The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 24 The Saint is getting older

Hearing Zhao Chen's question, Li Shimin looked quite proud.

Whether to control it or not is not a matter of what he, Old Li, says!

"Although I am a businessman, there are still people in the court. Otherwise, how do you think we got the position of salt and iron transfer envoy." Li Shimin stroked his beard, looking quite proud.

"Look back, you have to thank your aunt. I know that you are good at calligraphy and painting. Next time I come with your aunt, how about you and her draw one on the spot?" Li Shimin wanted Zhao Chen to draw one for Empress Changsun. Portrait.

"Of course there is no problem, but Old Li Tou, I think that if the imperial court really wants to monopolize salt and iron, the Tang Dynasty will not have a long lifespan."

"You and your aunt should make plans in advance." Zhao Chen's words made Li Shimin jump up immediately.

Old Li was so angry that he was grinning.

I'm kindly trying to get you a transporter, so forget it if you don't appreciate it.

Now it is actually cursed that the fate of the Tang Dynasty will be over soon.

Little brat, do you know what you're talking about?

The future of the Tang Dynasty is yours!

"Boy Zhao, do you know what you are talking about? If these words get out, you are not afraid of having your head chopped off by the officials." Li Shimin pretended to be frightened by Zhao Chen's words and said in a low voice.

In fact, I want to know why Zhao Chen said that controlling salt and iron would be a sign of the fall of the Tang Dynasty.

"We don't need to worry about this Iron Industry official business for the time being."

"As for the salt industry, Old Li Tou, let me ask you, if the court is in a hurry to spend money and the treasury cannot come up with the money, will the court think of raising the price of salt?" Zhao Chen thought for a moment and asked Li Shimin slowly. .

Li Shimin frowned and nodded, "Probably."

If the court really couldn't come up with the money, it would naturally think of temporarily raising the price of salt. After a while, it would naturally be fine.

Moreover, the national treasury is only temporarily short of money. When the tax collection is completed in the coming year, there will naturally be no shortage of money.

Li Shimin felt that such fake

The assumption is somewhat unreliable.

"Salt industry official camp, Old Li Tou, do you think His Majesty will issue an order that those who buy and sell illegal salt shall be punished with death?" Zhao Chen said casually.

"Of course, if there is a lot of clandestine affairs, the official camp will be a joke." Li Shimin nodded.

"Well, the court is short of money. The price of salt has increased from ten cents per dou to one hundred and ten cents per dou. Will the people eat it or not?"

"If they eat salt, will they also eat rice?"

“If they don’t buy salt from the official government, will they buy low-priced private salt?”

"They will definitely be caught if they buy illegal salt. Will the government kill them?"

"We've killed too many people and we can no longer survive, but the people won't react?"

Zhao Chen's words were like heavy hammers hitting Li Shimin's heart.

Li Shimin's heart trembled slightly.

He found that he had ignored this series of possible problems.

But obviously, he still felt that this was just Zhao Chen's speculation.

As long as you control it well, nothing serious will happen.

"Boy Zhao, I admit that what you said makes sense, but after all, this is just your speculation."

"Just think about it, during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Yantie government camp and the national power were unprecedentedly strong. Only this could support the long-term war against the Xiongnu." Li Shimin pointed out examples from history, obviously trying to persuade Zhao Chen.

But Zhao Chen smiled coldly.

"Old Li Tou, fortunately you are just a businessman and not a saint of the Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, the Tang Dynasty is probably not far from being destroyed!" Zhao Chen's words almost broke Li Shimin's teeth.

What does it mean that if he becomes the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed?

In the past ten years, he has not done very well.

A faction of the Tang Dynasty is flourishing


The country will be destroyed.

Li Shimin really wanted to slap Zhao Chen hard on his ears.

"Don't believe it. It was not Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who first promoted the official management of salt and iron, but Guan Zhong, the wise prime minister of the state of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period. But even Guan Zhong only imposed taxes."

"Official camp? He doesn't dare to force the people like this." Zhao Chen said slowly.

"That's what you said about Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He gathered the power of salt and iron, but it was just a temporary gathering of financial resources. Indeed, as you said, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did some things."

"But do you know that the decades-long war with the Xiongnu and the skyrocketing salt prices have exhausted the people's patience. Emergency military reports from various places piled up in front of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty like snowflakes."

"If he had not condescended to plead guilty, restored the hearts of the people with an edict of guilt, and returned the power of salt and iron management to the people, I am afraid that Liu Che's grave would have been dug by the people."

"Old Li Tou, do you think that with the character of today's saint, he will admit his mistakes to the people of the world?" Zhao Chen said to Li Shimin slowly in a calm voice.

Zhao Chen just thought he was discussing his own opinions with Old Li Tou.

So he didn't worry about many things.

If he had known that the old Li Tou in front of him was Li Er, Zhao Chen would never have said anything about digging a grave.

Li Shimin looked at Zhao Chen, his eyes full of strange colors.

He knew that he had been convinced by Zhao Chen.

At yesterday's court meeting, he only focused on replenishing the national treasury, but ignored the possible consequences of the Yantie official camp.

"Zhao Chen, even if the salt industry is not returned to the government, what about the iron industry? You can't just let it go, right?" Li Shimin asked tentatively again.

He felt that many times, Zhao Chen's way of thinking about problems was different from theirs.

Maybe he can get more ideas from Zhao Chen.

"Iron industry?" Zhao Chen glanced at Li Shimin, shook his head and said, "It's best not to

want. "


"If the iron industry is not returned to the government, once it is used by unscrupulous people, won't it become a threat to the Tang Dynasty?" Li Shimin frowned.

He originally thought that Zhao Chen would say that the iron industry could be brought back to the government.

Who knew it would be such a statement.

“If everyone in the world has food to eat, clothing to wear, and housing to live in, the elderly are provided for, the children are educated, the poor are supported, the poor are supported, the widowed, widowed, lonely, and sick are all provided for, who will have enough to eat? I want to overthrow the Tang Dynasty."

"Old Li, if it were you, would you know how to do it?" Zhao Chen asked with a smile.

"Of course not, I hope it can continue like this forever." Li Shimin was stunned for a moment and said what was in his heart.

"Then it's over. It's better to block than to block. The people in power don't think about how to get the people to support them. They just think about how to make profits with the people every day and guard against the people. How can he not be overthrown?" Zhao Chen spread his hands and said, smiled.

Li Shimin sat on a stool and was speechless for a long time.

Zhao Chen didn't say much, but it made Li Shimin feel like he had entered a new world.

Many previous thoughts were completely overturned by Zhao Chen's words.

This kid is really not simple.

At such a young age, he has such insight.

Fortunately, I tested him specifically, otherwise I would have thought that he really only knows how to write and draw.

But this guy just said that to me, and even cursed me for having to dig up my tomb for the common people. It was really abominable.

I must punish him well.

After all, my treasury is still empty!

But before Li Shimin could speak, he heard Zhao Chen mutter, "Everyone says that saints are wise kings, how could they do such a stupid thing?"

"Old Li Tou, tell me, is it possible that this saint is old and his brain is blocked?"

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