The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 332

"What's the difference, Kama?"

"Of course it's different. I'm the God of Love, the God of Love!! Instead of some demon that causes people to fall, what I bestow on mankind is true love. It is my goal to fill this world with love, although I am now I’m already a little tired of this, but as for the radiance of your soul shining in your mouth, that’s what I hate the most!”

One is a woman who seems to love the entire human race but actually only loves herself, and the other is a goddess who says she is tired of love but actually wants to make love encompass the entire universe. Although they together form the "Third Beast", But in fact, the ideas of the two sides run counter to each other. Even though their influences lead to the same goal in the end, they are completely opposite on the way forward.

The two began to quarrel with their respective ideas. As two sides of a beast, they would not be seduced by the human evil represented by the other, but in the end Kama grinned and lost. The split feeling made her really not in the mood to 'discuss' with Kiara Saseiin.


In the Fuyuki City Church, Roy stood in front of the cross statue of the Holy Son, and the painted glass windows around him cast faint light, and the light and shadow fell on Roy's body, leaving mottled marks.

The quaint architecture, the symbol of angels, the gentle priest and the devout believers make this Fuyuki Church look sacred and dazzling.

"Ah, Mr. Roy, you seem to have changed something. Since you came back that day, you have been a little less concerned about me. This is really sad."

Not far from Roy's side, Sesseiin Kiara was wearing a rather revealing nun's attire. She folded her hands in front of her body, as if praying to the gods, and stared at Roy with a pair of charming and seductive eyes. It seems to have love, it seems to have desire.

Her bright smile seemed to be provocative, as if she wanted to use this method to make Roy fall into the spider web she wove.

"Because I saw something clearly, Kiara..."

Roy didn't go to see Kiara Saseiin, he just stared at the statue of the Son of God with his hands behind his back, and replied with a smile.

Because he knows that if he wants to cross the evil of human beings, he must first cross the abyss, so Roy will not let himself put the cart before the horse. I became more attentive.

He didn't want one of the four beasts to suddenly become a 'full body'. If a beast really descended completely, then Roy could only find a way to seal it and make it temporarily incapacitated. .

Roy may be able to overwhelm the beast in pure force, but he cannot defeat the beast spiritually and overcome the evil of mankind.

The reason why Seshoin Kiara provoked Roy in this way was because she discovered that Roy was no longer as active as in the past. Roy used to always find ways to make Seshoin Kiara approach the final "beast form" from various aspects.

People will instinctively make themselves better, and beasts will also instinctively evolve towards the final form.

"Hmph, isn't it because the Master saw my incomparably powerful appearance and made him feel scared, so he became like this and started to choose to escape!"

At this time, Kama said contemptuously, the scarlet eyes staring at Roy were full of malice.

"Shut up, Kama! No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Roy, who was looking up at the statue of the Son of God, couldn't help but turned around and cursed. He was also a little helpless for this god of love who didn't have a long memory and remembered eating but not beating.

Seeing Roy's fierce gaze, Kama seemed to have thought of something, subconsciously tightened his body, and finally calmed down.

At this moment, footsteps were heard on the stone road outside the church. Roy listened carefully, and said to Kama and Saseiin Kiara: "...someone is coming, please avoid it first."

Kiara Seshouin smiled when he heard the words, and retreated docilely. Although Kama didn't want to listen to Roy's words, under Roy's gradually changing eyes, he had no choice but to leave obediently with Kiara Seshouin.

As "beasts", Kiara and Kama are too terrifying. Even if they are not in a perfect state, their existence will cause a sensation and social chaos. It is okay if they appear alone, but when they walk together , that kind of lethality is almost exponentially increased, and it is simply an irresistible weapon for mortals.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Roy would not let the two of them go to meet outsiders together, it would be too dangerous.

After Seseiin Kiara and Kama retreated, the door of the church was opened. Wearing a dark black religious uniform, a solemn priest walked from the main entrance of the church to Roy who was under the statue. Beside the priest was an old man. Follow him slowly.

Kotomine Kirei's every step was almost measured by a ruler. He walked through the path between the prayer chairs, came behind Roy, and lowered his head humblely and respectfully.

"The matter has been settled, Kirei?"

Roy turned his back to the door of the church again, and the light from the glass windows of the dome cast a magnificent shadow on him, making his body look more sacred and taller.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Supreme Bishop, the official cause of this Holy Grail War has been determined after the event as gas leaks, earthquakes, and fires."

Kotomine Kirei lowered his head and held the cross in his hand to report. This is what he has been doing these days under the leadership of Kotomine Risei. Kotomine Risei is already very old. After this Holy Grail War, he He will step down and hand over the Fuyuki Church to Kotomine Kirei, and when Kotomine Kirei's 'service length' is up, he who has contributed enough to the church will even take over Kotomine Ri's work at the Eighth Secret Club come over.

"Kirai is already fully qualified for the position of the regional bishop, His Majesty the Supreme Bishop! Although Kirei was a devout believer and a qualified priest in the past, I always feel that this child lacks some humanity. smooth."

"...But since seeing you, Your Majesty, Kirei has also come to understand more and more that the missionary of the clergy must not only have enough faith and piety, but also learn the common sense of the world. Only in this way can the Lord's teachings be taught to the world. Lambs listen."

Kotomine Ri was blushing, and said excitedly, feeling proud and proud of his son Kotomine Kirei, and at the same time did not forget to flatter Roy in his words.

Regarding this, Roy just smiled and didn't say much, but asked: "... I heard that Kirei saved a child in that fire?"

"Yes, Your Highness! Many people died in that fire, and the parents of that child also died in the fire. He is the only survivor I met in the wreckage. I think it is the Lord's Given my postgraduate entrance examination, that child is now called Kotomine Shirou."

"...Because the child was seriously injured, I temporarily implanted King Arthur's scabbard in his body. I haven't reported this matter to you. I am willing to be punished for doing this without your consent. .”

Kotomine Kirei lowered his head and said respectfully.

"The Lord doesn't care about accidents, let alone to save His lamb, Kirei, since you adopted that child, you must teach him well."

Roy said in a gentle tone.

"I will raise him well and cultivate him into a qualified agent!"

Kotomine Kirei made a sign of the cross on his heart.

"So do you have anything else to report?"

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. Tosaka Tokiomi, the head of the Tosaka family, the manager of Fuyuki City's spiritual veins, died in the Holy Grail War. His wife was bedridden after being hit, and only the orphan of the Tosaka family was left behind. Tohsaka Rin, but that little girl is too young, she has to support the existence of the Tohsaka family, and also take care of her seriously ill mother, which is a bit heavy for a little (Wang Zhao) girl."

"...Tokiomi and I have known each other for many years, and Kirei and Tosaka Tokiomi also have the name of master and apprentice in name, so I hope that your Highness will agree that Kirei and I will take care of Tohsaka Rin until she can inherit the Tohsaka family."

Yan Fengli said at this time that the Tohsaka family is a family of magicians after all, and as a member of the church, they need to ask for instructions to help the magicians.

Roy nodded lightly when he heard the words, and said: "...Although magicians are heretics, the church is not so indifferent that it can't accommodate a little girl. Just do what you want, Rizheng! Although the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City has been Disintegration, but it is inevitable that some sneaky magicians will come here, if the church can get the help of the local spiritual line manager family, it will also be beneficial to take care of the city and the spiritual line."

"...Although the physical level can eliminate most magicians, it cannot completely eliminate the foundation of magic. Therefore, the church must learn to disintegrate the enemy from within. When the little girl grows up, send her to the Clock Tower for further training. We need There are more magicians who are biased towards the church, and these magicians can even be compiled together to form a new institution of the Church of the Holy Church to fight against other heresies."

"This world is not black and white. Even the holy church needs a 'necessary evil'!"

In the holy church, Roy was like a priest who was preaching, explaining the Lord's teachings and his own management philosophy, while the real two priests listened respectfully and recorded his words in their own memory. heart. .

Chapter 287: El-Melloi II

(Although I don't play FGO anymore, but this time I can draw ten cards in a row. It seems that she still loves me after writing Kama.)

(Some plots at the end of this volume.)

Although Britain in the 21st century has been in decline, the background of the old capitalist empire still allows the country to maintain its superficial prosperity.

London, the political, economic, cultural and financial center of Britain, is the city with the largest number of museums, libraries and gymnasiums in the world.

The Romans established the city two thousand years ago, and it has maintained a huge influence in the world for hundreds of years in modern times.

During the period of the empire on which the sun never sets, the British colonists plundered the people of the world and gathered the wealth of the world in one place, thus completely perfecting the world's number one financial center.

Due to the long history of the Europa Continent, compared to the United States, which has only prospered in the past hundred years, this ancient country and city is more favored by the mysterious. The most important department of the Magic Association, the Clock Tower and the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church are located here. In this city, they jointly control the operation of the mysterious system that manages the entire world.

The Clock Tower of the Magic Association is not a real tower, but the name of a magic organization. The entire clock tower is divided into two parts, one is the operation department, which is the real authority of the clock tower, and the other is the teaching department, which is The foundation of the clock tower.

Among them, the teaching part is based on the "all basic subjects", with five major classrooms as the main and more than 70 small classrooms as supplements.

The use of small magic can only rely on the small source of magic power generated by the magician's own magic circuit, while the use of some big magic and rituals, except for a very small number of special magicians, requires the support of large sources and underground spiritual veins.

The 580 five large classrooms and more than 70 small classrooms in the clock tower are set up for this purpose.

The Age of Gods declined two thousand years ago. With the coming of the Holy Son, the original magician took away the true ether and original sin. The magic of the Age of Gods disappeared on the earth, but the magicians who mastered the magic were unwilling to give up. The ancient magicians of the 1980s worked together as one, overcame all obstacles, and began to study modern magic in an era when magic had disappeared, thus creating the original foundation of modern magic.

Until King Arthur, the last king of the Age of Gods, returned to Avalon 1,500 years ago, the land that still possessed the aura of the Age of Gods disappeared, and the Clock Tower also found the wreckage of an ancient dragon under this land. The original clock tower was built on it.

Since that time, the headquarters of the Clock Tower has been established on the land at the foot. After 1,500 years of operation, most of the spiritual veins underground in London have been controlled by the Clock Tower, and these spiritual veins have been gathered into Different locations have formed today's five large classrooms and more than 70 small classrooms.

The so-called clock tower twelve subjects are actually competing for these classrooms, because these classrooms gather high-quality spiritual veins from the London underground, which is the most important resource for magicians. Which subject has enough classrooms, masters If the quality of the classroom is high, then that subject and the schools it represents will become the power holders of the clock tower.

The five classrooms of the Clock Tower are the classrooms established at the beginning of the establishment. They have been in charge of the democratic faction Tramberio, but although these five classrooms are managed by Bellantrio, as the overall foundation of the Clock Tower, These five classrooms also belong to all the students and teachers of the Clock Tower. All magicians who join the Clock Tower will first study here. After several years of study and graduation, they will choose other subjects as their promotion channels.

On the outskirts of London, there is a small town like a village. This is the classroom of Modern Magic, one of the twelve disciplines of the Clock Tower. It has another name in the entire Clock Tower——Elmero Classroom.

The academic town, also known as 'Sla' due to the name of the street on which it stands, was owned by the current monarch of El-Mello, Er-Mello II.

The modern magic department was established for a relatively short period of time, probably after the first industrial revolution. Because of the industrial revolution, the entire magic world suffered heavy losses. In order to regain the glory of the past, magicians would only Can bite the bullet and allow those new-generation magicians within the five generations to join the Clock Tower, and these new-generation magicians without noble blood form the 'Modern Magic Department'.

The original Department of Modern Magic was not recognized by other departments. At that time, the Department of Law and Political Science was one of the twelve departments, so the Department of Modern Magician was only regarded as the thirteenth department that did not exist until the Department of Law and Political Science withdrew from the original twelve departments. title.

And because of the tragic death of Lord El-Melloi in the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fuyuki City ten years ago, El-Melloi's original classroom was taken away by other schools. In desperation, Weber Weir, who took over the inheritance of El-Melloi After borrowing a large amount of funds, Werther reluctantly bought a small classroom and asked El-Mello to give up the ore department and transfer to the modern magic department. After ten years of hard work, today's modern magic department has also become One of the twelve departments of the clock tower, the leader of this department was also named the monarch.

This is probably Weber Velvet's greatest achievement, and because of this achievement that almost changed the clock tower, Weber Velvet's reputation among the new generation of magicians is extremely high, and he is the object of countless girl magicians' longing.

It's just that this 'Thousands of Girls' Dream' is not in a good mood at this time.

Sitting in the office of 'Sla', the former Weber Velvet, the current His Excellency the Monarch El-Melloi II was rubbing his messy long hair.

The office is decorated in a retro British style, with dark wood furniture, dark red carpet, and a stone brick fireplace on the wall. In this rigorous and deep tone, you can occasionally see some gold carvings on it. The color and luster make this office look like a place where noble capitalists worked in the 19th century.

In fact, this is not the style that Weber likes, but most of the clock towers are old stubborn people who pursue the glory of the past. Even if he doesn't want to, he can only decorate his office according to the old plan. Disciplinary contempt, if you have to be made things difficult by other disciplines in such a trivial matter, it seems too unnecessary.

At the same time, the office is decorated in such a way that if other monarchs visit, it will not look too down, although no monarch has been here in the past ten years.

This seemingly low-key but luxurious decoration made Weber feel a lot of headaches. You must know that it cost a lot of money to decorate this office, and it was all forced by his so-called righteous sister. Consider this the last noble glory of El-Melloi.

Doesn't that woman know that the El-Melloi school and she already owed a whole lot of money! If you don't work hard, that huge sum of money may not be paid off in this life, and you may even have to work for someone to earn money after you die!

Thinking of the huge sum of money borrowed in his own name, and the money owed by the entire El-Melloi School, Weber felt his stomach ache. He took out a few pills from the exquisite little box and swallowed them.

Not to mention, the medicines made by the Clock Tower Plant Branch are many times more effective than those made by modern pharmaceutical companies using technological means, and they are safe and have no side effects. Every once in a while, Weber will go to the Plant Branch to get some medicines. Otherwise, he, the monarch, might have to live in the hospital most of the time with a hanging bottle to treat his stomach pain.

Through the cleaned glass window, under the reflection of the sunlight, Weber Velvet saw himself clearly.

The once shy and handsome boy has become mature through vicissitudes of life. Back then, Weber was troubled by his height, and he even went to other subjects in the clock tower to ask if there were any special effects magic that could make him taller, but Weber didn't expect that he would be so tall. It is a late-maturing type.

In less than two years after the end of the Holy Grail War that changed his life, Weber grew from a small and weak boy of less than 1.7 meters to a stalwart figure of more than 1.8 meters.

Waist-length long hair makes this mature and stable 30-year-old man a bit feminine, but this long hair is not what Weber himself wants to keep, it is only grown out of desperation hair strands.

For magicians, hair is also an important magic material. Many female magicians will accumulate magic power on their long hair that they have left over the years. At critical moments, these hairs may be able to launch some big magic tricks to save their lives.

Weber's talent in magic is not high, and the quality and quantity of his magic circuits are very low. He can only bring himself more means of survival if he grows long hair like a woman.

You must know that the magician with such a low level of magic and the high position of the monarch is the only one in the entire clock tower, so Weber is actually very dangerous at times.

His handsome facial features and melancholic and ascetic temperament make up the handsome uncle who is enough to make a girl who knows nothing about the world instantly fall in love with him. Coupled with the praise that Weber has received in the past ten years, he is the most famous among the clock tower women. Very famous.

"But I don't want to live with such a stomachache if I can."

The corners of Wei Bo's eyes twitched again. He touched his eyes and forehead with his hands. He actually had crow's feet and wrinkles at a young age. Fortunately, Velvet's family had good genes, which prevented him from becoming bald. Otherwise, Under the pressure of such a high-intensity work, he may have been bald by now.

"Find some time and go to the plant department to see if there is any medicine that can smooth wrinkles."

In any case, the current Weber is also a monarch, he can mobilize many times more resources than he did ten years ago, and magicians have magic tricks and potions to maintain their youthful appearance, although Weber doesn't mind his appearance , but it is better not to let yourself age prematurely if you can.

Weber took out a pocket watch from his pocket. The pocket watch is old and has a sense of time. It is the last relic left by his former teacher Kenneth. Because it is not a particularly powerful magic dress, this pocket watch was finally handed over to He is El-Melloi II.

Glancing at the time on his pocket watch, Wei Bo stood up with a helpless sigh, and said rather desolately: "...It's time to work for the church again."

Chapter 288: El Mello's Problem Children

"Teacher, are you going to get off work?"

Just when Weber Velvet sighed and was about to leave his office, a timid and soft little girl's voice came from the door of the office.

Wei Bo looked up, and saw a petite girl standing there at the door of his workplace. She was wearing a black top that looked like a crow, and a vest with gray and white feathers. There is a British-style plaid skirt, and a pair of extremely slender legs are covered with black pantyhose, which looks cute and moving.

The girl has a soft voice and looks young. What is rather peculiar is the hood she wears on her head, which completely covers the girl's face. Only a wisp of silver-gray hair jumps out mischievously, which also makes people curious. See how pretty the girl's face is.

"It's Gray..."

Seeing the girl in front of him, Weber nodded slightly to her, unconsciously recalling the story of meeting this girl in his mind.

In some unknown documents of the Clock Tower, Weber discovered the burial place of King Arthur named Blackmoya Cemetery, and he went to Wales to find the independent small mountain village.

In that small mountain village, Weber met the girl named Grey in front of him. Because of the special ability possessed by the other party, Weber was moved, and by accident, he brought the girl from the Black Moya cemetery to modern times. of London.

Of course, rather than bringing the girl out, Weber ran away in a panic, because he discovered that there was a church in that little-known mountain village, and the church had been monitoring that small village for a thousand to five thousand years. century.

Monarch El-Melloi II came to the mountain village under the surveillance of the church, so he would naturally be known by the church headquarters. When he returned to London, Weber knew that he could not deceive the church, so he took the initiative to go to St. Paul's Cathedral to tell himself The purpose of going to the Black Moya cemetery, and finally with the consent of the Supreme Bishop, the girl named Gray temporarily followed El-Melloi II and became his disciple.

But the price is that girls cannot join the Magic Association, but must join the Holy Church-the Church.

After Weber investigated Grey and got a detailed understanding of her abilities, he also knew why this girl was valued by the Holy Church.

Recalling what happened in the past, Weber subconsciously looked at Grey's slender white hand, which was holding a magic dress that looked like a birdcage. The magic dress contained rare treasures in this world. At the same time, it is also the holy spear used by the famous King Arthur - Rungomniard!

As for Gray's deeper background and other matters, Weber hasn't investigated it yet, and he doesn't dare to investigate deeply. It is obviously a secret hidden by the church.

However, Gray is not so much a disciple of Weber as a bodyguard, because El-Melloi II is a rare magician who is in the high position of the monarch but does not have much magic skills, and he has the power to release King Arthur's Holy Lance Only under the protection of Grey, his safety can be regarded as somewhat guaranteed.

When he took Grey away, Weber was selfish, so he felt a little guilty about his disciple, treating her as if he were his own daughter.

"Teacher... are you going to church?"

Gray obediently took the coat from the hanger in the office and handed it to Weber, and asked cautiously after a moment of hesitation.

"Well, there's no way around it. Anyway, as a person who owes money, he has to face the creditor."

Wei Bo covered his forehead with his hand with quite a headache, and found that his stomach seemed to be aching again.

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