The heavens: pushing across all realms

Chapter 93 The Zhenyuan Escort Agency attacks (Third update! Please subscribe! Please vote)

"It's a long story..."

Wen Biao's expression was complicated, including resentment, regret, and even more disappointment.

Feng Ji and Hong Yihu looked at each other with a look of inquiry on their faces.

Feng Ji filled the wine glass for Wen Biao and said: "Master Wen Biao, if you can trust us, you might as well tell us. If we can help, we will try our best to help."

Hong Yihu also nodded immediately: "Master Wen Biao, Hong Yihu will never forget the gift of saving his life by gifting a horse. If you encounter difficulties, just tell us."

"Oh, this matter is a bit hard to talk about. It's strange that I don't know people well, old monkey."

Wen Biao drank several bowls of wine one sip after another before slowly telling the truth.

It turns out that the chief escort of Zhenyuan Escort Agency is not Wen Biao. Wen Biao is only the second in charge of Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Although he has outstanding martial arts skills, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is inherited from the Yu family, and the head of the escort agency is also the head of the Yu family, Yu Haiyang.

This man is located in Haiyang, and is also a master of Hongquan, but he is selfish and narrow-minded. On the surface, he respects Wen Biao, but in fact he is jealous of Wen Biao's prestige in the escort agency.

This was originally just a private disagreement and would not be brought to the table on weekdays. However, a few months ago, when Wen Biao and his brother Wen Bao were escorting the escort back, Wen Biao accidentally discovered that his brother Wen Bao had used the escort agency to escape. darts, secretly transporting opium.

Wen Biao was instantly furious. After returning home, he wanted to kill his relatives in a righteous way, so he personally sent Wen Bao to the government to surrender.

Wen Bao was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split apart. He used the excuse that his wife was weak and his children were young. He kowtowed and begged his eldest brother to let him go, and promised never to do such a thing again.

Wen Biao thought of his brother's long-term relationship and the pity of his younger siblings and nephews, so he let Wen Bao go this time.

Little did he know that this move would lead to his death.

This Wenbao was actually ordered by Yu Haiyang, the head of the escort agency, to smuggle opium.

Now that they were discovered by Wen Biao and their financial path was cut off, the two of them became murderous.

So the two set up a trap. During a escort trip, Wen Bao pretended to be ambushed and fell to the ground.

When Wen Biao stepped forward to check, Wen Bao suddenly took action and stabbed Wen Biao in the abdomen.

Wen Biao did not expect that his brothers would suddenly attack and kill him, and he was caught off guard.

At the same time, Yu Haiyang showed up with people and joined forces to surround and kill Wen Biao.

Wen Biao is worthy of being the master of Hard Monkey Boxing, and his kung fu is superb.

Although he was seriously injured, he was still able to fight his way out of the siege and finally fell into the water and escaped.

He drifted in the water for who knows how long before he was rescued by the fisherman Xiao Min.

Xiao Min brought Wen Biao back for recuperation and treatment. In gratitude for Xiao Min's life-saving grace, Wen Biao accepted Xiao Min as his adopted daughter and taught her the Hard Monkey Boxing Kung Fu.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, Xiao Min was going to the market and met two young people who wanted to learn boxing from Wen Biao.

Among them, the short young man followed Xiao Min back, secretly learned one palm and four postures, and practiced on the street, and then Hong Yihu saw him.

When Wen Biao talked about these old things at this time, his expression was complicated, but his anger was gone.

He drank the bitter wine and said bitterly: "I never thought that my brother would plot against me. Things are unpredictable and the world is dangerous, so I simply retreated to the world to plant flowers and plants and practice martial arts in this beautiful place."

After hearing this, Hong Yihu's face was full of anger. He looked indignant, slammed the table and said angrily: "This is unreasonable!"

He looked at Wen Biao and said excitedly: "Master Wen Biao, how can you just go into seclusion like this? Justice must be sought!"

Feng Ji couldn't help but sigh, the so-called Jianghu, there are not so many happy and grudges, most of them are such sordid things.

Wen Biao, the great master of the generation, would encounter such a thing, and he was filled with emotion.

The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit, they are brothers, and when it comes to interests, they don't care about feelings.

Wen Biao was not as angry as Hong Yihu. He seemed to be relieved after such a long time. He drank a glass of wine and sighed: "The past is unforgettable. If you don't show your fists and feet, nothing will happen."

Hong Yihu couldn't help but sigh and said: "Master Wen, you have a broad mind and superb martial arts. If you can get to know me, Hong Yihu will have no regrets in this life."

He picked up the wine glass and seemed to agree with Wen Biao's retirement, saying: "I don't want to go anywhere in this life, and don't stop drinking."

He served a full bowl of wine. Wen Biao was moved and immediately picked up the glass: "Thank you!"

The two couldn't help but look at each other, smile, and drink the wine in one gulp.

Feng Ji also picked up the wine glass and said: "Master Wen Biao has a broad mind. He is able to laugh off this catastrophe, which is admirable. Now that he can go back to the countryside, it is also a happy event. I also toast to you."

Wen Biao quickly picked up the wine bowl and did not look down upon Feng Ji because of his young age.

He had seen Feng Ji and Zhao Jinhuan fight with his own eyes. He practiced kung fu and was even more terrifying than Zhao Jinhuan and worthy of his respect.

"Old Monkey has retired to the world, but I still have old friends to look for. I am worried about him, and I am very grateful. Master Feng, I offer you this glass of wine."

The two drank against each other and drank all the wine.

Wen Biao also asked the two of them at this time: "Forget about me, how did you two know each other? How did you get to Shaoxing?"

"It's a coincidence that my second brother and I met on a boat. I went to Guangdong this time to find the source of opium. Now it seems that this matter may involve the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau..."

Feng Ji also said: "I went to Guangzhou to look for relatives. After the chaos in Shandong, my eldest sister's family moved to Guangdong. A few days ago, she wrote a letter saying that she was in trouble at home and asked me for help. She didn't want to meet Brother Hong by chance. We hit it off immediately, so we simply married Jinlan. ”

"Married to Jinlan? It's true that heroes cherish each other. Congratulations to both of you."

Wen Biao quickly congratulated, toasted another bowl of wine, and then talked about Hong Yihu's investigation.

He looked lonely: "The Zhenyuan Escort Agency has been passed down for hundreds of years, and the efforts of many generations of the Yu family and the Wen family, I never thought that it would be destroyed today at the hands of Haiyang and my beast brother, alas..."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard screams coming from outside.

Wen Biao and Hong Yihu couldn't help but stood up suddenly.

"I gonna go see!"

Wen Biao rushed out of the room immediately.

Hong Yihu was about to follow him when he saw Feng Ji sitting calmly. He couldn't help but admire him and said, "Second brother, you really don't look like a young man with your stable mentality."

Feng Ji smiled and said: "With the three of us here, what danger can there be in this place?"

When Hong Yihu heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

He, Feng Ji, plus Wen Biao, the three Anjin martial arts masters were here. No matter how big the matter was, it was nothing. At his age, there was not even a young man with the magnanimity. He was really ashamed.

However, he also seemed to understand that Feng Ji's magnanimity and magnanimity were definitely not that of an ordinary rich young man. Such magnanimity could never be cultivated unless he was in a high position.

After a while, the two heard a roar from outside.

Feng Ji and Hong Yihu looked at each other and immediately stood up and came to the door.

But outside the yard, two young apprentices were lying on the ground and shouting. Wen Biao's face was filled with rage.

The footprints on the ground were messy and there were obvious signs of a fight.

"It hurts, my hand!" The tall young man shouted on the ground as if his arm was broken.

The short young man was unconscious and seemed to have been knocked unconscious.

Hong Yihu rushed over and asked eagerly: "What happened?"

Wen Biao looked angry: "The people from Zhenyuan Escort Bureau are here, and they took Xiao Min away!"

"What!" Hong Yihu was suddenly shocked.

Immediately he realized something and his face darkened: "People from Zhenyuan Escort Agency have been following me?"

Feng Ji came over and speculated: "Not necessarily, you have been back from Guangzhou for so long. If they track you, there is no way we can't find them."

He looked at the two young men on the ground and said, "These two can find Master Wen Biao, and Zhenyuan Escort Agency may not be able to."

Feng Ji looked at the tall young man with a broken arm and asked, "Which direction did they go?"

The tall young man endured the severe pain and said: "They told Master Wen Biao to go to the mountain temple at the bottom of the mountain. If you are late, you will bear the consequences."

Wen Biao stood up suddenly and shouted angrily: "Wen Bao! It must be him. He wanted me dead, so he took Xiao Min away and threatened me. I'm going to save her!"

After that, he ran down the mountain angrily.

Hong Yihu quickly shouted: "Master Wen Biao, I'm with you!"

After that, he ran after him.

Feng Ji didn't leave immediately. Since the other party left the address, it was most likely a trap.

He just looked at the tall young man in front of him and asked, "How did you find Master Wen Biao?"

The tall young man lamented: "In order to complete our Monkey Fist manual, Ade and I found out about Master Wen Biao's name all the way. We originally planned to transfer from here to Guangzhou to apprentice with Master Wen Biao. Unexpectedly, I met Xiao Min here.”

"Xiao Min had done monkey boxing at the market, so we chased him out of curiosity, and that's when we met Master Wen Biao."

Feng Ji was surprised: "Monkey Fist manual?"

He reached out and searched the young man's body, and sure enough he found a boxing book.

I just looked through it briefly and immediately shook my head and laughed.

The so-called boxing score is better said to be a monkey picture, with all kinds of weird monkey postures.

There is no medicinal bath method, no standing skills, it is just random scribbling.

Leaving behind the boxing manual, Feng Ji casually helped the young man to mend his broken bones and asked about his family background.

It turns out that the tall young man is called Chen Jiaye, a young master from a wealthy family in nearby Chen Village, and the short young man is called Chen Yade, who is also from the Chen family.

Although Chen Yade is younger than Chen Jiaye, he is Chen Jiaye's grandfather.

Chen Yade has practiced kung fu and has a solid foundation in kung fu, but he has never practiced monkey boxing. He just does monkey boxing randomly.

The two of them had nothing to do at home and got into trouble, so they were sent to Yangcheng to study by Master Chen.

But unexpectedly, the two of them changed their minds and came here to look for the monkey boxing master.

The two of them were lucky enough to find Wen Biao.

After listening to the two people's stories, Feng Ji was secretly surprised, how could such a coincidence happen, and it was not a movie.


The moment the word "making a movie" came to Feng Ji's mind, he suddenly realized something. If he met Fearless, he could confirm that this world was the plot world of "Fearless".

But how to explain Big Sword King Wu?

"This world may be the background world where many movie worlds are integrated?"

"Then the current Chen Jiaye, Chen Yade, and Monkey Fist master Wen Biao are probably from a certain movie that I haven't seen!"

Feng Ji immediately guessed that he must have been exposed to some movie plot again, but it was a pity that he had never seen this movie.

Otherwise it would be impossible not to have an impression.

"Oops, since it's the plot of a movie, Wen Biao and Hong Yihu won't be killed by the plot, right?"

Feng Ji's heart suddenly sank, he quickly stood up, left the two of them behind, and ran down the mountain.

Although he didn't know the plot, Feng Ji knew the plot of the movie.

Wen Biao and Hong Yihu are so powerful, what kind of villain can defeat them together?

Nine times out of ten, someone is going to be killed by the plot, otherwise how would the movie go on?

He had a good relationship with the two of them, so naturally he couldn't sit idly by.

Running all the way, I soon saw the dilapidated mountain temple in the distance.

At this time, a large number of people surrounded the mountain temple.

Each of these people was holding a sword, and some even had guns!

In the mountain temple, there was a faint sound of roaring fist power explosions.

Feng Ji was surprised: "This Wenbao is so strong? Can he make such a move with Wenbiao?"

He didn't have time to think too much as he rushed over at this moment.

The people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau surrounding the mountain temple also spotted Feng Ji, and someone immediately shouted: "Stop!"

"Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is on business, get out of here!"


What responded to them was a terrifying sound of fists exploding into the air!

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