The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 290 The irresistible temptation

"If life is a game, it is definitely a bad game that cannot be sold. ——by Roland."

"If the world of Ashe is a game, it is definitely a super shit game that wants people to kill the designer's family! ——Or by Roland."

The world is not balanced at all, and life is full of hardships. No amount of effort can change one's destiny. Such a convenient life only exists in chivalrous novels or chicken soup for the soul.

The reason why the legendary hero biography is widely circulated is because his experience is unimaginable and eye-catching enough. It is the combination of countless accidents and adventures, and the "hard work will win" in the chicken soup for the soul... Theoretically That's right, you won't win if you don't fight hard, probably because you have omitted factors such as objective conditions, innate conditions, personal background, direction and method of effort, steps to achieve goals, and 99% of losers.

Well, that's basically nothing left, probably only a name and the result of success. If you can get everything done with a good attitude, then such a convenient world rule is unacceptable.

There is no fairness in this world. Even if a dragon with golden blood sleeps all day long, he can still easily crush ordinary human gold when he becomes an adult. Even if ordinary humans work hard, they can't beat orc warriors of the same level. However, the orc warriors have obvious physical advantages, excellent fighting instincts, and are generally easier to advance than humans.

They're all human, right? At least the gap between the same race is not big, right? But in fact, the opposite is true, and the gap among the same race is even greater.

The knowledge and funds needed to become a mage. It is definitely not something that an ordinary wealthy businessman can afford. If you are a fact, there is no difference. A genius grows fast. Instead, you need more resources per unit time. No matter how talented you are, you still need magic knowledge, magic materials, and magic books. The magicians themselves don’t have enough. For you as an outsider.

genius? As long as the population base is large enough, what the world lacks most are geniuses and strange talents. So, unless you get lucky. Accepted as a closed disciple by a master who is not short of money, or a prince or aristocrat of a certain country, the schooling path of young mages is basically miserable, and at the rookie stage, they take risks to earn tuition fees. I don't know how many hung up.

Margaret back then was the most obvious example. She was born as a commoner and spent a long time taking risks. The money she earned was not enough for research, so her growth was accompanied by experiences such as robbery, theft, and fraud. Back then... well, let's not mention the things about Amyra and Heloise.

Even a demigod mage like Amyra has a headache for research funding, let alone an ordinary mage, the ability to make money is directly proportional to the level of magic and equipment.

A mage who needs funds is like this. Soldiers and other occupations should be better? On the contrary, occupations that require physical training have higher requirements for birth.

The best growth period of a person is just a few years (9-16 years old). If you miss that golden time and haven't laid a solid foundation, don't expect to be able to advance in this life.

Poor and rich, a lot of physical exercise must be supplemented by adequate nutrition. If you want to make rapid progress, you must also have nutritional supplements. When you break through the bottleneck, you can also use precious medicinal materials. These are not something that civilians can afford, although fighters and their derived occupations are the most. But the success rate seems to be the lowest, and most people don't need to think about advancing in this life.

In a world where force represents status, even basic sword skills are not accessible to ordinary people. It is easier to encounter bottlenecks in practicing sword skills. Heroes and nobles all have their own inheritance of sword skills. Among those heroic legends, there are many adventures. There is a white-bearded old man sword master in the ring, and he is suddenly appreciated by a certain headmaster. It is not a world patent.

If Adam hadn't met Luo Luo back then, no matter how talented he was and how hard he practiced swordsmanship, he would be the city guard with an arrow in his knee. Although it is cruel, this is the truth, and this is why Roland said that the world is definitely a bad game. reason.

The same is true for other professions. The one that is a little stronger is probably the priesthood. They value dedication and loyalty the most, as well as whether they have an appetite for the true God and its teachings.

Pastors often have to serve in the church since childhood, so you don’t have to think about it in this life. A loyal servant of the true God will die. Paladins have a very low barrier to entry, but the requirements for appearance are a little higher. The system, but the future... Well, I won't repeat it, the remaining knights are miserable enough, so there is no need to add salt to the wound.

Oh, by the way, there is another job with a very low threshold for employment, and it will also include employment in the future, that is-Druid... well, wearing animal skins (the animal skins marked by the Buffalo School are not used) and holding a wooden staff (Germany) Ruy can't use metal weapons) the ambitious son welcomes you, you won't even need money in the future, but sometimes working is more dangerous, and it's easy to be listed on the wanted list, but if you sleep in the wild every day, you don't have to worry about the mortgage Yes, there are animal companions and polymorphs, and even car loans can be saved.

To sum it up, the most efficient and cheapest profession has also come out, well, everyone should have guessed it, as evidenced by the Republic of Tak, that is the Necromancer.

As long as one of the most basic textbooks, plus free experimental equipment, all can be self-taught. Apart from becoming less and less human, there are almost no shortcomings.

Cough, it seems that I got it wrong, let’s get down to business, speaking of this, everyone should also understand that it is not easy to do anything.

Everyone loves to read legendary stories, and also expects to have the name of the protagonist in the legendary story. The adventure continues along the way, and the strength keeps rising during the adventure. , that story will be attractive.

Who doesn't want magical weapons, who doesn't want excellent sword skills, who doesn't want precious magic knowledge, but they just can't meet them, so they are called "odd" encounters, and they are loved by the world.

Maybe some people are willing to be mediocre in the end because their aptitude and hard work can only reach that point. But some people fall into mediocrity, but they are so short of something.

Regret missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Aren't you willing to spend your whole life lonely? Still want to go one step further? Yes, as long as you successfully sign the God of Contract. Become a brave warrior who fights for the plane!

I can imagine, when the exchange list appears on the bulletin boards of major cities, what those guys who are not willing to waste their lives, those ambitious people who still have ambitions, will do.

Your martial arts aptitude is not good? Missed the golden time of practice? Look at the marrow-washing holy water left over from the era of trolls. After drinking it, I guarantee that barbarian chiefs and orc royals can learn martial arts faster than you. Dear, only one thousand justice points are needed.

Without the advice of a famous teacher and powerful combat skills? relative. You are so lucky, this is "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" and "Gandalf's Scepter", only one hundred points! Only one hundred points! Want to learn magic? "Dragon Curse" is also 100 points!

What? It's been ten years since I've been stuck at the peak of the silver rank, let's try this fountain of elves. As long as 10,000 points, you can break through the bottleneck within three months, which is a bit expensive, but think about it, a gold master, a master! From now on, even the noble master will bow his head and call Master when he sees you, this life is worth it!

Are you already a legendary powerhouse? No more needs? Dear, the Legendary Juggernaut still has an excellent weapon, so there is no need for it? Here is the bow of the sun god. Fist of Zeus, Chaos Twin Swords, all epic equipment. What, I haven't heard of it, of course I haven't heard of it, this is just made to order, there are thirteen models of the Sun God's Bow, the better the more expensive. The more expensive the better, see. This is the legendary Apollo XIII! It can really shoot down the sun.

I don't care about anything, I want an artifact? No problem, let Benny, the god of craftsmen, customize it. If you want a long halberd to make a long halberd, if you want a short stick to make a short stick, there are 100,000 sub-artifacts, 10,000 legendary weapons, and 1,000 epic magic weapons. The elite level is only one hundred! cheap.

Insist on artifacts? It’s okay, if you bring an artifact-level material, kill a demigod-level undead emperor or something, you should be able to explode one or two pieces, and we will help you further process it for free. It’s not that the artifact will pay you back.

Can't beat? Then there is no other way, or else, let me put the two million justice points here first, and I will see if there are any bosses who are willing to consign them.

If you pass by, let’s take a look. The imitation of the sub-artifact-level Lich King’s Saber only costs 100,000 points, and it also comes with a set of frost armor and an evil ice cloak. You are even more like the Lich King. Evil **** oss.

A 100-year partnership contract with an adult dragon only costs 90,000 to 90,000 yuan, which is cheaper than an artifact, what? What is this you ask? Does Dragon Knight know? Grab this and you're done!

Even if you are a demigod, here is what you want! You have seen everything about divine weapons and inheritance, but if you, a demigod, want to become a real god, you must have godhead and priesthood. The only way to get these is to kill gods. Are you sure you can handle it? But here we have a godhead left by Rose, and some priesthoods under the Ayer system, do you want to try it.

If you don't want to become a god, here are the research notes of the demigod powerhouse and the master of the plane, which is the most fundamental mystery.

Sorry, these things will not be sold no matter how many points you have. You must first prove your value and loyalty before we consider it. Of course, enough points are also part of the consideration. Let’s keep the number one in justice points for a year.

The treasure that can be more valuable than the dragon's nest is the treasure house of the gods. This time Iye and his companions are willing to go all out. Looking at the dazzling list of treasures, all kinds of strange things that have long since disappeared in the world of Ashe Zhen Shenbao, I am afraid that even the demigods will take the initiative to serve it.

Of course, the true god will also get a lot of rewards for this. It will be very complicated to explain these developments, but I am afraid that as long as this plan is successful, at least two main gods will be produced from our five middle-level divine powers. This is the biggest reward.

The speed of news spread quickly. Ashe is very common in mercenary development. For ordinary soldiers, this is nothing more than another long-term employment contract, which means that the return of employment is very high. The mercenary is only a god. How can someone who is not sensitive to the gap between true gods refuse this adventure that everyone has a share in?

"The 100,000 wrist rings in the internal test are gone in one day? Do you want to add new ones? Don't add it publicly, add 10,000 privately, throw them all on the black market, and start at least 10,000 gold coins for each! By the way, the wrist rings for the public beta Now accepting reservations, the reservation fee starts from 1,000! Returns are not accepted!" (To be continued)

ps: Two updates for seven thousand and five, continue to ask for subscription, monthly ticket support... ()

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