The God of Creation who was pulled into the group chat

Chapter 269 The First Batch of Enemies

"The void has come! Attention all fighters, you must not be soft-hearted in the face of void creatures, kill me!!!"

Pan Zhen was sitting on one side, and after seeing the void creatures taking shape in the void breath, he immediately commanded his fighters to start fighting!

All the fighters in Tiangong rushed forward and fought with the void creatures.

Because Caruso and Kaisha have explained to them before, the power of void creatures.

And Caruso also used some means to simulate the characteristics and attack methods of void creatures.

Although this kind of simulation method can only imitate a seven or eight similarity, it is completely enough for training the army.

And Caruso also put some paralyzing mist on those simulated creatures.

The penetration effect of mist is similar to that of void air.

After this kind of training, these soldiers naturally knew how to face these void creatures.

And according to the routine that Carloso had learned before, the first wave of attacks by the void creatures was to send out the weakest and irrational creatures to attack.

As long as you master the method, this kind of outpost is very easy to solve.

It can be said that it was very easy for Pan Zhen to destroy the void creatures who committed crimes in the future.

But the void creatures kept coming, and one after another was eliminated, so he and Lena had to take action to curb the number of void creatures.

After all, if there are too many of these things, there will be a qualitative change, and it is not impossible to engulf his army by then.

On the other side, Caruso commanded the Gluttonous Legion and his own undead army to stop these void creatures.

It can be said that he is very relaxed here.

Caruso's undead creatures are composed of dark matter, so they don't have to be afraid of the invasion of the void.

And undead creatures are just like the name says, they really can't die!

As long as Death Karl is still here, they can be resurrected at any time, so there is no need to worry about consumption.

But the only pity is that the strength of these undead is a bit weak, but fortunately, there are a lot of them, even exceeding the number of void creatures.

But Karl, the god of death, is of course more than this trick. He is also testing the power and data of these void creatures to prepare for his own research.

Devil City is much simpler here.

Liang Bing used his own wormhole technology, and then made these void creatures circle in place, unable to enter their defense line at all.

In this way, the demon army can easily destroy these void creatures from a long distance without losing a single soldier.

I have to say that Liang Bing is the best king in caring for his subordinates.

She will not allow her subordinates to make meaningless sacrifices, unless they follow her with ill intentions.

But in the face of these people, Liangbing will not be polite, and will even kill them directly, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

This is Liang Bing, who acts on his own will and is fickle.

Kesha on the other side directed the angel to attack the void creatures.

The average strength of angels is much stronger, so when they face void creatures, they are also very easy.

Kaisha, Hexi, and Angel Yan didn't even need to do it themselves, it was enough to just leave it to the people under them.

However, Keisha always felt that something was wrong with the void invasion this time, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Then Keisha turned on the Void Engine and began to check the situation of Karoso's group members.

They are all struggling to kill the void creatures at this time.

Some people kill while paddling, these void creatures are not a threat to them, so they don't have to take it too seriously.

But some people, such as Estes, Magneto, and Sakasky, even faced the lowest level of void creatures.

They will also go all out and use the most efficient skills to start clearing the field.

Then Kaisha saw Aizen, standing there motionless, and those void creatures began to kill each other.

Obviously, Aizen used Zanpakuto's ability, which affected all void creatures, making them think that the enemy was by their side.

Afterwards, Aizen also seemed to realize that someone was peeping at him. He nodded to Kaisha, and his figure became blurred.

Aizen doesn't like being peeped at, not even by his own people, so he uses illusion to hide himself.

Seeing this, Keisha couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

This is the first time she has encountered someone who can block her from peeping.

Although Aizen didn't directly shield, but used illusion to make people unable to see themselves.

But Keisha still felt that the other party was very interesting. If it weren't for the current enemy, she really wanted to have a good chat with Aizen, what was going on with this ability.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

After Keisha suppressed her thoughts, she began to search for Carloso's location.

But he didn't find Carlos, and he couldn't even find Carlos' breath at all!

This is the real shield.

Relying on his own strength, Carlos blocked all perceptions of him, even Keisha couldn't observe it.

This situation surprised Keisha.

Because he knows Carloso well and knows that he will not block everyone from observing him for no reason.

He must have his own reasons for doing this!

As for what it was, Keisha didn't know, but she always felt that her ominous premonition was related to Carloso.

"Hexi, Yan, the City of Angels will be managed by the two of you for the time being. I have some things to deal with, so I will go out for a while."

With that said, Keisha got up and was about to leave.

Hexi didn't speak, but silently glanced at Kaisha.

Angel Yan was a little puzzled, but he also didn't ask Kaisha what to do.

With Kaisa's strength, these void creatures can't pose a threat to her at all.

After a while.

Keisha cleaned up a piece of void creatures and came to the place where void breath was constantly being produced.

Relying on her godly body and the strength of the ceiling, she can completely ignore the invasion of the void.

However, like Aizen, she couldn't see the outer wall of the universe, but could only see a cloud of dense fog, which was constantly generated in this universe and then dissipated.

After such a cycle, it is still strong, and there is no way to get rid of it.

Even if Keisha tried her best, she could only kill the void creatures, but she couldn't affect the void breath at all.

Such a situation made her unable to understand.

But now she is going to find someone who can understand this matter, that is Carloso who has blocked his own existence!

Although Keisha is not sure where Carlos is.

But she knew where Aizen was, and during this time, Aizen had been doing research on the void with Carloso.

As long as you find Aizen, you will definitely be able to find where Carlos is!

At least Keisha thought so, so she began to go deeper to find Caruso and solve her inner doubts.

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