The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Book Chapter 271

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the damage of the magic circuit makes the magician feel more pain than losing his life. If the head of the Tohsaka family hadn’t left an heir to inherit the family, he probably couldn’t bear to commit suicide. Alright.

The air was still silent, just when Tohsaka and Edelfelt couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to ask, Roy got stuck at the most precise moment and held back what the two wanted to say:

"...Are the two of you going to find Yanfeng? If so, why don't you go together... Ah, you don't need to panic, although you are some heretics that are not recognized by the Lord, I will not treat you here shot."

"...This man should be the head of the Tohsaka family, the manager of the spirit veins here, so that lady is one of the contemporary twins of the famous Finnish magic family "Edelfelt"?"

Roy's gentle tone brings a great sense of trust and security, but neither Tohsaka nor Edelfelt will let down their vigilance, they will only bring this sense of trust to Roy Instead of being afraid, they just feel that it is an almost instinctive manipulation of human perception.

The two were silent for a while, and in the end Edfelt did not answer, and handed over the initiative to Tohsaka, the local master.

"Below is Tohsaka. The lady next to me is also one of the twins of the Edelfelt family. Who are you? Does it have anything to do with brother Kotomine?"

Tohsaka spoke as elegantly as possible, while showing a vigilant look, and couldn't help but use words in his words, making himself and the priest Kotomine of the church here look very familiar, if the saint in front of him If the workers know Yanfeng, or have a good relationship with Yanfeng, then they will get more security.

Roy didn't care about Tohsaka's level of speaking skills, he just smiled lightly: "...I am very familiar with Kotomine, he used to work under me, you two don't need to be so nervous, I'm really not interested You take action, and the lady over there asks you to take back the gem between your fingers."

Roy glanced at Edelfelt's clenched fist.

‘Could he be Brother Yanfeng’s boss? That should be a senior representative, but he is too young...'

Tohsaka guessed in his heart that he didn't know Kotomine's work very well, he only knew that the other party was a representative who had retired from the front line and went to a remote place like Fuyuki City to become a priest.

The church is different from magicians. Unless they are blessed by God, the lifespan of the agent is about the same as that of a normal person. If they use other means to prolong their lifespan, they will be betrayed by the church as heresy. The former snake of Akasha is an example, so Luo Tohsaka is a little puzzled by Yi's youthful appearance.

The Edelfelt family is known as "the most beautiful hyena on the earth". As one of the contemporary twins, the girl also inherited the strength and arrogance of this family. She looked at Roy with brave and fearless eyes, coldly He snorted and said, "...Hmph, pretending to be a ghost!"

Even though she said so, she also put away the gems in her hands. Although the Edelfelt clan has the arrogance of a famous magic family, they are also known as 'hyenas'. They also know how to judge the situation. nature.

The temperament of most magicians is like this, Roy is not angry, he made a "please" gesture, and walked to Fuyuki Church first.

Tohsaka and Edelfelt followed him silently, keeping a safe enough distance. Now that the Holy Grail War is almost over, they went to the church to report the situation of this war and end the ceremony. Work, especially Tohsaka, as the manager of Fuyuki City's Lingmai, he must do the finishing work well, otherwise it would be bad to attract accusations from the clock tower.

The Fuyuki Church was not far from the place where the three of them met, and the panorama of the church came into view within a few steps. Tohsaka was surprised to find that his familiar brother Kotomine and his young son were standing anxiously at the door of the church Waiting patiently, after seeing the mysterious cleric, Yanfeng's eyes lit up, and he quickly led his son forward.

··Ask for flowers 0··

Surprised by Tohsaka and Edelfelt, the father and son of the Fuyuki Church actually knelt on the ground and bowed their bodies to the ground. Kotomine was even more excited to hold the clergyman in Protestant attire with both hands. hand, gently kissed the ring on his finger, and said devoutly and movingly: "...Praise the Lord, let me see you again, Your Majesty!"

Your Majesty? !

Both Tohsaka and Edelfelt were stunned in place, their brains were overwhelming, countless thoughts were tumbling and beating there, and for a while, because of the flood of information, the two magicians turned out to be brainless. Enlightened, completely forgot how to think.


Your Majesty? This is the title that only the Pope of Rome and the Orthodox Patriarch are called in Christianity. Although the contemporary Patriarch and the Pope are magicians, although they have never seen it, they also know what it looks like. It is absolutely impossible for an old man of seventy-seven years to be so young. In this way, the identity of the person who can be called the crown by Yanfeng, the representative of the Holy Church Church, is ready to be revealed!

That is the president of the Eighth Secret Society, the honorary head of the Knights Templar, the head of the burial agency, and the supreme bishop of the Holy Church!

Could this young man with a gentle face be the final boss of the church, the one who frightened countless magicians and the ancestors of the dead disciples?

Even the head of the Tohsaka family and the head of the Edfelt family are horrified at this moment. If the identities of the other parties must be equal, it is equivalent to seeing the president of the Magic Association here. .

The Eighth Mystery Society, the Knights Templar and the Burial Authority were independent of each other like the Clock Tower, Atlas College and Wandering Sea in the past, and it was this man who established the Church of the Holy Church more than 20 years ago. All the departments are integrated together, allowing the Holy Church's influence to reach its peak.

Compared to Tohsaka's horror, Edelfelt had more thoughts. Her elders, that is, the Edelfelt twins of the previous generation, also participated in the "Tunguska Incident" back then. Due to the twin characteristics of the Felt family, it may be difficult for the elder to come back from Tunguska alive, and according to what the elder said in private, the Supreme Bishop of the Holy Church is a monster that should not exist in modern times!

The bodies of the two trembled unnaturally, even the proud 'hyena' had its tail between its legs at this time, nothing else, because the difference in rank and status between the two parties was too great! two.

Chapter 124: The Hasty Third Holy Grail War

Roy was not interested in paying attention to the thoughts of Tohsaka and Edelfelt. He accepted Kotomine's excited salute, and the curious and respectful eyes of the little boy who followed him, and said with a smile: "... Is it your son Rizheng?"

Roy hadn't seen Kotomine for more than ten years since the farewell to Russia, although he often wrote letters to himself, reporting on the situation in Fuyuki City.

Yanfeng was still a young man in his thirties when he left Russia, and now he is in his early forties, with gray hair gradually appearing on his temples, but his figure is still strong and not a bit bloated, obviously even after leaving Russia After the first line, he did not let go of his practice as a substitute.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is the Rizheng I mentioned to you in my letter."

Speaking of his son, Kotomine's expression also softened, showing the love of a parent. Kotomine Rizheng was still a ten-year-old "seven or ninety" boy at this time. When he saw Roy's eyes, he looked at him. Come here, without any fear, and said in a crisp voice: "...Lord Supreme Bishop, I am Kotomine Risei, a devout believer of the Lord, and when I grow up, I will become a member of the Holy Church just like my father a member."

Kotomine Rizheng had a cross hanging around his neck. It was a gift from Roy to Kotomine, and he gave that gift to his son.

"You will become an upright person, Rizheng!"

Roy pressed the little boy's head and gave him his blessing.

Yan Fengli was thanking him in a daze, while his father was smiling all over his face. His son being blessed by His Majesty was the happiness of a devout believer like him.

It wasn't until this moment that he noticed Tohsaka and the others who were froze in place and didn't dare to move. Yanfeng was in a very good mood and greeted him: "...Brother Tohsaka, you are here too!"

Tohsaka looked stiff, nodded like a mechanical puppet, and said: "...The Holy Grail War is over, I'm here to report the result to brother Kotomine, and according to the agreement, our remaining Command Seals will be handed over to the church for recycling .”

Edelfelt on the side also said: " Command Seals will also be handed over to the church, but my sister still has one in her hand. She should have returned to Finland by now, and she and I are already deadlocked. , it’s impossible to go back to Finland to take care of her, if your church wants to take it back, please go and discuss it with Edelfelt’s house.”

Speaking of this, she glanced at Roy without a trace, and there was worry in her eyes. Although she had conflicts with her sister, who was the younger sister of the twins during the Holy Grail War, and eventually left the Edfelt house on her own initiative, but She still has feelings for the family, but she is really afraid that the church will find her.

It would be fine if her sister took the initiative to return the Command Seal, but if her strong-willed sister would rather die than submit, then the Edelfelt family would be in danger. Fighting against the Holy Church with the strength of a mere famous magic family would undoubtedly be courting death .

However, Roy interrupted at this time, which made the sister of the Edfelt family feel relieved, "'s just a command spell. Since the Edfelt family took it away, I will give it to you , The two of you are here to report the situation of the Holy Grail War, right? I happen to be here too, so let’s listen to your report, and Kotomine will send it to me in a letter later.”

Roy's natural attitude made no one dare to disobey, even though Tohsaka and Edelfelt should not be responsible to the church as magicians, at this time they can't give birth to any resistance at all, they are all low Nodding his head, he answered 'yes' softly.

Seeing that Roy and Kotomine's family entered the Fuyuki Church, the two hesitated. Being in the same room with such a big man, the pressure in their hearts was too great, but when Tohsaka hesitated, Edelfelt On the contrary, the younger sister of the twins was full of courage and walked into the church first.

For Edfelt, anyway, his current situation is already like this, how could it be worse? It was precisely because of this thought of smashing the jar that she fell, she was even more fearless.

Unlike Edelfelt, Tohsaka is more cautious because he still has the sacred mission of inheriting the family. However, he has already acted when he sees a lady. He gritted his teeth and followed.

In the church, Roy stood under the cross, Tohsaka and Edelfelt were like his servants, obediently standing under the steps of the prayer platform, telling the story in blunt but detailed words Everything that happened in the Third Holy Grail War.

The Holy Grail War this time is quite complicated, and it is simply unexpected.

First of all, the Einzbern family cheated, and it was the kind of blatant cheating that didn't even cover up. They directly forcibly summoned the two major jobs of 'avenger' and 'ruler', and Einz cheated twice. The Belen family felt that they had the chance to win and could easily kill 29, but they didn't expect to be cheated..

Angola Mainyu, who was summoned with the job title of 'avenger', perfectly reflected the reality that he was an ordinary human being before his death. Even if he appeared as a servant, he was too weak. He was killed not long after he appeared on the stage. There was no way. The Einzbern family can only rely on the 'ruler', but the summoned 'ruler' is not strong, and they rely on their brains for food. In this Holy Grail War, they can only rely on their wisdom to fight defensive battles to make ends meet.

Since then, all the schemes of the Einzbern family have failed.

The second is the participation of the 'hyena' family, the Edelfelt family, who are interested in all treasures. The purpose of this family is to take the Holy Grail as their own, and they sent their own contemporary twins to participate, and successfully summoned 'saber'.

The pair of twin magicians used their magical properties to divide the 'saber' into two, into light and dark sides. Even the Command Spells used their magical properties to deceive the Holy Grail and obtained six pieces. They have the strongest adaptability The 'saber' with six Command Seals in hand, this time the Holy Grail War seems to be won, but no one thought that this pair of twins would have internal strife during the war, and they should have survived to the end 'saber' also died extremely fast, exceeding the speed record of 'saber' death in the past.

If that's all it is, other participants can continue to fight the Holy Grail War, but the Lesser Holy Grail, which was made by the Einzbern family in order to activate the function of the Great Holy Grail, was defeated in a battle of servants. Bad, without the 4.0 ability of the Lesser Holy Grail to recover the souls of followers, the function of the Great Holy Grail cannot be activated, and the final result is that the third Holy Grail War can only be prematurely declared over in advance.

Roy, who controls the center of the Einzbern home, knows that because of the destruction of the Lesser Holy Grail this time, the Einzbern center finally made a new decision, that is, Einzbern will be destroyed in the next Holy Grail War. Scientists are planning to make the Lesser Holy Grail into an active artificial human, which can greatly reduce the probability of the Lesser Holy Grail being destroyed.

Tohsaka and Edelfelt told each other, and they told me everything that happened in the Holy Grail War without any concealment, so that Roy learned the details of the third Holy Grail War.

But no one except Roy knew that the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City had been completely polluted because of the Einzbern family's showmanship. .

Chapter 125 Saint? Tool man?

Tohsaka and Edelfelt left in a hurry after reporting everything that happened in the third Holy Grail War and handing over the remaining command spells. They left in a hurry, and they were actually in the church, in front of Roy. It's like sitting on pins and needles.

These two have almost lost their ability to be magicians, and their own lifespan has also been greatly reduced. Edelfelt is fine, her sister can still return to Finland to pass on the family's magic imprint, and Adelfelt The Walter family is also considered to be a prosperous population. In addition to the main family, there are also separate families, and there is always a problem of inheritance.

But Tohsaka is different, he is purely a single lineage, if he is unable to give birth to heirs in the days when he is alive in the future, then the magic of the Tohsaka family will be lost in the fourth generation.

Roy did not stop the two from leaving, and Roy was not interested in what would happen to the relationship between the man and woman in the future. Not long after Tohsaka and Edfelt left, Anastasia also hurried to the church.

"His Royal Highness?!"

Yanfeng was very pleasantly surprised after seeing Anastasia. During the days when he was in Russia, he always went in and out of the summer palace with Roy, and he was very familiar with the Tsar's family, especially Anastasia, who was Roy's goddaughter. Celia had the best relationship with him.

After hearing about the tragedy of the Tsar's family, he wrote a letter to Roy to express his comfort. Roy did not tell Kotomine that Anastasia was still alive. Appearing in front of him, the excited Yanfeng repeatedly made the sign of the cross on his chest.

"Long time no see, Father Yanfeng!"

Her Royal Highness gently held up the corner of her skirt and saluted, but Yanfeng didn't take it to heart because he knew the nature of Her Royal Highness too well.

Sure enough, after gracefully saluting, the Grand Duchess Anastasia looked at Yanfeng with burning eyes, and said a little shyly in a forceful way: "...Father Yanfeng, you have been ramen for so many years Has there been any progress along the way?"

Hearing the Grand Duchess's question, Yanfeng smiled wryly, and thought to himself that it was true, before he could answer, his son Yanfeng Lizheng who had been following him all the time said: "...the ramen made by my father is very delicious , even my mother always praised my father."

Kotomine Risei, who was taught to be honest and kind since childhood, would not lie at all, and sold his father directly.

Anastasia's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she said happily: "...Father Yanfeng really listened to what I said when I left Russia, and even made progress in ramen. My godfather and I finally came to Once in an island country in the far east, I hope that Father Yanfeng can show his kindness as a landlord."

The words of the Grand Duchess are like the tsar's edict, which is impossible to refuse.

"I will try my best to show off my skills tonight, Your Royal Highness."

Yan Feng shook his head helplessly, and could only agree to Anastasia's proposal.

He secretly apologized to his registered master in his heart, he didn't know whether the Bajiquan he had learned could be called a grand master, but it was really an extremely high skill to use it for slimming.

Speaking of which, his named master Li Shuwen just passed away this year. As a named disciple, because he learned Bajiquan was Yanfeng who made him stand out among the representatives, he even specially went to the ancient country across the sea to send him off. teacher's last ride.

This master has never met an opponent in his life, so it can be said that he is truly lonely and seeks defeat. There are countless people who have been injured by his fists, wind and spears, and Li Shuwen is shrewd and extremely vigilant. He travels everywhere like the wind, and no one has ever known him. His whereabouts, and even the number of apprentices in his life are unknown.

Yanfeng is also Li Shuwen, whom he met when he was young and doing business with his parents in the ancient country, so he learned the authentic Bajiquan. The family passed down the skills.

Seeing that Yanfeng was deflated in the hands of His Royal Highness, Roy shook his head and smiled, as if he had returned to Russia back then, but things were different, and Anastasia and the heroic spirit merged into a seventeen-year-old girl forever. As far as the peak is from the middle of the year to the middle of the year, it is already not small.

At this moment, Roy asked Her Royal Highness: "...Have those German soldiers and Romanian magicians solved it?"

"They are gone forever with the arctic winds, Godfather."

Anastasia said softly.

Yanfeng was a little puzzled by this. This is Japan, an island country in the far east. How come there are German soldiers and Romanian magicians? Seeing his confusion, Roy explained it to him.

"I didn't expect that there would be a magician who wanted to take away the Holy Grail, and even committed a taboo, summoning the army of the watch world to grab it."

Yanfeng shook his head and sighed. At the same time, he was secretly grateful for Roy's arrival. Otherwise, if those people came to snatch the Holy Grail, it would definitely not be a good idea for an agent like him to face a dozen magicians and a small army. opponent.

"Your Majesty, it's not easy for you to come to the Far East once, so don't rush back to London. It just so happens that Her Royal Highness wants to eat ramen. Why don't you come to my house as a guest tonight. You can stay in this church tonight."

Yanfeng greeted enthusiastically, the earth has not yet become a village in this era, Japan and the United Kingdom are almost at the two ends of the earth, both Yanfeng and Roy have a lot of daily affairs, Yanfeng does not know that after this time, he Can I see my beloved Crown Prince again in my lifetime, so I want to entertain him with all my heart when I have this opportunity.

Feeling his sincerity, Roy smiled and said, "...don't worry, it doesn't matter if the church's work is backlogged for a few days. I'll stay here for a few days. Let's finish the business first."

"Business? What is the important matter of coming to the Far East? If you need to use me, please give me an order!"

Yanfeng said with a stern expression, and he had the demeanor of an agent fighting on the front line again.

"Kotomine, do you know who the 'ruler' was summoned by the Einzbern family during this Holy Grail War?"

Roy suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Although Kotofeng was puzzled, he still replied: "...It is the saint who belonged to our Christianity who was active in the Far East, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada!"

"Well, he's what I'm looking for." 870

Roy nodded and said.

"But... this saint is already dead. I saw with my own eyes that the Einzbern family's Ubus Takuhaydion ordered him to commit suicide with a command spell, in order to end the Holy Grail War."

Yanfeng frowned, but he didn't completely refute Roy's words, but only expressed his doubts, because the majesty in front of him is synonymous with miracles, since he said he wanted to see the saint from the far east, he must able to see.

"The role of ruler has some peculiarities. He has a very high resistance to Command Seals. A mere Command Seal will not make him die."

Yanfeng was taken aback when he heard Roy's answer, and said in surprise, "...that means this saint follower is still alive?"

"That's right, he should be at the Great Holy Grail, let's go see him together."

Roy smiled and said to Yanfeng.

The daily affairs of the Church of the Holy Church are extremely busy. Why did Roy say that it is okay to put down work for a few days, and that he can wander around Fuyuki City for a few days?

The reason is that 'Amakusa Shiro Tokisada', the tool man found by Roy, as a saint, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada is devout enough, he was called a 'prodigy' before his death, and led the believers to oppose the Tokugawa shogunate and The deep-rooted Buddhism in the Eastern Island Country has been a leader. For example, he must be perfectly competent for the daily work of the church. Is the best 'tool man' candidate! .

Chapter 126 The Son of God and the Apostles

Fuyuki City, the large underground cave of Liudong Temple, this is where the Great Holy Grail is located. The so-called Great Holy Grail of Fuyuki is not a real cup, but a huge magic ceremony that connects the Fuyuki Spirit Vein. The 'Winter Maiden' sacrificed here.

A young man wearing the clothes of a samurai in the shogunate era is staggeringly walking in this big hole, even though the magic power in his body has almost disappeared, as if he will return to the "realm recording tape" at any time, even if he has been issued a command spell The order of 'self-discipline', but as a saint's will and pious belief, allowed this young man to overcome all unfavorable factors, and walked to the ritual field named 'Great Holy Grail' with firm eyes.

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, a rebellious hero in the Warring States Period of Japan, was posthumously named a Christian saint after his death. He once preached the localized Christian doctrine in Japan, which was called the Amakusa-style Cross. He once resisted the religious persecution of the Tokugawa shogunate. Although he failed in the end, his name was deeply imprinted in the history textbooks.

Because of the "Shimabara Rebellion" launched by Amakusa Shiro, the Tokugawa shogunate felt the threat of foreign trade and foreign religions, and thus promulgated the "Law of Seclusion". It was a top-down reform.

Amakusa Shiro walked with difficulty in this large underground cavity. In addition to summoning him, the 'ruler', the Einzbern family also summoned Angola Mainyu, who was described as 'the evil of all the world'. The ordinary man's youth died, and his soul was absorbed by the Great Holy Grail, which caused the change of the Great Holy Grail, which is like a cancer-like pollution that is irreversible.

No one has noticed the change of the Great Holy Grail, but Amakusa Shiro, who is good at thinking and has the job title of 'ruler', has noticed it. Since the magic power stored in the Holy Grail is huge, even if Angola Mainyu wants to completely pollute it, it is not enough It happened overnight, and the internal changes of the Great Holy Grail triggered a tide of magic power, and there was a lot of pure Holy Grail energy overflowing from the magic ritual field. As long as he could get in touch with this energy, he would be able to complete the incarnation of the servant, once again come alive from this world.

"God, this must be your test, this time I will definitely take all the goodness in the world into my palm~‖!"

Encouraging himself with pious faith, his legs gradually lost feeling, Amakusa Shiro fell to the ground, but he would never give up, even if he crawled or bit him, he must go to the Holy Grail, Get it overflowing with power!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the big hole, Amakusa Shiro's ears moved, and from the sound of footsteps, there should be three people. He looked behind him vigilantly, and saw Sure enough, two men and a woman were walking towards him.

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