The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 69 The Harpoon Is Better

When Chu Mingcheng couldn't hold his breath and swam to the surface of the water to take a breath, the harvest still didn't increase.

There are few fish resources in the offshore, and it is even more difficult to catch during the day.

He decided to give up catching fish for the time being, and find some conch and scallops first, and see if he can meet lobsters by the way.

Compared with fish resources, some conch and scallops are quite large in these underwater places that no one cares about. He occasionally found them when he swam over just now.

So diving into the water again, Chu Mingcheng stopped trying to catch fish.

This time I was mainly looking for lobsters. During the search, I would pick up scallops and put them in net bags when I saw them.

Wild scallops generally grow larger, and their shells are brighter and lighter in color, yellowish-brown.

Chu Mingcheng looked at the illustration book, and it turned out that this scallop was called a scallop.

Several kinds of scallops in China are cultivated on a large scale in the north, and the meat quality is better than that in the south.

After swimming for a certain distance, I picked up three scallops with a width of about ten centimeters, which is quite big for this species. I also picked up a few scallops.

When he was wandering around the bottom of the sea, he finally found the second green lobster in the crevice of the rock, which was not easy.

Thinking of the foreign lobster catching videos he had seen, Chu Mingcheng sighed in his heart.

With his level of diving and swimming, he might be able to make a fortune abroad by catching lobsters!

Soon, he caught the second green lobster, which was only a little big, and it felt like it weighed a pound.

However, there is buoyancy in the water, so he can't feel much weight, and he won't know until he lands.

It's a pity that after catching this lobster, he didn't meet other lobsters again, but it was a surprise that he caught four big swimming crabs.

Back on the surface of the water, looking at the height of the sun, and reckoning that it was noon, Chu Mingcheng began to swim back.

This diving let him know that without a speargun, the best hunting time should be at night. Secondly, he also lacked a spear and a diving watch.

With a harpoon, his fishing efficiency can be improved a lot, and with a diving watch, he can accurately know the time in the water.

Swimming back to the shore, he casually picked up all the lead pendants he had hung on the bottom before.

Fishhooks are also collected and taken away. After landing, the good ones are kept, and the deformed ones are wrapped in garbage bags and thrown into the garbage can.

When he came to the car, he took out a prepared dry towel, wiped off the water on his body, and then changed back into his clothes in the car.

This will reflect the importance of having a fishing boat after diving.

After all, the weather had turned cold, and he didn't feel cold in the water. When he got ashore, the sea breeze blew, and he had goose bumps all over his body.

When I got home, I took a shower first, and then counted the harvest in the morning.

One black sea bream, two lobsters, four swimming crabs, some scallops and conch, this efficiency is really not as good as his fishing.

After a brief meal at noon, Chu Mingcheng took a shower and planned to buy a harpoon in the afternoon to continue. Diving was so much fun that he got a little overwhelmed.

As a result, the phone rang suddenly, and a strange call came.

When he picked up the phone, it turned out that it was from the police station, asking him to go and receive a commendation for his bravery.

But he was rejected by Chu Mingcheng. When he saved people, he temporarily gained the ability to swim freely, so he experienced it. If he didn't have this ability, he obviously wouldn't rescue him.

And there will probably be reporters there, and he doesn't want to report it himself, so as to save his parents from worrying in case.

The police station also expressed their understanding after being rejected, and then hung up the phone.

Just as Chu Mingcheng put down his phone, another strange call came.

"Brother Chu, I was the firefighter you rescued in Oujiang last time, do you remember?"

"Remember, what can I do for you?"

"I want to thank you in person for saving your life today. Are you at home today?"


Chu Mingcheng rubbed his head, someone called him specifically to ask him to thank him for saving his life, and he didn't seem to be too good at refusing!

For the group of people who rushed to the front when they were in danger, he admired them from the bottom of his heart.

Looking back at the seafood I caught today, forget it, let's treat it tonight!

So Chu Mingcheng told him the address and asked him to come to Yanmen Island at five o'clock in the evening, so that he could stay for dinner at that time.

But it's not easy to entertain me with this little thing, it seems that I have to work harder in the afternoon.

Fortunately, the tide will rise in the afternoon, so there should be good income.

So he drove to buy a harpoon, and went to a watch store to buy a diving watch. It only cost 620 oceans, and he didn't know what brand it was.

Use it first, mainly to watch the time in the water, and change it to a better one when you have money.

After resting and digesting for a while, Chu Mingcheng drove again to the place where he went into the water in the morning.

He changed into a diving suit, but this time the lasso turned into a harpoon, and he would be embarrassed to come up if he didn't bring in dozens of catties of fish in the afternoon.

This time I went into the water, it felt different from the morning.

It was high tide now, and the waves came crashing into him one after another.

Although Chu Mingcheng was able to stabilize his body, it took a little more effort than in the morning.

Now that the tide is high, he first went to the place where he was fishing before. Now the fish should all run to the shore.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the destination, he found many black breams and other fishes.

These fish were not afraid to flee when he approached slowly, which also gave Chu Mingcheng a chance to catch them.

Soon, he locked on the target, and the largest black snapper on the scene stopped at the edge of the reef, weighing at least five or six catties by visual inspection.

This kind of big black sea bream is too rare, you must buy it!

Chu Mingcheng raised the harpoon and pointed it at a 45-degree angle from top to bottom. With a swish, there was a violent struggle from the harpoon in his hand, which frightened the nearby fish to scatter.

The turbulent mud and sand made him unable to see the scene inside for a while, but because he had little resistance in the water, the harpoon shot quickly and successfully hit the black sea bream.

When the turbulent silt was washed away by the sea, the black bream nailed by the harpoon on the silt was revealed.

Chu Mingcheng went forward and grabbed the black snapper first, bled it with a dagger, and then held it with a live fish buckle.

Unlike fish caught by a lasso, harpoons and spearguns generally aim at the gill opening.

Secondly, this type of fish basically cannot survive, so it needs to be bled in seawater to ensure the deliciousness of the fish.

After finishing a black sea bream, Chu Mingcheng left here temporarily, and continued to search for the target along the reef coast, and it took a little time for the fish to gather again.

After a while, Chu Mingcheng found a fish with a dark body and a fat belly, which looked like a black snapper.

He thought back to the fish he was learning about, and his eyes lit up. There was a black-haired fish here!

This is a five-hundred-one-jin rare fish. How can we lose this kind of fish when we take the high-quality route in the future? Chu Mingcheng followed immediately.

But the fish was out in the open and he couldn't catch it without a speargun.

So he accelerated his swimming speed and tried to drive the black hair to the reef area.

Heimao's swimming speed was very fast, but he couldn't get rid of Chu Mingcheng who was swimming with all his strength.

He kept on the outside of the black fur so it wouldn't swim out to sea.

In this case, Hei Mao would instinctively choose to hide in the crevices of the rocks on the shore.

Sure enough, as he expected, when he found that he couldn't get rid of himself, he swung his black-haired tail and immediately hid in the crevice of the reef.

Only then did Chu Mingcheng slow down, and leaned over cautiously.

When he found the restless black hair in the crevice of the rock, he didn't rush, but waited for it to calm down before stabbing it down with a harpoon.

Thanks to Leng Jun, book friend 170702234404964 for the reward

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