"The mastermind behind the scenes?" I felt a tightness in my heart, and immediately reacted that this eight-door soul lock array was prepared for us by Qian Hongda.

Liu Wenbao seemed to have seen through everything, and looked at the dark depths with deep eyes.

I saw three people slowly coming out of the darkness, one of whom was still in a wheelchair, his head hanging to the side and silent.

"My good brother, I really didn't expect to meet you here. We're really destined!"

One of them, an old man who looked to be about sixty years old, was wearing a purple Taoist robe, with his hair combed in a bun, and he looked quite like a fairy wind and bones.

It's just that there is a faint sense of horror in him, and under his sharp chin is a goatee that seems to be able to poke people to death.

"Hmph, Zhang Hongyi, after such a long time, you are still disgusting. Liu Wenbao said unhurriedly.

When I heard this person named Zhang Hongyi call Senior Brother Liu Wenbao, I was a little curious, could it be that they were still the same teacher?

Just listening to the conversation between them, it seemed that there was no affection between the teachers.

Zhang Hongyi touched his goatee and enjoyed it a little: "Senior brother, senior brother, I don't care if the evil is so disgusting that it is others, anyway, I will be satisfied if it is disgusting to you." "

I, fuck, you, Mom!" Liu

Wenbao suddenly scolded, startling me standing aside.

Zhang Hongyi didn't care at all, and laughed: "How can a cultivator make such vulgar words, it seems that it was really a mistake for the master to accept you back then."

"You still have the face to mention Master, and today I will stab you to clean the door for Master. Liu Wenbao didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all, and rushed directly towards the other party.

He is extremely fast and fickle, and he can't see the number of paths clearly.

The dragon bone sword in his hand had already broken through the wind and pointed directly at Zhang Hongyi.

"It's a fool to fight you. Zhang Hongyi picked up the magic trick in his hand and slapped it at the person in the wheelchair.

was slapped by Zhang Hongyi, and the head of the person in the wheelchair who had been hanging down suddenly shook, and his whole body shook violently in the wheelchair.

Then he slowly stood up under the trembling, and his eyes were full of gloomy energy, and his appearance was very terrifying.

"Qian Wenjun?" Isn't this Qian Wenjun skinned because of Liu Yang? How can he still stand up now?

The bones in Qian Wenjun's body creaked with the movement, Zhang Hongyi held his left hand with his right hand and raised his fingers to give orders: "Give it to me!"

At this time, Liu Wenbao had already raised his keel sword and slashed at Zhang Hongyi, and Qian Wenjun's

eyes suddenly

shook when he received the order, emitting two leisurely red lights.

rushed directly to Zhang Hongyi, raised his arm, and blocked Liu Wenbao's blow for him.

With a popping sound, one of Qian Wenjun's hands was cut off by the dragon bone sword in Liu Wenbao's hand.

What's even more strange is that Qian Wenjun didn't feel any pain, not even a drop of blood came out.

Instead, he dragged his half-crippled arm and threw himself on Liu Wenbao's body.

"It's so fucking dangerous, I almost got cold. Zhang Hongyi wiped his sweat lightly.

Although I don't know what happened between the two, it can be seen from the appearance that they are already enemies of life and death.

At this juncture, I have to contribute to Liu Wenbao.

Raised his hand and threw out the Sanqi Qingming Flame, and went straight to Zhang Hongyi: "Old thing, take your life." Zhang

Hongyi didn't expect me to make a sudden move, and he was also taken aback when he looked at the flames spraying towards him.

"Sanqi Qingming Flame, I didn't expect that I, an old immortal senior brother, would pass this on to you. Zhang

Hongyi raised his hand and drew a spell in the air, and he actually blocked my Sanqi Qingming Flame back lightly.

"It's a pity, the fire is not enough!" Zhang

Hongyi waved his robe, and the Sanqi Qingming Flame that I spewed out swept directly towards me.

I'm in a hurry at the moment, and I don't know what to do.

Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration and thought of the scene where my cross palm print absorbed the Three Qi Qingming Flames.

raised his hand to block the flames that were counterattacked by Zhang Hongyi, hoping to be able to resist it.

The closer the flames got, the stronger the fear in my heart, but there was no way to avoid it, and I could only endure the scorching heat.

Fortunately, as soon as my palm touched the Sanqi Qingming Flame, it was absorbed back by the cross palm pattern in my palm.

I felt a handful of sweat, and it was really thrilling.

Zhang Hongyi also said "Huh" at the same time: "Cross palm prints, no wonder this old immortal is willing to pass on the Sanqi Qingming Flame to you." Seeing

through my cross palm prints, Zhang Hongyi's eyes showed a greedy gaze.

"I'll take your hand. "

Like Liu Wenbao, he took out a sword from his inner pocket and wanted to come straight at me.

I knew that I wasn't his opponent, so I thought about how to resolve it.

Liu Wenbao, who was fighting Qian Wenjun over there, saw that I was in danger, so he hurriedly kicked Qian Wenjun away and stopped Zhang Hongyi, who was coming at me.

The blades collided together with a violent roar, and a nameless wave echoed through the space.

Zhang Hongyi immediately dodged away from the distance, and he could clearly see that his entire arm was trembling violently.

It's just that he still said stiffly: "You really accepted a good apprentice." "

Hmph, you can refine a walking corpse in just a few hours, you have a lot of skills. Liu Wenbao raised his hand and was about to cut it off again.

Qian Wenjun realized that Zhang Hongyi was in danger, so he wanted to stop Liu Wenbao.

The three of them were entangled together, which allowed Zhang Hongyi to take a breath.

But he was soon pressed by Liu Wenbao again, and a little distraction could lead to the loss of his life.

"Senior brother, in the past, Master said that you are a person who is expected to become a Heavenly Master. Today's view, sure enough, the master and his old man have vision.

Zhang Hongyi tried to use these words to divert Liu Wenbao's attention, but Liu Wenbao didn't reply to him at all, and the speed of the attack became faster.

Zhang Hongyi has to be in an extremely nervous state all the time, and such an old bone will definitely be unbearable for a long time.

I watched dumbfounded, and it was clear that I couldn't get my hands on this level.

Just when Zhang Hongyi wanted to take a breath, Liu Wenbao seized this gap and slashed directly towards his front door.

This frightened Zhang Hongyi so much that he almost didn't put his hat up, and then pulled Qian Wenjun over and blocked the blow for him.

Qian Wenjun's other arm was also cut off by him.

Zhang Hongyi scolded secretly, and shouted directly at another person in the dark: "Catch that kid for me." "

I have never seen this third person in the darkness clearly, but I have already guessed it in my heart.

When he came out of the darkness, his eyes were glowing green, and his skin was covered with turquoise scales.

But I could still recognize this person's face, but I still couldn't help but be taken aback: "Qian Hongda?".

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