The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 493 Superman virus research and development plan

The most effective way to change the habits of a creature is to directly adjust its genome. As long as you can analyze the meaning of the genetic code corresponding to each base, you can easily add the genome that is needed or not. Or delete, as easy as organizing your computer files.

But this is undoubtedly based on the premise that the meaning of all base combinations is clear, which is obviously a difficult condition at present.

The Human Genome Project is indeed about to start. The discovery of 25,000 genes and 3 billion bases will not only allow people to fully understand the genetic makeup of the human body, but also enable people to understand other organisms by analogy. Even as the overlord species that dominates the world, the genetic difference between humans and mice does not exceed 20%, and they are the most numerous one after all. When this plan is completed, a very important secret in the nature of the earth will be fully grasped by human beings.

This time-consuming and labor-intensive project was proposed in 1985 and officially launched in 1990. The early plan was to complete the compilation of the entire atlas in 2005. Obviously, it is impossible for Alice to wait that long. Although turning Brody into a super soldier is not a mission that must be completed, there is no reason to delay opening it for fifteen years.

Fortunately, nature does not rely on artificial means to realize the evolution of species, but relies on pure natural laws. The change of the type of virus parasitic cells is essentially a mutation behavior, but anyone with some biological knowledge knows that one of the reasons why viruses are scary is that they have a powerful ability to mutate, that is, powerful viability.

The current characteristics of the I virus are obviously benign, and its symbiotic behavior with lymphocytes objectively promotes the immunity of living organisms, which is a situation that any living thing likes to hear. But obviously, no matter how objectively it brings benefits to the parasitic organisms, its essence remains unchanged.

The virus infects the cell.

Delof's observations are very clear. The symbiotic relationship between virus I and the lymphocytes of orangutans and mice is by no means the same as that of crocodiles and toothpick birds. Like ordinary viruses, they invaded and occupied the body of lymphocytes, but they did not completely wipe out all existence of those cells, but stagnated in a "half and half" form.

Therefore, the next research direction is very clear, that is to make the current I virus that only infects lymphocytes mutate to a certain extent within a controllable range. The requirement is that the mutated I virus has the ability to infect muscle or nerve cells and, as desired, produce benign side effects that enhance the performance of those two cells.

"It's very dangerous."

In an empty conference room on the B-8 floor, all the participants were sitting across the long table. Ivan Deloof said seriously: "Although we can use animals for testing first, we will not really use humans one day. We won't be able to really know its effect on the human body for a day. And this is obviously very different from ordinary drug testing, Alice, you don't plan to recruit volunteers from the public, do you?"

"Then wait for a series of demented patients to murder their relatives, and then a reporter with a sense of justice scrambles, follows the clues, and finds our evil umbrella company all the way? Evan, although I usually like to open this typical brain hole, But in it still too exaggerated?"

Alice was right in one sentence at least, her brain hole is really well-known in the circle. No, Delof, Monica, Brody, including Spencer, who is the CEO of the company, couldn't help but smile.

There is not much time difference between Alice's arrival at the institute and the meeting. At this time, on the second floor, little Ada was still sleeping peacefully in the temporary ICU, and her parents were even invited to accompany her. And at this time downstairs, Spencer, who was urgently summoned from London by Alice's phone call, undoubtedly arrived here in about three hours. Although it was supposed to be time for dinner, it was obvious that no one had that interest.

"From animal experimentation to human body, this is a very long process." Spencer said, as a veteran in the industry who has worked in Pfizer for many years, his understanding of the relevant situation is even better than that of Delof.

"Different from the development of ordinary therapeutic drugs, we now have to start from scratch and study the basic capabilities of a virus. Therefore, we must start from the most basic mouse and progress to various larger organisms, especially monkeys. , and may even need to consider more unconventional creatures. Please believe me, everyone, the various processes are often measured in ten years. As for the human experiments you are worried about... ah, what does that sentence say, There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain?"

Spencer's statement of time is obviously exaggerated, but this is indeed the case with the real scientific research path. In fact, until now, regardless of the commercials of new drugs, Deloof still wonders how he cultivated the lipase. It was really luck, it was so hard for him to reproduce the rhythm of soda water + carbon dioxide = Coca-Cola.

Fortunately, it is not a problem to reproduce based on off-the-shelf enzymes, otherwise Alice would not be able to launch her weight-loss drug product.

She nodded in agreement: "It makes sense, and Yiwen, although this project is very dangerous, but after it is really successful, our benefits are also very obvious, isn't it? Of course, I know that what I said is very vulgar, but the facts are also true Well, if we can really develop a virus that turns humans into superheroes, even if it's not really stupid to sell it publicly, but you think..."

Having said that, it was really impossible for Alice to say anything, but she just shrugged her shoulders in a very exaggerated manner and raised her voice high-pitched.

No one responded immediately, including Delof, as well as Brody who seemed to be at the core.

Monica was silently observing every expression and movement.

What is the so-called benefit? Even if there is no Alice, a boss who thinks every day, everyone here can imagine countless feasible definitions based on their imagination.

You know, what does it mean to comprehensively enhance the functions of muscle cells, even nerve cells, and even immune cells?

It was the birth of a tiny Superman, no doubt about it.

Then the most direct and basic benefit, naturally, is that the shareholders, executives, and researchers who are the top executives of the consortium can become little supermen themselves.

Just like King Arthur ordered the Knights of the Round Table to seek the Holy Grail, as human beings, even if they can resist the temptation brought by wealth, how many people can refuse eternal life? Even, even if some Christians really have the bizarre belief of rejecting eternal life, how many of them can reject being alive... It's very simple, how about becoming a little Superman?

There is no need to discuss commercial interests, such as how to position the market, how to determine sales volume, and how to set the price.

Do you want to be a superman?

As long as you ask anyone to listen to such an extremely simple sentence, the approval rate will be self-evident.


There was a long silence, and finally Delof let out a long sigh.

Then there was Spencer, Brody's face was flushed even more, and Monica's eyebrows kept drifting towards Alice.

"I believe that everyone should have no doubts, right?"

"No, I have one."

However, Spencer suddenly raised his hand, and as for his question, he won unanimous silent smiles from everyone present.

"Alice, no, dear Miss Wang, I'm really curious, why did you tell me about this project?"

Alice also smiled.

"Mr. Spencer, I believe this question can also be asked in a different way." She said slowly: "Miss Wang, do you plan to tell your family this secret?"

Spencer rolled his eyes.

"As the saying goes, there are many people, and the more people know a secret, the higher the chance of it being leaked. This law is not wrong, but it is not comprehensive enough, because the root cause of a secret being leaked is not the number of people, but its The importance to the insider. The reason why many secrets are eventually leaked is because the number of insiders continues to expand, and the proportion of irrelevant matters is also increasing.”

"Then the question is, a drug, a drug that can make you immortal, a drug that can make you superhuman, will you leak it?"

Seeing everyone's eyes turned, Alice continued: "The reason why many people reveal their secrets is actually the pain of keeping one thing in their hearts, but if a secret is known to many people, this pain It no longer exists. You guys here are all elites, and I believe you don’t have the habit of easily disclosing business secrets and customer information to your family members, right? The project we’re discussing today is not fundamentally different from it.”

"The money earned can be used to support the family. But if a person tells his wife and children about the way to make money, and then they are stupid and can't control their mouths and tell others, then it will eventually lead to business robbery... believe it No one would be that stupid, right?"

The extremely popular example immediately dissipated the nervousness of everyone present. Isn’t that the reason? For example, in a pastry shop that has been passed down for a hundred years, the top-secret recipe of its unique pastry must be well known to everyone in the family, but no one will foolishly disclose it. The preservation of secrets does not depend on the number of people known, but only on the degree of vested interests.

"So, Mr. Spencer, although you are a newcomer who just joined our group... In fact, from the perspective of time, Brody and even Monica are also newcomers, but what we pay attention to is not the seniority in terms of time. One of you is the CEO of the umbrella, the other is my secretary, and the other is not only my bodyguard, but also a human guinea pig who is ranked ing, I can't hide it from anyone, and I can't hide it from you!"

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