The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 261: Ninh Binh Apprentice

Qin Yizhi hurriedly stepped forward, standing one meter away from Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan looked up at him.

This man is really tall. Gu Xiaowan muttered secretly.

"Miss Gu, I was hungry for a day and didn't dare to show up yesterday." Qin Yizhi rubbed his stomach and said aggrievedly: "A visitor comes to your house, am I afraid you will drive me away?"

"It's not one or two days since I drove you away. Why are you still not leaving?" Gu Xiaowan said angrily when she saw this person's face.

"Miss Gu, I haven't repaid my gratitude yet, how can I leave." Qin Yizhi said sonorously in the first sentence, and then dropped his face again, saying pitifully, "I am homeless and I don't know where to go. Place."

Gu Xiaowan saw that this man had used a pitiful assassin again. This man was tall, handsome, and as beautiful as a god. From his exquisite face, he showed a miserable and pitiful expression, that pitiful appearance, Anyone who saw it couldn't help being moved with compassion.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly interrupted him and said, "Stop. Okay, if you don't find a good place during this time, you can come to my house to have a meal, but the meal can't be for nothing."

Gu Xiaowan paused. One of Qin Yi heard a play, and quickly returned to his original appearance. He smiled and asked, "Miss Gu, please."

"First, you can take care of things like picking firewood and water in my house." Qin Mozhi nodded.

"Second, if someone else comes to my house, you are not allowed to show up." Qin Mozhi nodded.

"Third, you are not allowed to show up at my house at other times except for eating time." Qin Yizhi nodded.

"Fourth, you can't let others see you." Gu Xiaowan is very worried about this. This person's evil spirits are also of unknown origin. If someone finds out that he is always in and out of the village or in Gu's house, it will inevitably be good things. Of people do not chew the tongue.

Now there are only three children in the family. Gu Xiaowan is only nine years old. There is a 15-year-old boy in the family for no reason. It feels a bit weird to think about it.

When Qin Mo saw Gu Xiaowan's eyebrows, she naturally knew Gu Xiaowan's concerns. Before he officially entered the Gu family to repay his gratitude, he would not let anyone see him.

Qin Mozhi had no doubts at all, and nodded. Still waiting for Gu Xiaowan to say Article 5, but did not hear: "Anything else?"

"Fifth" Gu Xiaowan is thinking about it, but she hasn't thought of it yet: "I haven't thought of it yet. Let's talk about it when I think about it." With her wrist, she raised her foot and walked home.

Qin Yizhi followed behind and went home.

Seeing that the time was still early, at this time, the villagers in the village had not yet got up. Gu Xiaowan saw that there was no water in the water tank. Qin Mozhi consciously picked up two buckets and walked to the river.

When he returned, Gu Ningping saw Qin Yizhi carrying a bucket full of water in each of his hands. He was still walking fast, and was shocked. When Qin Yizhi was done, he immediately wrapped himself up and asked, "Do you know martial arts?"

Qin Mozhi nodded: "I know a little bit." Then I saw the look in Gu Ningping’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he was very pleasantly surprised. Then, he stared at him in an admiring manner. Qin Yizhi was a little embarrassed. Look at yourself.

He didn't know Gu Ningping's thoughts. From the moment Gu Xiaowan was pushed into the river, Gu Ningping wanted to learn some skills to protect his sister and younger sister in the future. It's just that no one has been teaching him. Gu Ningping didn't dare to talk to Gu Xiaowan, fearing that by then her sister would send herself to the town and there would be no man in the family to protect them.

Qin Yizhi looked at Gu Ningping's surprisingly surprised look, and seemed to understand something. He smiled and asked, "Do you want to learn?"

When Gu Ningping heard it, he kept beeping several times, and nodded exaggeratedly, for fear that others could not hear clearly.

Through the brief contact during this period of time, Qin Yizhi also got to know the family more or less.

"What are you learning martial arts for?" Qin Mozhi saw Gu Ningping's longing eyes and knew that the child wanted to practice martial arts. Maybe, after breaking through from this Gu Ningping, he can still stay in Gu's house.

"In order to protect my elder sister and younger sister from being bullied by others. If others bully my elder sister and my younger sister, I will be able to protect them both." Gu Ningping clenched his fist and said firmly.

"However, learning Kungfu is not for fighting and killing." Qin Yizhi said.

If this martial artist is a pure-hearted person, this kung fu can be used by him to help the strong and weak, but if it is used by a bad-minded person, it may cause disaster.

Qin Mozhi understands Gu Ningping and naturally knows that he belongs to the first kind of person. However, before he decides to teach him martial arts, Qin Mozhi still wants to make it clear to him.

Gu Ningping nodded heavily: "I know. My sister told me."

In the story that Gu Xiaowan and Gu Ningping told tonight, they once told the story of two people with high martial arts.

Among them, taking Guo Jing as a positive example, he used his ability to eliminate violence and protect the country, which has been respected by people all over the world.

I also mentioned a negative example. Taking Ouyang Feng as an example, he used his own ability to pursue his own interests, killing people like a numb, unscrupulous, and in the end, he fell into a crazy end.

Gu Ningping particularly liked listening to these two stories, and always pestered Gu Xiaowan to tell them over and over again. In the end, he became familiar with him, so he stopped pestering Gu Xiaowan.

"But, let me remind you first that martial arts training is very hard." Qin Yizhi didn't want to scare Gu Ningping away, but once he made up his mind to practice martial arts, he couldn't be afraid of all the suffering, and he couldn't shrink back in the face of difficulties. For fear of enduring hardship and giving up halfway, it might as well not start. So as not to waste everyone's time.

Gu Ningping thought for a while, then solemnly nodded: "I'm not afraid of hardship!"

Qin Yizhi saw Gu Ningping very solemnly, and immediately understood that the child really wanted to practice martial arts, and nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Qin Mozhi nodded, Gu Ningping immediately grabbed Qin Mozhi's sleeves and asked excitedly: "Will you teach me?"

Qin Mozhi nodded: "Of course."

Seeing Qin Yizhi's consent, Gu Ningping happily jumped three feet high, then knelt on the ground and knocked Qin Yizhi three heads: "Master, master."

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