The Greatest Showman

192 Impression Twist

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

The young man named Renly walked onto the stage, sat down in the center, with a slight smile on his lips, he said jokingly, "Thank you Ed for the introduction just now, thank you for his compliment. But I think everyone today Came here late, obviously not to watch an 'American Idol' game."

In the live broadcast week of "American Idol", such a segment was once set up, where two singers performed the same song, and then scored high and low.

Renly's joke was obviously a mockery of the incident, which made the audience laugh, but George didn't like it more and more: slick! This is not like a singer, it's more like a talk show actor, it's ridiculous.

"Tonight is Monday, just after a weekend of noise and carnival, now it's time to relax." Renly held his guitar, looking relaxed and in a happy mood. This was the stage he was most familiar with. The coziness and ease of the environment completely relaxed his mind, and his words became more casual. "Then I will perform a minor tune, hoping to add a smile to this night."

George's brows furrowed again, minor key? Folk tunes? This kind of minor key is more difficult to create. The so-called minor key is actually an etude that you can easily get your hands on. This minor key reflects the accumulation and precipitation of the creator. It may not be heavy, but the background is richer. It is definitely not any creator. Anyone can claim, "I wrote a minor key," otherwise it's just overthinking it.

George scoffed a little.

Renly, who was sitting on the stage, lowered his head and gently hooked the strings. The clarity and clarity of the guitar strings were like a clear stream in the rich atmosphere of the bar, flowing out slowly, and the noise gradually subsided. Down, but the lightness, laziness, and freehand brushwork floating in the air jumped between the melody scores. The casual melody was like the sun at three o'clock in the afternoon in midsummer, and the air was filled with moist water vapor and dry dust. , Refreshing and comfortable, so beautiful that one could not help but wander in it, involuntarily, the arc of the corner of the mouth rose slightly.

This made George a little stunned for a while.

"Los-angeles, she's a lady, dressed up for a riot." Renly's voice had a slight smile, like a butterfly resting on a flower bud, fluttering its wings lightly, that touching With a milk-like fragrance of simplicity, the atmosphere in the entire bar could not help but become idle, "Don't forget to put your hands on the remote control, she is a mobile station... Admiring the endless stream, the vast The flow is endless."

Simple melody, simple lyrics, all emotions seem to be understated, just like a simple white shirt, but the real insider knows that white shirts are the most exquisite, and George is really in it. After tasting the deep meaning, I couldn't help but paint such a wonderful picture in my mind:

The enchanting lady, dressed in costume, stood in the crowd of rioting people, quietly watching the people coming and going and the changes in the world in front of her, her long hair like a black waterfall was tucked behind her head, and a bright red flower was inserted into her head. Complimented with the flowers in full bloom. The tranquility in the chaos, the vicissitudes in the turmoil, vividly outlines the power of time.

"Seattle, she is lonely, standing in the woods in the north and waiting quietly, soaked in the damp green shade, sipping the fragrant coffee."

The white shirt seemed to have just been washed. The fragrance of jasmine was lingering in the dry sunshine. There was no modification in the way of singing. Falling, cloudy and cloudy, lazily let smiles become casual.

George couldn't help but closed his eyes. The woman in a white dress stood lonely on the edge of the boundless birch forest. The drizzle made the air moist, and the endless green became fresh and dripping. But in the aroma of coffee, she was alone, waiting for her lover, for her family, for her friends, or... for herself. The dazed and lost few spread out like water vapor.

The jumping of the guitar strings became lighter in the cream-yellow halo, but there was a kind of free and easy and uninhibited bard, the whole world was at peace, but the noise in the ears became more and more turbulent, this huge The contrast makes people addicted to it, unable to extricate themselves, as if caught in a world that only one can hear. Lonely, lonely, sad, lost... Floating gently in my chest.

"New York, New York, she is weather-beaten, wandering among the street lights and laughter, laughing, dancing..." Her eyes couldn't help but warm, the sudden grief was so turbulent, as if she was in the huge New York City, crowded with people , but he was alone, this kind of loneliness in the midst of laughter and excitement, easily defeated all defense lines, smashed into the depths of the soul, and couldn't help but listen to the sparse and vicissitudes of life. The voice sang, "… ... smiling and waiting for the dawn, she smiled and waited for the dawn."

New York, their New York, a unique New York, she is like a carnival back, always smiling, always dancing, always lonely, and never truly integrated into this world. That is the most unique temperament in New York. Only by really wandering in it, and only by tasting it carefully, can we capture the fleeting desolation.

Without warning, all of George's irritability settled.

"San Francisco, she's wearing a fishing net and walking on high and long heels..." The gentle voice that rose gently made the smile on the corner of her mouth also fly, as if the whole world was gradually brightening, " Vermilion lips slightly parted, imitation

The Buddha is sighing softly, slowly walking down the long long street with his back to the east..."

The graceful back, the coquettish high-heeled shoes, and the ragged shawl are like bohemian nomads walking on the edge of history, always wandering, all the way west, slowly, slowly, and slowly toward an unknown future , life has never been able to settle down, always walking on the road, that kind of unstable ups and downs has been rooted in the blood, left in every corner of the world.

"The heart is left in the palm, and the face is facing Wang Yang."

The understated lyrics are as wonderful as poetry, and the wisdom and philosophy hidden between the lines seems to have gone through the vicissitudes of life and experienced the vicissitudes of the world. This is a real minor tune. After years of polishing, after the precipitation of time, after the impact of society, and through the tempering of the soul, it has turned those cumbersome emotions into the simplest melody, as if it was just a melody. The tune that you hum at will when accompanied by a glass of beer at dinner is a testimony of a life and a period of time.

George slowly opened his eyes and looked at the still young and immature face in the center of the stage. There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, just like a bird with wings spread out and flying in the wind, freely hugging the blue sky and the sky. The earth, flying recklessly over the mountains and the sea, a shallow smile is enough to light up the whole world.

Then he sang softly, "The heart is left in the palm of the hand, and the face... faces... Wang Yang."

The mentality and artistic conception facing the sea and spring blossoms pass through the brisk musical symbols, and the slightly higher singing then slides down a rounded trajectory and landed again, as lightly as in "Forrest Gump" A feather that can never land, travels through time and space, and floats gently in the heart.

George's eyes fell on the figure, and for a long time, he was reluctant to leave. In him, you can see that kind of bard-like unrestrained and uninhibited, as well as the indulgence and casualness of wandering the world, the power of time seems to slide quickly through his fingertips, and then leave people who can't see it. to traces.

George's heart was surging, and the uncontrollable excitement and excitement almost made him want to jump up. You must know how many winds and waves he has seen, and he was on the same stage with Bob Dylan, even if he is not a respected old bone in the industry. , that's not far off. But it's been so long, he can't even remember the last time he was so excited, was it when he heard Norah-Jones' first album? Was that from 2001 or 2002?

What really excites George is not just this song, but the talent and talent revealed by this melody. To be honest, this song is not as good as "Ophelia" just now, and maybe even slightly less complete than "Top". However, this is a minor tune, a minor tune that was picked up by chance, a few simple chords and a few simple sets of lyrics, performed in a simple way, but it was so beautiful that the language lost its color.

Although it's just a song, but with this song alone, George is willing to visit in person. I agreed to Stanley's invitation tonight. I thought it was a waste of time, but now I found a rare treasure, which made George's emotions a little unbearable.

What is even more commendable is that George will not forget his prejudice just now - the disadvantage of age is in absolute contrast with the vicissitudes of the song, just like the geniuses such as Leanne Remus and Nora Jones who became famous at a young age, they are amazing. Make people tremble. When Nora came out with the album "e-away-with-me", jazz was also a genre that required voice, talent and talent, and successfully made the entire North American music scene excited. Now, has he found a second Nora?

In an instant, the impression took a 180-degree turn.

Although he overturned his own judgment, George would not feel embarrassed in the slightest - if you can meet a real musical genius, it is just a little shameful, so what's the harm?

George is a pure music lover, focused, attentive, deaf, even more attentive than Stanley. Not only was he not embarrassed, but he became excited. He couldn't help sitting up straight, looking at the stage with piercing eyes. He was highly concentrated and developed a strong interest in the follow-up performances.

Note: Los Angeles (los-angeles - pushstart-wagon)

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