Since the Whitebeard Pirates attacked Marinevando, the alarm system has been strengthened during reconstruction.

Roy and Little Xingxing were discovered when they were still a mile or two away from Crescent Bay.

In just an instant, the harbor and embankment were filled with naval forces.

Marshal’s Office.

Warring States received the news within three minutes

“What, giant sea kings are going to attack Marinephant?”

“What about Porusalino? Call him over quickly!”

“What? At least two thousand meters long?”

Of course Warring States knows what it means to be a two-thousand-meter sea king. This is not the kind of experience baby that gives training to navy recruits!

Otherwise, the entire Marineland will have to be rebuilt again!

So, he immediately decided to go there himself.

Arrival At the port, Akainu was there, but Kizaru was nowhere to be seen.

Just after Akainu came back from the mission, he encountered an emergency, so he stayed at the port.

At this time, he also frowned.

How could such a big thing suddenly appear? Neptune type?

And it was running straight towards Marine Fando!

Sengoku was also startled when he saw this behemoth.

If there was a fight, a general might not be able to defeat it!

And seeing that Akainu was there, Huang Kizaru didn’t know where he had gone, and he was even more angry.

Originally, Kizaru’s main job was to guard, while Akainu and Roy were responsible for business trips.

But, he was not there at the critical moment?

“Polusalino, where have you been?”

Sengoku made a phone call in person and scolded him fiercely. Only when

Kizaru received Sengoku’s call did he know that something was wrong, and reluctantly left the mahjong table.

When he arrived at the port, he was stunned on the spot.

Okay. Guys!

Where did such a big Neptune appear?

If no one discovered it, I would be in big trouble!

“Activate the surrounding wall!”

Warring States immediately gave the order.

However, the speed of the Sea King was too fast, and part of his head entered the Crescent Bay in an instant.

With such a huge thing blocking it, how could the surrounding wall be activated?

Suddenly, Malinfando’s The atmosphere became tense!

There was no doubt about this. This Sea King type had entered Marinevando’s port, and it must have come from bad intentions!

In this case, Warring States gave up the intention of negotiating.

He knew that the huge Sea King type, generally They are an ancient race and can understand human speech and speak.

However, such an act that tramples on the dignity of the navy has disqualified them from negotiating!

In an instant, bullets and cannons all hit the Sea Kings! Bang! Bang! Bang! Shock!

The sky keeps making noises!

But this Neptune’s skin looks smooth, but it is extremely hard!

All the attacks just now did not leave any traces.

Sure enough, it is not an ordinary Neptune!

“Ready to fight!”

The Warring States Period was like facing a formidable enemy, and now he didn’t care about the general taking action first.

It turned into a golden Buddha!

He stretched out his fist and was about to hit it with a punch!

The marshal had already taken action, so how could Akainu and Kizaru dare? Neglect.

So, he immediately launched an attack!

Hell Dog!

Eight-foot Magatama!

They are all powerful moves!

“Damn it? what’s the situation?”

As soon as Roy woke up, he found that there were bullets and bullets all around him! Did he encounter a pirate?

How could he see Little Xingxing being hurt? He quickly pulled out his sword and kept wielding the sword with incomparable strength!

He wanted to intercept it in the air These attacks.

However, as he continued to attack, he suddenly found that these things were a bit familiar.


He turned around and found that he had already arrived at Marine Fando!

“Damn it, is this too fast?”

He knew that Little Star could swim very fast, but he didn’t expect that he could be so fast! He originally planned to take a nap, but he was woken up not long after he fell asleep.

On the other side,

Akainu and Kizaru were already there Ready to take action.

But the sword energy suddenly came out from the back of this sea king type!

And it was an extremely terrifying sword energy!

Even the sword energy from the great swordsman Mihawk was nothing more than this, right?

Both of them suddenly opened their eyes. His eyes widened and he froze in place.

Things were too weird!

However, Warring States had already taken action!

He was also frightened by these sword energies, so he moved a beat slower.

That was it!

Neptune Class caught At this opportunity, a tentacle stretched out from nowhere and hit the golden Buddha with a whip. Warring States was in pain, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, everyone was stunned!

This Neptune-like creature What kind of monster is it that can’t even defeat Marshal Sengoku?

Sengoku was stunned by this whip. The power of this sea king exceeded his imagination!

Akainu and Kizaru subconsciously looked at each other and saw it in each other’s eyes. Horrified.

However, the two quickly turned their heads.

Since it was such a powerful enemy, it seemed that they would try their best.

However, just when the two took action, they were interrupted again!

They heard the Sea King type. There was a human voice coming from behind!

“Stop fighting, they are friendly forces!”

“Stop fighting, they are friendly forces!”


Kizaru saw what seemed to be a person on the back of the Neptune, waving and shouting!

Is it Roy?

He recognized it immediately

“It’s Roy, General Roy! Everyone stop attacking!”

Kizaru also quickly shouted commands to stop the fighting.

The sound of gunfire soon stopped.

The man stepped forward, and it was indeed Roy!

This guy is back!

However, Kizaru was even more puzzled.

This guy Why is it on the back of the Neptune?

Does he know this Neptune?

Warring States also discovered Roy and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this Neptune has no malicious intent.

Otherwise, judging from the strength he just saw, It was very troublesome to fight!

However, he soon became even more angry!

Because this guy Roy knew that he was a friendly force, but he didn’t tell him earlier!

He embarrassed himself in front of so many people!

It’s really disgusting!

He will have to teach him a lesson later. Give him a meal!

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