The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2229: Shopping is worth throwing (2)

"Are you sure?" Lara is a bit helpless. Because of the responsibility of the cloud auction house, he and the presidents of the major guilds, as well as the pharmacists of the royal family, are familiar with each other. He can guarantee that the mysterious guests in front of them will not be among them. Any one of them.

The pharmacies that are generally available to the cloud auction house are precious items that cannot be purchased at any market. The quantity of these pharmacies is very small. Basically, except for those sold in the cloud trading house, the only thing left is their king and The pharmacist has the opportunity to enjoy, so precious, other pharmacists can not copy the pharmacy, they are eligible to auction in their cloud auction house.

The price of the 12 bottles of pharmacy before Honeys is quite good, but it is based on the reputation and strength of Honeys.

This does not mean that a pharmacist can put on a few bottles of pharmacy and sell the same amazing price.

Lara is not optimistic about the mysterious guests in front of you. Pharmacy and alchemy are different. If there is no good tutor to guide, it is harder to learn medicine than to go to heaven.

Alchemy, there are many non-guild free alchemists, their own strength is very strong, will not lose to the president of the various guilds, even the imperial alchemist, but this situation will never appear in Pharmacist.

A little-known pharmacist wants to sell medicines at their cloud auction house?

This sounds a bit ridiculous.

"Yes, this is the pharmacy I want to sell. If you think so, I hope to sell it in a single bottle mode. The reserve price of each bottle is 8 million." Shen Yanxiao smiled.

"Eight million!!!" This pull-down is really amazing.

Just a few bottles of medicinal herbs have just sold millions of dollars, which is already a high record of pharmacy in their auction house.

However, this guest is good, actually shouted out a bottle of eight million price...

Is this still a potion?

This is clearly the **** of water!

Lara's mouth twitched slightly, and he began to wonder if the guest in front of him was upset or funny.

"This guest, are you kidding me? A bottle of eight million... To be honest, our auction house has never shot such a high-priced pharmacy, even a royal pharmacist like the honeysuckle master, single The highest price of the bottle is only a few hundred thousand. Are you talking to me?" If it is not because he is the person in charge of the cloud auction house, to maintain his manner and demeanor, Lara really wants people to make this happen. The guests with clear conditions are blasting out.

Eight million bottles of medicine? Can you become a **** when you eat?

What's more, this guest is not a master of pharmacy at all, and the ghost knows where she came from.

It’s hard to see that the honey pharmacy’s pharmacy has produced such a high price, and I thought I could shoot the same price.

Is this a bad brain or a lack of mind?

"I didn't laugh, I am serious. If you have doubts about the price I ordered, you can hand over one of the bottles to Master Honeys. I think she should still be in the auction now." Shrugging, her price report is a bit amazing, but the drugs in her hand are not ordinary medicine.

These ten bottles of pharmacy are all master-class pharmacy. Don't say that it is in the stormy continent. Even in the bright continent, only Ye Qing can be prepared.

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