The Fierce Taoist of Online Games

Chapter 264: Out of the Devil City

After a few hours, he finally found a more secluded hut, allowing Gene to hide in it temporarily, leading him to swagger through the city, which is easy to cause trouble.

After that, he found brute force and asked him to take himself to various warehouses for inspection of munitions. Some were loaded with food, some with knives and guns, and a large number of war horses were captured during the war with humans.

Zhou Xing knows how the several warehouses are not far apart.

The next day, he gave another instruction to Brute Force: "Let all the slaves in the city gather in front of the warehouse. The monarch will arrive in two hours. The ruler will speak to all the slaves!"


When Brute heard that the lord came, he became excited, and his enthusiasm for work doubled. If he could be appreciated by the lord, he would have a bright future!

In less than half an hour, the human slaves on hundreds of construction sites in the city were taken to the warehouse. Looking around, there were indeed more than two thousand people. In order to prevent them from making chaos, the Earth Demon warriors with sharp blades stood all around them, all with bright armor and bright armor, waiting for them. There were hundreds, and two tall leaders sitting on the scene.

The Demon Race: LV70 (Chief)

HP: 220000220000

MP: 200000200000

skill:? ?

When Zhou Xing saw that it was almost done, he walked up to the high platform and gave a speech on behalf of the monarch. He said all the praises to the warriors of the earth demons, and then took out the Mixiang barbecue and Mixiang wine that had been purchased from the system store for more than two thousand gold coins. , Distributed in the name of the monarch’s reward for the three armies.

Mixiang barbecue and Mixiang wine both have a strange fragrance. When the Dimo ​​people smelled it, they could no longer remain serious, and their saliva flowed down like a floodgate. Soon, each of them received a large piece of meat and a small jar of wine, so they shouted in unison the slogan of the monarch long live, throwing away their weapons, sitting on the ground eating and drinking, including the two valiant generals. , Give them more meat and wine.

According to the article, if this kind of wine and meat is eaten, the eater will soon fall into a drowsiness. Because it is expensive, Zhou Xing has never used it before. I don’t know how effective it is. He is worried that there is false and exaggerated publicity in it. People are not shallow.

Fortunately, five minutes later, all the Earth Demon tribe people present fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Zhou Xing was overjoyed and immediately recovered his original appearance, shouting at the stunned human soldiers on the field: "I'm here to save you! Quickly enter the warehouse, get equipment, weapons, food, and horses, and then quickly line up!"

Everyone was stunned, unable to believe their ears, and then ecstatic, they rushed into several warehouses, and soon they half-emptied the contents, and then gathered outside, as if they were a neat army.

Because the number of horses is limited, everyone rides one horse with two people, and gives priority to the wounded to ride, while the strong ones are covered in heavy armor to serve as infantry.

Although everyone came from the army and was well-trained, time was tight and chaos was inevitable on the scene. All of a sudden, dust and earthquakes. This awakened the two great generals, their strength was strong and their resistance to Mixiang Wine and Meat was strong.

"What are you doing? Are you rebelling?" The two stood up from the ground, both three to four meters high, each carrying two sledgehammers in their hands, roaring toward the crowd.

Everyone was shocked. They just couldn't resist after taking a bite. They were about to be smashed into meat sauce. Zhou Xing gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and brought out a single-soldier magic crossbow, aiming at the back of one person with two arrows. , He used magic arrows, and the arrows flew out like lightning with the power of destruction.

boom! boom!

-134251! -142355!

Two arrows pierced Xiaojiang's heart in an instant. Before he could scream, he collapsed and hit the ground heavily.

When the other Xiaojiang saw him, he couldn't help being furious. He turned his direction and went straight to Zhou Xing. Zhou Xing sneered and shot two arrows at him. Xiaojiang wanted to smash the arrow with a sledgehammer. Then he turned the egg, the magic arrow After piercing his giant hammer, the flight trajectory did not change at all, and it penetrated his chest again.

The two Xiao generals died in an instant. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. They all looked at Zhou Xing with the gaze of the gods. Zhou Xing smiled slightly, behaving like a calm and graceful person, but in fact they have a heart. A drop of blood, four arrows is 400 gold, that's it! This thing is definitely an artifact of bankruptcy!

Not long after, the team of more than 2,000 people was fully armed, and the radiant Prince Jean rode on a tall white horse, brandishing a sword and shouting: "For freedom! Clash with me!"

In fact, after Zhou Xing launched the riot, the nearby Demons had already spread the news. At this time, hundreds of Earth Demons fighters had arrived and blocked their way.

The two sides immediately launched a battle!

Of course, Zhou Xing can't be idle. He immediately activated the two powerful aura skills of Glory of War and Song of Roland, which made his own combat power soar. After that, he shot the Tiangang Spiritual Array and added buffs for himself. , Added a debuff to the enemy, and with the debuff, coupled with the superiority in numbers, this young army quickly broke through the blockade and continued to attack.

Zhou Xing has just wandered around in the Devil City these days, and already knows the layout of the city very well, so he rode a big tiger to the front of the team and was responsible for leading the way.

At this time, news of the collective escape of slaves in a riot had spread throughout the city. The well-equipped Demons encircled and suppressed the team from all directions. Zhou Xing led them to fight from left to right and start fighting with the enemy. People are all red eyes, they would rather die than be slaves.

However, this place is the enemy's stronghold after all. There are too many people of the Demon Clan, and they kill more and more. They can't kill at all, and more and more sergeants fall.

In less than half an hour, the team of more than 2,000 people dropped sharply to less than 1,000. At this moment, they were less than a mile away from the gate, and they could already see the huge dark gate.

The city gate was tightly closed, and standing in front of the city gate were densely packed Demon Warriors, at least several thousand people, and they had sealed the exit ahead of time.

When Zhou Xing saw it, his heart suddenly became cold. He was caught in an urn!

Zhou Xing never did the stupid thing about moths fighting the fire. He made a decisive decision, immediately turned around, and rushed to the west with seven or eight hundred people. In his impression, only the west gate of the four gates was not completed, the walls were not high, and the guards were the least. .

Because the number of people has dropped sharply, everyone has a war horse, and they are marching quickly, at an extremely fast speed. However, Zhou Xing was still too slow, so he opened the skill and scenery ring on the Tiger General Tiger's armor, and the army's movement speed instantly increased by 35%.

As a result, it was too late for the people of the Earth Demon tribe to temporarily mobilize troops to run to the west gate. When Zhou Xing and everyone arrived, there were only more than a hundred soldiers of the Earth Demon tribe guarding the gate. The two sides immediately fought a battle, which was another desperate fight. Quickly and quickly, so as not to be caught up by the chasers behind him, he threw out a primary evil curse scroll painfully, and finally wiped out all the defense forces before the enemy came, broke through the door and rushed out.

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