Zhao Wei clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the Gu family's yard with eyes like cold stars, where Gu Huaizhi was collecting clothes to dry on bamboo poles.

The dark black hair is not tied up, the profile of the face is cold, and the grace is elegant. Looking from this angle, there was a faint sense of familiarity, as if I had seen him before.

Thinking of the turbulent undercurrent in Gu Huaizhi's eyes, he felt that he was not the person he thought.

That person was as bright as the moon and gentle as a jade, his eyes were clear and clean, and he was lofty and broad-minded. It was like a mask on his face, firmly hiding all his emotions, and he remained calm no matter what happened.

Zhao Wei asked: "Has he been to the capital?"

"No." Su Wan remembered that the book said that Gu Huaizhi went to the capital for the first time after his family was destroyed.

Zhao Wei looked at Su Wan thoughtfully. She had been married into the Gu family for a month, and she was not on good terms with the Gu family. Their relationship had only recently eased. She actually knew about Gu Huaizhi's movements?

Su Wan knew from his probing gaze that she had spilled the beans, and added with a smile: "His mother said that."

Zhao Wei nodded: "I still have something to do, so I won't stay for dinner."

In order to avoid Gu Huai's misunderstanding and affect the couple's relationship, it was inconvenient for Zhao Wei to stay.

Zhao Wei took out fifty taels of silver and gave it to Su Wan: "Deposit."

Su Wan was not polite and took the money.

Otherwise, there would be no money to buy medicinal materials.

"When the time comes, go to Xinglin Medical Center in town to get medicine."


Zhao Wei walked towards the foot of the mountain. There was a secluded mountain road there, and he could take a shortcut to the military camp.

Zhao Da was sitting on the mountain col. When he saw Zhao Wei striding towards him, he jumped up and asked eagerly: "General, has Miss Su agreed?"

Zhao Wei said "hmm" indifferently.

Zhao Da was overflowing with sympathy and said: "Miss Su is so pitiful. This dignified lady has actually been reduced to a village woman in the countryside. If General Qi knew something underground, he would not be able to rest in peace until he died. She is kind-hearted, let's take more care of her in the future. The business makes her have no worries about food and clothing.”

Zhao Wei's face was stern, his long and dark eyes looked at the Gu family, his thin lips opened and closed and he said, "Is there any news about Qi Jiajun?"

Zhao Da said seriously: "There is no news."

Zhao Wei remained silent.

Zhao Da scratched the back of his head and said suspiciously: "General Qi only had one daughter in his life. Her daughter died young, leaving only Miss Su. When General Qi was alive, Miss Su was not close to General Qi. I think he is reckless and this elite army will not be left to Miss Su. We have been investigating for several years and there are no clues. Has it been disbanded? "

Zhao Wei took off the reins tied to the tree, got on his horse, and said in a cold voice: "Keep looking."

He firmly believed that Qi Yuan would not dismiss the Qi family army.

Regardless of whether the Qi family army was in Su Wan's hands, he was worried that it would fall into Su Jihong's hands.

"Yes." Zhao Da agreed.

The two men rode away.

A man emerged from the thatch in the distance.

Jiang's eyes were full of jealousy. The noble was too interested in the vixen Su Wan. She wouldn't hook up with the noble and escape back to the capital, right?

no! We must not let this bitch go back!

Jiang carried the hoe home and shouted as soon as he entered the yard: "Da Lang? Da Lang?"

Song Dalang walked from the back room to the door of the main room and said with an unhappy expression: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang threw the hoe into the corner, pushed Song Dalang into the kitchen, and said anxiously: "Quickly, write a letter to your cousin. This little bitch Su Wan hooked up with General Zhao Wei and asked her to find a way to stay forever. No future troubles!”

ps: Babies, there is still one chapter left at 10:40, SoftBao is too slow to code~

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