The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 476 Get rid of the scapegoat and talk about serious business

"Let's talk about the headquarters building. Let's study first, how to improve the security measures of the research center." Alice said clearly. Therefore, there is no need to stay on the B-8 floor all the time. Let Delof check on little Ada's body slowly. She will go upstairs with everyone.

Of course, this return journey is not going directly to the main office on the fifth floor above the ground. At the very least, she still has to send Caesar to the B-8 floor first, so that Caesar and Ada can meet. It's very interesting what can happen between a high-intelligence orangutan and a little girl with bursting spiritual power.

Then, go back to the second floor to see how the patients are doing.

The elevator door opened, and except for Delof and Ada who remained underground, everyone else moved forward together.

In the transparent glass wall, in the empty room, dozens of hospital beds are full of people, and many medical staff are still walking around. Seeing Alice enter the room again, the Chief Physician Shepherd, who is in charge, immediately greeted her.

"Good news, Ms. Wang, the last six patients are also fully awake. We are conducting a series of examinations on them, but no specific reason has been found yet."

Modern technology can only discover the ghosts, and Alice can make the same effect by herself. The sequelae of "skills" such as mental shock waves and mind blasts are not difficult to detect by human medicine in the 21st century, let alone them?

She looked at the audience, and the researchers had basically returned to normal, but because of the doctor's order, they had to lie on the bed for their examination. Alice put her hands behind her back and said, "Dr. Shepherd, it's normal for you to report today's incident to the hospital, but I never want it to be published in the newspaper. Can you cooperate?"

Far away on the plane to London, Alice's eldest brother received a direct call from Buckingham Palace, several private hospitals dedicated to treating the royal family, and it was almost the same if they were not all out. Britain is so big, and it happens to be the birthplace of the paparazzi. No one can guarantee that someone will get some clues. If today's incident is really published in the newspaper, Alice, a newly established pharmaceutical company, will really face a lot of trouble.

"No problem, this is what Her Majesty is happy to see, but at the same time she also hopes that you can give a reasonable explanation." Shepherd looked embarrassed: "We really need to find out the cause of the patient's coma, so that it is also convenient for you to prepare Avoidance measures. But we are now repeatedly asking patients what impression they had before coma..."

"But I forgot all about it?" Alice understood in her heart, it seems that the hypnotic effect of the white lotus is really not covered, so that she can't be noticed by the gods?

"Oh, I'm actually really sorry about this, I think I may have found some reason."

Hearing that Alice said such words, Shepherd was immediately overjoyed, and stepped forward in three steps: "Really? May I ask why? Have you really found out?"

Harry and Captain Jackson looked at Alice in silence, wondering how she could round things up.

"Well~ I believe you can also understand that the various hardware configurations of this research center are very good, and there are traces of computer control everywhere." Seven sentences are true and three sentences are false. The rhetoric there: "Then I went to check the underground supercomputer just now, and it turned out that it was running continuously for a long time, which caused some bugs, bugs... Well, it's data redundancy... Do you understand data redundancy? I don’t understand? I don’t understand it. Anyway…”

"...Because of this BUG, ​​the air pipe network system in the underground area of ​​the research center broke down. The underground area, long live the understanding. So, a large amount of oxygen was sucked away like this, and then the situation can be imagined I know. You are also a doctor. Can you imagine the consequences of long-term hypoxia in the human body? It is also thanks to Captain Jackson who opened the door to the B-4 floor in time..."

Mouth was full of bubbles, Alice looked back and grinned at the security captain: "Jackson, when you first entered the B-4 floor, did you feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, all kinds of breathlessness~"

With a clatter, all eyes around were turned to the retired veteran.

"Yes, boss, and a doctor!" Captain Jackson said without blushing and heartbeat: "But it will be fine after opening the door, and the air will go in, so we didn't take it seriously at the time. After all, we are just security guards. I won’t go underground either!”

The truth turned out to be like this! ?

Shepherd took a deep breath: "Then you found those comatose patients?"

All the girls and Harry looked at Jackson together. As expected of the old man from Blackwater, he really cooperated with Alice.

"Yes, doctor! But you also know that those of us soldiers have never encountered a case of long-term hypoxia, and the situation was tense at that time, so we all focused on transferring the injured!"

In a few sentences, the situation seems to have been explained. The lack of oxygen in the brain leads to amnesia, so I can’t remember what happened before the coma. It makes perfect sense pathologically, and the computer bugs and air pipe network system that Alice mentioned... also fit the style of this Silicon Valley entrepreneur, so this thing...

"Then Miss Wang..." Shepherd was relieved, but he really deserves to be the chief physician in charge. He glared at her fiercely and said, "I don't care if you use ratamine or dichlorvos, I hope you will quickly fix that bug. Solve it for me! I will definitely report the truth to my superiors because of the lack of oxygen caused by the computer accident, this is a work-related injury!"

"Yes, yes, work-related injury!" There is nothing to say, just peck the rice vigorously, after all, it is indeed a work-related injury: "You can file a complaint with the queen, no problem, no problem, as long as it is not reported!"

In this way, the matter is settled in this way. The doctors don't have the time to quarrel with the capitalists about the issue of work-related injury insurance. It is the patients' own business, so the doctor's hurdle is over. As for the queen, of course it is a piece of cake, as long as there are no newspapers, everything is easy to talk about.

Of course, Alice still has to apologize to the patients in the room immediately, bowing again and again, but bowing three times will save her. After repeated reassurances, those employees who were still lying on the bed, at least for now, would of course just keep saying that it was okay.

"I can really make up nonsense~"

On the way to the elevator again, Sissy put her arms around Alice's neck and said, "Is there a bug in the computer? You went downstairs to check? Why didn't I know~ Hey, Harry, the director of the research institute? You Do you know? Ashley, when did you see Alice go to check? Did anyone find out?"

"Otherwise, how else can I explain it? Do you still want to talk about carbon monoxide poisoning?" Alice was so proud, her little head was directly tilted to the ceiling.

"Then what's next?" Maiya said calmly, "Write an accident report? Handle the compensation for work-related injury insurance? Contact Mr. Li Zeju?"

"The work is entrusted to you, Harry." Alice patted him on the shoulder and said, "I have already identified the cause of the accident as a computer bug, and you wrote the accident report. Don't be afraid of taking responsibility, the program that controls the central air conditioner I bought it originally, just find a few experts to manually add some bugs in its core code, and then push the matter to that company.”

Harry smiled immediately: "Boss, you are really dark enough. Do you want to buy that company later? Let me check its information for you?"

Alice thought for a while, and really nodded: "Good idea, it's rare for a small company with some concepts of the Internet of Things. Since they are all in Silicon Valley, it's really suitable to give it to Cisco. It's the air conditioner of its superior. Company, you really need to study it carefully, if it is a listed company, contact Wall Street to give an evaluation report."

Three or two sentences can decide the fate of at least one company, and then she waved her hand and said: "Maiya, and Jackson, both of you come to the top floor with me. Sissy and Ashley, you two can do whatever you want , I will be working seriously for a while."

"No problem~!" Ashley hugged Sissy's slender waist with a smile: "But Exeter is not big, so there is no nightlife at the moment, Sissy, where shall we go?"

No matter where they go, it's up to those two people, so everyone parted from the elevator entrance. Alice, Maiya, and Jackson went straight to the fifth floor, and then entered the large office. Poor Harry has just been appointed as the director, so many things have been spread out, and the office he inherited has been requisitioned by the original owner before he even has time to move his "home"~

"It's better to change the plan, let's directly discuss how to strengthen the security measures of our research center."

On the sofa in the reception area, Alice said: "Jackson, you have also seen what is at the bottom of me. Of course, the less people know the secret of this level, the better, right?"

Alice looked straight at the security captain, and Maiya, not to mention an outsider, also cast her gaze on him.

The silent atmosphere that seemed to last for a long time was immediately broken by Jackson's light smile.

"Boss, you are a superpower. Although I don't know what you can do, at least like Batman, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

The person being questioned actually asked back, but this was exactly what Alice hoped to see. She breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and asked this question: "Why do you think I bought DC instead of Manga?" Wei?"

How many people are aware of the important news in the industry that was published in the newspaper a long time ago, and Jackson, as a subordinate employee, of course understands it better. He pondered the holy intention for a while, and said with a smile: "I really don't know about this."

"Of course it's because... oh, Marvel is really too brainless." Alice shook her head with a look of hatred: "Although it looks cool, it's nothing more than a group of brainless fighters." It’s nothing more than a series of non-stop hand-to-hand combat, and the Marvel universe system is really better than the other. Of course it’s normal for ordinary people to be obsessed with it, but for real superpowers like us... Isn’t that a joke? ?”

The seemingly off-topic remarks made all three people laugh together.

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