The tall, extremely fat woman who came out of the smoke, wearing a pirate hat and a pink dress, was one of the Four Emperors… Bigumuam.

“Ah ~ really, let the guy wait for me, I have to go first alone, it’s really not an obedient child.”

Bigumum, who came from the sky, complained as he walked, sometimes shaking his head a little irritably, looking a little angry.


In the next second, her body froze, and her eyes were slightly stunned.

Because, she saw… I saw that not far from him, the body of the Keli Rack was lying there quietly.

“Grams… Krizer?! ”

Bigumam’s eyes couldn’t believe it, but she couldn’t feel the breath of Kriframe at all, and her cold body was more emitting a stream of ice cold.

Bigumum’s body trembled slightly, slowly walked to the body of the Kriframe, leaned down and touched the cold cheek of the Kriframe, and then looked at the sky.


Bigumum cried out frantically, it was not an ordinary shout, but a strange sound, a strange sound that was enough to break the eardrums and have lethal power.



“Bang bang!”

The pirates and residents who were closer to her were immediately affected, and their eardrums all exploded at that moment, and blood rushed wildly.

“Ah~~~ my ears.”

“Well, it hurts!”

“Yes, it’s blood, ah~~~”

Pirates and residents whose eardrums exploded, fell to the ground, rolled over, looked painful, and even the brains of pirates standing far away were buzzing, and there was a brief tinnitus.

This strange cry made everyone wake up immediately, and also made some sharp-eyed pirates recognize the strange aunt in front of them, and shouted out in horror: “This person is… It’s the Four Emperors Bigumumu! ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone around opened their eyes wide, revealing shock.

“What… What, this person turned out to be the Four Emperors of the New World?! ”

“She, why is she here too?!”

“What really happened in the Chambord Islands today?!”

While the pirates were shocked in their hearts, they were all extremely confused, confused about these strong people standing at the top of the world, all gathered together, what did they want to do?

And at this time.

The strange voice of the sad Bigumum sounded again, accompanied by her angry roar: “Who is it? Which bastard killed my son, stand up for me, get out of here for me!! ”


This strange sound, the terrifying destructive power caused a group of pirates and residents to suffer, and one after another screams mixed with strange sounds, resounding in the sky of the entire soap bubble park.

After grief.

Bigumum was completely furious, his eyes turned scarlet, and he scanned everyone around him viciously, even more because of great anger.

Zeus the “Thundercloud” and Prametheus the “Sun” conjured up in their left and right hands.

Bigumum is a soul fruit power, able to manipulate human souls at will, allowing them to reside in various things and anthropomorphize them.

These anthropomorphic species are called “Homiz”.

And Zeus “Thundercloud” and Prametheus “Sun” are the strongest Homiz of Bigumum.

“Thundercloud” Zeus can manipulate the weather, creating lightning and storms, the usual “Thundercloud” Zeus is a white cloud, but now it is a black dark cloud showing an evil face.

“Sun” Prametheus is a bit similar to burning fruits, capable of fire offensive, and extremely terrifying. The usual “sun” Pramisius is a sun with red dimples, but at this moment it turns into a huge fireball.

When Zeus, who presents black clouds, and Prametheus, who incarnates a large fireball, appear, it indicates … Bigumuam was utterly furious.


Seeing her son killed, anyone who becomes a mother will be angry, not to mention that Bigumum himself is a violent temper, especially when he is sick, and it is possible that the six parents will not recognize it.

“Who is it? Who the hell did it! ”

Bigumam’s gaze, whose eyes were red, swept around, and then suddenly fixed on Mu Chen, wrinkled his nose, and immediately roared: “Bastard navy imp, I smelled the smell of Kriji on you, quickly say, did you kill it!!! ”


Area One.

The Burning Mountain General quickly advanced towards the island, and during this period, he encountered several groups of bold pirates, trying to snatch the “pudding” fruit, but they were all subdued.

The troops led by Sakarski and Kuzan were on their way to the rapid arrival, and Zefa and Sengoku were also arriving on warships as fast as possible.

And Borusalino’s side, chasing Doflamingo all the way to Area One, he must force Doflamingo to stop as soon as possible, if he happens to meet the Lieutenant General of the Burning Mountain, it will be a little bad.


I saw a flash of golden light in the air, and a laser emitting a huge golden glow passed by Doflamingo’s side and slammed into a large tree in front of him.


The big tree hit by the laser, the entire tree body exploded from the middle, the upper part of the tree body fell with a bang, straight towards Doflamingo, the latter retreated, and finally was forced to stop, landing on a very spacious grass.


It’s not so much that he was forced to stop, but that Doflamingo himself wanted to fall here.

“Oh, finally stopped, it’s really troublesome!”

Borusalino pulled his mouth, and the whole person turned into beams of light, disappeared in mid-air, and then slowly condensed on the ground, re-transformed and stood opposite Doflamingo.


And at this moment, a sound of hurried footsteps sounded, and he saw a large group of soldiers rushing over, waving out their weapons and surrounding Doflamingo’s entire person.

The other residents around quickly fled to avoid suffering together.

Borusalino returned to his usual lazy appearance, glanced around, and then looked at Doflamingo, and said: “Oh, I know that this auction house is a key observation area of the Navy, and you dare to fall here, but it’s really daring, it’s really terrible!” ”



At this time, two more figures flashed to the encirclement of the navy and landed in front of Doflamingo, these two people were Diamanti and Guladius, who had been following behind.

“Boom, blah…”

Doflamingo laughed when he heard this, and said, “Didn’t you hear a saying: the more dangerous the place, the safer the place.” ”

Words are full of confidence!

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