The God of Basketball

Two: [If you don't agree, then come to the competition]

On the evening of February 26, 2006.

The basketball god Jordan was rushed to the hospital by a Brazilian model in the presidential suite of a Las Vegas hotel, although the trapeze refused to discuss the incident and denied it was involved in the recent divorce lawsuit. But there are still consultations showing that Michael lost two million dollars in Las Vegas that day, and he was drinking, smoking cigars, and taking stimulant drugs, which caused him to faint on the bed of the female model because of his excitement.

Interestingly, these news did not form a fermentation, after all, everyone knows Michael's three hobbies, smoking and drinking to engage in Brazilian tender model.

And when Jordan woke up from the ward, he suddenly felt empty in his body, as if he had been hollowed out.

He stretched out his hand and extended it.

Then sigh.

Alas, the body is far from what it used to be.

Gotta get old!


Li Zhen woke up at noon the next day. At that time, the sun had already shot his face with light.

He opened his hazy eyes, blinked forcefully, got up, and found that something suddenly appeared in his body.

He went to the bathroom, just about to take a shower. However, he found that all his hair was erected by lightning, which was very rock and roll.

I rely on!

He stroked his hair forcefully: "My handsome hairstyle has become like this???"

But he just finished muttering.

A faint voice suddenly appeared in my mind: "Treasure it, your hairline will move up five centimeters in 20 years. At that time, it will be difficult for you to control the explosive head..."

who? who is it? ?

Li Zhen was shocked, he jumped up and looked around, for fear of entering a thief.

"I'm in your head." The voice continued weakly: "It may be difficult for you to accept this fact, but I must tell you, lucky, that thunder and lightning bring you adventures. You have a chance of one in a trillion. favored."

"I'm very tired now and can't say much. I visited your body last night and found that you have some advantages in the speed gene, so I took measures, but your body's carrying capacity is too weak, I can only use the speed Raise it to 80. I use the remaining part of the energy in your hands. In the next week, you will find that your appetite will increase greatly, and your palms will increase significantly. Don’t be surprised, this is a normal process. You know, I used that The bastard gained twenty centimeters in half a year, turning him from a small black man of 1.76 meters to a golden figure of 1.98 meters..." "

"Unfortunately, most of my energy was consumed by that selfish, paranoid, alcoholic, gambling, and lecherous man."

"I hope you will be a person with positive energy, keep upright and innovate, and train hard. When you have accumulated enough energy, I will wake up again, and I will help you capture your potential and further develop your body!"

"Goodbye, lucky one..."

The sound is getting weaker and weaker.

This made Li Zhen feel inexplicable, and he couldn't help but ask: "Hey, who are you? What's your name? Are you the old man with you, or the system? Speak!"

? ? ? ? ?

When he said this, Li Zhen himself was surprised. He didn't know how he suddenly burst out with so many incredible words. Could it be because of that nightmare.

"Don't ask me such a difficult question, I'm a positive baby who just learned to speak, rest! Rest! Rest for a while!  …"

The faint voice in my mind was like the sound of a car engine drifting away, and finally disappeared.

Li Zhen froze in place.

He suddenly felt like a fool.

Am I schizophrenic?

He hurried to take a cold shower.

Then he found that he was still schizophrenic. He patted his brain hard, except for feeling dizzy and painful: Am I crazy?

Jingle Bell!

The phone on the table rang.

He walked over and pressed the answer button.

The impatient voice of assistant coach Jemelin sounded on the other end of the phone: "Hey, Bruce, what are you doing? Are you going to give up on yourself? Don't you mean to be the pride of the Chinese? Now you have at least three games to prove it. Come and train yourself."

"Tomorrow night is against USC and you're in the starting roster. I don't want you to screw everything up again!"

Jamelin said very seriously. He is a Chinese coach, and he has always encouraged and supported Li Zhen of the same skin color: after all, in the field of basketball, there are really only a handful of people with yellow skin.

Li Zhen thought for a while, and finally clenched his fists. He replied, "Okay, I'll be right over here!"

Afterwards, he changed his clothes and went out to the arena.

He doesn't know why he is so active all of a sudden. He obviously has no basketball dreams anymore. What can change in the last three games? Might as well get in touch with your Harvard professors early to prepare for your return next semester.

However, there was still a hot fire burning in his heart, and he felt the need to give himself an explanation.


When Li Zhen came to the arena, most of the players had already arrived, except for the two injured ace stars.

As soon as the team's chief power forward Scott saw Li Zhen, he couldn't wait to run over and hug him: "Are you ready? My dear lee, today we will all wear the yellow vests representing the starters, I can't wait. It's time to conquer USC's hoops and the bohemian girls on their campus."


Li Zhen felt that Scott was too naive.

That's the University of Southern California! !

He doesn't think that being on the starting roster with Scott will change anything. The core guard TJ Walton and the ace small forward Nicholas were injured one after another, and the Crimson Red team no longer has an elite player who can hold the ball to open the situation. In the lineup, either a shooter or a rough brother like Scott who relies on his body to play, there is no way to form an effective offensive system. The reason why he was able to enter the starting lineup was probably because of a broken jar.

Now everyone knows that the Jianghong team has given up the 2005-2006 season, and the focus of the coaching staff is on signings. They are now looking for talented high school students everywhere. Even the head coach made an early trip to Los Angeles, where he will examine a pair of twin centers in preparation for next year's season.

So... I'm thankful I didn't get caught and beat up by USC.

But anyway. Now that I have this opportunity, I have to show myself well, even if it is to say goodbye to the show.

Li Zhen quickly went to the locker room to change his equipment, when he walked to the court and started to warm up.

He noticed something was wrong, and it came from his own body. He realized that his center of gravity was obviously shifting forward when he opened his legs. At first, he thought it was an accident, but after several attempts, it was the same. After some stretching, he hurriedly ran back and forth.

When he ran out with all his strength, he instantly felt the wind whistling away from his ears.

Before that, his speed was not slow. But now, he feels that it can be described as swift and fast, and he even has the feeling he used to watch TJ Ford's video.

He even began to feel that if he cranked up his horsepower to the max, he could easily kill everyone on the team.

Including Chris Patt.

And just after he completed a fierce full-court sprint with the ball back. Chris Pate suddenly screamed: "Listen, Jamie! I need an explanation!! Why am I not a starter and Bruce is! I know you are all Chinese, but you can't joke about basketball, basketball is It is something that speaks with strength, not your clumsy warmth and mutual protection."

Chris Pate is a small black man who is only 1.72 meters tall, and he has always called himself the TJ Ford of California. But in fact, whether it is scoring ability, assisting ability, or height, it is far inferior to Ford. Probably the only similarity between the two is that they're both quick, short point guards.

Pat had always been jealous of Lee, even though they were both sitting at the end of the bench. But he always thinks the coaching staff is unfair. Why can this kid get five minutes of playing time per game, but I can only be a sparring coach for the team? I am much stronger than him. Just because the coaching staff is also sitting with a yellow-skinned assistant coach?

Therefore, he always stabbed Li Zhen when he had the chance. But Li Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to him. In Li Zhen's eyes, this guy is a loser who is full of feces and has no ability but can't see the goodness of others. The best response to such a person is: when he does not exist.

And this time, he even aimed the gun directly at assistant coach Jemelin.

Everyone on the team knows that Jamelin is a talented and responsible assistant coach. He even does a lot of things that are not within the scope of an assistant coach, including video editing, including finding players individually to analyze technical movements one by one: he is because of his professionalism. Earn the respect of most people with enthusiasm.

Even many players are fighting for him. If it weren't for his skin color, he would be fully qualified for the position of chief assistant coach. But now, the position of chief assistant has been vacant for three years.

"I'm not defending anyone, I'm just handling it fairly. This is a decision made by Coach McHarney. If you have any objections, you can call the coach."

But Chris Patt was still reluctant, and even began to show the magic weapon that blacks are best at: "This is discrimination! This is racial discrimination!! Why do you look down on black people, don't we black players deserve to be the starters? I obviously have more A good talent is a better standard..."

His accusation made Scott and other black players unable to listen. In the entire Crimson Red team, the number of blacks exceeds 70%, and four of the original five starters are black players. In basketball, aren't all blacks discriminating against other races?

At this moment, Li Zhen, who was standing beside him, suddenly remembered the scene in that nightmare.

At that time, Chris Pate was so noisy.

But that time, in order not to embarrass Jamelin, he chose to back down. But then it led to Jamelin being reprimanded for messing up everything after Chris Patt started. Selfishly, he didn't pass the ball at all after he came on the court. He let the team fall behind by 21 points in the first quarter, which eventually led to the 36:94 NCAA historical record tragedy.

Stanford couldn't afford the humiliation, and Jamelin was fired for it.

"Basketball speaks with strength, not with dick-like fluff. If you're not convinced, let's have a test!"

Li Zhen stood up, and he looked directly at Chris Pater, a look that would swallow Paterson alive at any time.


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