“Sharp… Awesome, awesome! Naw, sister, is this brother your boyfriend? ”

When Liu Sheng returned, he immediately ushered in the worship of a girl.

Seeing that Yanagi easily killed the terrifying three-headed giant snake, Hanabi finally no longer concealed it, and the adoration in his eyes couldn’t help but ask Hinata.

Liu Sheng’s strength completely conquered her.

Hanabi’s words made Hinata’s face flush, and she quickly covered her mouth and chin with her hand, and stopped: “Stop… Shut up! ”


Liu Sheng glanced at the changed fireworks, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly to Hinata, “Send your sister back to the clan first, I will also help the others.” ”


Speaking of business, Hinata nodded with a serious face.

With Hinata and Hanabii, Yanagi ran in the direction of the Hinata clan, and saw that the domineering aura quietly spread.

The three did not rush to the roof in an instant, but chose to run.

After a while, Liu Sheng’s right hand rested on the handle of the sword again.


The clear groan brought by the drawing of the sword, a white silver glow, transformed into a dark red sword qi three or four meters long, soared into the sky.


A figure passing through the air actively collided with the body of the sword qi, and was blasted by the sword qi to a height of more than ten meters, and the strong impact and the air flow that tore the skin made him bear it head-on, and his body was covered with scars.

Then he fell from more than ten meters in the air, fell to the ground with a weak voice, and could not get up.

Maybe he will die, maybe he will last until the end of the war, and then he will be rescued.

However, the attack that Liu Sheng foreknew in advance made the fireworks behind him shine brightly.

It’s awesome, it’s invincible!

From the time Yanagi and Hinata entered, Hanabi secretly paid attention to the boy.

His strength has also seen a little.

Whether it was fighting with his cousin, who was called a genius by his father, killing those ninjas in seconds, and easily killing the three-headed giant snake, he seemed so calm, as if he was very relaxed.

This look, it’s so handsome and cool.

Yanagi didn’t know what Hanabi was thinking, and after swinging his sword qi to knock off the hostile ninja who passed by, he put his sword back into its sheath and continued running.

Ten minutes later, the three of Yanagi arrived at the door of the Hyuga clan’s mansion.

“You guys go back, it’s better to wait until the war is over before coming out.” Yanagi instructed Hinata and Hanabi that although there was a war in the village, the Hyuga clan of Konoha’s famous family would definitely not be affected.

There is no place, safer than the Hyuga family.

Even if it affected here, there would be clansmen who would take Hinata and them to the shelter, and Yanagi was very assured of their safety.

“Hmm!” Hinata nodded and said in a nervous tone: “Yanagi-kun, you should also be careful. ”

Knowing Yanagi’s character, Hinata has no intention of stopping Yanagi from entering the war, but is gentle and concerned.

Liu Sheng nodded and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I will be fine.” ”

After speaking, Liu Sheng turned and disappeared.

The afterimage staggered through the air and the roof, and soon reached the center of Konoha.

Standing on a high place, Willow’s red-dyed silver single horsetail flew in the wind, looking at the battle everywhere, and a bloodthirsty excited smile appeared on his handsome face.

Seeing the domineering perception, there were no more villagers in this area, only a few ninjas were resisting the attacks of Sand Shinobu and Otonobu.

Because according to Konoha’s response manual, the village will immediately implement three major plans when attacked.

The first stage is to destroy the enemy’s surprise forces.

If this is not possible, the second phase is immediately carried out, and all villagers and children are transferred to shelters.

The reason why there are so few Konoha ninjas here is because most of them are escorting the villagers to the shelter.

After the second phase, the village will immediately start the third phase.

That is… Use the power of the entire village to destroy the enemy.

The second phase has not yet been implemented.

So in this area, Konoha ninjas are the weaker side.

If you resist, there is no sin in not leaving a living mouth.

“Then, before the village fights back, it is my performance time.” Liu Sheng pulled out the tai knife on his waist, and the silver-white blade that flashed coldly was gradually covered by a layer of black substance.

When the blade became completely black, Liu Sheng’s figure had disappeared.


A gust of wind blew through, and the three-way ninja who was fighting below, a sound ninja’s eyes were round, his face was full of confusion, his vision was shaking, and he vaguely saw his body that had lost his head, and the boy standing behind him.


Otobu’s head had just landed on the ground, and another sound of cloth tearing sounded from Sha Shinobu’s body.

A crack spread from the left shoulder to the right leg, and a column of blood gushed out.

However, before the blood could splash the boy, his figure disappeared.

“Well… So fast, so powerful! Who is that teenager?! ”

The two Konoha ninjas who resisted, their faces full of shock.

Another combat zone.


The Tai Dao and Ku Wu collided together, and the sound of Ku Wu breaking immediately sounded.

Liu Sheng stared at Sha Shinobu, who had a shocked face, and praised the corners of his mouth slightly: “Amazing, as a reward, please die.” ”

The figure shook, and Liu Sheng moved behind Sha Shinobu at high speed, and instantly rushed towards another battlefield.

And the sand ninja behind him has been cut off by the block.

“It’s so heavy, everyone’s breathing is so heavy!”

Jumping on the roof, Liu Sheng’s blood-stained face was hung with a smile like a breeze, his mood was extremely calm, and his mood did not fluctuate at all because of killing.

On the contrary, he felt that his surroundings were quiet.

There was only the sound of breathing in my ears.

Whether it was his, or the enemy, or the dead, it was so coarse, heavy, and urgent.

Those ninjas, I don’t know how strong their strength is, whether the level is lower or middle patience, and their bodies are so fragile.

With just one wave, you can cut them in two.

In such a state, Liu Sheng’s strength is so destructive.

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