"Huh? What is that?"

The people outside Bharati watched suspiciously as the ship approached.

In the next second, they all widened their eyes.

The arriving ship is a pirate ship, and most importantly...

"The shape of the bow of the black panther, the fat face of the skull on the pirate flag is on both sides, there is an hourglass on each side, this, this is..." Someone recognized the sign at a glance, and shouted in horror:

"This is the overlord of the East China Sea, [Leader] Crick's pirate ship, the fearless battleship Sabre!!"

Crick, currently in the entire East China Sea, is not one of the pirates with the most prestige and reputation.

It can be seen from the name of the overlord of the East China Sea that he called out.

In the entire East China Sea, anyone who knows some pirate affairs can't get around him.

Especially his distinctive pirate flag logo.

The skull and crossbones on the flag have an hourglass on each side, representing the captured prey, the deadline for death, and "you will surrender to me sooner or later, it's just a matter of time".

Everyone knew what the sign meant, so the guests in the restaurant acted decisively.

"Get out of here!! Run!"

"Hurry up, or there will be no future!!"

"Why did the overlord of the East China Sea come here? Could it be that he is hungry too?!!"

In less than two minutes, the most famous sea restaurant in the East China Sea changed from lively to extremely deserted to very fast.

"It's still here

The Straw Hat Pirates all ran to the deck outside, and Link looked at the particularly conspicuous Black Panther ship.

If you just look at the bow of the ship, it will look ferocious and domineering, but if you look closely...

A tattered ship with a bruised exterior, plus a pirate flag damaged to the point?

Even the pirate flag representing a pirate group has been damaged to such an extent that it has not been repaired.

Then there is only one possibility, this pirate group has no way to repair it.

The fog gradually dissipated, and everyone watched the whole pirate ship.

The tattered and pitted appearance really surprised them.

"Is this really the car of the overlord of the East China Sea?"

The chefs, who were still a little worried, even began to doubt in their hearts.

"It always feels like a loser who was defeated by other pirates after fighting with other pirates, dead and with no willpower.

Got knocked down by other pirates? That is the legendary overlord of the East China Sea, how is that possible?

"I heard that some time ago, Crick led fifty warships under his command to the great route."

Link looked at the tattered ship and said:

"As a result, only the main battleship came here, and it was tattered like this, and the other fifty battleships were completely gone."

"From this point of view..."

He didn't continue speaking, but the others instantly understood.

That Crick, known as the overlord of the East China Sea, failed to challenge the great route?

And lost so badly that none of the fifty battleships came back? !

Everyone else's eyes widened, as if in disbelief.

Is the great route known as the "Pirate Graveyard" really so dangerous? !

Well, danger is dangerous, but as Crick lost so badly, it can only be said that he was so unlucky that he met Hawkeye who was bored to pass the time~~~

As soon as he entered the great route, he encountered an opponent at the level of the Four Emperors, and there was no one in this fortune.

"That person is..."

Luffy also looked at the figure who suddenly got off the boat.

"It's the referee from that day!!"

He still clearly remembered Ah Jin who ate two meals by himself.

"It turned out to be him, no wonder it attracted Crick to our side!!"

"So they came here to occupy our side against us?!!"

The chefs suddenly became nervous, and some chefs were already in place, and they were about to convert Barati into battle mode.

"But looking at their appearance, the state is not very good."

Zoro also touched his chin and looked at the figure supported by Ajin.

When he heard that the overlord of the East China Sea was coming, he also wanted to try the other party's jinliang with great interest.

But after seeing that Crick, who needed to be supported by Ajin to move, was extremely weak, almost exhausted, and his body was about to be exhausted, he lost his mind.

In addition to Zoro, the chefs were also surprised and at a loss.

046 We don't have to do it first [Thank you for the monthly pass! 】

Is this really the Sea Overlord Creek?

Why does it look no different from a beggar who hasn't eaten for several days, holding a broken bowl on the street and saying, "Okay, sir, give me a stutter"?

"What are you looking at?!!"

Akin, who was in charge of supporting, suddenly became angry when he noticed the strange eyes of these people.

He shouted sharply: "Don't hurry up and get the food!!"

Without the grace of the original version of Kami Sanji, he just came here as a referee and quietly slipped away when he was full. Naturally, he would not have a good attitude like the original version.

Some are just the cold-blooded, ruthless and cruel [Ghost Man] Ah Jin that he left to outsiders.


After Akin finished speaking, a low voice that did not sound like a human voice emerged from Crick's throat, which he was supporting.

This look is really miserable.

Although Akin's attitude was very bad, Sanji still turned around and went to the kitchen again because of his past experience.

After a while, the noise gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was an uproar, as well as the shouting of the cooks, and then the sound of gobbling in the middle.

Immediately after that, there was another screeching noise, as if to supplement the food after the resurrection, and Crick and Zapp, who were full of energy, were discussing the terms.

Well, after all, it is the world of One Piece. Obviously, I haven't eaten for many days. I just filled my stomach, and I can recover seven, seven, eight, eight, and this physical fitness is no one else.

Afterwards, Link and the others saw Crick, who had regained his dominant posture, and walked out of Barati with a large cloth bag carrying food for a hundred people.

The sea overlord with light purple hair, a headscarf tied on his head, a dazzling golden armor, black boots, and a large cloak, his face looks like a great ape, and the corner of his mouth hangs again. High-spirited smug smile.

It just looks so badass.

"So what are we going to do next?"

The group looked at Crick, who had returned to his boat with more than a hundred servings of food. Even Usopp had no fear of him when he saw the tragic condition of Crick before.

This question was originally for the captain to answer.

But including Luffy, everyone looked at Link for the first time.

"Very simple question. After the other party recovered, he grabbed more than 100 servings of food. Obviously, he is a pig and dog without any gratitude."

Link said, "If you want so much food, it means that the people on his boat are just like him before, half-starved to death."

"So, after recovering from eating food, they urgently need a good boat to improve their current situation for those who are hungry."

"That is to say, after they have eaten and drank enough, they will hit the target on Barati, right?"

Sauron gave the answer.


Link nodded.

"Then we can't just watch it."

Luffy shrugged his shoulders and said with a grin, "The elder cook has prepared me a lot of delicious food these days.

"You can't just watch this restaurant and be captured!!"

The others also nodded their heads. During this period of time, they had received a lot of care from Mr. Zapp in cooking.

Maybe it was because he knew that Sanji would hang out with them in the future, and his food was getting better every day.

"Maybe we don't have to do it first."

Link smiled slightly and looked into the distance.

I saw at the end of the distant sea, a raft-like boat looming there.

However, Creek, who brought the food back to the boat, did not rush to the dangerous approach in the slightest.

After all, he could never have imagined that a monster, the world's largest swordsman, would not only wipe out his 5,000-strong team of troops because of boredom, but also follow them all the way to this East China Sea.

Looking at the 100 subordinates who were still alive, the ugly appearance of gobbling down food made Crick feel incomparably disgusted.

"Just with this embarrassed appearance, how could it be possible to cope with the great route!"

That is, the cold-hearted Ajin standing next to him made his expression slightly lighter.

But no matter what, in the current situation where manpower is needed, these **** subordinates still have some use.

After his men had eaten and drank, Crick continued to clamor for the goal of marching into the great route.

At the same time, the raft boat at the far end of the coast has quietly approached here.

On the boat, after Crick killed a subordinate who had been frightened and questioned, no one dared to refute.

Crick, who knew how to give a sweet date with a slap in the face, immediately decided to focus on the restaurant at sea, which seemed to be easy to win and could make a fortune.

When it came to burning, killing and looting, the pirates suddenly came to their senses, and immediately clamored to rush over.

However, just when Crick was quite satisfied, before they could act.


A soft sound, almost just the subtle sound of the air blowing through the air, swiped lightly.

The next second, under the shocking and inexplicable gaze of everyone.

The entire Black Panther dreadnought battleship was instantly split into pieces! !

The huge hull, as if there was no obstruction at all, was split in two straightly! !

The part that was cut from the middle, as if it was cut, looked extremely silky and smooth, showing the exquisite knife craftsmanship of the person who made it... the exquisite knife technique.

047 Hawkeye! Spike? ! [Thanks to Xaxuan for the monthly pass! 】

"how so?!"

Crick, who was originally ambitious, suddenly stiffened on his face with his proud expression.

And after realizing how the battleship was broken, the blood in his eyes couldn't help but bulge out even more.

"Did you chase it all the way from the great route? What kind of hatred do we have with you?!!"

Crick's eyes were cracked, and monstrous resentment poured out from his body.

It was this weird guy on the coffin boat who shattered his lofty ambitions.

With only one man and one knife, he buried all his 5,000 troops and defeated all their fifty warships! !

This man with a pair of eyes as sharp as a falcon! !

The fragments of the Black Panther battleship sank to the bottom of the sea, revealing the other side, the figure sitting on the ghostly green fire coffin.

Everyone could clearly see the man's face.

"Then...that man is..."

Zoro, who was also shocked by the scene of the ship's hull breaking, looked at it subconsciously, but he couldn't move his gaze any longer.

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