After Queen Caroline disappeared, Tina immediately went to find the eight unconscious guys, and now her only thought was to leave this terrible place as soon as possible.

All eight of them were awake when they got there. Dean was waiting anxiously, not knowing whether to find Tina or not, he greeted him as soon as Tina arrived.

"Tina, are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you scared? Where did you go?" Dean grabbed Tina's shoulders and asked questions anxiously.

Tina's heart warmed. In her previous life, she was an only child. Although her parents treated her very well, there was a generation gap and it was difficult to communicate. She always hoped that there would be a Big Brother who has a common language to care about and take care of herself.

Unexpectedly, another world would give her this different feeling, so she nodded and said softly, "Big Brother, I'm fine, let's go home"

Dean was taken aback. This Little Sister had never been so gentle to him, but the child's thoughts were naturally simple, and he immediately took Tina and the seven still trembling brave players out of the castle.

After dinner, Tina checked the attributes and found that there was a skeleton icon next to the attribute and prop icons. When you opened it, it turned out to be the skill bar. The first skill is "Summon Skeletons". There are 3 branches, but all of them are black. Can't see the introduction.

Summon a skeleton: Summon a skeleton to help fight, consume 6 magic points, Tina looked at that she had 16 magic points, yes, try it first, so she sneaked out at night while everyone was sleeping.

When I came to the field where Heavenly Stems lives in the village, usually no one would come at this time, just like those who worked in the previous life, why would they still run the company after get off work? It's not a company owned by my own family.

Now I have a little skill point, and I added it decisively....Tina found an important question, how to summon a skeleton? Tina ran in tears.

"Um...spell? I don't know...special gestures?? Do you think you are Ultraman? X-ray poses only!"

I couldn't figure it out and didn't think about it. This is the usual style of Lazy Tina, "Go home to sleep, and ask Caroline in a dream," Tina suddenly thought, dreaming of that skeleton at night? My God, that must be a nightmare.

She sneaked into bed again and looked at Dean, "Well, yes, it’s like a dead pig sleeping. Damn, you're still drooling." Help Dean cover the quilt. Tina felt that she had lived two lifetimes to make it even better. Like Big Brother.

That night, I really dreamed of Caroline. She was still like a skeleton with a crown on her head. Tina hurriedly saluted and knelt down on one knee.

Caroline smiled and said in a gentle voice "Tina, please."

"Your Majesty, the minister's skills are not useful, I know it is to summon skeletons, but how can I summon them?" Tina glanced at Caroline, and quickly lowered her head. My mother, skeletons smiled. It's horrible.

"It's actually very simple. What you gave you is to summon the most basic skeletons. I only need to say: summon skeletons," Caroline chuckled with her hand covering her mouth.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will try it right away" Big Sister, do you still smile with your mouth covered? You definitely want me to have nightmares. In fact, your fleshless hands can't stop your mouth at all.

It was noon when Tina woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she found Dean’s enlarged face, "Wow! What are you doing?" Tina immediately looked at her own clothes, which was fine.

"Tina, are you okay?" Dean asked Tina anxiously, "You are still up in the morning, no matter what I call you, you are not awake, I am anxious to death."

"It turns out he was with me, little fool," Tina replied with a gentle smile. "It doesn't matter, it's okay, Big Brother."

Dean was dumbfounded and looked at Tina motionlessly. Tina waved her hand in front of Dean a few times. "Big Brother? Are you still there?"

Dean was awakened by Tina's voice, and his face flushed after a brush. "'s okay, I'm going to practice swords outside" Dean blushed and ran out quickly.

Tina felt inexplicable, so she got up and freshened up before leaving the village and walked to the gate of the castle, because no one came to the castle during the day. "Summon Skeletons" Tina shouted loudly.

In front of Tina’s eyes, a boneless hand stretched out on the ground, and then the other stretched out from the soil. Following the sound of Kerakala’s bones, a white skeleton emerged from the ground.

Tina looked at the scene in front of her, and she was shocked. This strange world is good. Such anti-scientific things have appeared, but this is so good. With this thing, I can do a lot of things in the future.

Tina studied the skeletons. She was 1.8 meters tall. She had no weapons in her hands and no armor on her body. No matter what, let’s try it first. "Go, get that stone here." Tina picked a palm the size of a hand. Of stones.

Click, click, the skeleton walked to the stone with the sound of hairy bones moving, bent over, stretched out, and collapsed... the stone was crushed by the skeleton. Tina was sweating.

"He...he...get that piece," Tina chuckled dryly, and directed the skeleton to get a stone about the same height as Tina, which looked harder.

Skeleton walked over, stretched out his hand, held the stone with both hands and raised it, slowly walking towards Tina, ah, Tina was satisfied, although there is a little problem, but if the strength is strong, it will be fine. The skeleton summoned by himself is definitely loyalty.

Open the skill bar again, the skill of summoning skeletons has changed. The second-level summoning skeletons is "Summon two skeletons to help fight and consume 11 magic points." Tina was thinking, "Huh? Next time you upgrade your skills, you can summon two. What will happen if I summon another one now?"

Just do it, Tina immediately called out the call to the skeleton, and the ground in front of Tina's eyes followed the sound of Karakala bones, and another white skeleton was drilled out of the ground. Tina turned her head and looked at the other side. The skeleton holding the big stone, hahaha~~ Tina's crazy laughter came from the castle, "Daddy is invincible. It turns out that skeletons can be summoned infinitely, but in terms of skills... Is it possible to summon two skeletons at the same time? That’s great,"

Tina's music is broken. In this way, she will have power in this world. As long as she spends more time summoning some skeletons, she can use the human sea tactics to hit those who dare to provoke her.

Tina was about to call another one, "Summon a skeleton." Although Tina summoned a skeleton, but the ground did not respond at all. A certain woman was lying on the ground with her ears attached to the ground, "Summon a skeleton, summon a skeleton, why can't it come out?" Still no response, Tina stomped a few feet on the ground like angrily.

" seems...maybe...because I don't have magic anymore." Tina finally found out that she had no magic. Now a more serious question arises. How to restore the mana?

In the scorching summer, the noon sun is always so hot. Tina hides under the shade of the tree and directs the two skeletons to do it. Now after two hours of research, Tina understands the advantages and disadvantages of the skeletons.

The characteristics of the skeleton creatures summoned by Tina are general physical attack, low physical defense, slow attack and movement speed, no thinking ability, no communication ability, and rigidly following the command of the owner. The biggest advantage is unlimited endurance.

No matter how long the battle lasts, the skeletons will not get tired. Of course, the two skeletons summoned by Tina will always follow Tina if Tina is not relieved.

Tina found that as long as the commanding skeleton keeps thinking about something, the skeleton will do it according to your thoughts. Of course, you must be focused. Tina looked at the own attribute, twitched the corners of her mouth, and recovered 1 point of magic power within an hour.

"Damn it, it's too little," Tina became a little angry, and simply lay on the grass and fell asleep. In the dream, Tina arrived at a battlefield, there was blood everywhere, the corpses on the ground were human, and there were some races she hadn’t seen.

The green-skinned monster with fangs on its mouth is supposed to be an orc, the red-eyed and silver-haired with bat wings may be a demon, with pointed ears, and the handsome appearance is an elf, right? Although Tina hadn't seen it, she had heard Saben talk about the appearance of various creatures in the mainland before.

There must have been a battle here, but who is fighting with so many races? Woo~~~~~ A bugle sounded, and the earth vibrated regularly. Tina found a group of people slowly approaching her behind her. Their neat pace was the cause of the earth shaking. Tina looked at it. , Those should be human.

The infantryman walking in the forefront wears plate armor, a canvas coat on the outside of the plate armor, a lion with a sword tattooed on the coat, chain armor on his arms and legs, and a movable guard on his head. Face helmet, a one-handed sword in the right hand, and a shield with a lion tattoo in the left hand.

Behind the infantry is a group of knights, equipped with gorgeous full-length armor. Except for a seam on the helmet to see the enemy, there is no hole in the body. The heart of the armor is painted with the same lion, but the lion He was holding a spear. The knight is holding a knight's spear in his right hand, and a shield with a lion in his left hand. There is also a one-handed sword hanging on it.

The horse sitting down is also wearing full-body armor, and a sharp knife is installed on the horse's head. Tina can't imagine how the horse drives the knight. Upon closer inspection, she finds that the horse is much larger than the average horse, a normal horse. They are all about 1.8 meters, but these armored horses are generally above 2 meters, and they look stronger.

Roar~~ Just as Tina was looking at the human forces, a loud roar alarmed her. Opposite the human forces, a troop composed of orcs, elves, demons, dwarves, goblins and other races appeared. The troops charged, and just as both sides rushed towards Tina's position, a gentle and pleasant voice came out, "Summon the skeletons."

Tina woke up from her dream, "What, it turned out to be just a dream, but... it's pretty real..." Huh? Tina looked up and found that the two skeletons were still standing where Tina had ordered them to stand. Could it be that they wouldn't move when I fell asleep?

Huh? Tina found that all her own mana had been restored, she immediately summoned two more skeletons, "Hey, I only have 16 mana, which is too low, yes, I still have some attribute points," Tina felt to herself You have to specialize in one item like in the game,

The highest attribute of oneself is speed. Since it is so high, then this attribute must be added. Daddy can't beat it. Isn't it enough to run? Although I really want to add strength, but we have skeletons, why should we go to Meat Shield in person.

So Tina decided to add points to become a little agility, four points of spirit, the mana value will be higher if the spirit is high, and a little spirit can add three points of mana. Now Tina's attributes have changed:

Tina Arges


Level 2

Life 20

Magic 27

Stamina 28

Stamina 2

Strength 2

Speed ​​7


Magic 1

Experience 0/20

I took a closer look at the data and added a little agility to get +3 stamina. Tina has also tested the attribute of stamina. In fact, running, swinging a sword or doing hard work will consume stamina, and adding a little spirit can get +3 magic. The more it is, the more beneficial it is to summon the skeletons.

Yes, yes, with such a high magic, Tina immediately summoned 4 more skeletons. She ordered the skeletons to follow behind her, carrying 6 skeletons towards the village like a triad boss.

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