Chapter 98 Is the story true?

 “No, I just want to know what happened next.”

Yang Zizi’s innocent and cute expression successfully deceived Lun Shengshi.

 “There will be no future.”


That's a pity. It would be great if the story continued with the appearance of a last-generation angel. In this case, there would still be pure and kind angels in this world.

 At night, after having put Yang Zizi to sleep, Lun Shengshi went to visit his brothers' house in the middle of the night.

 Six big boys looked at the sparkling night sky on the rooftop and sat scattered on the ground.

“It’s strange, there’s no demonic presence around these days.” Gui Xiaogu said worriedly.

He didn't know whether they hid Yang Zizi's aura too well, or whether the devil suddenly took other actions.

"Whether there is one or not, we must be vigilant. Demons hate angels the most. If there is even the slightest breath of angels, they will chase them to the end." Gui Chenchen said.

I still remember the rumor that came out hundreds of years ago and I don’t know where it came from, saying that after seeing an angel, the devil immediately sent the strongest warriors to hunt down the angel. They hunted for two hundred years, and they only found out about the rumor in the end. Not really.

 For two hundred years, in order to completely exterminate angels, demons have been hunting down an angel at all costs for two hundred years. You can imagine how much they hate angels.

Unconsciously, the six people talked about two hundred years ago. They lived under the same roof but never said a word.

Now, because of an ordinary human being, they have a girl to protect together and a common wish.

“Lun Shengshi, if you were asked to put down your hatred for our sister, would you be willing?” Gui Xiaogu suddenly asked.

 Lun Shengshi suddenly laughed: "This has nothing to do with my children."

"Actually..." Gui Chenchen, who was impulsive by nature, was about to speak when he was stopped by Gui Xiaogu.

"When my revenge is successful, if you want to take revenge on me, then we will no longer be on the same straight line." Lun Shengshi said indifferently.

 The atmosphere between the six of them began to become tense. They were supposed to be enemies, but because of a human girl, they became people in the same boat.

 After a long silence, Lun Shengshi disappeared from the rooftop.

“Brother, why don’t you let me tell you that Yang Zizi is our biological sister.”

 “Do you think he will believe it?” Gui Xiaogu asked rhetorically.

 “And what if he does something bad to his sister if I tell him.”

"I can see that he really loves his sister." Gui Yinyou said slowly. Sometimes, they wanted to be cruel and destroy the relationship between them, but seeing them together, They couldn't bear the smile on Yang Zizi's face.

“But if Lun Shengshi knew about it, would he still love his sister as much as he does now?” This is something they are also worried about.

 “He doesn’t love it, but we do.” Gui Chenchen said.

 The atmosphere began to become solemn again. They were sitting together, but they were worried about the same thing.

 Lun Shengshi returned to Yang Zizi's room, sat on the edge of the bed, and gently stroked his hair.

 His eyes were scars! Scars that could not heal on their own.

Yang Zizi suddenly turned over, opened his eyes drowsily, saw Lun Shengshi, instantly burst into laughter, and moved his body to get into his arms.

"Uncle, I love you so much." She got into his arms, and even the words she said were sweet.

 Lun Shengshi patted his back, lowered his head and left a kiss on her lips, and slowly said, "I love you so much too." For some reason, there was bitterness in this sentence.

 (End of this chapter)

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