The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 619 The Fission Experiment Succeeded Once

The construction of the Umbrella Nuclear Energy Research and Development Center is very fast, because the most core equipment is not local products. After the government's assistance and participation, an extremely large particle accelerator order was widely distributed, and construction was started in batches in factories across the country. Get up, and head straight to the foothills of Acre, Utah, section by section.

The particle accelerator is in the shape of a ring and is laid below the surface, which is the only reason why the entire research institute digs deep into the ground. There is no need to be as exaggerated as the honeycomb a few miles away, but tens of meters are still needed. An entire ring occupies the area of ​​dozens of stadiums. It really cannot be built anywhere.

Of course, a pure particle accelerator can only study basic physics. Nuclear energy physics requires simulated reactor equipment. Of course, Alice has considered this.

Whether it is a particle accelerator, a simulated reactor, or even any experimental equipment, as long as the cost is sufficient, it is not difficult to build at all. The reason why researchers regard them as treasures is because of their academic significance, but the key is that they are basically pure scholars who can only live with funds.

But if the investor is a tycoon himself, who cares about these trivialities?

During the same period, a large number of scientists were called into the army. In this regard, Alice Wang's innate advantages are really outstanding. She was originally a technical person born in the computer industry, and then transformed to the current stage step by step. During this period, she has always been very close to various institutions. Recruiting researchers is not once or twice. It can be said that how many people are actually in Looking forward to it.

Just look at the two series of medicines from Umbrella Pharmaceuticals. How can physicists not look forward to today's project?

Almost all scientific achievements are based on countless practical foundations, but occasionally a genius first proposes a theory, which is not gradually confirmed until later, such as Einstein's theory of relativity and Hawking's wormhole theory. What Alice has to do now is the same behavior, that is, submit the theory out of thin air, and then have it verified by the scientists under her, so as to save a lot of unnecessary time.

The scale of Laken City has finally officially begun to expand. Bar Street is a seasonal product, and the real ability is to make people settle down. Now, it is ushering in this trend.

Undoubtedly, when a batch of scientists came to work in the two research centers on the outskirts of the city, many of them would inevitably choose to live in Laden. Furthermore, some of the blue-collar workers who have completed the engineering tasks may also stay in Laken directly and switch to other positions that require them. With the addition of the intellectual class and laborers with manual skills, the prototype of the city structure has been predicted in this way, which is gratifying.

Of course, all these changes will take time to accumulate, and at this moment, Alice has too much overall planning work to deal with.

First, she was working on building the latest and fastest trinary computer. The system is of course the artificial intelligence HP-001, but it has not been many years, and it is time to improve the hardware functions. The underground computer room she designed for the hive was quite a large area, so there was no reason to just move the old stuff there. She estimated that assuming that this new computer could be installed in the hive in 1995, then according to its design computing power, it would take two thousand years to be outdated, which would be short.

What's more, it's just outdated, not unusable.

At the same time, she was also racking her brains to think of a new type of nuclear fission technology. After drinking a lot of cooking oil with good money, she can indeed manipulate a small number of microscopic particles to carry out fission reactions, but it is still a long time to find the laws and theorems. After all, the role she is currently playing is just a super particle collider in human form.

The results of the experiment, and then find the law based on the results, the two tasks are not simple tasks. If there is any difference between her and the collider parts being transported to the Salt Lake desert, it is that the operation efficiency is higher. In various decent laboratories, every time they apply for the use of these big guys, senior personnel need to hold a lot of funds, and even in the most important National Physical Laboratory, who can start the machine 2400 times a day? ?

Alice is fine, but if it was replaced by those tin guys, they would have aged long ago! ?

What's more, getting the result is only the first step, and there is still follow-up work after that, that is, Alice's head is so good, and ordinary researchers are going to do comparative analysis experiments, isn't it just how many people and how many nights? To be reasonable, even if you gather all the nuclear physicists in the United States together and throw out 2,400 results in groups for research, it will take a year to complete the analysis!

So the efficiency was really fast, and it took a long time for a total of two months. As early summer was approaching, the prototype of the Institute of Nuclear Energy was established, dozens of researchers and a circular particle collider were in place, and Alice also threw "New Fission Technology Version 1.0" to this group of people.

"Is this really reliable?"

The old Caltech professor was holding an A4 paper, full of doubts, but he was not sure about his conclusion: "Theoretical speculation is indeed very reasonable, you even wrote a formula, but unless you have done dozens or hundreds of experiments, Otherwise, it would be difficult to come up with a model, right?"

Another middle-aged MIT professor looked at the article, and his eyes kept shining: "It's worth a try, it's definitely worth a try, this is the final answer I've been thinking about for years! No, no, this sentence says It's too absolute, but Miss Wang, you filled in these indexes really just right, I haven't thought of writing like this after five years of research!"

The above two professors were both senior experts employed by another nuclear energy research institute, so after being recruited to Utah, they also received Alice's attention. There are many scholars like them in the Nuclear Energy Research Center, but they are the most outstanding ones. Of course, the entire conference room is almost full now.

"What's the useless talk, start the machine quickly!"

It was a research assistant with a double Ph.D., holding Alice's document like crazy: "I can't wait to try it out, every sentence of Alice's inference is as real as it is, Alice, Alice, you really Never played in the nuclear physics world? Why is it better than old Bryan?"

Alice remembered the names of every researcher, but this was not the time to greet them one by one, after all, she was not the director of the research institute. As the boss, she has only one thing to do now, and that is to wave her big hand and let the appointed director lead all the younger brothers to run to the simulated reactor!

Currently, electricity for the research center comes from a distant power station. From a long-term perspective, the umbrella will also be invested in the construction of one dozens of miles away from Laken City, but recent projects have continued, and it is still only at the drawing stage. Therefore, starting all kinds of large-scale equipment now, the theoretical cost will be a little higher than in the future. After all, the power grid company also wants to make money, so who will give you the cost price.

Simulated reactors, of course, are not as inaccessible as real nuclear reactors, and the small reaction volume is the biggest factor. When an ordinary nuclear power plant generates electricity, you don’t need to pay attention to how many years after a fuel rod is inserted, and let it undergo various controllable fission reactions. As for the simulated reactor, there are only a handful of uranium atoms that can be split after one start. What people want is the result after fission, not to let it generate electricity on site.

With Alice's file in hand, what the researcher needs to do now is to adjust the instrument according to the above theory. This is really not a job that ordinary people can do. Numerous parameters are constantly adjusted, from temperature control and magnetic field constraint control to a series of complex data such as neutron emission position and angular momentum, all need to be adjusted one by one.

It’s no wonder that a certain type of scientific theory takes a long time to come out. There are too many variables, and the time, funds, and number of experiments are limited. Unless the results are known in advance and the variables are adjusted directly, who the hell can take shape at once? Three people can have nine kinds of relationships, and nine people can have eighty-one kinds of relationships. Fortunately, no matter how idiotic a researcher is, he has theoretical knowledge to support it. If stupid children who don’t understand can fill in the data casually, the human race will become extinct. He can't get a result either!

Seeing the researcher filling in the data solemnly, Alice felt a little nervous. Of course, despite the fact that there are a group of engineering houses around, even if her theory fails, this group of people will not ooxx themselves. It's just that, this is the conclusion she simulated after drinking many barrels of cooking oil. If it fails like this, it's not a waste of food!

So many African children are starving, if she just wastes so much food, she will go to hell!

Soon, the parameters are filled in and the simulation test starts.

The eyes of the researchers who were watching were shining.

Alice pursed her mouth. She believed in her head, but she was afraid of losing the chain at a critical moment.

Humming and roaring sounded suddenly, and the huge simulated reactor started to work. In the extremely small space, the emitted neutrons began to shoot at the uranium nucleus. The researchers were foolishly waiting for the results, but Alice couldn't help it, she had already plunged her mental power into the reactor.

No doubt, this is not an experiment in some field of quantum state philosophy, so observation is irrelevant.

There is a profound knowledge in quantum theory, to the effect that it is almost impossible for people to observe some future changes. Because, as long as they observe, what they observe must be "the future change they observed" rather than "the future change that they did not observe".

Very literal, but that's what it means. Science and engineering are not literary circles, a sentence is a sentence, a definition is a definition, no one is showing off literary talent, the meaning of the words is just that. People who are good at logic can tell the difference at a glance between the "this kind of" change that "they observed" and the "this kind of" change that "was not observed by them", and no one thought about what kind of literature this is The grammatical behavior that the world shows off.

Mental energy is a kind of fluctuation at the quantum state level, but the nuclear fission impact experiment being carried out now is not those mysterious and mysterious things in the quantum state. It is just that a neutron smashes the nucleus, and more neutrons collide Just open more intimate interactions of atomic nuclei. Therefore, Alice is 100% sure that her voyeurism will not interfere with the progress of this microscopic experiment at all, so she can watch it with confidence.

Not long after, with a beep, the results came out.

Everyone stared at the past with big eyes.

The result... correct!

There was silence in the control room, that is, the simulated reactor that had just stopped operating outside was still roaring before going dormant.

"Wow, that's right."

In the end, it was Alice who spoke: "It seems that the result of my ignorance is quite correct, but in order to avoid coincidences, how about we try a few more times?"

How about it?

Does that need to be said?

Of course it will continue!

The current experiment is not 100% directly simulating the fission reaction, but just verifying whether Alice's formula is correct. After the uranium-235 nucleus undergoes fission reaction, whether it can undergo another round of fission and release energy depends only on whether the determination is correct or not. Just like those research institutes that study nuclear fusion, everyone is not stupid to directly pursue the complete birth of controllable nuclear fusion. As long as a minimum-scale reaction can be formed in an artificial environment, it is a success!

And now, the same result is here.

Even Alice herself didn't expect to be so powerful. She has indeed succeeded countless times in her mind. The mental force manipulated the microscopic particles to collide continuously, and forcibly smashed the fissioned uranium 235 nucleus again, but this is the unique skill of superpowers. It is really surprising that the same experiment was moved to a formal experimental place and the same result was obtained.

Needless to say, this group of researchers was completely shocked. Although this "New Fission Technology Version 1.0" is far from being as great as the theory of relativity, and everyone's experiment is not to see the clock slowing down in a microscopic state, this is also a historic moment when pure theory is proved by practice!

"Contact all nuclear waste storage places immediately and ask them to send their stocks to us. Of course, just a notification is enough now. Although we don't need to sleep with a pile of dangerous goods at any time, we still need to build a safe storage room."

Alice made a decision immediately, so this project really needs to cooperate with the government. Whether it is uranium-235 or nuclear waste, it is not something that ordinary entrepreneurs can casually collect on the street, but if they can get strong support from the government, the most troublesome key point will directly become the simplest part. Anyway, the purpose of this technology is to contribute to all mankind. Of course, there is no need for Alice to play mysticism foolishly.

The experimental records and application reports were quickly spread to Washington. It was night, and Bill Clinton, who had just come to power and was full of ambitions, almost swallowed his dentures with laughter. Energy infrastructure is a century-old undertaking, and this is the rhythm of his fame!

Cooperate, give me full cooperation!

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