"True psychopaths will never know that they are neurotic. Rather than believing that they are the only abnormality, they would rather believe that the whole world is crazy, and that they are the only normal person. ——by Roland."

In the palace, formal negotiations with Xi Luo's envoys have been going on, but the most important things are destined to be discussed in private. Countless trivial details and transactions in the gutter must be arranged under the cover of night.

The Xiluo Empire, as the only kingdom of the undead in this world, will join the Lan League, which is the main event that has been expected, but if it is just a name, it is meaningless, and the alliance will deepen the relationship between the two parties, but how to deepen, deepen? To what extent, from which aspect to deepen, all kinds of tedious details, the core figures of the two countries must be interviewed.

Business, trade, diplomatic, military covenants, more than 30 various agreements have been signed, and this is just the beginning. Without all kinds of convenient and fast regular communication channels, and without a concerted effort to advance and retreat, how can it be called a covenant.

The Lanmeng will be very big in the future, but it does not mean that all the member states will be united on various occasions. After all, each country has its own reasons that must be pursued. In the end, the right to speak should still be in the hands of the big countries in the member countries.

Just like in a different world, among those pacts and alliances, even though the organization rules state that all countries are equal regardless of size, the real dominance is still in the hands of one or two countries.

In my mind, since it is destined to find allies, the Xiluo Empire is probably the most trusted ally besides the Kingdom of Silwell and the Principality of Donglan.

Yes, I have no confidence in those human kingdoms in the north. The short lifespan of the short-lived species and the rapid change of the throne are one reason. The most terrible thing is the fickleness of the human kingdom itself and the bottomless line of some nobles and royal children.

This time, I represent not only Dong Lan, but also Sluwell, or the entire Lan clan, and the ultimate goal of this series of covenants is to reach an agreement with the quasi-superpower Xi Luo in all aspects, A small circle alliance with the right to speak was formed in Lanmeng to rob the right to speak.

"Then, after returning, the entire Xiluo Empire will declare the Church of the Sleepless Man to be the state religion...the undead also worship gods, and they can still receive divine grace. Will there still be undead paladins in the future? This feels really weird .”

"Cough." I coughed lightly in displeasure. What happened to the undead paladin? Did we get shot lying down?

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, it's not that I have any opinion on you."

Reinhardt shook his head dumbfounded,

He is also the main negotiator of the Xiluo Empire in this matter. As for Omar... After playing for a while, listening to boredom, he fell asleep on his own, and fell asleep hugging his teddy bear over there. Really fragrant.

"...Omar has had a great time these few days. By the way, Your Majesty, don't you plan to come back? If you regain the throne, Omar should be obedient."

"I'm not interested. I'm a living person now. How can I rule the kingdom of the dead? Besides, with you here, I don't need to be so troublesome... Well, I'm a living person. Even if there is an epitaph and a monument, You are still alive!"

"Then, it's the next project, about the disposal of slaves..."

Due to our special relationship (palm and hand back family), coupled with the unique political organization of the Xiluo Empire (100 **), as long as we make an agreement, this matter is basically settled, and the smooth negotiation is almost like a routine. gossip chat.

But even if some things are negotiated, it is very troublesome to actually do them.

For example, regarding the serious differences in the social system, since I believe in the God of Law, then at least the literal equality of the innocent must be achieved. Although in order to avoid being besieged by the aristocratic society when I was just born, I did not add "human beings" to the teachings. "Everyone is equal" and "hit the corrupt nobles" and other fierce speeches, but after the teachings of the sleepless, since people who have not committed crimes should have the same status and rights, the so-called slaves should not appear in the first place In such a society.

Abolition of slavery? That is of course, but the problem is that the upper echelons of the Xiluo Empire are high-level undead, and the living people are the main force of slaves. Most of the high-level undead only regard living people as playthings and experimental materials. The abolition of slavery is tantamount to The social structure is completely reversed, and a large number of low-level to middle-level people are liberated, so we have to be cautious.

Most of the high-level undead are not like my knights and the Four Heavenly Kings in front of me. In a sense, the Church of the Holy Church is right. It is a rare entertainment for them to create death and suffering for the living. Happiness is the nature of the dead, and the old and immortal high-level undead also regard torturing the living and the soul as an art, enjoying the pleasure from the soul, and wanting to reverse their concepts is almost the same as killing them again.

However, because it is a purely classy society, some things are easier to do.

"...Then let's go. Anyway, you have time, so take your time. Of course, if you still can't achieve coexistence in the end, let them be cannon fodder. With Omar here, I don't believe they can turn the world upside down."

Omar's soul network is there, as long as his subordinate units are unable to resist his will, I considered that the undead kings are not easy to deal with, and the new empire must implement complete centralized rule, so my successor must be perfect. the absolute ruler of the

The Omar created with such a design goal placed too much emphasis on natural abilities, but due to changes in the situation and thinking later, I felt that it was not the most suitable path, and instead put Omar on hold. I am afraid that sensitive newborns , also discovered that "father" disliked him, and launched a riot because of this.

The irony is that after a series of changes, everything finally returned to the original point. It was still the young king who took the throne, and finally relied on his power to realize my proposition. Thinking of this, looking at the I think the "big boy" who is drooling will be treated a little better in the future.

"Ah, Father, why are you so thin and weak? Didn't you eat well? Come on, Omar, let me go to the gym together. One, two, little apple!"

Well, this dream talk made me hold back my rare kindness, I wish I could wake him up with a brick, I've had enough of the square dance and divine comedy.

This goes on endlessly, trying to put energy into business.

"Then, the next step is the issue of exchanges between the two countries."

Moreover, it is not just the differences in social systems that are prone to problems. If we want to form a substantive alliance, our geographical situation is not very good. We were too far apart before and it was not convenient to travel. However, this problem already has an expected solution.

"How is the progress of Greedy Wolf?"

Speaking of the battleship Greedy Wolf, Reinhardt was also very excited. After seeing the epoch-making war beast, he admired the person in front of him more and more. Unknowingly, Zihong, Roland also took the lead here. era.

"The news just came from China. With Jumen's technology, coupled with the abundance of domestic materials, if the technical difficulties are successfully broken through, Tanlang should be able to complete the main structure within three months, about six months. Complete the outer shell and main weapon, and make the first flight within one year."

Perhaps due to the influence of the great sea wars of the Earth Age, even though warships in this world are still mainly used to transport soldiers, I still have a preference for fleet groups. In my mind, a single ship is of little significance. Establishing enough functional warships to form a fleet group, the real hole card of the "Envy" Northern Lights cannot be played.

The Beidou Fleet, the future Donglan and even the first fleet of the Lanmeng League, the flagship Northern Lights, the battleship group includes seven super-large warships, named after the Big Dipper, Tanlang, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen , Wuqu, and Pojun have different functions and sizes. Tanlang was handed over to the Xiluo Empire as the first ship, but the progress can only be said to be barely smooth, and in order to catch up with the progress, it was the second ship on the parade. The Giant Gate was the first to be completed.

Of course, today's Jumen is just a frightening empty shelf, and follow-up arming, staffing, weapons and equipment, etc., can't reach the best condition without more than half a year.

In fact, this is already considered fast. Weapons of war are not Chinese cabbage, they can be transformed with a breath of breath. Many countries need half a century just to prepare an elite knight order.

What? Will the Northern Lights be able to fight when it comes up? Others, the Oran Empire has taken the quasi-super, worked hard for several generations, and finally only the super battleship is left. It has ready-made weapons and equipment, personnel configuration, command system, and hull modules. Coupled with the undead of jealousy, all of them have improved the performance of the battleship and given life to the battleship.

When I got it, the completion rate was more than 90%, and the rest is just to add people to it, so that these rookies will become more and more proficient under the command of the battleship. Well, although it sounds awkward, the battleship itself is very important to its own body. The level of understanding is far beyond that of any engineer, and what is needed can be directly supplemented, and the supply of resources is sufficient, so it is strange to be unhappy.

But now it's the second and third ships. Although they have the technology, they are still far from the moment of formation, so they can only keep moving forward in the process of groping.

"Can we make the first voyage within one year? That's already faster than expected. Well, then we will start the design project of Lucun and Wenqu, and we will leave Wuqu and Lianzhen to you. The final Put down the broken army for the time being. The entire fleet strives to form combat power within three years."

"Well, as long as there are no major changes, this task should be able to be completed. It should be said that as long as there is no new war, it is possible to advance."

Reinhardt considered the domestic situation and made a promise.

"Then, the Giant Gate will go between Diffind and Ciro for the time being, and the Northern Lights will go inland for transportation. It's okay to use the undead warship as a large merchant ship, but it may cause trouble if it is used to hold living people. Or else , Let the goblins sell insurance to passengers? It can make a lot of money."

"By the way, Adam? I'm going on a long trip recently, and I want to take him with me. You want to go too? No, I'm going to a great human country, where the undead are very sensitive. It seems that he is the only one there. Only then can you perfectly disguise yourself as a living person..."

"Second... the former Second Consul Fetland is back? It's expected. If he has turned to the Undead Emperor of the Death Plane, what better invasion vanguard and Leading party. If I were those undead emperors, I would definitely send him out as cannon fodder... as a vanguard, to test the reaction of the world."

"First Consul Glicasio? It's normal to have no news about it. Its strength is bottomless. Back then, I was just a cooperative relationship with it. Don't look at it as lazy, but in fact it has a very strong temper. , self-esteem is extremely high, I don't think it will obediently obey the dispatch of a certain undead emperor."

"The activities of the death plane are becoming more and more frequent? It is also expected, but be careful, don't get in touch with them too much. Undead emperors are very difficult to mess with. Even you, don't face them directly."

Many trivial details were finalized one by one, and by the time I left, it was almost midnight.

What, that silver-haired elf behind the scenes is inviting me to an upcoming concert? It's such a beautiful day today, I don't see a thing, I don't hear a thing.

I looked at the sky outside and stretched my waist. When I go back at this time, I almost have to listen to someone’s serial complaints again. I am hesitant to find a place to make a fuss all night, or simply pull Adam out for a drink. When I was there, a towering figure stood in front of me.



"You're in big trouble."

When Estrada started with this sentence, I wasn't surprised at all. After all, it seemed that he offended the Church of the Holy Church this time.

"I didn't come to call, at least talk to you."

But since I made it clear from the beginning that I was here to talk, I also felt relieved, at least I closed the door to the cold winter tundra, and the weird ice disappeared suddenly without warning, just like when they suddenly appeared.

"The new Pope fainted on the spot from your anger, and almost returned directly to the embrace of the God of Light..."

"Don't talk nonsense, you Estrada should not be so free."

"...Since the way of the Holy Light cannot obtain final salvation, what are you going to do?"

Looking at this man who suddenly aged dozens of years, I was a little hesitant. His belief in the Holy Light was almost instinctive, and I was a little uncertain about his purpose.

Finally, I nodded.

"Well, let me introduce you to a school. His name is Nanxiang, what? Don't worry, he doesn't teach digging... I can dig corners without an excavator."

I never thought that one day I would hand over a letter of introduction to this old stubborn tutor.

"You were prepared? Did you know I would come to you?"

"Of course... no, it's just that I don't want paladins to come to me secretly recently, so I just wrote a few more letters. By the way, Elvira is also there, you can communicate with him more. But you go in It’s best to put on make-up, if your Pope hears about it and really dies, I’ll be in big trouble.”

"By the way, your Bishop Soros is too old, so don't tell him. I won't be sorry if something goes wrong. What, he has been deprived of his teaching position and gone home to farm? Ah, it's really annoying. Sad (happy to hear and see)." (To be continued

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