127 cups of green tea

Time flies, and a lot has happened in the past two years.

From a national perspective, 1978 was the year when reform and opening up began, and it was also the year when the household joint contract responsibility system began.

In 1979, the country and the United States resumed diplomatic relations. It was also the year that the "Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Law" came into effect, and foreign companies and companies began to enter China.

In 1980, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was formally established.

From the perspective of Tong Xuelu's life, she skipped a grade in her freshman year, and now she is about to graduate in half a semester.

Although she skipped a grade, she still stayed in the original dormitory, and the group of people in the dormitory also changed a lot.

First of all, Cui Rourou got divorced. Her husband went to college in his hometown.

Under the introduction of her family, Xie Xiaoyan confirmed her relationship with a fellow college student; Lin Lanjuan was the only person in the dormitory who was not in a relationship, but under the influence of Tong Xuelu, she was not as inferior as before. Now she is still the backbone of the school’s literature club, often Published his work in major newspapers.

Jiang Baihui fell in love with Liang Tianyi, the boy who gave her the book "Anna Karenina". Here I have to say one more thing, Liang Tianyi is a talented student with a very high talent in physics.

He also skipped a grade when he was a sophomore, and his grades occupied the first place in the department all the year round. He once wanted to ask Wen Rugui to be his teacher, but Wen Rugui refused, but because of cherishing talents, he would often guide him privately.

Also because of this relationship, Tong Xuelu and Jiang Baihui have the best relationship.

At the moment, the two of them are eating together in a small restaurant outside the school.

Since the second half of last year, many business stalls have appeared on the street, but there are still very few people who dare to open a shop to do business.

"What's going on between you and classmate Liang? Are you still ignoring him?" Tong Xuelu asked with a piece of chicken in his mouth.

Jiang Baihui poked the rice in the bowl with chopsticks: "He is going to go abroad, how can we continue when we are separated from each other?"

Because of Liang Tianyi's excellent grades, the school plans to recommend him to study abroad as soon as he graduates. Jiang Baihui doesn't care about Liang Tianyi's family difficulties, but when she thinks that the two will be separated in a foreign country for several years, she has no confidence at all.

So recently she had a unilateral cold war with Liang Tianyi. Liang Tianyi ran down to the dormitory to wait for her every day, rain or shine, and was very patient.

Tong Xuelu glanced at her: "Why can't you continue? If you really like each other, you can always find a way to be together."

Jiang Baihui raised her head suddenly, her big eyes were full of expectation: "Good Xuelu, have you thought of a good way, please tell me quickly."

Tong Xuelu put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth with a paper towel and said, "It's not a solution. If you confirm each other, you can get married before classmate Liang goes abroad. Then you pass the application to see if you can apply to go to the country where he studied in the first place." senior translator or trainee diplomat.”

Liang Tianyi is very talented in physics. The country is in urgent need of talents in this field. In order to cultivate talents in this field, the country has promised to pay for Liang Tianyi's going abroad.

Liang Tianyi is now troubled by his relationship every day. If the school teacher knows about it, he will definitely find a way to solve his problems.

Jiang Baihui's grades are also considered excellent, and she is also an excellent backbone of the student union. She just applied for party membership this year. If the two of them get married, Jiang Baihui will apply to work in the same country in the future, and there is a high chance that she will succeed.

Jiang Baihui's eyes lit up first, and then she bit her lips again: "It feels weird to get married for this reason."

Tong Xuelu shrugged: "I've already told you the method. You can make other decisions by yourself, but even if you want to get married, you have to get the consent of both parents."

Jiang Baihui thought for a while, covered her face and said, "I still envy you the most. Professor Wen treats you so hard, and you have confirmed each other again."

When Wen Rugui was mentioned, the corners of Tong Xuelu's lips twitched: "Student Liang is also very kind to you, and you can do it and cherish it."

Jiang Baihui pouted: "How is he so good? He's just a nerd."



The two of them went back to the dormitory after eating, and saw Liang Tianyi standing downstairs in the dormitory under the sun from a distance, his face was flushed from the sun, but he stood motionless.

Tong Xuelu glanced at Jiang Baihui: "Your nerd is waiting for you downstairs again, which boy has such patience?"

Jiang Baihui glanced at her: "Doesn't your professor Wen have such patience?"

Tong Xuelu hooked her lips: "So I cherish my relationship with him very much. If you don't cherish it anymore, don't regret it later."

Although Liang Tianyi's family situation was difficult, he was very good personally, and he was sure that he would be recommended to study abroad early on. It can be said that he had a bright future. Such a boy had many girls watching over him.

Jiang Baihui is not an awkward person: "I see, thank you for telling me this, I will chat with him now."

Tong Xuelu nodded: "That's right, it should be made clear, the cold war can't always solve the problem."

She doesn't like the cold war, which in her opinion is a kind of violence.

But she and Wen Rugui have been together for almost three years, and they have never blushed, let alone a cold war.

When Liang Tianyi saw Jiang Baihui, he didn't know whether he was shy or excited, his face flushed red: "Huihui, are you back?"

Then he looked at Tong Xuelu and said, "Hello, Tong Tong."

Tong Xuelu laughed and said, "Hello, Liang, you are still standing under the sun on such a hot day. If we come back later, will you be a monkey's ass?"

Liang Tianyi blushed even more when he heard this.

In terms of liking physics and loving blushing, Liang Tianyi and Wen Rugui are very similar, no wonder the two are both teachers and friends and get along very well.


Seeing his flushed face, Jiang Baihui couldn't help laughing.

"Let's talk, I'll go up first."

After speaking, she left directly, and she didn't wait for the annoying light bulb.


On the weekend, Tong Xuelu did not go home directly, but went to the store she bought to inspect the decoration.

She wants to be the first batch of people to eat crabs. The national policy is becoming more and more clear now, and more and more people will go to sea to do business in the future.

So last year she used her own money and borrowed money from her grandfather. After Wen Rugui found out, she handed over all her salary and savings to her. She used the money to buy a shop and a three-story apartment building. house.

The store is just behind the Beijing University, this street will develop into a famous snack street in the future, and her store is in the best location.

If it weren't for her lack of money, she really wanted to buy ten or eight shops at one go, and then rent them out as a rent collector and earn a lot of money.

But don't worry, she plans to open a hot pot restaurant here first. Hot pot doesn't need any skills, just recruit a few reliable people to help her manage it later.

Her main energy will be on the restaurant side.

The shops at Beijing University have almost been renovated, and it will be completed in two days. Tong Xuelu inspected it and pointed out the unsatisfactory areas.

Then she went to the restaurant again.

The amount of work to renovate the restaurant is relatively large, and she wants to turn it into a high-end restaurant. In addition to the decoration style she proposed, the masters who help with construction and decoration have never heard of it, so it is not fast.

Fortunately, she paid a lot of money, so the decoration master was willing to help her.

As soon as she returned home from the restaurant, Moon Cake brought her daughter Bean Sprouts and the old hen Xiao Liu to welcome her.

Moon Cake has now grown into a big dog. Looking at the vigor of the tiger, he dare not let it out without being led by anyone, for fear that it will scare passers-by.

Although Bean Sprout is the daughter of Moon Cake, it looks much smaller and exquisite. It should have inherited its mother's genes, and Bean Sprout is very beautiful.

Although the bean sprouts are raised in Wei's house, the food in Xiao's house is better, so it will often come over by itself.

As for Xiao Liu, he is over five years old this year, and a chicken can live for more than ten years without getting sick, so Xiao Liu is still in his prime.

In the beginning, Xiaoliu was raised to make it lay eggs, but after raising it, it became emotional, so it was reluctant to kill it.

Xiao Liu has also become a genius. Besides laying eggs, he can also help take care of the house and nurse the home. He has also become friends with moon cakes, dogs and chickens.

Tong Xuelu was sweating profusely and went to the faucet, turned on the faucet and washed her face, the cool water splashed on her face, cooling down the temperature on her face.

She let out a sigh of relief, turned her head and was about to bathe the father and daughter of moon cakes and bean sprouts, when she saw Uncle Zong appear at the small gate.

"Commander, it's Xuelu who's back." After speaking, he looked back at Tong Xuelu, "I said that the mooncakes, bean sprouts, and Xiaoliu didn't call, so the family must be back."

Tong Xuelu smiled and said, "Yes, I'll be back this weekend, but why didn't Uncle Zong and Grandpa Wen go to the park to exercise today?"

In the past two years, she was worried that Mr. Wen might show signs of Alzheimer's disease, so she made a series of plans for him to strengthen his body.

At first, Mr. Wen didn't want to move, but later he realized that it was fun, and he would go to the park with Uncle Zong to exercise every day without her staring at him.

The policy has been improved in the past two years. Many elderly people will go to the park in the morning and evening to exercise and chat with their peers, which is very helpful for Mr. Wen's body.

At least in the past two years, his physical condition has not deteriorated, and his memory is even better compared to the previous two years.

Uncle Zong frowned and said, "Come here if you're okay, the commander has something to tell you."

Seeing Uncle Zong's expression, Tong Xuelu felt a "thud" in her heart, and hurriedly followed up and said, "Uncle Zong, maybe something is wrong with Grandpa Wen's health?"

Uncle Zong was startled for a moment, and quickly waved his hands: "No, the commander wants to tell you about the Cheng family and the Shi family."

It turned out to be supporting the family.

Tong Xuelu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Shi Junmin was shot, the historians have never been as good as before.

Brother Shi Er and Shi Junjun haven't done anything for the past two years, just sitting at home every day waiting for Cheng Xiuyun and Shi Xiuneng to be fed, like giant babies with low energy.

Cheng Xiuyun You Qi was very dissatisfied. It was enough to support the two father and son, but also to serve them as a mother. According to the news that the two families had a small quarrel every three days, and a big quarrel every five days, their relationship was very bad.

As for supporting the two families, they are no longer an alliance, so even if they have hatred in their hearts, they can't afford to make any splashes now.

But seeing Uncle Zong's expression is so serious, I don't know what's going on with Program Yun.

Walking into the living room, I saw Mr. Wen sitting on the teacher's chair with the words "I'm very angry" written on his face.

Tong Xuelu poured a glass of water for him and brought it over: "Grandpa Wen, it's not worth ruining your body for that kind of anger. Drink some water so you don't get angry."

"It's so hot outside, don't worry about pouring water for me, but pour yourself a cup quickly."

Old man Wen was very happy when he saw her. Seeing her coaxing him like a child now, how could he be so sullen.

Tong Xuelu nodded with a smile, and poured himself and Uncle Zong a cup of scented tea made of sweet-scented osmanthus, cassia seeds, and wolfberry: "Grandpa Wen, what happened?"

Mr. Wen put the water glass on the table, snorted and said, "That woman has returned to Beijing."

Tong Xuelu was startled: "When did it happen?"

Mr. Wen: "Yesterday, yesterday, their family moved back to Beijing. It looks like they plan to come back to Beijing to do business."

Tong Xuelu: "Shi Xiuneng resigned from his job? And his second cousin and Shi Junjun, have they returned to Beijing?"

Mr. Wen frowned: "Shi Xiuneng was persuaded to leave by his unit. The factory is not profitable, and his family background is the worst. Naturally, he was the first to be persuaded to leave. As for the two fathers and sons, they have not come with them for the time being. , they fell out."

It's nice to say it's a falling out, but in fact it's finally a big fight.

Shi Xiuneng was persuaded to quit by his work unit and received a sum of compensation, but he lost his job, and all the burdens of the family fell on Cheng Xiuyun alone.

Due to too much pressure, Cheng Xiuyun made frequent mistakes at work and was eventually fired by her unit.

The two families were sitting and eating, and Shi Junjun knew that Shi Xiuneng had compensation in his hand, so he wanted him to take out the money, and everyone went into business together, but Cheng Xiuyun naturally refused.

Shi Junjun has been completely useless in the past two years. He doesn't look for a job, and he specializes in sneaking things. The so-called business is a lie. He just wants to use money to gamble.

So a quarrel broke out like this. I heard that Shi Xiuneng had a hand discounted. Shi Junjun was too cruel. Shi Xiuneng finally gave him half of the compensation, and then the two families parted ways.

"Grandpa Wen doesn't have to worry too much. Given the situation of their historians and Cheng's family, they can't make any waves."

Tong Xuelu was not surprised that Cheng Xiuyun would come to the capital, because in the book it was she who drove Wen Rugui to a corner after she returned to the capital.

But because she is not the main character in the book, not even a supporting role, so she doesn't know what kind of business she will do after returning to Beijing, and what will happen afterwards.

Mr. Wen nodded: "I'm not afraid of them making trouble, but I'm worried that the woman will find her home."

Wen Rugui was only four or five years old back then, and she could do such a murderous thing. Now that the Shi family and the Cheng family have been trampled in the mud, if she wanted to turn over, she would most likely go to Wen Rugui.

He wasn't sure whether Wen Rugui would have a serious impact and stimulation on him if he remembered what happened when he was a child.

Tong Xuelu thought for a while and said, "Grandpa Wen, I think we should tell Rugui about this, at least let him take precautions."

In the past two years, she has been paying close attention to Wen Rugui's situation. Fortunately, the little friend in Wen Rugui's fantasy has not appeared for a long time.

Without Cheng Xiuyun, she felt that he would be able to maintain such a good state in the future, but Cheng Xiuyun was like a time bomb, and she didn't know when it would explode.

Mr. Wen nodded: "You are right. Call him later and tell him that the two of you are not too young. Get married quickly later and have a small family. Even if that woman comes back, she will find her at home. , can't affect him."

Tong Xuelu smiled and said, "I know, I will get married when I graduate this year."

Speaking of this topic, Mr. Wen couldn't help getting excited.

It's good to get married, and give him a few great-grandchildren later, and he will take care of the great-grandchildren at home in the future.

Tong Xuelu didn't know what Mr. Wen was thinking, otherwise she might not be able to help pouring cold water on her.

Family planning will be implemented in a few years, and she can only have one child whether she wants to or not, but she doesn't want to have more.

A phone was installed at home, so Tong Xuelu went back to the next door to call Wen Rugui.

Although the two have been together for nearly three years, Wen Rugui is as innocent as ever, and she still blushes and heartbeats when she receives a call from her.

"Are you calling me from home?"

Tong Xuelu pretended to complain: "Well, you haven't been back for a month, when can you take a vacation?"

Wen Rugui: "I'm not sure about this..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tong Xuelu said, "Bai Hui and Liang Tianyi are in a cold war recently, do you know why?"


"Because Liang Tianyi is going to be recommended to study abroad, she feels that it's not good for the relationship between the two of us to live in two countries. Although we are in the same city, it is so difficult to meet each other. Do you think I should have a cold war with you?"

Wen Rugui thumped in his heart, and the phone in his hand almost fell to the ground in fright: "I'm sorry Xuelu, I will definitely find a way to ask for leave to go back to accompany you." You must not have a cold war with me.

The two had never had conflicts or awkwardness together, but just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable.

Tong Xuelu's red lips curled up slightly: "Then you coax me, if you coax me, I won't have a cold war with you."

Wen Rugui looked around, and after making sure no one was there, he lowered his voice and said, "Xue Lu, don't be angry with me, I like you the most."

After he finished speaking, his face turned red like a cooked shrimp, and an egg could be boiled in minutes.

Tong Xuelu didn't find it sweet when she heard the words, but couldn't help laughing: "Why do you only come up with such a sentence after flipping through it, no, think again."

Asking Wen Rugui to solve physics problems, he never frowned, but when he was asked to speak sweet words, he really had the urge to scratch his hair.

After thinking for a long time, he finally said: "Be good, baby, brother will let you...do whatever you want."

Tong Xuelu chuckled: "Do whatever you want? Brother, you are good or bad, if I want you to beg for mercy under me, can it be okay?"

Tsk tsk, the conversation between the two is not suitable for children.

Wen Rugui's face was blushing almost to the point of bleeding: "Well, as long as you are happy, I am willing to be under your body...begging for mercy."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he turned around, he saw Zhou Yan standing behind him with a face struck by lightning.

Zhou Yan: "..."

Wen Rugui: "..."

The air was quiet for a few seconds, and the scene was once awkward.

Zhou Yan lowered his voice and said: "You really can't be judged by appearances. I usually see you with an honest appearance, but I didn't expect you to be so wild." And it was very coquettish.

"..." Wen Rugui wished he could dig a hole and bury himself, "What do you want from me?"

"The dean asked you to go there."

Wen Rugui then said to Tong Xuelu on the other end of the phone: "I have something to do, I'll call you later."

Tong Xuelu originally wanted to calm down the atmosphere before telling him about Cheng Xiuyun, but he got busy again without opening his mouth.

But work was important, she answered and hung up the phone.

Wen Rugui came to the dean's office.

When Dean Zhuang saw him, he immediately smiled: "Rugui, do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Wen Rugui shook his head: "I don't know."

Dean Zhuang smiled and said: "Congratulations, based on your excellent performance over the years, the base has decided to let you succeed Director Jiao as the second director of the Institute of Mechanics."

Wen Rugui didn't look overjoyed when he heard the words, but frowned and said, "What about Director Jiao?"

Dean Zhuang came over and patted him on the shoulder: "You don't have to worry about this. Director Jiao has not been fired, he has also been promoted. The specific position has not yet been determined, but he recommends you to be the next director. Are you okay?"

Wen Rugui felt relieved when he heard that his mentor was not dismissed: "I will obey the arrangement of the organization."

Dean Zhuang said with a smile: "Okay, continue to perform well in the future and strive to make greater contributions to the country."

Although Wen Rugui has never studied abroad, his talent in physics surpasses many others. What is even more rare is that he does not stick to conventions, and his thinking is innovative and active. No wonder Jiao Boshan is such a precious student.

For example, the last time the missile was fully tested, everything was well prepared for the test, but the intended range could not be reached. It was Wen Rugui who came up with a new idea to remove part of the fuel propellant in order to reduce the take-off weight of the missile.

Jiao Boshan listened to his advice, and later the experiment was successful.

It is their luck that the base has such talents.

After coming out of the dean's office, those who got the news congratulated Wen Rugui one after another.

For a 28-year-old director, this height is really unmatched.

Zhou Yan and Huang Qimin ate a mouthful of lemon, but they were more happy for him.

Wen Rugui didn't tell Tong Xuelu the news when he called back, because he was going to Beijing University to give his last speech on Monday.

After being promoted to the director, the task is even heavier, and I have no time to give speeches in the future.

Tong Xuelu didn't mention Cheng Xiuyun when he heard that he was going to school, thinking about telling him face to face.

It's Monday.

After Wen Ru returned to Peking University, he told the department leaders about his promotion and his inability to serve as a visiting professor in the future.

The leaders of the department congratulated him one after another, and at the same time felt very sorry.

They knew very well that the reason why Wen Rugui had worked so hard to become a visiting professor in the past two years was largely because of his fiancée.

Where are they going to find such an excellent visiting professor in the future?

Tong Xuelu didn't attend Wen Rugui's last speech, because she had a class to attend, and because she couldn't understand it.

After Wen Rugui finished his speech, he said goodbye to the students.

The students were very sad, and some couldn't help crying.

Everyone surrounded him and asked a lot of questions, and they didn't leave until half an hour later when they had other classes.

Wen Rugui packed his things and was about to leave, at this moment, a slender figure walked towards him, and said in a delicate voice——

"Professor Wen, are you really not going to give us speeches in the future?"

Wen Rugui looked up and met a beautiful young face.

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