The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 122: Didn't you say earlier?

One of the most worrying aspects of Zu Lifeng's research madness is that they don't care where the experimental materials come from. It seems that Jiang Fusheng was also carefully considered when he selected a person. Almost all the people who came came as long as he lost it to the laboratory. You do n’t know when he ate and slept, and why he felt like he was working all day. Types of.

Of course, Zu Lifeng himself was also in this category.

But now, he has more things to consider.

"The heartbeat should not be an illusion ... but it should be different from the induction of heterogeneous species." Although it is not clear how the heterogeneous species induces the same species, it is certainly not achieved by "listening".

"What caused this change?" Zu Lifeng thought of the "brain theory" he proposed, and then thought of his own ability to predict.

"Anyway, the completion of the wisdom species really has a certain effect, but unfortunately the duration is too short, and the difficulty of entering the state is too high. If you can maintain it for a long time, you may know that it is induction, Still predicted ... "Zu Lifeng thought secretly.

Uh ...

"Today, a wave of panic broke out across the country. Many people were snapped up due to the Ningnan incident. The data shows that the amount of snapped-in salt alone surpassed the Nishima nuclear power plant explosion in a single day ... … The country calls on the citizens not to be too panic, saying that our war preparations are adequate. Even if it happens, we can ensure the basic lives of the people ... The live broadcast of an official and the press conference will be broadcast below. "

"Why is it mentioned in case? Is this suggesting that the Ningnan incident is indeed relevant?"

"There are riots all over the country, aren't they the killers?"

"The large-scale alien species annihilated by the Ningnan Army has just been filmed on the webcast just now, please respond!"


Zu Lifeng turned off the radio on the car, then turned around and said, "It's almost time to get to the city, we get off."

With a bunch of mutants, it is better to be careful.

After discarding the car that was originally "picked up" by dogs, Zu Lifeng and Su Li and others carefully approached the city on foot. The journey they took was relatively deserted and reasonably safer. And after walking out for a while, Zu Lifeng found that even checkpoints were set up on this road. Fortunately, he was vigilant in advance, otherwise he would hit his gunpoint at the moment.

But as a mutant species, as long as you are careful, it is not difficult to dive into the urban area. After Zuoli Feng waited quietly for a while, he found an opportunity, and quickly led a group of people into an alley.

"Su Brother, then I'll go back first. At this time, those **** should be the most active. I will take down the bosses as soon as possible, and I can definitely hear a lot of news." Gouzi said.

Su Zufeng nodded: "Be careful."

After seeing the dog disappearing at the wall, Zu Lifeng sneaked close to the wall again and glanced down the street.

虽然 Although it is close to the suburbs, it is not usually lively, but it is not as deserted as it is now.


There was a sudden alarm from a distance, and soon Zurich saw a military vehicle with a machine gun driving from a distance.

There is also a loud speaker on the car: "Please pay attention to all residents, please stay as far as possible in your own home. Please pay attention to all residents ..."

When the military vehicle passed by the place where Zu Lifeng was hiding, Zu Lifeng was already behind the wall, and then the figure disappeared.

"Let's go and look at the city center again." Zu Lifeng lowered the brim and said.

The closer Zhe gets to the downtown area, the more shocking Zu Lifeng feels.

不到 Unexpectedly, in less than a day, Ningnan will change from a seemingly stable city to what it is today.

Shattered glass is everywhere on both sides of the street, the ground is full of rubbish, and fresh blood can be seen in many places.

When some soldiers came out of the mall, they carried either a stretcher or a black body bag.

尸 The corpses were placed on the side of the road, and then sent to the truck together.

"My **** did nothing! Grass ..." A young man rushed out of the street corner, and two soldiers rushed out from behind, knocking him heavily to the ground.

"You almost insulted that girl. You said you didn't do anything? Keep your mouth clean! At this time, I can shoot you directly!" One of the soldiers raised the handle of the gun politely and suddenly It interrupted the struggle of the young man.

The young man was left with wailing ...

"I'm afraid the place where these people are closed tonight is gone." Su Lifeng said with emotion.

"I hate these people who are robbing in the fire. I can't stop it. It's best to take a hard meal first." Su Ping said.

Seeing that Zu Lifeng and Jiang Yushi both looked at herself, she suddenly slipped her lips and said, "I ca n’t talk about it. Besides, Sister Yu Shi sees me, it ’s okay, what do you think of me? I do n’t think so Did you teach? I'm a kid. "

"When did I teach you ..." In the face of Jiang Yushi and Cheng Xiaomei, he suddenly looked at himself, and Zu Lifeng quickly waved his hands.

Immediately after the utterance of the words, a middle-aged man suddenly ran out from a corner diagonally opposite.

He seemed to have been hiding there for a long time. When he saw the young man caught in a panic, he rushed out.

He looked around, and then he saw a group of people in Zulifeng.

In his eyes, young students like Zu Lifeng were ignored at a glance, and the remaining three girls looked weaker than one.

"Using them to divert their eyes, it's really impossible to pull a hostage!" The middle-aged man rushed towards them while thinking.

Zu Lifeng originally thought that the place where they stayed was relatively hidden, but he did not expect to be discovered by such a thief.

I was far away, Zu Lifeng had seen the killing in the other's eyes, and also saw the blood stains on his pants, I wonder if it had just robbed someone and ran out.

Seeing the other party approaching, Zurich suddenly frowned and showed a look of disgust.

"Go away!" A middle-aged man shouted a small dagger in his hand, shouting fiercely.

"Look for death ~ ~ Zu Lifeng's figure flickered, even the bone wings did not show up. In a blink of an eye, he already rushed towards him with a middle-aged man.

The stabbing from the army entered his throat from the bottom up, and then reinserted it into the scabbard, but it took only a blink of an eye.

At this time, Zu Lifeng's "finding death" only faintly rang in his ear.

"You ... no ... early ... say ..." The middle-aged man widened his eyes and watched Zu Lifeng lead the three girls over the wall and disappeared in this place. He could see clearly that when one of the girls was climbing the wall, there was a clear flash of pink light on the ankle, and then the whole person seemed to bounce.

Another girl raised her arm, and her fingers suddenly turned into long silver hooks, which caught the wall.


A soldier had noticed the movement here, and rushed forward with a gun, but only saw a middle-aged man with blood on his neck.

The middle-aged man looked at the soldier, but a mouth and a large stream of blood poured out of his throat: "Coo ..."

He was shouting in his heart, "There are monsters! You ... Go after them!"

"Here is No. 0786. I found a thug. Maybe it was eaten by the hackers. The corpse came over to collect it." But before he died, he only heard such a word, and when he fell, the soldier despised His eyes, and a cold voice: "Deserve it, scum."

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