The Geeky Girl Alpha’s Daily Life After Marriage

Chapter 30: Don't call me Mianmian! (Super fierce...

Song Yi didn't have any psychological burden at all about pulling Heilinghe.

She knows what kind of personality she is-it is too much to say that it is love and righteous.

If people comment on her, Song Yi believes that many people will not give a good evaluation.

She knows herself well-emotionally, she is not so good at giving actively.

Except for her relatives who are connected by blood, she is stingy to give emotions to socialize.

It is often when others show a friendly and enthusiastic side that she slowly stretches out her tentacles like a snail, slowly accepting kindness.

After sincerely giving each other, she will accommodate her friends into the scope of her "willingness to tolerate".

For example, Ming Zhizhi, after she was about to go to university and sensible, resumed friendly contacts, she treated her with a warm and bright smile, so Song Yi was also willing to treat her as a sister next door and a young girl.

Ling He was a good friend he met at an early age. He and Ming Zhizhi have similarities-they are undoubtedly the active party in making friends, even if Song Yi looks extraordinarily cold and reticent.

He is very loyal and willing to punch others when others say bad things about Song Yi. He is also cheerful, and when Song Yi is cold and unwilling to speak, he always talks hot, so that she will not look so lonely.

In the life of an adult, it is fortunate to meet a close friend.

Song Yi once thought that she and Ling He could get along as a young girl, and she was willing to tolerate the enthusiasm of the young girl-whether it was introducing her to her or teasing her for being too cold, she knew that Ling He at that time was inevitable. It is with kindness.

But he touched her bottom line.

Destruction suppression ring——

Song Yi thought about it afterwards, and was all astonished at how Linghe could come up with such a bad idea.

Does he know how dangerous it is for AO to spill pheromones in public?

He knew that her glands were strong, but if exposed, it would be easy for some Omegas who were about to enter the fever period to heat up earlier, but he still did so.

Song Yi could only infer a reasonable explanation: Ling He was too arrogant and too arrogant.

As a Beta, he speculated about her life as an Alpha, and felt that she needed a partner to qualify as an Alpha race in society.

He thought that what he did was good intentions, but he never thought about the bad influence it might have on her.

When she noticed that something meaningful was said at the wedding scene, she waited for Ling He's apology.

but no.

Song Yi clearly knew that even if Ling He apologized to her sincerely, she would not continue to maintain this friendship.

A friendship that has begun to collapse, one party cannot accept what the other party is doing, and all that can be done is to stop the loss in time and break the relationship.

But Ling He didn't know what thought he was holding: silence, only silence.

As if he had never done this before.

Song Yi waited tiredly for several days, but she waited for his explanation, but did not wait.

So it's very simple, pull black and break this relationship.

This is what she will do.

It seems too cold and indifferent, but for her, it is better not to have such a friendship.

It is very demanding, but her guidelines have always been to operate in this way.


In K city, Pei Qingmian came home from the research institute and passed by the supermarket and bought a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

While pushing the shopping cart, he had a video call with Song Yi, "What else do you want to eat?"

Song Yi wears gold-framed glasses, and the picture quality of the video call clearly reflects her beautifully contoured face.

His brows were slightly frowned, and he thought very seriously: "Buy some more cucumbers?"

Pei Qingmian: "Cucumbers? Do you want to eat them raw or make a salad?"

Song Yi: "Make a salad. I learned a recipe for making a salad today. I want to try it."

Pei Qing reluctantly agrees.

I picked up fresh and raw cucumbers, and took a few boxes of yogurt from the dairy freezer next to me.

Originally I only planned to take two boxes, but after thinking about it, I took two more boxes.

Pei Qing thought with confidence: He likes yogurt, and Song Yi likes it too, so take a few boxes!

When he got home, Song Yi was still typing the document in front of the computer in the study, and when he heard the movement of his return, he called him.

Pei Qing replied reluctantly.

To clean up the results of supermarket shopping, put the items that need to be refrigerated into the freezer, and put the items that need to be frozen into the freezer.

After finishing cleaning, Pei Qingmian directly cooked Song Yi's washed and chopped vegetables into the pot, and it didn't take long to make dinner.

Newlyweds, one is good at cooking, the other is not good at cooking.

Song Yi is still studying cooking seriously, and the results are still not significant. After all, she is considered a novice. In order to avoid the unfamiliar food and make the two of them eat their stomachs, Pei Qingmian waved her big hand and told her not to do it, but to eat and wait for him to come back.

After Song Yi had the experience of frying the food and selling it out that day, Song Yi could only listen to the words of his family.

However, she was still reluctant to let Pei Qingmian go home from work, so she hurried to cook—as long as she had time, she would wash and cut the vegetables in advance. The staple food does not require cooking skills, and the ratio of water to rice is correct, and a pot of fragrant rice can be steamed.

In this way, Pei Qingmian came back, and more than ten minutes in the kitchen would be enough to make a suitable meal.

The same is true today.

When Pei Qingmian was cooking, Song Yi walked out of the study and watched him cooking in an apron and humming.

As soon as Omega turned his face, he saw Alpha's rare girlish appearance.

——Really super girl, she is obviously immortal and beautiful, but this action makes her look younger than her age. She supported her cheek with her slender, white fingers, and looked at him brightly, as if there were stars circling and spinning in her eyes.

He didn't know why, his face became hot.

He turned his face silently again, and continued to cook, this time his singing voice was much weaker and his tune was a little bit off.

After cooking, put the dishes on the plate.

Pei Qingmian tried hard to be hardened: "Go and serve food!"

Song Yi is also so good, she nodded and smiled and went to serve the rice in front of the rice cooker.

She also served him a big bowl-she knew his appetite best.

Sitting face to face, sandwiching hot home-cooked food, they chatted one after another, talking about what they encountered in the institute today. Song Yi prepared a teaching project for the next semester at home, and Song Yi coldly told him: "Remember the haircut I told you about at the wedding?"

"Huh?" Pei Qingmian recalled, remembering, he saw that Song Yi was eating very slowly, the soup in the soup bowl next to him was not hot, and he took a spoon to add some hot soup to her.


He has a good memory, and he still remembers the small name that Song Yi said.

Out of Omega's intuition, after meeting Ling He at that wedding, he realized that Song Yi's relationship with him might not be good.

You know, Ming Zhizhi is the one who Song Yi talked about in the middle school. That Omega sister will be a child who Le Diandian will come to Song's house to play when they return to the Song's house.

And Linghe...

Sorry, I haven't seen him again after the wedding.

Song Yi bit the tip of her chopsticks. She considered her words and was silent for half a minute, and then briefly and calmly said about her and Linghe.

The tone is that kind of cold, floating in the air, and it is difficult to reach out and take it off.

Even he could hear a bit tired.


Pei Qingmian put down the bowls and chopsticks, frowned, and said angrily.

He was wondering before why Song Yi would pay so much attention to wearing a restraining ring in public. After Song Yi finished speaking, he recalled their first sight at the time: She even sensibly wanted to take him to the hospital at the beginning, but he was unwilling to live up to it, and finally lured her into a susceptible period.

If it is said that it is because the restraint ring is broken, so that she...

He was angry and angry because of Ling He's extremely bad behavior.

It is true that he promoted his relationship with Song Yi, allowing her to enter a susceptible period due to the pheromone smell emitted by him during the fever period, and then completely marked him.

Their marriage was largely due to the broken restraint ring.

However, he even preferred that there was no such thing.

He would rather Song Yi not encounter such a thing.

Song Yi seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and she continued: "Yes, it's too much. I hate such behavior."

Linghe was from a well-off family, similar to her, they were both young people in the upper circle of K city. Perhaps it is precisely because of this status and family background that he is overly conceited and regards laws and regulations as nothing.

He doesn't care how inferior or excessive the behavior of destroying the inhibition ring of others, just to achieve his own goals.

Such a moral standard made Song Yi unacceptable.

After she finished speaking, she told him: "Today he asked a friend to act as a middleman and contact me."


Pei Qingmian almost laughed at Ling He's behavior.

He frowned, his handsome and handsome face rarely showed a bit of hostility: "He still has the face to come to you?"

Her cute and handsome Omega scolded a **** very disgracefully—the precise and vulgar use of the words made her unstrained in an instant and smiled.

Pei Qingmian looked at Song Yi with a smile, the flames in his eyes were still burning, and finally, as she stretched out her hand to hold him, it gently and calmly became a pool of water, only slightly shaking and rippling.

"Who knows? I briefly pulled him to the whitelist and chatted with him for a while."

Song Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, cold and sharp emotions in his eyes: "I asked him if he broke my inhibition ring."

"He acquiesced."

"I asked him again, why didn't he apologize-he hesitated, and finally said that he didn't want to lose my friend."

Song Yi's eyelashes were drooping and her voice condensed. Then, raising her face in Pei Qingmian's worried expression, she smiled at him: "I said to him, ‘so you don’t have my friend now’."

"What then?" Pei Qing looked at her blankly.

Song Yi took his hand, gently pressed his face against the palm of his hand, and hummed softly, "So I'm not getting too young now."

"Except for the kid Ming Zhizhi."

"..." Pei Qingmian felt distressed.

The next moment, he heard her say again: "I only have one Mian Mian now."

"..." He blushed and squeaked: "Why do you call me Mianmian!"

"Can't you shout?" Song Yi looked at him with pure eyes, aggrieved and pitiful.

Pei Qingmian struggled not to be attacked by her "dog eyes", he hardened his heart, "No! I am an adult male, don't call me like that."



Song Yi readily accepted his "adult male self-esteem", and put his chin on his palm sweetly, rubbing it back and forth, "Okay, husband."

Pei Qingmian: "..."

Pei Qingmian blushed and his heart beat, but in the end he could only suffocate one, pitifully: "Well, wife."

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