The Highest Bounty

Vol 2 Chapter 1600: My name is Gooding [The Finale]

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Knowing the possible consequences of the original sin after the completion of self-eating, Gooding was anxious.

He began to madly urge Tiandao to bombard the original sin, preventing him from self-eating. On the one hand, he began to urge his consciousness body to multiply crazy, accelerating the refining of the chaotic world in the original sin body.

In the void, Tiandao stretched out countless giant hands and bombarded towards the original sin. Every blow is almost exhausted, trying to bomb the original sin on the spot.

The original sin is unavoidable, he is carried on his own, and his speed of self-sufficiency has not slowed down under this level of attack.

Guding's consciousness also has more and more avatars. At the beginning, he used the amount of refining Heavenly Path. Nowadays, the proliferation has doubled countless times, and he still has not been able to completely refine the original sin. It can be seen that the willpower of the original sin is far stronger than the original heaven.

Seeing the body of the original sin quickly swallowed into him bit by bit, Guding's heart became more anxious, but now he has exhausted all the countermeasures, but he still makes a difference and ignores the other party's most dangerous move.

Although Guding took control of Heavenly Dao, he did not fully digest all of Heavenly Dao's memories. This self-fulfillment only emerged from Heaven's Dao's memories after seeing the original sin doing so. Naturally, no preparation has been made in advance to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Guding frantically urged two means, wanting to kill the original sin before completely completing his own food.

After a minute and a second passed, Gu Ding finally looked at the original sin in despair and swallowed himself completely.

The reason why I knew that the original sin was not eliminated, but completed self-eating, because Guding sensed that the chaotic world of the original consciousness of the avatar had been completely unable to sense it. If the original sin was eliminated, the ownership of these chaotic worlds should be owned by oneself, and should not be as it is now. There is no sense at all.

This means that these chaotic worlds refined by themselves, like the original sin, have been transformed into nothingness and become something that does not exist.

"What should I do now?" Guding quickly thought about the countermeasures, but after a while, he didn't think of any way.

"Void is invisible and intangible, I can't even make Heaven attack him ..." Guding frowned.

At this moment, Lord Guding saw a large number of his avatars disappearing quickly, and completely lost contact with his own deity. His face suddenly changed, and he immediately understood what was happening-the original sin of innocence began to devour his own avatar in turn.

In the void, countless ancient consciousness avatars, as if constantly swallowed by an invisible big mouth.

After many of Guding's avatars were swallowed this time, they didn't come back to life again, as if they had completely disappeared.

The infinite number of avatars of consciousness, without the ability to resurrect and multiply, under the swallowing of the void mouth, the number is getting smaller and smaller.

Gu Ding ’s consciousness is hidden in Tiandao, and he can only watch the scene happen. He controls the area where Tiandao attacks the avatar and is swallowed, but he penetrates directly past each time, as if he did not hit anything. This again confirms a message in the memory of Heavenly Dao: Nihility cannot be attacked in any form, because no one can attack something that does not exist.

Within the kingdom of God, several days later, all the avatars of Gooding were swallowed by nothingness.

At this time, Gu Ding suddenly sensed that Tiandao was attacked, but no matter how Tiandao counterattacked, what was hit was only the void.

Gooding suddenly felt a little powerless, he could sense that Tiandao was being devoured by nothingness. Facing such an enemy, he finally realized that when Tiandao faced himself, he was helpless.

At that time, I used my consciousness to entangle the heaven and earth, and I was simply persevering. But now, the nothingness of the original sin incarnation makes people have no way to deal with it. Because the opponent cannot be seen or touched at all, any form of attack is ineffective. It can only be bullied unilaterally by the other party.

"What should I do ..." Guding couldn't think of any way. "He is in a state of nothingness. According to the memory information of Heavenly Path, my **** kingdom can't trap him, he can penetrate through. So, I fled outside It ’s useless, when he goes out, he will only make people outside suffer ... "

As time passed, Tian Dao had been swallowed for more than half of the day, and Gu Ding suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Tiandao will turn into nothingness after death, then the emptiness has swallowed the heavenly way under my control, and the heavenly way should turn into the second nothingness. Perhaps when the time comes, I can control the vanity of the heavenly way incarnation ..." Guding just thought of this, suddenly It felt wrong again, "Heaven's death can be turned into nothingness, but by the time I have hung up, there is no way to continue to control Tiandao ..."

Heavenly Dao's will has now been replaced by Gooding. If Gooding falls, Heavenly Dao will be a void that has lost consciousness even if it is transformed into nothingness. Losing the dominance of Guding's consciousness, he is unlikely to confront the nihility of the original sin incarnation. Instead, it is more likely that they will be induced by the original sin and engage in destruction together.

Time passed quickly and days passed. On this day, Heavenly Dao was finally swallowed up by nothingness, and even the consciousness of Gu Ding hiding inside Heavenly Dao was also engulfed.

Guding felt as if he had fallen into darkness, floating unsteadily ...

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and the pictures he showed during his lifetime were so clear.

I am in the kingdom of God and control the fierce battle between heaven and the original sin ...

At the entrance of the material world, beheaded six seven original sins ...

Within the body of heaven, refine the heaven with an infinitely increasing consciousness ...

At the prehistoric site, contact Pangu's last wish ...

In the chaotic world of Nuwa, save her mother and Mary ...

Kill Pandora the Silver Demon ...

Meet my biological father in the sea of ​​time ...



Guding seems to be a bystander, and the scenes are displayed in a chronological order from near to far. After the end of each scene, it completely collapsed and completely disappeared from Guding's memory ...


"Uncle, would you consider staying as our chef?"

"Actually, I'm only seventeen, but I'm just a bit mature ..."


"I am a star pirate!"

"Really, what is your reward amount?"

"Cough, I just left my home star less than a week ..."

"That's because it hasn't been rewarded yet. Can a guy who doesn't even have a reward amount be called Star Pirate?"


"Do you have a name?"

"As my first host, you can take one for me."

"Well, my dream is to one day be a great interstellar pirate, take a partner to swim in the cosmic sea, just call you Sea Emperor."


The scenes flashed and then dissipated, making Guding see tears.

Until the end, Guding's consciousness gradually began to collapse ...

"Why am I crying?"

"Why can't I remember anything ..."

"What is my name?"

"who am I……"

In an unknown space, Guding's consciousness completely collapsed.

But one obsession still remains. If that obsession is translated into language, it is "Who am I?"

This obsession was slowly wandering through the unknown space.

I don't know how long it took, a picture suddenly appeared in this world of nothingness.

It seemed to be a grand ceremony. A teenager in his tenths, with short black hair and short hair, stood on a school stage and read his dream to the crowd below.

"My name is Gooding. My dream is to become a great interstellar pirate, and take my partner to roam freely in the universe. I believe that one day, I will become the man with the highest reward in the entire universe ..."

"My name is Gooding?"

"I think of it. My name is Gooding. I am an interstellar pirate!" That obsession suddenly became stronger, and a voice swayed throughout the world of nothingness. After a while, a figure began to condense quickly.

Guding in the void slowly opened his eyes, and then grinned his white teeth. "None, since you ca n’t wipe out my existence, it ’s time for me to wipe you out!"

As the voice fell, countless ancients condensed and formed in this void space, and consciousness quickly connected with ancients to form an extremely powerful absolute will.

The entire void world began to twist rapidly, as if stirred by an invisible force with both hands, forming a huge vortex. The volume of the vortex is getting larger and larger, and the entire world of nothingness has persisted for only a moment under the agitation of this vortex, and then began to quickly crack, and then collapsed inch by inch.

This time the collapse did not know how long it lasted. In the end, Guding and many avatars completely got out of this void space.

Guding frowned slightly when he found himself in a vast void.

This is no longer the ancient kingdom of God. Obviously, during the time when he fell into the nihility body, the nihility separated from his own kingdom, and the entire material world was swallowed by him.

Gu Ding has not even been able to sense the existence of the ancient Tibetan and Haihuang.

Guding shook his head and smiled bitterly, then stretched out a hand, "Time goes back!"

Under his palm, the entire physical world began to repair quickly, and even those fallen creatures were resurrected again.

When he felt the ancient Tibetan and the sea emperor's breath again, Gu Ding finally couldn't help but grin.

The entire repair process was completed in less than three minutes.

Guding glanced at the location of the sea emperor from afar, reassuring a little, and then returned to his previous location of the kingdom of God.

The entire Kingdom of God has been devoured by nothingness, and Guding once again exhibited the time backward, rebuilding the Kingdom of God, and then flashed into the Kingdom of God.

Within the Kingdom of God, he once again completed the repair of Heavenly Dao, and even the original sin was resurrected by time.

However, Guding, who has already achieved absolute will, this time is just a thought, which completely refines the original sin and purifies all the negative atmosphere of the chaotic world in the original sin. Then, reintegrate Heavenly Dao and original sin into a new Heavenly Dao.

And Guding has once again become the new heavenly master.

After doing this, Guding put away the kingdom of God in his body and appeared in front of everyone.

"What happened just now, how do I feel like I have died once?" Huck suddenly asked. As the king of the killer, he had almost mastered the way of death. Although he was resurrected, he still vaguely had it. Sensed.

"Nothing, it's just that we have all been devoured by nothingness ..." Gooding told what had just happened. He said it lightly, but the others heard it thrilling and exclaiming.

"So, the crisis of original sin has been completely resolved?" After listening to the sea emperor, he still felt a little unbelievable.

"It's solved, even the evil smell of the virtual world has been cleaned up by me. The immigration in the material world can be passed through in the past, that is, there are a lot of monsters. I just cleaned up the evil breath of those demon bodies and corrected them. Some memories have not been killed. "Guding's resolution of this crisis is more thorough than previously expected.

"It's okay. After that, we can go to the virtual world to continue our trip in the fun places of the material world." Liliat raised her hands in agreement.

"Guding, what do you plan to do next?" The sea emperor asked Guding.

Gooding glanced at his parents, his father Prometheus, and Elizabeth, "I want to take advantage of my parents, my father, and all of you, to have a wedding with Elizabeth again! As for the venue, I think Choose at Sea Blue Star! "

"We haven't been to Sea Blue Star!" The crowds of the Guding Pirates heard their faces full of excitement. They kept listening to Guding mentioning Sea Blue Star, but never visited.

"We also want to see what your planet was like!" Gu Zang and Elena were also very interested.

Prometheus smiled happily on the side, that's where he raised Gooding.

"I've always wanted to go to Sea Blue Star to see it!" Elizabeth was also very interested in where Guding grew up.

"Then it is so decided. Let's set a time." Guding finished and looked at the sea emperor. "The sea emperor, I'll trouble you to send me an invitation. I want to call all my good friends." ... "

"This bag is on me, rest assured, I will never miss a person!" The sea emperor patted his chest.

"We're ready to get married, then what?" Guding's mother, Elena, looked at Guding suddenly.

Hearing this, Elizabeth blushed blushingly.

Gooding grinned, "After getting married, Liz and I want two children, one boy and one girl is best!"

"I think this plan is also very good." Elena nodded in satisfaction when she heard Gooding say this.

"What about then?" Liliat asked with a smile.

"And then, take you, and two new members to continue to be interplanetary pirates!" Guding grinned.

"It's not bad, we haven't forgotten us." Liliat grinned.


One day half a year later, over the red light area of ​​Sea Blue Star, heavy snow flew, and soon the entire red light area was dyed to white.

At this time, near the year mark of the Sea Blue Star, the lights in the red light district were bright and full of excitement.

The snowy ground ~ ~ is also covered with mottled footprints.

The place with the most dense footprints is the Rose Tavern.

Since a few decades ago, a famous interstellar pirate ancient has appeared in the Rose Tavern. For decades, there have been a lot of people who come here to travel.

On this day, the Rose Tavern was very lively. The door of the Tavern was suddenly pushed open, and the wind and snow rolled into the door, blowing the fire in the fireplace.

The unshaven aunt shredded meat was holding a cigar behind the bar and was about to ignite it, but the igniter was blown out by the snow, and she looked up at the door and was about to yell.

But he saw a group of men and women dressed in formal dresses and long skirts walk in one after another. The headed man with short black hair and short hair, grinning and walking towards the bar. She was suddenly dull, and tears were twirling in her eyes.

"Fish shreds, did you even see the handsome guy scolding?" A pirate noticed the scene and laughed.

"Go to you! You know a pi!" Aunt Rousi rolled his eyes at him.

Guding in a black suit walked slowly to the bar and sat down, with a faint smile on his face, "Aunt Meat, a cup of Mirka, thank you!"


[End of this book! December 30, 2016. 】

["The Supreme Reward" is written today, and it is finally over! Scattered flowers ~~ I thought that I could finish the book tomorrow. After I finished writing, I found that there was no way to divide the chapters. So a big chapter was issued. Where the story begins, it ends where it starts. I personally think that this ending is quite satisfactory, there is no bad tail, basically all the pits that should be filled are filled. After finishing this testimonial and the new book news, stay with tomorrow and send it with New Year's Day blessings. There may be another one, or there may be none. I have n’t figured out whether to write. That's it, I wish you all a happy new year! Everything is healthy! 】 (To be continued.)

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