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The fifteen yuan baby gold thread is a total of fifteen thousand two silver, and the beautiful girl in front of him is only charging one or two silver!

Could it be ... that her head was caught in the door?

Qin Yi stood in amazement, and for a moment, it was difficult to recover.

With this beautiful girl's words, all the male disciples in Fang City will look at Qin Yi with envious and jealous eyes.

"I am really innocent!"

Bearing the eyes of jealousy or envy, Qin Yi shrugged rather helplessly. He didn't even know the girl in white robe in front of him, and she couldn't understand why she offered the price of one or two silver. , Trade fifteen Yuanyingjin lines with yourself.

As for the Yuanying Gold Thread, Qin Yi is now in desperate need of a moment. The strange beautiful girl in front of him now trades fifteen Yuanying Gold Threads with himself at the price of one or two silver.

Immediately, under extremely surprising circumstances, Qin Yi successfully traded fifteen Yuan baby gold lines with the strange beautiful girl in front of him at the price of one or two silver.

Four kinds of medicinal materials, purple grass, panacea, dust-falling leaf, and Yuanying golden thread, finally got together, and Qin Yi was relieved.

Without delay, Qin Yi held four kinds of medicinal materials of purple grass, panacea, dust leaf, and Yuanyingjinxian. After thanking the strange beautiful girl in front of him, he turned out of the herbal medicine market.

Looking at the figure of Qin Yi's departure, the beautiful corner of the beautiful girl's mouth lifted up slightly, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Immediately, in the fiery eyes of the surrounding male disciples, the stunning beautiful girl turned around gracefully and slowly left the herbal medicine fair. From beginning to end, I have never looked at the male disciples around me.

"Who is that girl? Why should I trade fifteen yuan baby gold thread with me for one or two silver?"

Back at the stone house, Qin Yi frowned and pondered.

The scene encountered in the medicinal materials trading market was really too weird, and it felt unreal as if it was a dream.

After a moment of contemplation, he could not come up with this strange thing. Qin Yi had to put it down and put his mind on the alchemy.

He came to the pharmacy and demanded some purple charcoal from the Alchemy Master. Earlier in the "Thousand Spectral Composition of Medicinal Materials", Qin Yi learned that the four medicinal materials of purple grass, panacea, dust leaf, and Yuanying golden thread all belong to neutralization, so when refining, they must be refined with purple charcoal system.

The white charcoal fire is too hot to fully extract the essence of the medicinal materials. The black charcoal fire is too strong and it is easy to scorch the medicinal materials.

"What, Qin Yi, are you going to prepare the immortality medicine separately?"

Princess Taiping asked in surprise, but she soon realized that this was a nonsense. Qin Yi had been able to refine the Elixir alone before several days.

Returning to the stone house, Qin Yi took out old man Ye and gave it to his own old medicine tripod, and respectively divided four kinds of medicinal materials: purple grass, panacea, dust-reducing leaf, and Yuanying gold thread, according to the requirements for refining a purple gold For the amount of medicinal materials, two strains of each were thrown into the medicine tripod, and some purple charcoal was added to the charcoal silo.

After doing this, the next step is the most critical step to control the fire.

There are not many medicinal materials, which can only be refined seven times. If it cannot be refined within seven times, the entire plan will fail.

In the alchemy room before, Qin Yi also had several alchemy experiences, and the number of successes and failures was almost even.

However, this time refining Zijindan is different, at least the third grade Zijindan must be refined in order to greatly improve the effect of cultivation. The capital Dan below the third grade can only play a role in strengthening the body.

Such a requirement is already extremely harsh for a person who is a beginner in alchemy.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yi tried to calm himself down, and pressed a palm against the "lighting port" on the wall of the medicine tripod.


As Qin Yi led a trace of profound energy to the palm of his hand, a slight surge, the purple charcoal in the charcoal bunker was burning fiercely, purple flames, screaming burning, began to make alchemy.

Qin Yi simultaneously urged his left hand to enter the ethereal state while consciously controlling the tan fire through the trace of the profound energy from his palm. He would perceive the spiritual power, directly cover the medicine tripod, and perceive the few of the medicine tripod Taste medicinal herbs, all subtle changes in order to be able to better control danhu.

Because it is very important to refine the capital pill this time, Qin Yi's look is extremely cautious and dignified. According to the changes in the picture of the medicinal materials in the medicine tripod in his mind, he carefully controlled the purple pill.

After seeing the medicine tripod, the original few flavored herbs, after their continuous refining, finally slowly turned into an adult thumb-sized purple medicine, Qin Yi also took his hand suddenly in the medicine tripod The purple tan fire in the charcoal silo also goes out as it goes up.

"Second Pill Elixir."

Qin Yi sighed with disappointment when he took the purple elixir out of Yaoding.

The general elixir can be judged by its color. Generally, the higher the elixir, the more ancient and old the color, and the lower the elixir, the brighter the color.

In addition to distinguishing from the color and luster, from the medicine fragrance, it is also possible to distinguish the quality of the medicine. The higher the quality of medicine, the stronger the medicine fragrance.

Qin Yi was not discouraged by refining a second-grade panacea in the first furnace. After a short rest, he began to refine the second furnace.

Cutting, adding charcoal and controlling the red fire, Qin Yi was able to do it in one go.

After half an hour, the second Zijindan was released.

"It turned out to be ... a kind of panacea."

Qin Yi smiled rather bitterly at the second purple gold that was refined.

The quality of this panacea is not as high as that of the first panacea. Yipin Zijindan, even if it is strong and healthy, is not very effective. This panacea may be quite popular among some local schools Popular, but in terms of Qin Yi's current cultivation level, it is basically a waste pill.

"There are five more chances."

Qin Yi breathed out a breath and continued to refine the third panacea.

Feed again, add charcoal, and control the fire.

After another half hour, the third Zijindan was released.

"It turned out to be ... the second-pin elixir."

Qin Yi's smile was a bit bitter when he looked at the third purple golden pill made out.

"There are four more chances."

Zijindan itself is a kind of immortal medicine that is more difficult to refine. Of course, once refined into a third-grade immortal medicine, its high value is also amazing. If it is sold on the market, it is conservatively estimated that it can be Sell ​​three Kyushu Lingyuan stones.

Looking at the opportunity to go down again and again, Qin Yi was inevitably anxious.

"You have to be calm and don't mess with yourself."

Qin Yi breathed out a breath and tried to calm himself down.


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