My name is Wu Husheng, yes, you heard it right, I did call it by that name.

When I was a child, I heard my mother tell me that she adopted me from a group of foxes.

My mother was a fierce woman when she was young, and she liked to dance with knives and guns and play with sticks twice on weekdays.

This also caused many people to come to her house to match her when she was young, and most of them broke up unhappily because of this character, so that in the end, everyone was in their forties and had not yet married.

One day, when she went hunting in the mountains as usual, she saw a wild boar with sharp fangs, and the tendons and flesh of the body looked very replenished.

Especially the black hair of the body is black and shiny, and at a glance you know that this beast is definitely worth a lot of money if it is sold.

She was immediately pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly hid under the tree and picked up the shotgun in her hand, and the barrel of the gun was aimed at the heart of the wild boar.

Just as she was about to shoot, a noisy sound suddenly came from the mountains and forests in the distance, causing her to miss the shot, and the bullet grazed the boar's skin.

The wild boar reacted instantly, and disappeared as soon as it slipped away.

My mother was very angry in her heart, and secretly thought that she blamed that inexplicable sound.

With the shotgun on his back, he wanted to go up and see what it was that had caused him to lose such a large boar.

As we got closer, the louder it became, so much so that it sounded like an irritating noise, and it was infuriating to listen to.

It wasn't until she stepped forward to see it clearly that she couldn't help but be startled, and she immediately turned around and ran back in fright.

It turned out to be a group of white foxes, each of them standing up, their ears standing high, and a pair of brown eyes revealing a strange expression.

They all danced forward, squeaking and screaming from their mouths.

Everyone in the village knows that foxes are extremely strange and cunning, and they are extremely spiritual, and if they are provoked, they may not want to live in peace for the rest of their lives.

In particular, some foxes who have Taoism are even more unprovoked, and people often call this kind of fox fairy.

Everyone also knows that the fox fairy is the first existence among the five immortals, and its weirdness is even more terrifying.

After my mother saw it, she dared to stay longer, and almost ran back with all her strength.

But things just don't go your way, the more you want to run, God seems to be deliberately trying to fix you.

My mother had just run a few steps when she tripped over a lump of a tree that protruded out of nowhere on the ground.

The whole person fell directly to the ground, if it was just a fall, it would be fine, but when he fell, he happened to be hit by the clods on the ground.

She couldn't stand up and continue to run forward because of the pain for a while, and could only watch this group of foxes walking towards her.

These foxes seemed to have been aware of my mother's existence a long time ago, and they became even more excited when they saw her.

Wagging his tail, he began to dance harder, and a fox cry came into his ears.

For some reason, the pain in my leg disappeared inexplicably.

And the sound that made people irritable just now sounds refreshed and pleasant, and there is a feeling of lightness, which can't help but make people want to fall asleep subconsciously.

My mother knows very well that this may be the fox charm that the old people in the village often say, if this strange spell is applied to ordinary people, it will lose their minds and become crazy, and at worst, they may not be able to bear the death on the spot.

She often goes up to the mountains to hunt on weekdays, not only to train her strength, but also to physically fit her physical fitness.

After realizing this, she couldn't care much about it now, so she could only shoot first to see if she could scare away the foxes.

His eyes didn't dare to relax for a moment staring at the group of foxes walking towards him, and his hand had quietly removed the shotgun on his back.

The old people in the village often say that if you encounter a fox, try not to hurt it, run away is the best policy, if you can't escape, then scare the fox away.

Such beasts are cunning and cautious by nature, and with the slightest attack, they will surely run away with their tails between their legs.

In the end, it is slaughtered, this is no way, you can't let it harm yourself.

As for what kind of retribution will be encountered after slaughter, it is only left to fate.

Although her legs don't hurt anymore, she has now lost the strength to escape because of the fox cry she heard.

For now, I had to shoot a few shots to see if I could scare away the foxes.


mother fired several shots into the sky, and the huge gunfire caused the animals on the mountain to flee back to their burrows.

It almost became their muscle memory, and they knew that the sound would kill them, and even the birds and finches that stayed in the trees had to flee first.

The recoil of the shotgun was originally so strong that even if the big man in the village fired a few shots in a row, his hands would tremble, let alone a woman in her forties.

Rao is that she often goes up the mountain to hunt on weekdays, and the recoil of the shotgun has long been accustomed to it, but now that her body is weak, where can she bear it.

Neither of his hands was steady, and the gun slid off his hands.

However, it doesn't matter, at least the foxes should have been scared away.

Just as she was sweating for the situation just now and wanted to get back up, she found that the foxes had not left.

On the contrary, the foxes walked even faster when they heard the gunshots.

The two feet danced back and forth on the ground, just like an old lady twisting Yangge.

The two feet in front of him curled up, as if they were pinching their waists with both hands, their tails swayed back and forth, and the fox in their mouths began to work harder.

I couldn't help but be surprised that this group of brutes was not afraid of gunshots.

There was no way, and now I had to prepare for the worst, so my hand reached for the shotgun that had fallen to the ground again.

But just as he was about to touch it, a fox in front of him rushed up directly.

As soon as he stopped my mother's hand trying to grab the shotgun, she kicked the shotgun out with one leg.

Seeing this, she was even more frightened in her heart, how could this fox be the same as a human?

I even knew that I would kick this deadly gun away, and I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

The hand that touched the gun was about to pinch the fox's neck with his backhand, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw the fox's stunning pupils.

I only felt that my head was dizzy for a while, and my body fell to the ground as if I had been given an anesthetic injection.

The fox circled around her a few times, and when she saw that my mother really had no strength to fight back, she waved her paw at the foxes.

Although my mother had fallen down at this time, her eyes were blurry and she could still see a little sign.

Out of the back of the group of foxes came four foxes, dragging a naked baby on their four snow-white tails.

Just seeing this, she was completely unconscious, unconscious.

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