Remember in a second【】

Fu Tingyu felt the corner of his clothes being pulled behind him, it was Li Yanqi.


Li Yanqi said.

In less than a minute, Xu Wenshan fell down. Qiao Qingsheng and others thought he had been stunned, but when Heizi and the others tried to lift Xu Wenshan up, they found that Xu Wenshan had stopped breathing .

"You dare to kill our people?"

Qiao Qingsheng glared at Fu Tingyu as if he wanted to eat people.

"so what?"

Fu Tingyu asked back, didn't they come to pick things up first?

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, all come with me!"

Qiao Qingsheng ordered without looking back.

"Lolo, it's no wonder we are here"

Fu Ying shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy. After all, in Jin Meng's mouth, these supernatural beings are relatively powerful.

"No wonder, let's make a quick decision"

Luo Shiyu said.

I don't know if it's because Li Yanqi was too silent, but Qiao Qingsheng, who has a gold-type ability, took the lead in aiming at her. Seeing that Li Yanqi was about to be grabbed by his metal palm, he secretly rejoiced, such a beautiful little girl Girl, he will definitely take her back and love her for a while.

Jin Meng and Lin Hai in the car were also anxious for Li Yanqi, hoping that everyone around Li Yanqi could react faster and block that blow for her.

"Her, don't worry, I haven't seen anyone win her yet"

Li Xiaoqing put away the medicine box with a smile, Lin Hai's injury has fully recovered.

Sure enough, when Jin Meng and Lin Hai said goodbye and looked outside again, Li Yanqi had already escaped Qiao Qingsheng's attack.

"Oh, I forgot to take the weapon."

Li Yanqi easily dodged Qiao Qingsheng's blow sideways, and Fu Ying also faced Wang Wu of the wood department at this moment, Zhou Feng and others also followed Fu Tingyu and Luo Shiyu and the few people on the opposite side. Ten people started a scuffle.

"Yan Qi,

This is for you"

Gao Yuan threw a leafless vine. He knew that it was difficult for Li Yanqi to take out the weapon from his backpack in front of everyone, but he also believed that even if it was just a piece of vine, Li Yanqi could easily take out the weapon. That Qiao Qingsheng uniform.


Li Yanqi took the vine and held it in his hand as a whip, and then attacked Qiao Qingsheng!

"Haha, it turns out that the little beauty likes to play this kind of game, I will play with you when I go back."

As soon as Qiao Qingsheng's words fell, he felt a burst of burning pain. After his arm was accidentally pulled by the vine, it was beaten to pieces? !

"You are wrong, I am the one who will accompany you to have fun now"

Li Yanqi suddenly appeared beside Qiao Qingsheng, and a thin black shadow descended from the sky!


Long vines landed on Qiao Qingsheng's face like whips, leaving another trace of blood.

Now Qiao Qingsheng didn't dare to be careless anymore, originally he was afraid of hurting the little beauty in front of him and it wouldn't be fun to go back, but now that the two wounds were hurting, he did not hesitate to condense a piece of metal and block it in front of him.


Qiao Qingsheng, who had just blocked his upper body, lowered his head. His ankles were entangled by the vines. Li Yanqi smiled lightly. With just a little force on his wrist, Qiao Qingsheng was brought down on his back.

Qiao Qingsheng was shocked, what happened? !

Why couldn't he see the woman's attack at all?

In this case, don't blame him for being rude.

A series of metal thorns attacked in Li Yanqi's direction. Seeing that those metal thorns were about to touch Li Yanqi who was standing still, Qiao Qingsheng felt it was a pity again. Now that little beauty was about to be stabbed into a hornet's nest Bar?

However, those metal thorns stopped in front of Li Yanqi, as if they had touched something and fell down one after another!

"Thank you for the weapons"

After Li Yanqi finished speaking, those metal thorns condensed by Qiao Qingsheng slowly flew into the air again, and then quickly reversed direction and attacked Qiao Qingsheng!

"how come?"

Qiao Qingsheng never encountered such a situation. He wanted to block those attacks with the metal shield in his hand, but he didn't expect it to be too late.


A metal thorn quickly pierced into his neck. Qiao Qingsheng covered his throat and looked at the smiling Li Yanqi with his eyes wide open, and then slowly fell backwards.

Wang Wu and the others didn't expect this kind of thing to happen at all. In just a few minutes, the people they brought were completely restrained by the other party. Even Qiao Qingsheng, who had just been promoted to the second level of the gold department, died!

"Gao Yuan, your wood-type ability is quite useful, it's really convenient to tie people up"

Fu Ying said.

Except for the dozen or so people who were killed by them, there were still 25 people left. Of course, there were also three ordinary people who were bait.

"Tied is tied, what should these people do?"

Gao Yuan was in trouble.

"Yeah, is it possible that we send them back?"

Gu Yao also felt that it was a bit tricky, it would be too cruel to throw it here to feed the zombies.

"Please let us go, don't leave us here"

A woman pleaded that they had no other choice.

"Yeah, you are so powerful, why don't you go back with us and kill those who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones? The warehouse full of supplies is yours!"

said one of the men.


^0^ Remember in a second【】

Peng! You are so clueless! "

Wang Wu scolded angrily. He had fought these people before. If these people wanted to, no one in their team could be their opponents.

"Okay, stop arguing, we don't have any interest in your supplies, Gao Yuan, let them go and let them go!"

Li Yanqi said.

Here is another multiple-choice question, whether to control it to the end or kill it directly, neither of which is the best option, so she doesn't plan to choose either option, and just let him go back.

"I think the same as Yan Qi"

Luo Shiyu said that the easiest way to catch fish that you don't want to eat or get your hands dirty is to release them directly.

"Impossible, why don't you want supplies?!"

The man was surprised and said, people die for money, birds die for food, he fully thought that his opinion would be adopted by these people, and he would get a piece of the pie when the time came, but he didn't expect them to reject it.

"Because it's too hot"

Li Yanqi pointed to the big sun above his head and said.


"Well, that's true. In this case, let's go quickly. I haven't put on sunscreen today."

Fu Ying immediately accepted the suggestion.

The kidnapped people: "..."

Seeing the three mud-covered cars passing them and driving forward, Wang Wu couldn't help touching the back of his head again.

"Wang Wu, quickly untie the rope for us!"

A man shouted, those people are too lazy, right? With so many of them, they only untied the rope on Wang Wuyi's body, and said that they let them untie each other by themselves. Can they still do things from beginning to end?

In the cool car with the air conditioner on, Fu Ying, drinking fruit juice, leaned lazily on the seat:

"I'm finally leaving Anshi"

"I heard Jin Meng and the others say that when they left Zhongru City, there were basically no living people there."

Li Xiaoqing, who had already returned to the car, said.

The error-free chapters of "The Female Supporting Woman of the Last Days, She Doesn't Want to Be Popular" will continue to be updated, and there will be no advertisements on the site!


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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