"Someone is coming! Call the doctor quickly!"

The old woman screamed.

The two maids guarding the door entered the house, and a maid came out with a jade sign and hurriedly went to ask for the imperial doctor.

Su Wan entered Fuxi Hall subconsciously.

The old lady and the maid were busy feeding the medicine. The old lady's teeth were clenched, and all the medicine flowed from the corners of her mouth into her neck, and she couldn't get even a bit of it in. They were all so anxious that they cried.

"I come."

Su Wan walked over, opened the old lady's teeth skillfully, poured the concoction in mouthfuls, put down the bowl, and took the old lady's pulse.

When the old nanny suddenly saw Su Wan, she was stunned and burst into tears: "Miss, you are finally here. The old lady...the old lady is ill and is about to die."

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Su Wan could tell from the old nanny's tone that she trusted the original owner and regarded the original owner as her master in her heart.

The old mama was confused, but she calmed down a little when she saw Su Wan.

It can be seen that Su Wan was shocked and confused when he took his pulse properly.

"Miss, have you been studying medicine?"

The old lady used to go to the National Temple to fast for a month every year.

When the road was blocked by heavy snow, the old lady fell ill in the mountains and became very thin.

Su Wan was still a pretty girl, about eight or nine years old. She stayed by the old lady's side and wiped her tears. She was determined to learn medical skills from Master Huiren. In the future, she could treat the old lady's illnesses and not let him. People are so miserable.

During the half month she spent in the temple, she went to see Master Huiren for half a month.

After going down the mountain, I collected a lot of medical books. After being interested in it for a while, I didn't see her reading any medical books.

Su Wan was surprised, had the original owner ever learned medical skills?

She remained calm and said vaguely, "Yeah, I've been learning."

Grandma wants to ask Su Wan if he is proficient in medical skills?

When it came to his lips, he said: "How do you think the old lady is doing?"

Su Wan frowned. The old lady had a fever. Yang evil merged into the yin, consuming the yin energy. It was a critical illness. The pulse was not good. If it worsened, the old lady would not be able to survive these two days.

She did not answer the old woman's words, but took out the needle pack, took out a silver needle and stabbed the tip to let out blood for emergency relief of fever.

Then he took off his clothes and started acupuncture.

When the old lady saw this, she exclaimed in shock: "Miss, what are you doing?"

Su Wan asked: "Every time the old lady sweats, she still continues to have a fever and can't eat?"

"Yes, it's this symptom." Seeing that what Su Wan said was on point, the old nanny felt the big stone hanging from her heart fall, and asked cautiously: "Miss, can you cure it?"

There was a little more trust in his words.

I didn't doubt Su Wan's medical skills. I just assumed that she had been studying it in private over the years, but she didn't know much.

After Su Wan got the needle, she raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead and looked at the old lady on the bed. Her hair was as white as snow, her face was sallow and bluish, and her skinny bones were no match for the strong and energetic old lady in her memory.

There was an inexplicable sourness in her heart, and she put her fingers on the old lady's wrist to feel her pulse. This time the pulse is gentle and calm. This is a phenomenon that is no longer getting worse or getting better. It can be saved!

Su Wan smiled with relief and comforted the old woman: "The old lady will be fine."

"Really?" The old nanny couldn't believe it. She saw that the old lady's pale lips had regained a little color, and when she touched her forehead, it was still a little hot, but not as hot as before. He relaxed a little and said worriedly: "Miss, I have been ill since the old lady returned home, and she hasn't been feeling well. The imperial doctor prescribed a lot of medicine, but none of it works very well."

Su Wan understood the concerns of the old grandma. The hospital was full of highly skilled medical people, but they couldn't cure her. She was just a little girl, which made people worry.

"I'll write a prescription first, and when the imperial doctor comes, I'll give him a look to make sure there's nothing wrong, and then give it to the old lady?"

Su Wan's words completely dispelled the old grandma's worries, and she smiled slowly with a wrinkled face: "Miss, the old lady's body can no longer be tortured. It's better to be careful about what you put in your mouth." After a pause. After a pause, he added: "The old lady is taking the medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor. She is afraid that the two will conflict. Please feel free to take a look at the imperial doctor."

Su Wan smiled and said nothing, wrote the prescription and handed it to the old woman.

The old grandma looked stern and held the prescription in her hand.

When the time came, Su Wan pulled out the silver needle.

At this time, the maid invited the imperial doctor and said urgently: "Hurry and show me to the old lady."

When Doctor Liu saw Su Wan, he immediately thought of the rumors outside. He quickly gathered his thoughts, composed himself, and took the old lady's pulse with a solemn expression. He opened his eyes wide in surprise: "What's going on? The pulse is getting better! I checked the pulse a few days ago, and it's clearly getting worse!"

The more he talked about it, the more excited Doctor Liu became: "Did you ask another doctor to treat me? Or should you just follow the previous prescription?"

The old grandma quickly handed over the prescription in her hand: "Take a look."

Doctor Liu took the prescription and took a look at it, "This prescription is almost the same as what I prescribed before..."

Su Wan took over the conversation and said: "For fever, pay attention to treatment after the condition has recovered and when the remaining evils are still there and there are still hidden dangers. Apply tonic according to the patient's constitution based on syndrome differentiation. The most important thing is to nourish the essence and blood."

“You can use medicinal materials such as Ophiopogon japonicus, raw rehmannia root, paeonol bark, and Adenophora ginseng to replenish yin and clear away heat, then protect the spleen and stomach, and eat light and easy-to-digest food.”

Doctor Liu thought about it in his mind and was suddenly enlightened. The old lady's repeated problems turned out to be because there was no follow-up treatment.

"That's it, that's it." Doctor Liu suddenly reacted and asked in surprise, "Do you know medical skills?"

"I just know a little bit about it." Su Wan was very modest.

Doctor Liu didn't believe it. If Su Wan understood the key, his medical skills must be very superb. His eyes suddenly became eager, and he wanted to ask her for advice immediately. After all, she knew etiquette, but the current situation did not allow it. He suppressed the excitement in his heart: "I will take a break in two days, and then I will come and discuss with you." ?”

Su Wan agreed: "Okay."

Doctor Liu was satisfied and left with a glowing face.

The old grandma was dumbfounded. Is the eldest lady’s medical skills so good?

Dr. Liu wanted to ask her for advice! ! !

She looked at Su Wan in disbelief, and said embarrassedly: "Miss, I haven't seen how you learn medical skills, so this..." She became suspicious and distrustful.

"You are right to do this. The old lady's health is the first priority in everything." Su Wan didn't mind, after all, the original owner had never used medical skills. Fortunately, she had learned it before, otherwise she would have had to talk nonsense about why she suddenly knew medical skills.

The old grandma breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly thought of something, she hesitated and said: "The master is not awake yet, and we are all helpless against his poison. Do you want to treat him?"

ps: There is another chapter for babies, okay~

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