"Qing Mian, wake up?" Alpha's soft voice, with contentment and joy, she gently touched his cheek with her hand until she awakened Omega.

Pei Qing reluctantly groaned, trying hard to let the quilt swallow him in.

To some extent he did it.

Song Yi watched helplessly as he turned over, tucked himself completely and perfectly into the quilt, only showing a part of his back.

"You have to get up and drink water—"

Pei Qingmian pretended not to hear.

He believed that he had become a quilt now—the one that blended with the quilt on his body.

Sighs, soft laughs, and the sound of Alpha getting up and pouring water on him.

The water slipped into the cup, and the perfect white noise made Pei Qingmian sleepy.

Then, he was forcibly shouted by her, pinched his chin with his hand, and gave him two sips of water.

Alpha's strength is great, even if Song Yi is a beautiful and delicate woman who is even more beautiful than ordinary Omega.

Pei Qingmian was fed water by her, staring in a daze, looking straight at her, she was refreshed, her black eyes were full of smiles, and she was not exhausted at all. He had to admit that he was a little jealous.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Song Yi laughed at him, put his forehead against his forehead, and posted affectionately, "I am Alpha, the advantage in my genes."

Yes, Pei Qingmian thought frustratedly.

Engrave the genetic difference in the second **** after differentiation.

Even after the cycle, Alpha is always in good spirits-they take on the responsibility of guarding the family and protecting Omega, and genetically determines that they will not feel tired due to excessive activity in the cycle.

Often just take a short rest, you can get up full and robust to inspect their nests.

He silently swallowed the last few mouthfuls of water, sighed, raised his arm, covered half of his face, and muttered sleepy: "Still sleepy, let me take a break."

"Of course, you continue to sleep."

Song Yi gently kissed him on the cheek.

She looked at lying on the bed, a big Omega, shrinking in the corner because of fatigue, and continued to sleep deeply under the comfort of her pheromone.

She was somewhat satisfied.

After that, I started packing up liquid and dirty blankets and clothing, and packed the used daily necessities and eaten food, and put them in the proper place in turn.

The nests they built during the cycle were destroyed and rebuilt again and again, and now only two nests are left at the foot of the bed, only embryonic nests.

It's not an exaggeration to call them broken, they crushed them during the last craze.

Song Yi thought for a while, and gently "destroyed" the nest. She put the clothes and blankets belonging to herself and Pei Qingmian together, and happily decided to put them in the washing machine and wash them together.

After Pei Qingmian was completely marked, the first fever period passed smoothly and stably.

In August, the outdoor temperature was just right, the afternoon was bright sunshine, and the white clouds on the horizon were soft as cotton candy and white as silk washed out by water.

The sky is also very blue, and the barking is like emerald, which makes people feel good when they see it.

Song Yi returned to the master bedroom, Pei Qingmian had enough sleep, he was slow, like a human being beaten (or had a fight with someone), got up with inconvenience, and then drank a big drink. Carbonated drinks.

During the fever, for the sake of their health, they only choose to drink water to replenish a lot of lost water.

Carbonated beverages, which have a high sugar content and cannot effectively solve the lack of water, are not considered.

Song Yi cleaned up the room, and now their master bedroom is clean and decent, without embarrassing or reverie objects.

They went to the sun lounger on the balcony. The sun lounger was very large. Before the wedding, they had conceived that the piece of furniture they wanted to buy was very useful.

In this season, in the afternoon, choosing to rest on the balcony is undoubtedly a good choice.

Pei Qingmian put his head on Song Yi loudly, and a grunt of satisfaction came from his chest. He closed his eyes, enjoying the baptism of the sun and the breeze blowing.

The young and beautiful Alpha used his fingers to comb his soft, jet-black hair after washing, rubbing his cheek with the skin on the inside of his wrist, leaving her scent. In fact, this move is a bit redundant. After going through the cycle, Pei Qingmian smells like a human being pickled from a sea of ​​flowers.

Song Yi naturally smelled the scent on his body, and she hooked her mouth: "Gland experts say that the smell of human pheromone will change."

Pei Qingmian himself is also a person who has read this kind of basic gland knowledge. After he was transferred to K City and participated in the gland-related confidential project, he had a thorough understanding of some basic information about glands.

He closed his eyes and spoke clearly what he knew:

"Have a major illness, cancer chemotherapy... and hormones during pregnancy will cause pheromone changes."

Wrinkling his nose, he rubbed his face into her palm and said vaguely: "There is also a complete marking operation for dissociation and cleaning, which will also cause a change in the pheromone smell."

Following the direction of hair growth, Song Yi touched Pei Qingmian into a docile kitten, grunting straight and comfortable.

"Now you smell not the same as before."

She chuckled quietly, almost triumphantly.

Pei Qingmian's eyelids opened lazily, and he sighed, "Alpha."

"..." Song Yi groaned slightly, bending over to get close to him, "Alpha is like this." Caring for a pheromone, he cared terribly. After his partner's whole body smelled of her, his tail cocked with pride.

He murmured, "I have guessed what I smell now."

In a closed environment where he stayed for several days and spent many crazes with his partner, he could guess what he tasted even without the vomeronasal organ.

Pei Qingmian was originally embarrassed-he was terrified at the thought of returning to work on a periodic holiday and accepting the eyes of his colleagues.

But now, he broke the jar and didn't care at all.

—— What's the use? They are legal partners, marking the AO of the connection (although the complete marking will be invalid, but Song Yi always remarks him before it is completely invalid).

It is a couple who spends the cycle together.

The smell of a partner can only show that they have a strong relationship and a good marriage.

Pei Qingmian is no longer shy!

He was cheeky and thought, he is like this, what can I do, and can't let Song Yi wrap him around with pheromone less, so be it!

He grumbled and buried it in Song Yi's palm, overflowing with peace and comfort in his heart.

They enjoy the lazy time after the cycle ends.

At a quarter past four in the afternoon, a thick and white cloud was still in the sky overhead for a long time. Song Yi saw the cloud as soon as she raised her face. She curiously greeted Pei Qingmian and looked up.

Pei Qingmian followed the direction of her fingers, staring at it for a long time without fail.

Then, in a very ordinary tone, he said something that was so cute that it was shocking.

"I want to eat Soufflé."

Song Yi: "..."

He stroked his abdominal muscles to show that he was hungry, and emphasized with a vibrating voice: "White, soft, sweet and delicious Soufflé."


Song Yi nodded without hesitation: "Of course, any Soufflé can be used. We will go out to the dessert shop to buy it later."

Pei Qingmian was satisfied.

After half a minute, he added another sentence: "If you have raisin toast, it would be great. Would you like to eat with me?"

"I'm afraid I can't finish it by myself." This sentence was a bit weak.

Song Yi restrained the urge to laugh. She blinked, hiding her smile under her eyes, and only gently responded, "Of course."

"By the way, after a long time, we will go to a movie together today?"

For dating projects between couples, their legal couple is the first to try. Pei Qingmian’s eyes brightened. He obviously liked the project very much. He nodded and made plans: "We can buy some popcorn and coke to watch movies."

"When the movie is over, we will go buy soufflé and toast."

The arrangement is well organized.

So, go out, choose a good movie, buy popcorn, coke, and watch a movie that lasts an hour and a half.

On the first day of the end of the cycle, they spent a pleasant afternoon and evening.

When they left the movie theater and decided to drive to the dessert shop, the two met acquaintances in the underground parking lot of the movie.

To be precise, he was an "acquaintance" of Song Yi.

Pei Qingmian faintly recognized that this face appeared to have appeared at their wedding, sitting at a banquet table that was said to be Song Yi's old classmate.

It should be a young and handsome Alpha.

Modern technology makes it difficult to distinguish the second gender. It's summer, and the suppression ring on people's necks is exposed, which can barely make people determine whether the opponent is an AO race.

Of course, there are also Betas who like to wear exquisite restraint rings.

So Pei Qingmian is just a guess.

Alpha stood in front of them hesitantly, greeted Song Yi in a daze, "Song Yi, what a coincidence, are you out to play today?"

Song Yi only noticed the Alpha in front of her. She took the popcorn that hadn't finished eating, and nodded at him with a light tone: "Hello, Zhou Zhen."

"Yes, my husband and I came out to watch the movie."

As she said, the popcorn was still in her hand, the sweet caramel corn flavor, she said, and she also handed the popcorn bucket in the direction of Pei Qingmian so that he could grab it with his hands.

Zhou Zhen looked at her old classmate. In the eyes of many friends, Alpha, who was indifferent and arrogant like a fairy in the sky, ate her partner with a gentle and doting attitude.

He knew she never liked to eat popcorn. When she was a student, Omega pursued her. When the school organized the whole year to watch the film, she was ashamed and timid to give her popcorn. She coldly refused, claiming that she didn't like eating.

And now, she is holding the popcorn bucket, indulging it, making it easy for the Omega beside her to get it, and even eating it calmly when Omega has stuffed two for her.

You know, she is a "cleanliness" patient who is not willing to approach even close friends.

But let the partner feed popcorn into the mouth by hand.

He watched for a while.

It wasn't until the car humming from the parking lot that he suddenly returned to his senses and smiled bitterly.

After parting with Song Yi and his wife, Zhou Zhen hesitated for a few seconds and sent such a text to the group of him and his old classmates.

[Song Yi is very happy after marriage. 】

After sending it, his contact group suddenly exploded, and 99+ messages popped up.

Zhou Zhen returned to the driver's seat of his car, sighed, and thought unwillingly and enviously that Song Yi's husband is really happy to be able to embrace the beauty.

If he is also Omega——

Zhou Zhen's eyes were dim. He leaned on the back cushion of the car, raising his neck and thinking: Maybe even if he was, Song Yi would not like him.

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