

"The furniture and electrical appliances here are all complete, which is enough for your daily life. Every week, there will be students from the domestic maid training school to clean your room. You don't need to bother about this, tsk!"

The golden retriever gave a 'tsk', maybe he thought he wanted this kind of man's romance, this dog is very well-bred, he snuffed out his cigar before entering the house, and even put it on at the entrance Slippers used by humans.

"This is my address. If you encounter any problems and troubles in Academy City, you can come to me. As long as it does not involve the deepest secrets of Academy City, I can answer for you. Of course, if the general director agrees, I can tell you even the deepest secrets of Academy City!"

The golden retriever handed Roy a metal sign again, with an address and a phone number written on it.

"However, I'm a little busy with work. If I'm not here, you can contact my disciple Kihara Yuichi. I'm living with her now."

While talking, the golden retriever walked towards the door of the room. After pushing the door open, the dog suddenly turned around again, looked at Roy and said, "...The words that are good and evil are good, and the words that like and dislike are likes." , Mr. Roy, suddenly I am not tired of this job, because I am very interested in you."

"...By the way, I actually don't like the general director here at all. Sometimes that man is not romantic enough, but as I said before, there are always times when everything in reality is not romantic. Since people live in In this reality, we must learn to be patient and compromise, so I wish you a happy stay in Academy City!"

The golden retriever closed the door gently.

Roy just stood at the end of the hallway and watched the dog leave the room. The corner of his mouth curled up and said, " interesting golden retriever, no, it should be said to be an interesting Kihara Naogen!"

Roy walked on the soft carpet, came to the window, and stared at the "building without doors and windows" directly in front of him. Everything that happened around him was probably under Aleister's surveillance, but Roy did not I feel awkward, because it is Aleister who suffers more than Roy.

There is a black card next to the bed in the master bedroom, and there is an instruction manual beside it. This is a card that can be used for unlimited overdraft in Academy City. It seems that Aleister is very worried. After preparing a house for him to live in, Even the problems of life were solved for him.

Although Roy decided to eat and drink in Academy City, he may still need money sometimes. He put away the black card, lay on the comfortable bed, stretched his waist and said : "... Then let's start the one-year life like this. It's been a long time since I've lived so easily."

It was still afternoon, but Roy had already closed his eyes and rested.


The Second School District of Academy City is a heavy industrial area, and it is also a training center for weapon research and development and experimentation, security officers, and discipline committee members. There are many weapon research institutions here, and it is the place with the most secrets in Academy City.

Academy City can become the leader of the so-called science side with the size of a city, and it can be recognized by major countries in the world. Of course, it does not rely on so-called capable people. Although there are 1.8 million students in this city, there are still many Except for the very few superpowers who are at the top, the rest of the superpowers are actually not very strong.

Moreover, these ability users are all flesh and blood, and they are normal human beings. No matter how diverse their abilities are, they can use modern weapons to kill them and decipher their abilities. could kill them.

In addition, the ability users here are just students, and their parents are outside of Academy City, and it is impossible for Academy City to use these students as soldiers, so it protects the city from outside intrusion, allowing it to become The real reason for the leaders on the science side is the next-generation high-tech weapons developed by Academy City.

Those weapons and research materials are the biggest secrets of Academy City, and they are also things coveted by major countries.

Therefore, the second school district of Academy City has become the most important place, and the research institute of Cai artificial room is also located here.

At night, a petite and thin girl with honey-colored hair entered this research institution carrying her brand-name bag. Although Tokiwadai's school spirit is strict, but as a "psychological mastery", if Shokuhou Misaki If she wants to stay on campus at night, she also has many ways not to be discovered.

The method used by Shokuhou Misaki can be described as the most upright one, that is, let the institution that studies her superpowers send out a research invitation directly, and she can easily leave Tokiwadai, and the school cannot stop her.

Walking in the building of this research institution, from time to time, you can see the researchers who are still working overtime at night and nod to her. These researchers are all wearing strange helmets. Coupled with the function of some instruments here, these people Can not be manipulated by 'mental mastery'.

Otherwise, even if these researchers are bold, they would not dare to contact a superpower who can manipulate people's hearts.

But even so, Shokuhou Misaki used his intelligence and ability to seize opportunities to control some low-level researchers with his superpowers, and used those low-level researchers to brainwash their superiors layer by layer.

After discovering that Saijobo had plans to kill herself, Shokuhou Misaki started this brainwashing plan. Although the brainwashing has not been completed yet, most of the people in this research institution have become her puppets. Their respective daily lives are nothing more than a 157 puppet show for those high-level agency managers who have not been brainwashed.

It is precisely because of controlling most of the people here that Shokuhou Misaki knows the darkness of many Academy City, and also knows the crimes committed by this research institution.

Her friend Dolly is just one of the victims, and many young children have actually been murdered by this institution. If Shokuhou Misaki was not smart enough, she might also be the next victim, which made her I hate this place very much, so there is no psychological burden at all to manipulate and brainwash these people.

When I came to the Confidential Information Management Office, the administrator who manipulated here connected to the library with the authority of the artificial room, and mobilized the information of 'Roy Crowley'.

After reading the simple but detailed information, Shokuhou Misaki let out a sigh of relief, showing a relieved smile.

"Huh... Great, it seems that there is nothing wrong with that person."

She patted her barren heart, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously evoked a smile.

Before she came to the talented man's room, she also used her ability to control some capable people, and used the abilities of those capable people to invade the library, and the information in the library that she detected through different methods was very consistent, which shows that there are people inside. There is nothing wrong with the content and has not been tampered with by anyone.

Unless it is the real owner of the library, the legendary director personally tampered with the information, any organization will be able to find some traces if it modifies the library, because the chairman will not let others change his own things at will .

It's no wonder that Shokuhou Misaki is so cautious. It's because she has no sense of security after knowing so many dark inside stories. She is afraid that Roy is someone sent by an organization to deal with her. She is really just an 'ordinary person', even after she has not received superpower development because of her age, she is completely at ease.

Moreover, Shokuhou Misaki somehow didn't want the stranger he met today to contact her purposefully. This would make Shokuhou Misaki very uncomfortable, thinking that it would tarnish her purity.

"Fortunately, it was just a chance encounter..."

Shokuhou Misaki stared at the materials in the library and murmured.

It was indeed a chance encounter....

Chapter 25 Prototype control, the goal is to become a soft rice boy

Not everyone in Academy City obeyed the wishes of the chairman of the board, Aleister. There were factions opposing Aleister in the major research institutions and even within the board of directors.

Because of his real identity, Aleister rarely shows up, and only acts as his agent to rule the city, which will bring about a huge problem. A leader who is too mysterious will bring people unknown But at the same time, some people will lose respect for his authority, and a lot of opposition voices will appear.

Human beings are always greedy, and are entangled in all kinds of desires. For this unseen chairman, many people who have resources and power in this city want to usurp his position.

Stupid Shunzo is one of them, one of the members who belong to the opposition to Aleister, and he is also the director of the third research institute of Saijobo.

"Shokuhou Misaki, do you think what you are doing is secretive?"

In the third research institute of Cai Manfang, a middle-aged man in a black gown and a valuable white snakeskin tie was in his office, looking at the monitor in front of him and muttering.

"Hmph, those wastes from the first research institute and the second research institute are actually being manipulated by a little girl like this, but that's fine, as long as the plan goes well, then the whole man-made room can belong to me It's all over."

Jidong Junsan leaned on the chair, tapped his fingers on the table, thinking about the next plan.

As a large-scale research institution, of course there is not only one topic and project, but the purpose of the research institution is only different, but the methods used are the same. The research method of the entire artificial room is to use methods such as 'brainwashing' to achieve some goals .

The original purpose of the creation of the talented man-made room is to create those saints or geniuses in history. Just press a button to mass-produce the "genius factory" of these people.

However, after seeing the ability of Shokuhou Misaki, the direction of the entire research institution has undergone a huge change, thinking that compared to creating geniuses and great men, it is more convenient and quicker to directly brainwash these people.

As a result, the research project of the artificial room has also become the "External Brain Replacement Project". Simply put, it is to cut out a slice of the brain of Shokuhou Misaki's brain, and then cultivate it into a huge biological brain to be used as an auxiliary In this way, the strength and scope of "psychological mastery" can be expanded. In theory, if this "external brain replacement" is strong enough, it can even make it possible for people to wear a helmet in the research institute to manipulate people all over the world. and brainwashing.

In this way, it takes only an instant to control the major countries in the world, turning the top leaders and heads of major countries into their own puppets.

Before the implementation of the "External Brain Replacement Project", there is an important premise that Shokuhou Misaki needs to reach Level. Therefore, being able to reach the level of superpowers can be said to be the greatest contribution to Shundong Junsan.

Although superpowers are unscientific, the function of superpowers is very scientific. There are traces to be followed when every person with superpowers uses their abilities, and these traces can actually be defended or stopped by technological means.

As the developer of "Psychological Mastery", Shunzo has all the information about the ability of "Psychological Mastery", and even the calculation formula used by Shokuhou Misaki, so as long as he makes some targeted weapons for psychological mastery, he can Easily beat her.

Because Shokuhou Misaki is just a little girl who has just entered junior high school. If she doesn't have this ability, she will be an ordinary child.

"I planned to execute you secretly. Since you have brainwashed the trash from the first research institute and the second research institute, I have no choice but to resort to the last resort...¨`..."

"...No need to capture alive, as long as I kill you and take your brain, I can transplant your brain into an animal, and then bring the psychological mastery and the external brain into my control!"

The director of the No. 3 Research Institute of Cai Artificial House showed a ferocious smile, and began to give orders to his subordinates.


It was almost noon when he woke up. Roy stretched himself and got up from the bed. He didn't feel any mental or physical fatigue, but a late sleep is always the most pleasant thing for people.

"It's almost lunch time. I don't know if there are any guests today."

Roy glanced at the clock on the wall, walked to the window and opened the screen, a cool spring breeze blew in, making people feel refreshed.

Because Academy City is located near the capital of the island country, the study habits here are also the norms of the island country. A year is divided into three semesters, and April is when new students enter school. Now it is at the end of March when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. hour.

"The cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming..."

Roy sighed with a smile, washed up a little and sat down in front of the computer.

In the past world, he was usually behind the scenes, and his identity was either rich or noble, and most of the time he was at the top of the world's power, but now this life of doing nothing as a "vagrant" made him Quite nostalgic and leisurely.

Using my identity certificate to log onto the Internet, I found that my authority is not high or low. I can find most of the basic information of Academy City, but I can't see the deeper things.

This is also in line with Aleister's behavior habits. If Aleister gives Roy too much authority as soon as he comes up, it will definitely make him suspicious, but now it is appropriate to be in a state of being indifferent.

Of course, Aleister himself didn't know. Roy already knew everything, and only Aleister was kept in the dark.

After getting a general understanding of the composition of Academy City, Roy also had a general idea of ​​the city's technology research and development.

To some extent, the science of Academy City is a kind of heresy. Unlike the "natural science" that studies the laws of nature, the scientific research results of Academy City are based on effect and cause.

Those 1.8 million students, those students who received the development of superpowers are the source of technological development.

By developing superpowers for human beings, and then researching the scientific principles of these superpowers, and then conducting reverse analysis, and replicating these superpowers mechanically, this is the 'advancement of science and technology'!

This kind of copycat and anti-analysis method is equivalent to "from something to something", which is much simpler than the creation of "from nothing" to study the laws of nature, but at the same time, because any technological research It requires the cooperation of capable people, so this heretical science has great limitations, and even destroys the most powerful creative ability of human beings.

"According to the dog, it's not romantic at all."

Roy sneered, don't think that Academy City's current technology is 30 to 50 years ahead of the outside world, but from the perspective of human development as a whole, this kind of heretical science is not acceptable From this, it can be seen that Aleister created Academy City not for the progress of human civilization, but he used this city as a tool to achieve his own goals.

"¨"Prototype control..."

Roy thought of a concept of the holy guardian when he was chatting with Aiwass.

'Prototype' is a psychological concept, something like a meme of civilization, which means the common values ​​of all people in a nation or a group.

For example, people think that good people go to heaven, and sinful people go to hell, or that Eastern people use chopsticks, Westerners use knives and forks, etc. These concepts are all "archetypes".

And if these concepts are explained by another word, it is 'faith'!

If you have mastered people's beliefs, you have mastered people's spiritual world. This is the fundamental reason why Aleister can control Academy City, that is, the "prototype control".

It can be said that Academy City is a huge religion, a place called heresy Scientology, and Aleister is the compiler of the "Bible" of this sect, and he has unlimited power to interpret the "Bible".

People in Academy City are used to living according to the 'Bible', and as long as Aleister changes the 'Bible', people will follow his request.

So in the final analysis, what Aleister relied on was still 'magical means'.

The reason why he created such a heretical science is because the natural science recognized by the outside world is jointly created by countless great men and scientific workers. It has nothing to do with Aleister. He cannot achieve prototype control. Only (Qian Hao) can recreate a 'scientific religion', can he obtain the final right of interpretation and the ability to control prototypes.

"So even if someone knows the concept of prototype control, or even knows that he has been controlled, he can't escape unless he gives up science and chooses magic... Well, even if he chooses magic, he should not choose the gold system, because that system Also controlled by the Aleister archetype..."

Roy was overwhelmed and felt that it was really difficult for people in this world. No matter it was science or modern magic, they couldn't escape the name Aleister.

Looking at the time again, it was already past lunch time. Roy didn't feel hungry, but he still had to eat when it was time to eat.

He picked up his coat, put it on casually, and walked out of the apartment. At the same time, he took the card with unlimited overdraft. Although Roy's goal is to become a soft rice guy, if he really can't find a place to eat, he still needs to Going to spend money to buy things by myself.

It's not easy to come to Academy City, and it's hard to live such a leisurely life, so you can't treat yourself badly.


"Oops, being forced to such a remote place by those people!"

"...Is it too late to call the police now?"

Shokuhou Misaki's white forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her star-like eyes were full of anxiety. .

Chapter 26: The Bee Trapped in the Spider's Web

"Buzz buzz buzz—"

The restless sound of the locomotive resounded among the abandoned buildings, and the layers of air waves were like beasts being hunted, bringing enormous psychological pressure to people, as if the darkness was advancing layer by layer , It is so frightening that the brain cannot think normally.

Shokuhou Misaki found that he seemed to have fallen into a trap. As a superpower in the Department of Psychology, Shokuhou Misaki himself had learned a lot of psychological knowledge. In addition to being a precocious person, it should not have been so easy. She fell into the trap of others, but she was calculated by others without knowing it, and fell into the abyss of despair.

"There should be someone behind the opponent pointing out, if it's just an ordinary Skill.Out (group of armed incompetents), they can't even count the optimal solution of the choice I will make, and even unknowingly I have been pushed to this point...the person who instructed them behind the scenes must know me very well!"

"...Stupid Junsan!"

Shokuhou Misaki gritted her teeth and whispered the name in her sweet voice.

The director of the third research institute of Zaihoufang is also the last barrier for Shokuhou Misaki to completely control Zaijiafang, but the other party is quite cunning and smart, and does not give Shokuhou Misaki any chance to control him, so that Shokuhou Misaki was stuck in his throat, unable to complete the final step of controlling the research facility of the artificial room.

At the same time, after controlling the researchers and high-level executives of other research institutes, Shokuhou Misaki also knew that the person who gave the order to destroy himself was Shunzo Jidong. In the eyes of that man, the psychological control of the living must not be more important than the psychological control of the dead. It is easy to operate, and the project of replacing the brain with external equipment has been successfully researched, so whether Shokuhou Misaki is alive or not has become unimportant.

"The equipment that can give these groups of armed incompetent people the ability to completely restrain my ability must only be able to do it... I am careless, I didn't expect the other party to have discovered that I have controlled other people in the research facility, and I will meet this next time I have to be more careful about this kind of thing."

But no one can guarantee whether there will be a next 520, she must survive this attack.

In the narrow path, Shokuhou Misaki walked quickly with her shoulder bag on her back, but after a while she bent down to support her knees, sweating and panting, as if she had just ran a thousand meters.

Shokuhou Misaki has always been a physical disabled person. She has used various excuses and reasons to escape from physical education classes since elementary school. In her opinion, she has the ability to control others anyway. If it is time for physical labor, she will control those physical strength Good people just do it, as a big one, she doesn't need to fight in person at all.

But who would have thought that she, a Level 5 in Academy City, would encounter such a fatal attack.

This alley is very narrow, and those armed ability users on motorcycles cannot rush in for the time being, but Shokuhou Misaki knows that the intersection of the road he came from must be blocked. If he stays here, he will be blocked when he exits. After those people blocked her, she really had nowhere to go.

Even Shokuhou Misaki knew that even if he ran out of this alley, he would end up in the ruins of the seventh district, and he fell into despair at that time.

Stupid Junsan really knows her very well, taking into account her possible escape routes and even the choices she will make, and adding the equipment specially forged to restrain her superpowers, Shokuhou Misaki now His combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of a normal middle school girl.

But Shokuhou Misaki had no choice, she would definitely die if she continued to stay here, and if she ran out of this alleyway with all her strength, she might still have a slight chance of survival.

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