At this time, the sky had not completely darkened, and a red figure lying on the ground could still be vaguely seen.

When Liu Dahai saw that the person on my back had fallen, he jumped and said, "Husheng lost his daughter-in-law, Husheng lost his daughter-in-law." With

that, he turned around and ran to my house shouting.

"This stupid sea!" I was a little angry that he did this, even though he was a fool, and he couldn't just make rumors about me in the village.

But I didn't have time to pay attention to him at the moment, so I crouched down to see if the thing on my back was a man or a ghost.

I saw a pale female corpse lying on the ground, her pretty face was very delicate and beautiful, and there were a few red makeup on her cheeks like a singing troupe, she looked like she had just become an adult, and her eyes were closed and her expression was calm, as if she was asleep.

Dressed in red satin clothes, there is a dragon and phoenix embroidered with gold thread, which at a glance knows that it is the clothes worn by the woman when she got married in ancient times.

Looking at the red hijab in his hand, I was immediately startled and hurriedly threw the red hijab on the ground.

When the red hijab just fell to the ground, I could clearly see through the corner of my eye that the corner of the female corpse's mouth was faintly outlined in a strange arc.

She's laughing, and I'm not mistaken, she's laughing...

My whole body trembled with fright, and I sat on the ground with my mouth open for a long time and didn't say a word.


this moment, a familiar voice shouted, and I immediately heard that this was my mother's voice, and hurriedly replied with a crying voice: "Mother! "

When my mother heard that it was me, she quickly ran towards me.

It wasn't until I saw my mother's figure with my own eyes that I staggered up and threw myself into my mother's arms.

Rao is already an adult young man, and I was also frightened by the scene just now.

When my mother saw the female corpse lying on the ground, she was also startled, and hurriedly held my shoulder and asked, "Husheng, where did you find this corpse?" How did I hear Liu Dahai say that you lost your daughter-in-law? "

I had a bitter look on my face, and I couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so I could only shake my head again and again.

Seeing me like this, my mother was also a little angry: "You kid, don't just shake your head, talk!"

I looked up at my mother, and like a wronged child, I cried and said, "I... I don't know, if it weren't for the stupid sea reminding me, I wouldn't have known that I was carrying a female corpse on my back. "

I really can't say anything, and my mother is also anxious to go back and forth in place.

There are already many taboos in the village, which is why it is not allowed to rush the mountain road at night.

In the past, when someone came home from the mountains, he unknowingly carried a female corpse, and it was not until he returned home that the family found out.

At that time, the family was also too frightened to speak out, and burned the female corpse overnight.

But within a few days, the family began to die one after another, and finally the man in the family really had no choice, so he asked Mr. Yin Yang to come and settle down.

But as soon as he said this, he startled the Mr. Yin and Yang, and even said that it was a mountain monster who carried it home, and then turned around and was about to leave without looking back.

Within two days, someone found out that everyone in the family had inexplicably hanged themselves.

Since then, the people of the village have been very taboo to carry anything back from the mountains, and if anyone sees it, they hurriedly avoid it, for fear of bringing the dirty things back to their homes.

That's why as soon as I got back to the village, those people rushed home and closed the gate when they saw me.

I also thought of this just now, so I trembled and asked my mother: "Mother, this... What can I do? I guess I'll carry back a mountain monster too!

My mother hurriedly covered my mouth: "Don't talk nonsense! "

The fox gave birth to his mother, and the fox gave birth to his mother." A man's rugged voice was heard in the distance.

When my mother and I heard this, hope was ignited in our hearts, and we knew that this was the village chief coming.

The head of our village is called Niu Guofu, who is over 60 years old this year, and I heard that in the early years, he worked as an apprentice with a Mr. Yin and Yang for a few days, and then came back for some reason.

Everyone in the village knew that he must have learned a little skill, so he usually asked him to help settle down when something strange happened at home.

When I was young, Mr. Yin and Yang named Liu Wenbao was invited by him.

Later, after Liu Wenbao's explanation, Niu Guofu also reassured me.

Seeing Niu Guofu walking towards us, my mother hurriedly said, "Village Chief, take a look, what is my fox carrying back from the mountains?"

Niu Guofu took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it and said, "Don't worry, I'll show it first!"

As soon as he squatted down, took a puff of cigarette, and looked at it, he immediately gasped.

"I'm an ancestor, why did you carry such a thing back?"

My mother, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what Niu Guofu meant, so my mother asked, "What is it?" Village Chief, you have to make it clear, is this a mountain monster? "

I am also looking forward to Niu Guofu's answer.

I saw that he had a sad face, as if he didn't know what to say, and in desperation, he smoked several puffs of cigarette in a row and said, "It's okay if it's a mountain monster or something, they just want to ask for something." But it's not a mountain monster that your fox is carrying back! I

saw that Niu Guofu was still selling Guanzi, and I was a little anxious: "Village chief, hurry up, what is this?"

Niu Guofu spat out a cloud of smoke from his mouth, and looked at me with a little more pity: "This is... Mountain Goddess! "

The Holy Maiden of the Mountain?" I said in unison with my mother.

It was the first time we heard this word in our memory, and my mother was also at a loss, and hurriedly asked, "What is this mountain holy girl?"

Niu Guofu sighed repeatedly: "You may not know that in the early days, our Beiliuzi Village would hold a large-scale sacrificial event every twenty years.

"At that time, most people would use some poultry as sacrifices, drive them into the mountains, slaughter them, and throw them into a cave."

"Caves?" When I heard this, my scalp was about to explode, and I thought to myself, "Could this sacrificial cave be the cave I entered earlier?"

Niu Guofu saw that I was surprised and said, "You must have been to that cave, otherwise you wouldn't have carried the mountain goddess back."

I thought it should be the cave, so I nodded.

Seeing this, my mother cried, and slapped my palm on the back: "You bear child, what are you doing in a cave if you have nothing to do." I, Wu Xiuqin, have been such a son as you all my life, if you have three long and two short, how can you let your mother live! "

I felt so guilty that I could only wipe my tears with my head down and not say a word.

Niu Guofu shook his head and continued: "Until the later sacrifice, a group of people who went in and threw poultry did not survive. Seeing this, the village chief at that time thought that they were lost in the cave, and was afraid that the mountain god would be angry, so he hurriedly sacrificed some more chickens and ducks.

"But those people still didn't survive after they went in, and the village chief didn't know what was going on. When he went to bed at night, he was thinking about it, but this night he had a dream. "

Said that he dreamed that the mountain god had lived for so long and had not experienced the red world, and wanted their village to sacrifice a holy woman, otherwise it would not be a few people who would die, but the entire village."

When the people of the village heard this, they were immediately frightened and turned into a pot of porridge, and they rushed to propose that the daughter of whose family should be sacrificed to the mountain god.

"Later, I don't know whose daughter was sacrificed, but I heard that everyone in the village gathered money to create a piece of jade and wear it around the neck of the mountain goddess."

"Jade pendant?" When I heard this, I hurriedly crouched down to check it out.

At this time, I can't care about the fear in my heart, I just hope that this female corpse will not wear that jade pendant!

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