The Gate Of Good Fortune

Chapter 986: Take my return

The reason why Ningcheng looked for the six yin souls was for Rui Rui. Zhai Rui is his friend, but also because of his sake. After Rui Rui is behind, Ning Cheng has always carried her body. It’s just that he has not been able to let Ruirui come alive.

When he was in the sky, he found out that to find the soul of 蕈菡瑞, he had to go to the underworld, and his strength was far from going to the underworld. Six yin souls 魄 Dan or Ning Cheng in the Taisu world, I know a kind of Tao Dao Dan.

"You said let me refine the six yin souls?" Ning Cheng even looked at Gonghuayu with some excitement. He knew that the materials of Liuyin and Yudan could not be found by himself. This broke the idea.

However, I did not expect that Gonghuayu would be so generous, and would take out the materials of Liuyin and Yudan to make him alchemy. Although Ning Cheng knew that Gonghua Yu might have saved the silver-haired woman, Ning Cheng still felt grateful.

"I didn't get it wrong? Six sorrows and sorrows? Daoyuan Dao Dan?"

"It should be mistaken. The materials of the six yin souls are more precious. Even the top ten sects may not be able to come out?"

"Nagong Huayu is one of the top ten sects of the Taishanghai Yinlongzong."

The reaction to the square is like a hot oil pan thrown into the water tofu, rolling over.

Just when others are still skeptical of Gonghuayu, Gonghuayu said affirmatively, "Yes, I want you to refine the six yin souls. This ※$长※$风※$文※$学, ww↖□x deputy medicinal materials left in my Taisuhai Yinlong people do not know how many years, has not been able to become an remedy. I think even after so many years, I am afraid it can not become a drug, simply I am fulfilled today."

All people are clear. Gonghua Yu is a kind words. This medicinal material. Even if it can't be a drug. It is also worthless to estimate, even if it is auctioned out, the people who compete for it are also in groups.

Gonghua Yu is not an idiot. Why do you want to come up with such precious alchemy materials? This is obviously to draw Ningcheng. After all, Ningcheng is a sacred Taoist sacred sacred person. If such a person can use a material of the daodao Dao Dan, he will never suffer. However, it seems to be a little over the use of Daoyuan Dao Dan materials.

Some people who have the material of Dao Dao Dao, which is difficult to refine, are already regretted. They didn't even think of taking materials to win Ning Cheng. Even if the medicinal materials were destroyed by Ning Cheng. so what? It’s worth it to draw a sacred road.

The sigh of Taisuhai said with a sigh. "The silver lord's little lord is really powerful. Even the materials of the six yin and sacred Dan dare to come up. My thoughts seem worse than him."

She only thought of using beautiful women to win Ning Cheng, but did not expect to use medicinal materials to draw. If she knows that there will be such a thing in the Dansheng meeting, she will do everything she can, and she will also come up with a chemical medicinal material that is more difficult to refine than Yuandumaidan to go to Ningcheng.

"Looking at the palace and the rain, and Ning Cheng's eyebrows, Gonghua Yu is really an idiot. Maybe these two people have given him a green hat. He also took the six yin souls to give Ningcheng." The woman with a scarf on her face snorted and said the voice very low.

For example, wrinkled frowns. Said in a slightly harsh tone, "I don't want to say this in the future."

Although she blamed the New Moon, she also sighed in her heart. The New Moon is a cultivation genius, but it is only a year-round retreat, so that her way is very weak, and the human condition is not as good as her childhood.

Ning Cheng gave a gift to Gonghua Yuxi, and said with a fist, "Thank you for your brother, no matter what else, I owe you a favor."

Gonghuayu came out and handed a ring to Ningcheng, and said with a smile, "I wish you success first."

Ning Cheng put away the ring and said again, "My brother, I still have a ruthless invitation. If the six yin souls are Dan Dan, I would like to ask the court brother for one."

Gonghua Yu haha ​​smiled, "According to the ordinary market, if it is a Dan, we are half of one person, if not Dan, then forget it."

Ning Cheng nodded and did not refuse to accept it. Since Gong Huayu said this, he would not have to refuse. He is a sacred Tao Dan, and Gonghua Yu will definitely have a place to seek him in the future.

I saw that Ning Cheng got the ring of Gonghua Yu and walked back. Le Zhen really looked at Ning Cheng with some unbelievable. "Ning Dan, do you want to refine the six yin souls?"

Don't say that you are happy, everyone, including Shi Chen Qiu Tian, ​​can't believe it. Gonghua Yu took out the six yin souls and gave them to Ningcheng. Obviously, I don't want this medicinal material. Just want to make a relationship with Ning Cheng, and Ning Cheng really wants to refine the six yin souls, that is two different things.

"No? Really dare to practice"

"That naturally, you didn't see people taking out the Dan furnace? If it wasn't for the second party, he would only be able to issue a sacred sacred card. Maybe he can also take out the qualification card of the Taoist Dan."

"Do not talk about this, manage your own mouth."

Regardless of how the square is discussed, Ning Cheng still has no luck. This time he did not use the false chaotic first furnace, but chose no furnace. Without the refining of the furnace, it has already become the size of the ordinary Dan furnace.

After the fire was gone, Ning Cheng looked at the music. "Yes, I really want to refine the six yin souls."

"This is no furnace?" Si Chen Qiu Tian was surprised to see the Dan furnace that Ning Cheng waved out. There were not many people who knew Ningcheng Dan furnace. He just knew it.

The original name of the furnace is not called the furnace, but the black and white furnace. It is the Dan furnace of the black and white old man, because the black and white old man is unparalleled. As long as he sacrificed the black and white Dan furnace, no one in the world could compare him. So later, others said that black and white are out, and there is no furnace in the world. Finally, the old man in black and white simply changed his Dan furnace into a furnace.

After the black and white old man disappeared, the Dan furnace was passed on to his apprentice. After the death, the Dan furnace disappeared. I did not expect this Dan furnace to fall into the hands of Ningcheng. Si Chen Qiu Tian flashed a eager flash in his eyes, but this eager eagerness quickly disappeared.

The world's spiritual things will recognize the Lord. If the furnace is not obtained by Ningcheng, it means that there is no furnace to identify Ningcheng. Even if he is forced to take it, it is no longer a furnace. What's more, he is not going to work for a stove and his future generations.

Ning Cheng has long been sitting in the Dantai ban. Raised his hand and waved hundreds of gods. Six Yinguo, Jiuqu Soul, and Forgetful Flowers are all wrapped in the gods of Ningcheng.

this moment. The eyes of the entire Dan Dan Square are concentrated on Ning Cheng. Whether Ning Cheng can refine the success of the six yin souls. It is an amazing thing to be able to see a Dan Sheng refining the six sacred souls.

Ning Cheng did not throw any of the gods into the Dan furnace, and his starry sky completely covered these gods in it. The reason why he dared to refine the six yin souls, in addition to his understanding of the rules far stronger than the general Dan Sheng, there is his eager to help Rui Rui.

When he was testing the plastic road Dan Sheng, his first refining failed. But this time refining Dao Dao Dao, he must not fail to refine.

The assessment of plastic road Dan Sheng failed, but the impact on Ning Cheng is not particularly large. After all, he plasticized Shen Dan refining success. Therefore, when he refining the mark, he was very fast. But now, no, not to mention the material of the six yin souls, there is only one furnace. Once he failed to refine, he would help Rui Rui and still don't know when to wait.

Among the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred city, Ning Cheng is definitely not weaker than the music, so for Ning Cheng, the promotion of the Tao Yuan Dan Sheng is also only one step away. However, this step is far more difficult for Ningcheng than Leyi.

Because the music is really perfect. Already outside the door of the realm of Tao Yuan, I only feel sentimental. Ning Cheng was the only one who built the Taoist emperor. The road is still far away.

Refining Daoyuan Dao Dan is not only related to the level of Dan Dao, but also related to his understanding of Tiandi Avenue. In short, it is related to repair.

Xuanhuang has no way to run completely. At this moment, Ningcheng has long forgotten that he is still in alchemy and still playing Dandao.

When Bie Hanyuan discussed Dan Dao, Ning Cheng fell into the epiphany of his own avenue because of his reunification. Because this is a Dansheng meeting, he did not have the opportunity to retreat to stabilize his own sensation.

Now he wants to refine the six yin souls, in addition to the Dan Dao rhyme, his avenue rhyme is also gradually integrated with the three rules of the gods grass.

The rules of heaven and earth are more and more concentrated in Ningcheng. Although Ningcheng has not yet started, the resonance of Ningcheng has already surpassed the music.

At this time, in the senses of everyone, it is like being in a cosmic world of greenness. The world has endless plants and endless creatures. These living plants have experienced sorrows and joys, experienced thunder and lightning, and experienced a gloom...

They began to wither and began to desolate in this green world. Slowly, the world's vitality gradually dissipated, and the world began to collapse, and finally turned into fragments, which gathered innumerable pieces of space and then became one. This seems to be a demonstration of the source of the world, and then slowly return these journeys to the cosmic chaos.

In the square, whether it is listening to Dan's guests or Dan Shi, they are immersed in the rhyme of Ningcheng. Even the St. Emperor, who was the second step of the sermon, shocked Ning Cheng’s sturdy rhythm and even began to be slowly affected.

It is a pity that the place of Ningcheng Alchemy was completely blocked by the ban, and it was only possible to feel it, but it was impossible to use God's knowledge to investigate. Otherwise, I don’t know how many gods will find out the avenues of Ningcheng’s avenues.

As time passed, the day of Ningcheng’s stipulations had already left, and even ten days had passed away. At this moment, no one has raised an objection. Even the Yan Yan, who can't cultivate, is also addicted to the rhyme of Ning Cheng.

Returning to a rhyme in the consciousness of Ning Cheng is constantly surrounded. "My way, the world is consistent and caressed, and the same path is the same. There are no roots and no stems, no leaves and no glory. Everything is born, everything is made, my way is... ”

Like the rhythm of the morning bells and drums, the rhythm of the rhythm continues to swell in the thoughts of Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng has a feeling. Once his rhythm world is once again, from the desolate rootless stemless, leafless Wu Rongmao, his way is true. The little one became.

Dan Dao Yi Road Liuyin fruit road rhyme far beyond his understanding, after all, it comes down to a rule of heaven and earth. In his avenue, you can always find this rule of heaven and earth. Stronger, and can't go beyond his avenue.

The nine songs of the soul, the forgetful flowers ... ordinary rules of the gods only, he has already caught in his own rhyme.

Take me back together, melt the six yin fruit! Six Yin fruit into the furnace!

With my return, I will integrate the nine songs and the grass! The nine songs are in the furnace!

With my return, forget the flowers! Forget the flowers into the furnace!


With my return, I will melt the six souls! Daoyun, Dan Yunsheng!

(Today's update is here, friends are good night, continue to request monthly ticket support!)

(To be continued...)


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