Wang Xuyao is also a rich kid in the end, and some expenses such as medical expenses this time are all paid by himself.

After the doctor came out, he asked, "Who is

the patient's family?" Wang Xuyao would definitely not stand up, but when the doctor saw Wang Xuyao alone outside the operating room, he said, "You are the patient's family." Our lord, we saved it, but... The child is gone.

Wang Xuyao looked confused, and he didn't say anything, how did he become a family member, and hurriedly explained: "I'm not a family member, you recognized the wrong person."

The doctor didn't seem to know the secret inside, and when he saw Wang Xuyao denying it, he didn't feel good and said: "Young man, don't mention that you don't recognize people when you put on your pants." In this case, it is also your child, and I advise you to still have rat tail juice! Next time, don't have sex during pregnancy. "

This Wang Xuyao can't be rectified, what is it called his own child, what is this?

But he wanted to explain, and the doctor had already left.

He also understood what Xuanxuan and Xiaolian thought, and left directly after walking to the window and handing over the money.

At this point, the matter is over, and the screen switches again, and it is already a month later...

"Wang Xuyao, let me tell you, this child is the last effort of Xiaolian and me, and it will be even more difficult for us to get pregnant again in the future. If you want to leave it at that, I'm not done with you.

Xuanxuan sat on the bed in her bedroom, and Xiaolian was worried on the side.

Their stomachs had already been flattened out at this time, and their figures had finally become well-proportioned.

Wang Xuyao on the other side of the phone didn't bother to talk nonsense with her, so he said, "Okay, I understand." Say, how much money do you want?"

"500,000!" "What? 500,000

, the lion opened his mouth, you really treat me as a fool!" Wang Xuyao said angrily.

He originally planned to give 50,000 yuan per person, after all, the child was lost, and it was normal to pay some mental compensation.

This request for 500,000 really angered Wang Xuyao.

"Hmph, if you don't give it, I'll sue you. Xuanxuan looked resolute, and it seemed that she had won the 500,000 yuan.

"Hmph, I'd like to see what you sue me. Wang Xuyao hung up the phone directly.

A week later, Xuanxuan still did not receive the money from Wang Xuyao, so she and Xiaolian prosecuted Wang Xuyao on the charge of rape.

The two thought that Wang Xuyao would definitely let go this time, but they didn't expect Wang Xuyao to come up with ironclad evidence to prove his innocence.

Wang Xuyao is also a ruthless person after all, and he actually played the recording of that night in front of everyone.

In the end, after judicial evaluation, Wang Xuyao did not constitute a crime, and the lawsuit of Xuanxuan and Xiaolian was dismissed.

But considering that the two were pregnant women before, they lost the child in their wombs for this, and on the basis of humanitarian care, Wang Xuyao was asked to compensate the two for mental damages, a total of 50,000 yuan.

Xuanxuan really didn't expect Wang Xuyao to have this trick, and she was almost mad.

I wanted to make trouble with Wang Xuyao, but I found that I was weak and couldn't touch a single hair from others.

It wasn't until later that I found out that the hotel where I opened the room was originally Wang Xuyao's house, and in order to prevent this kind of thing, he would make a recording in advance before doing things.

Xiaolian also completely turned her face with Xuanxuan because of this matter, and the two parted ways after dividing up the 50,000 yuan.

Since Xuanxuan has done it twice before, she also has hundreds of thousands of dollars in her hand, and she is ready to condition one part of her body and then do the next one.

Unexpectedly, a phone call suddenly came from her family, urging her to get married quickly.

Because she couldn't withstand the pressure from her family, Xuanxuan obeyed the family's arrangement and married an honest man in her hometown with good conditions.

Since then, Xuanxuan has completely returned to her normal life.

After reading it, I couldn't help but shake my head: "After all, it's an honest man who took the plate!" The

demon said indignantly on the side: "This woman is really disgusting." "

The image begins to fade away, and all of a sudden we are in a dark space.

I saw the resentful baby curled up in mid-air, head down, and I could clearly see that there was still an umbilical cord in his belly.

At this time, his legs were not fully formed, but his beating heart was already full of fresh vitality.

It only took two beats for the heart to find that his entire body was starting to go black.

The connected umbilical cord seemed to be transporting something to him, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

My heart was pounding when I watched, this... Is it the scene when the baby died

? "Mom, don't you want me? I want to survive... I really want to..."

In the empty darkness, there was only the cry of a baby, and the voice was helpless and pitiful.

Soon, the sound was completely gone.

Immediately, our gaze once again drifted into nothingness, and then we came to the scene we had just seen.

The baby's body changed again, and his little hands were clenched tightly, as if he was trying to live.

"I chose you again, Mom, don't you want me yet? I'm so scared... I'm so scared... I hope you won't abandon me next time..."

The picture dissolved into nothingness again, and then returned to the picture just now.

The only difference is that the resentful baby who was curled up with his head down actually opened his eyes at this time.

A pair of blood-red pupils permeated a little bit of blood, and other than that, the whole body was extremely black.

"Why... Why, it's been three times. You still won't give birth to me, why... Am I so hated by you?"

"Damn, don't look at me, it's not you I didn't give birth to. "

The Resentful Baby was still staring at me, his body beginning to dissolve into pieces like old rotten paper.

The demon hurriedly grabbed me: "Don't look at the stupid donkey, the memory of the resentful baby is about to be shattered." "

Before I could react, the demon pulled me out.

When I came back to my thoughts, I noticed that there was a cold red mist in the carriage.

When I looked closely, the red mist was actually emanating from the body of the resentful baby.

I don't know if the red mist will have any effect on the human body, and my first reaction at the moment is to dispel it.

The carriages of the train were already not ventilated, and it was not easy to disperse them at the moment.

I wanted to use the talisman fire in my palm to see if I could dispel it, but just as I raised my palm, the demon suddenly stopped me: "Stupid donkey, don't worry, see if there is a person standing in the red mist." "

After such a reminder from the demon, I vaguely saw a slender figure in the red mist.

I stepped forward to check it out, and when I saw it, it was Xuanxuan.

How did she get here?

Because I found that Xuanxuan was still in a coma at this time, standing with her head down, as if she had been lifted from behind.

The resentful baby emitting a red mist in the air slowly began to move, and the red mist floating in the air also began to converge.

I don't know what he's going to do, but I'm still afraid that he will hurt Xuanxuan.

After all, ghosts hurt people, and it's not good for anyone.

He is already resentful, and if he harms people again, I am afraid that it will be even more difficult to reincarnate again.

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