Eh? give me a drink? Yeah! ! "

Luffy was very happy to hear that he could taste this kind of thing again.

He wouldn't have any doubts about anything Link took out.

Only when he just wanted to take the cup full of spring water from Link's hand?

La! !

"Little Krokas has already written to me. If I still can't believe you, it will show that my old woman is too narrow-minded?!" Kureha grabbed the cup from Link's hand. come over.

"Boy, if this cup of spring water doesn't work as you said, I'm going to freak out, old lady!"

She smiled and poured the cup full of spring water into her mouth.

Link didn't say much, just smiled and waited quietly for the result.


Just after Kureha drank the cup of spring water, she instantly became aware of the change in her body.

After all, she has lived for 139 years, and as a doctor, she often regulates her body to prolong her life. Kleiha has no idea about her body.

To know too much.

"It really worked..."

Even though her appearance had not changed, Kleiha was still muttering to herself.

After a while, she slowly raised her head, and she no longer had the particularly casual attitude just now.

"Boy, who are you?"

"I'm just a pirate?"

Link smiled, "I'm just an ordinary prop master among the pirates."

"Props master..."

Cureha repeated the name twice.

Then I remembered the scene where Link and Luffy were fighting in the sky outside Xuefeng before.

In the end, a smile like a chrysanthemum bloomed on the old face.

"You are very good!!"

She crossed her arms and sat back in the chair.

"I've taken over your business."

Kureha stretched out his hand to Link, "Give me the Millennium Dragon Bone."

"Although I'm not sure if it has the effect of immortality, but I have seen in some ancient books that if you use a thousand-year-old keel to make medicine, it can have a powerful effect on improving people's physique!!"

"Since you have something in your hand that can keep you young forever, I won't go to study for you in terms of immortality. I will make some of those medicines for you according to the records in the ancient books."

"How do you feel about yourself?"

After Kureha finished speaking, Link was also very decisive, and took out the Millennium Dragon Bone out of thin air and placed it on the ground.

my pleasure! ! "

In this way, the matter between the two parties about the millennium keel was settled.

And then next~~~

"Tell me the truth, boy."

Kuleiha took the Millennium Keel aside, "What kind of spring water is at your age, I like it, what you want in 593, even if I tell the old lady, you can do it without blinking your eyes."

"No, I don't want anything

Link declined politely, "Besides, you have already promised to make a thousand-year-old keel for me, and these springs are also what they should be.

"One yard owned by a yard!"

Kureha directly waved her hand, interrupting Link's words,

"The thousand-year-old keel is my old wife's pleasing to your eyes, plus the letter written to me by the little Krokas, it is the favor of the little Krokas, it has nothing to do with you, and the spring water of this age is a new transaction. "

"No transaction

Link wouldn't really give this eccentric witch a deal, "Doctor Kureha, as much as you want, I'll just give you as much as you want."

Anyway, spring water is inexhaustible, no matter how you use it, it will not disappear...

"I don't have the habit of taking advantage of others."

Seeing this, Kureha simply stopped talking to Link, but got up.

"When I go to a doctor to collect money, I set the price based on my mood. It's all an old woman. I set a price for others, and no one has ever set a price for me!!"

As she said that, she rummaged for a while on the bookshelf full of medical books.

"found it."

From among the many books, Kureha took out a dusty book.


She patted it first, and then blew on it forcefully, blowing all the dust off it, so she could barely see it clean.

"This book may be the old woman's collection, the only book that has nothing to do with medicine and pharmacology."

Kureha brought the book to Link.

"Thirty-eight years ago, a half-dead guy came to the old lady to seek treatment, and after he was cured, he had no money on his body.

"He said he was a navigator. He almost killed him when he came here all the way from the New World. He really had no money and could only take out this book to cover his medical expenses." After thinking about it, I just threw it on the shelf."

She handed the book to Link, then went back to her seat and sat down with her legs crossed:

"The contents of this book are not of interest to my wife, but I think it will be of some use to you."

Kureha raised her chin at Link, "You can open it and take a look."

"Not interested in books?"

Link looked at the cover without a single word, and pinched the thickness of the book.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a notebook or a logbook rather than a book.

Although it seems to be covered with dust, the paper is not damaged in any way, and it can be seen that it is usually well preserved.

It can be treasured by Kureha, who is not interested in anything but medicine, youth, and plum wine, and the content recorded in this book is definitely not ordinary.

Link opened it, and there were no other pictures on the first page, just a few simple sentences:

"After you read this book, maybe the next king of the world will be you, hahahaha!!"

Under the bold and uninhibited handwriting, it seems to show the heroic spirit of the person who wrote it.

And even after thirty-eight years or more, the paper has almost turned yellow, but all the handwriting is so clearly visible.

Especially the name of the signer:

Rocks? D? Gibek.

Snapped! !

Link immediately closed the book and said solemnly:

"I want this book!!"

093 Learn to be domineering! ! Have fun, adventures are fun! !

Rox? D? Gibek, although the name has been erased from the sea.

And in recent years, less and less people know the name.

But if you have experienced that era more than 40 years ago, you will know exactly what the name meant at that time.

This is the out-and-out trend-setter who has led an era.

No, even the title Nongchaoer, when used on this person, seems a little disrespectful and in line with his deeds.

King of the New World.

This is already the most appropriate name for him.

The legend of this man originated many years ago.

On the hive island "Hachinos", the island where the pirates of the New World gather.

For a chance to make a lot of money, a group of extraordinary pirates gathered, and Rox D-Gibeck was one of them.

For some unknown reason, this group of pirates planned and did form a group, that is, a pirate group that brought all their pirates together.

In this pirate group, Rocks became the leader, and under the name of the Rocks Pirates, he officially began to ride on this sea.

The most famous pirates in the New World are gathered on one boat, and the power brought by them is beyond words.

The legendary pirates of the future, the Admiral Golden Lion Shiki of the Air Pirates, the white-bearded Edward Newgate at his peak, Charlotte Lingling, who was white and beautiful with long legs and flaming red lips when he was young, served on the ship. A new pirate apprentice, one of the current four emperors, the captain of the Beast Pirates, and the Beast Kaido! !

There are also powerful pirates such as Captain John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, etc. who make the whole sea terrified.

No matter how many times this lineup is said, it is so shocking.

But the most important thing is that these characters have all become Rox's subordinates.

This man, by himself, unified the strongest pirate power in the entire New World.

Undoubtedly, the Rocks Pirates at that time became the strongest pirate group in the entire New World, and even the entire world at that time.

Wherever he went, he was frightened by the news, defeated all opponents in the new world with a destructive attitude, and became a veritable king of the new world.

If it wasn't for Rox's ambitious desire to remove the word "new" in front of [King of the New World], he would not be satisfied with the place in the New World.

In the Valley of the Gods, he wanted to besiege the dragons, but he was joined by Garp of the Navy and Roger of the pirates, who shattered his ambitions together.

Perhaps his fame and deeds will continue for many years and continue to lead several eras.

Linkmo held this book in his hand, feeling a little surging and emotion in his heart.

As strong as the Rocks of the year, it made countless pirate powerhouses bow their heads and bow their heads, but now it is not turned into a cup of loess, and gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Therefore, Link seriously warned himself again in his heart that without strong strength, he must not go outside.

There are not too many unknown dangers in this sea, and the word "gou" is sometimes quite useful.

Thirty-eight years ago, the Rocks Pirates were destroyed in the Valley of the Gods, and they fell apart.

The battle was extraordinarily dangerous and tragic, and few pirates survived.

Even Kaido relied on Charlotte Lingling's strongest animal-type Devil Fruit, the mythical beast species of Yuyu Fruit, to survive. For this, he still owes Charlotte Lingling a day. Great favor.

However, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling survived. Whitebeard is now drinking heavily, and the golden lion is also pierced by the rudder in the sky, thinking about revenge on the world.

Then naturally there are some other pirates who survived this battle by relying on their own unique skills.

Just like what Kureha mentioned, the half-dead guy who was healed by her thirty-eight years ago and claimed to be a navigator.

Most likely, he is a navigator on the ship of the Rocks Pirates.

So this notebook, similar to the pirate diary, should have been destroyed by the Rocks Pirates after the battle in the Valley of the Gods.

One of the items the navigator brought from the Rox ship.

No matter what is recorded in this notebook, even if it is the deeds of Lox's daily eating and drinking, Link thinks it is quite worth it! !

He can totally get some stories about Rox from it.


Serious people who keep a diary? !

Can the person who writes the diary be a serious person? ! !

Link believed that Rox was not the kind of lowly person, so he felt that this book could not be as simple as a simple logbook.

"It's even better if you like it."

Kleiha smiled casually, completely ignoring the precious item that she just handed out just now. It was the precious item of the top powerhouse who used to be so powerful that he almost dominated the sea.

However, her evaluation of Link was a little higher.

The name Rox has almost disappeared in the sea, except for the old people of the last era, as well as the top figures in the new world and the navy, almost nothing is known.

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